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Asa: Between Heaven and Hell, #3
Asa: Between Heaven and Hell, #3
Asa: Between Heaven and Hell, #3
Ebook197 pages4 hours

Asa: Between Heaven and Hell, #3

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Read the final book in the romantic, fast-paced adventure series Between Heaven and Hell


Jayla's hands dripped with blood, and her heart was shredded. The only road to redemption was the one she didn't want to take.


Asa was surrounded by a wall that kept the family he loved distant. To get close, he'd have to face the thought that he may let them down.


When the female on a suicidal mission meets the hell beast unable to love, time stood still. Before it would resume, their destiny would try to pull them apart.

Could you love someone so much that you were willing to die for them? They were about to be tested. If they passed, then the real tests would begin.

Sometimes the fate of the world rested on the least likely heroic shoulders.


For readers 18 and older

Release dateAug 10, 2021
Asa: Between Heaven and Hell, #3

Serena Simpson

Serena grew up watching reruns of Star Trek and getting impatient when the football game ran into overtime and delayed or canceled Star Trek. You may understand why football is not a sport she prefers! She spent years creating stories in her head and reading ALL THE BOOKS! It wasn’t until her daughter was lying in a hospital bed and she realized that life was too short bot to be with the people she loved that she started looking for an alternate career. She’s been writing since 2015 loving it on some days and hating it on others. What she loves the most are the fans. Okay, she also loves a good steak, but shh… What you will find in all her books are love and family.

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    Asa - Serena Simpson

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    Chapter One

    Jayla made sure the coast was clear as she made her way from the hiding place; she spent the night. She didn’t know if she was being tracked, but it wouldn’t surprise her if she was. It didn’t matter anymore. Keeping everyone alive was her goal. If that meant her death, so be it. She was beyond ready to die. How could she have so much blood on her hands and still be alive?

    That wasn’t what she was going to think about. There was one last mission, and then when it was done, she would be free. After that, the underworld could claim her soul. The hike through the woods took some time, but eventually, she was back in her car. One last look told her that no one was spying on her. She got in and allowed herself to look deep within, to where her sad soul lived. It was torn, no longer the bright shining star that children were born with.

    Visions of lifeless children shaded her mind causing her to panic. She wanted to blackout. Instead, she clutched the steering wheel while she made herself take slow, deep breaths.

    Not yet, she whispered to herself. You can’t give up until your mission is complete.

    She needed to do it at night to minimize...hopefully...all human casualties. She wanted the demons pretending to be human dead, but not innocent lives. It took several deep breaths for her to be steady enough to put the key in the ignition. Then it took even more deep breathing before she could start the car. Once done, she headed toward the city.

    This was going to be her last hurrah, the one thing she was willing to give her life for. The possibility that those who came after her and those who benefited from her work would find a life so far denied them was all she could hope for. She was going to destroy that church for a better life. It wasn’t a church, well, not one devoted to Jesus or any religion for the benefit of mankind. It was a dark church but not the traditional I worship Satan church.

    This church was focused on the demons that came from a different plane. Their goal was to find and mark female children who would one day grow up to become the gateway for the demons; she shivered at the thought of what they wanted those women for. Getting rid of one church may not save the ones marked, but it would slow down the process of them being rounded up and taken like chattel. If it were all she could do, then that’s what she would do. Thoughts of the church and what it meant to the women of the planet, and this plane of existence danced through her head like dark tidings she couldn’t quite quell.

    Four hours later, when the city should have been on the horizon, there was nothing but an empty road ahead. She had to admit to herself she was lost. How did she get lost on her last heroic act? There wasn’t a good answer to that. She pulled the car to the side of the road before getting out to stretch her legs. She needed a town or a gas station, someplace where she could fill up, empty her bladder, and maybe get a drink, not necessarily in that order.

    Another twenty minutes of driving showed a sign for a service area. She got gas as well as met her other needs before asking where she was. She’d only been traveling four hours, but she was a good sixteen hours from where she started, according to the woman behind the cash register. Impossible.

    Anything was possible with her phone being dead and her charger not working. So, she bought another one and a sandwich along with her drink and left.  She would destroy the church tomorrow night instead of tonight. One extra day of living wouldn’t hurt anything. Once her phone charged enough to come on, she got the directions and started on her journey.

    She was probably more religious than most people. When you knew demons existed and saw them with your own eyes, you had to believe the opposite existed somewhere, even if it was on a different plane. She sent up a prayer for intervention and direction. Please let me blow that place sky high and only kill the evil that wants to infect my world. Amen.

    Would that prayer be the icing on the cake that sent her to hell? If it were, then blowing up that church would condemn her for eternity. She drove, getting lost in the endless boring concrete in front of her. When her phone finally chimed telling her that she had arrived, she knew something had gone wrong.

    To one side was a small dirt road that beckoned her like a shiny jewel.

    I’m so out of here, she growled, driving past the road that tempted her. An hour later, she ended up in the same place. You got to be fucking kidding me! she screamed.

    Jayla got out of the car and walked in front of it. Every now and then, she’d take a step toward the sign on the road that beckoned her before turning and pacing again. Finally agitated enough, she walked up to the sign.

    The small sign read Welcome to Between Heaven and Hell, population three thousand three hundred and fifty-five.

    Giving in to the desire, she got back in her car and drove past the sign. Who was she to question fate? She had asked for divine intervention, some type of a sign. She hadn’t asked for a road sign but come on, it said Between Heaven and Hell. What more could she ask for?

    A frustrated groan came from her. She never saw the sign change to read three thousand three hundred and fifty-six.


    Asa paced as the rest of his family lounged in the living room. Everything had been calm since everyone except him fought the demon presence head-on. He’d been left behind to take care of the demon in the cave. It had been galling, but he was the only one who couldn’t leave their borders. Even the demon in the cave hadn’t caused any trouble.

    It bothered him. He didn’t believe all their troubles were over. There were four couples spread out over the floor having an indoor picnic. Why they had to do it indoors was beyond him. For reasons of their own, they thought he wouldn’t come outside. Leif, that was Silas’ mate, had coughed into his hand and called him a grump. Malik, Ellie’s mate, had agreed with him.

    He looked over at his brothers and their mates. They were purposely ignoring him. That’s what made him take a seat next to them. Lael, his youngest brother, was curled up around Rose, his mate. Rada was lying with his mate, Moxie, his head in her lap. They made him feel old. Of course, he was old, but he hadn’t felt it until everyone around him started to find mates.

    He grabbed a plate and ate. That was good; thanks for the food.


    Don’t Lael, let him go, Rada told his youngest brother.

    I’m just going to be outside if you need me. Asa turned away and strode out the front door. Sitting on either side of the wide staircase that led to the porch and the front door were two hell beasts made from a black material not found on this plane. That material allowed the brothers to become one with the statues to keep watch. Asa placed his hand on one of the hell beasts, his body diminishing as it became one with the statue. The eyes of the statue opened, glowing with Asa’s copper eyes. The copper color of his eyes faded into gold. The hell beast had black fur with liberal strands of copper and gold, just like Asa’s hair. He and his beast stood out.

    He kept watching until sleep finally claimed him. A car crossing the border woke him. Then the demon they were controlling in the cave hissed, calling to him. Should he check out the car or the demon? He chose the demon. So far, no demons had been able to cross their border. The one in the cave had been there for as long as they had been trapped in the Mist. He separated from the statue keeping his hell beast form; sending up a growl to alert his brothers, he took off for the cave.

    It felt good to stretch and run through his land. His hell beast didn’t carry the worries of the male. That’s why he wasn’t concerned as the cave came into view. When he reached the large room of the cave that was illuminated with crystals of every color, he shifted back into a male form.

    The demon was kept behind wards in a cave attached to the main cave. He walked through a small corridor to reach him.

    Asa. The demons slithered his ‘s.’

    Do I look like I’m on call?

    You look like a dead male.

    If the reason you called me was to get off talking shit, I’m out of here. He turned.

    No. Can’t you feel it? I felt it the minute it crossed the border. Whatever, whoever it is, get rid of them. They will bring nothing but trouble.

    Asa leaned against the wall crossing his arms. Since when do you want to save us from trouble?

    Normally, you would be right, but you’re mine. All of you belong to me. I will dance in your blood and wear your intestines as chokers.

    Have you been studying this century?

    You fool. The demon hit the wards, which threw him against the cave wall. You got lucky, but that luck is about to run out—tuck tail and run. Become one with the Mist again, recant your evil deeds, beg to be taken back into the fold, and you may live. Follow the path before you and die.

    I guess I should go meet my doom.

    You insufferable fool. The demon hissed. That’s why your brother is dead. He thought he was noble, and now you and the other two whelps have to live and die without him at your side. Is that what you want for the others? They’re not smart enough to turn on the water if something starts to burn.

    He pushed himself off the wall walking to where the demon hissed. What does any of this mean to you?

    This is nothing but a game. He reclined back on the air like he was sitting on a throne. His appearance changed, taking on the façade of a man. I’m the one in charge, not you. Now do what I say and get rid of whoever had the gall to cross my border.

    Your border?

    That’s right. You, Asa, are my puppet. Now go do what I say.

    Asa turned and walked away with the demon’s laughter ringing in his head. When he got back to the porch, he found all four couples sitting on the steps.

    What happened with the demon? Lael asked.

    What demon? Someone is coming. We have to send them away.

    Asa, look at me. Rada got in his face.

    Stand back. Asa pushed his brother aside.

    I’ve always wanted to do this, but not for these reasons. Rada pulled back his arm, telegraphing his every move. When Asa went to defend himself, Lael cold-cocked him.

    Silas, their mage, looked him over before chanting and placing his hand on his head. The demon is getting stronger. He drew a symbol on Asa, and a ward embedded in his skin came to life. Then he did the same with Rada and Lael. With the others, he picked up a piece of charcoal that had been through the fire and marked them each with a ward to protect them from what was in the cave. But unfortunately, he couldn’t protect them from what was coming.

    Chapter Two

    This was a strange little town, but Jayla liked it. There was something about the old and the new standing side by side that gave her hope. Where were the people? She slowed down, looking at the storefronts where there might be a hotel or a motel.

    Excuse me, she called to a woman walking down the street. Wait, I need directions. The woman ignored her.

    I can help you, a small child told her. She looked around for his parent, but the woman must have ducked into one of the stores.

    I’m looking for a place to stay. Do you know where the nearest hotel is?

    He nodded enthusiastically and gave her a big smile. You have to go to the house of the beast.

    That didn’t sound like a place she wanted to go.

    I was thinking more of a motel or someplace that rented rooms to strangers.

    He shook his head. Everyone has to go to the house of the beast when they come here. That means you have to go there, too. He left her gaping at him.

    Did he just utter dumb humans before he walked away? She shook her head, that child wasn’t a demon, and he wasn’t demon-possessed, but she was one hundred percent sure he wasn’t human. She needed to find a place to lay her head pronto. The house of the beast it was. Would it have hurt him to give her directions? She took off driving aimlessly until she found a road that seemed to lead to the house of the beast and then stopped.

    This had to be it. On either side of the wide steps was a statue of a rather ferocious beast. She got out of the car, worried that she had gone from being the hunter to being hunted. The statue she was looking at seemed to be breathing, and its eyes looked like they were following her. That was a ridiculous notion, except she couldn’t convince her feet to approach the steps. She also couldn’t convince them to turn around and haul ass.  Stuck is what she was.

    Was the statue moving? Move feet. She tried to scream for help, but no sound came. Instead, there was a loud thumping

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