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Banks Game: From Kuwaitgate to Clearstream
Banks Game: From Kuwaitgate to Clearstream
Banks Game: From Kuwaitgate to Clearstream
Ebook258 pages3 hours

Banks Game: From Kuwaitgate to Clearstream

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About this ebook

Christian Basano was born on July 12, 1957 in Nice. He is a professional accountant.

"Like everyone else, my life, in front of the mirror, seemed to be systimatic. My curiosity will push me to go behind this mirror. Against the backdrop of the Gulf War and burning oil wells, after sending a $ 22 billion quote, I find myself in Kuwait to present an industrial settlement. A few years later, two notaries tell me that the 22 billion dollars have been found and that I am the beneficial Owner of several accounts, in several banks, for a total amount of more than 8 billion dollars ! As I'm believing in Justice, I filed a complaint for usurpation and attempted identity theft : to err is human, to persist is diabolical, as the Swiss juge will say. Because the purpose of several states is to ignore the common law, I discover the other world behind the mirror. Then I began a long journey to search for the beneficiaries of the missing 22 billion, it is not for everyone. Then I discovered that they make me play the Game of Banks."

From discovery to discovery, Christian Basano will be immersed in the surreal universe of Clearstream, back-commissions, public and private embezzlement systems of all kinds. In short, the real world of the political-financial medium...

Release dateJul 5, 2021
Banks Game: From Kuwaitgate to Clearstream

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    Book preview

    Banks Game - Christian Basano

    Christian Basano

    Banks Game: from Kuwaitgate to Clearstream

    A spoliation of 22 billion dollars, place your bets!

    First published by Editions Dedicaces 2021

    Copyright © 2021 by Christian Basano

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise without written permission from the publisher. It is illegal to copy this book, post it to a website, or distribute it by any other means without permission.

    Cover art © Copyright Guy Boulianne

    First edition

    This book was professionally typeset on Reedsy

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    For Maria, my love

    For Sebastien, my son, who will learn from this,

    For Alexandra and Lauriana, my daughters, who will understand.

    See all, Hear all, Say nothing…



    Preliminary Statement

    The Year of Grace 2000, May 12th at 10pm

    Preface to a Citizen’s Fight!


    I am a Chartered Accountant.


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10


    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16


    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21


    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 28

    Chapter 29

    Chapter 30

    Chapter 31

    Chapter 32

    Chapter 33

    Chapter 34

    Chapter 35


    Post Scriptum


    Preliminary Statement

    The Year of Grace 2000, May 12th at 10pm

    If we are here, Basano and myself, there is a reason. Along with other little people (civilian or military) here or in other countries of the world, wherein some are former high or low ranking officers of the Secret Services or some still work for them, we have to deliver a World Fight for a New World Order. It could never be just the World Order of the Bushs or Clintons of this world!

    It goes without saying that we all have great admiration for the United States and the American people. At every possible opportunity they saved Europe from Nazi and barbarie over half a century ago. Not to mention the fact that France herself benefited, amongst others, from American help through the post-war Marshal plan which helped to open up the economy and give work to our parents so that they could give bread to their children. That was a situation which, at that time, was known as "The Thirty Glorious Years (…).

    In conclusion, we forewarned certain political or susceptible, over-excited people from the Special Services who would think in simplistic terms that all that had to be done was to send us Service Action to temporarily or definitively shut us up. We had to remind them of an old Sumerian Law (an eye for an eye) taken from Mosaic legislation, hoping that the Message would be properly understood…

    As far as we are concerned, we have to get back the maximum amount of dollars to help veterans of the Gulf War, those who are left after Vietnam and why not those in Kosovo too? There are also civilian populations, victims of bacteriological and nuclear bombings (we now know that bombing with Uranium 238 were carried out in the Gulf region and more recently in the Kosovo region). The Gulf War led to 235 000 veterans suffering from illnesses because of these methods that we once considered to be resolute: said by American and political high authorities to be "an Honest War-?…

    Nowadays, we no longer want nuclear and bacteriological defoliation methods to be carried out with Uranium 238.

    These psychological and moral slides (not to mention pathological) by High political and military authorities world-wide could lead to the end of all life on what we still call our beautiful planet Earth (despite current ecological catastrophes due to intensive industrial disposal as well as others).

    Some of us from certain scientific, military and civil populations say: for the moment, (in spite of dreams of some suckers of being on the Moon!) we only have one Lone and Unique Vessel; it is called Planet Earth and we have to conserve it by fighting with moral arms, even if we have to pay with our lives. But that could be another story that the Western multifaceted and global authorities have to weigh up in the Balance of Time

    Than you all for reading this paper; thank you for telling people about it and duplicating it yourself to distribute if need be; thank you for contacting us on our web-site: WWW.BASANEWS.COM. It will help to finance us and help us to fight on everybody’s behalf.

    ARNHOLD-WAKANA de Saint Georges

    Christian BASANO, BASANIX and the Others

    Preface to a Citizen’s Fight!

    What is this strange sect that, for the past 15 years, has brought thousands of men and women together in springtime every year, in all conditions, in Bouzais in the Cher region?

    They all have the same will. They demand that justice be what it should be – impartial and fair – and not what it is all too often: the protection of powerful and notable organisations. SOLICITORS are at the top of the list.

    There is no sect and no guru. They are simply fighting minds and souls who attend the annual General Assembly of the European League for the Defence of Solicitors’ Victims every year. They talk to each other, inform and comfort each other because of the treachery that they have suffered at the hands of Legal professionals and other specialists in underhand tricks.

    Solicitors = Trust, according to publicity… notarial publicity!

    These impartial officers of the Republic should "prevent disagreements from arising between sincere human beings, and put grasping people off wanting to successfully voice an unjust protest. Instead, they have become wheeler-dealers, persecutors of the elderly, humans with the worst political scams in their hands who even have support from international swindlers.

    The solicitor is the revolving brass plate of various types of corruption.

    Times of the traditional, trustworthy lawyer left us a long time ago!

    The political class, ministers and large press bodies do not venture into Bouzais. They do not want to hear about their compatriots’ traumatic experiences at the hands of those in the gasping and cynical profession of notary.

    They are wrong because republican virtue is born out in Bouzais and this little village that has 218 inhabitants in the centre of France has proven to be involved with thousands of our Association’s files. It is the heart of French and world-wide business.

    For years now, members of the European League for Solicitors’ Victims have gone there to listen with interest to a charming, kind, lively and intelligent young man called Christian Basano. He talks about his wrangles with burning oil wells during the Gulf War and the billions of dollars at stake in a game including the international laundering of dirty money and vast fraud. Everything was authenticated by solicitors: Mr Pierre MOTTU, a solicitor in Switzerland, and Mr Eric DE LA HAYE SAINT HILAIRE. The latter, with his aristocratic double-barrelled name, summoned business like International Bankers, ELF and Opéralia etc etc…

    It is as a fighting citizen that Christian Basano, like other victims of the justice system, tells his story in this book.

    That is why, today, Christian BASANO has the duty to denounce. He must do it for each and every one of us, for our values, and so that nobody steals our honour ever again.

    Gisèle NERON

    (Secretary General for the European League for the Defence of Solicitors’ Victims)


    I am a Chartered Accountant.

    With capitals, please, because it is not only a job but a liberal profession with a protected title written on a plaque and established by an Order following long years in Higher Education and professional work experience. At the end of all this you have to produce a thesis in the form of a memoir that will eventually be accepted by a jury for it’s knowledge content and competence.

    I am therefore a Chartered Accountant, essentially meaning that I am tidy and organised. I am maybe still only a provincial, otherwise known as a future little notable, Chartered Accountant. I am definitely still young but rather hyperactive when it comes to increasing the number of dossier portfolios that are given to me which will support my office, my collaborators and my family.

    I am from a modest background – my mother did the cleaning in a private school in Nice. As for studying, maths was my only passion and the history they taught at school didn’t interest me at all. It wasn’t real history. I skipped all of my English lessons to go and play table football and/or tarot. I’m not proud of it and that is the truth.

    I worked hard over a period of years and … got in to quite a lot of debt trying to create and develop my now expanding offices in Nice and Menton. I did this after working in an office in Monaco as a collaborator where I made acquaintances in different areas, including banks, which admittedly would help me later in the development of my career.

    Of course, Nice and Menton are not quite Monaco. Not everybody can be from Monaco! We have to be grateful for what our French State allows us to do. I should just add that I am French. This is important because if I hadn’t been French this story may never have come about…

    And so I am a young, French provincial Chartered Accountant and a married, father of two. I love my job and invest a lot in it and my clients are mostly French PMEs. I sometimes play tennis with friends at the weekend, often spend Sundays with my family, eat with the same or different friends and spend my holidays in the impeccable and respectable little Switzerland of the Alpes-Maritimes with my in laws, otherwise known as Saint-Martin Vesubie.

    At thirty-three years old, my personal life is as untarnished as my professional life. In other words, my life is ordered like a respectable accountant’s books: isn’t that the least you would expect from a Chartered Accountant?…

    I am certainly a man of dossiers but also equally and necessarily the public relations man. The job demands it but it is also in my nature because I like contact. I’ve always been there to listen to my clients and advise them to the best of my ability.

    A Chartered Accountant isn’t just a necessary evil for businesses. He isn’t there just to certify the sincerity and veracity of the accounts once a year before showing them to the tax administration service. This impersonal tax administration monster, finicky, vicious and complicated, lies in wait in the middle of a real procedural maze of a shocking complexity, always more complicated and perfect, in order to trap even the most honest and scrupulous entrepreneur. An infernal machine invented to transform the smallest profit margins and sometimes even losses (already seen) into …….. taxes.

    Nor is a Chartered Accountant a simple auxiliary to numerous social organisms whose forms requiring completion flower in all seasons and demand declarations or recapitulative documents throughout the year. On common ground, these organisms oblige us to go over the same statistics within a month when asked for by others. To justify their existence, superfluous and plethoric personnel invent or reshuffle complicated forms obliging them to recalculate or check the multitude of withdrawals to compare them globally to the monthly or quarterly declarations previously addressed by businesses…

    That is routine.

    At the same time at the crossroads of businesses and at the heart of legal, financial banking, tax and social questions, the most interesting and gratifying function of the modern Chartered Accountant has more to do with advising businesses and more specifically the heads of businesses. The Chartered Accountant is an artisan when with artisans, an engineer when with engineers and mad when with mad people.

    Whether it be when inviting or meeting clients, listening is just as informative to him as to them. Trying with them to find the best solutions to given problems, putting them in contact with banks or financial organisms to show them financial documents, suggesting a certain type of legal, social or tax organisation to them, making them meet potential commercial or financial partners, assisting them in certain complex steps and developing mutual confidence all make up an essential and passionate part of the job.

    It has often happened to me, as to my colleagues, to put them in touch with some of my clients that I had a good feeling about. Some people call this enhancing the value of working together… This is part of the service we provide our clients with, that attaches you to them and which can only be beneficial to the development of the office.

    It is by playing this relations game that, without realising it, I got involved in an affair that went way beyond the departmental horizons of a young provincial Chartered Accountant.

    This is how I found myself projected into the depths of the Gulf War and blazing oil wells in an out of this world adventure.

    I went to a world where they count in billions of dollars, where high-up ministers and middlemen meet you in gold adorned palaces, where ambassadors are at the service of multinationals, where inventors turn out to be unscrupulous, where state accounts are opened in your name in banks in the four corners of the globe. It is a place where – followed by international private detective agencies and controlled, if not manipulated, by the secret or not so secret services – you cross the oceans in all directions to try to understand and defend yourself.

    It is also where you become the grain of sand that grips on to the infernal chain to which you have been unknowingly recruited. In the eyes of the rest of the world you are a compulsive liar with paranoiac tendencies while in your eyes you are just a small provincial Chartered Accountant who is slightly and sometimes terribly overcome by events.

    This is why today you are not a little Chartered Accountant anymore… You are a simple citizen who fights because someone tried to use you without you knowing it and because you have lost everything today except… honour, faith and love!

    Such is the framework of this true-life story, where nothing has been invented or exaggerated, which is about states, organisms, banks, people, their names and situations and events that took place, the manner in which I am going to tell you about.

    My motto is IF GO TO (SI ALORS…)

    Christian BASANO


    Round One

    Chapter 1

    At the beginning of 1991, when everybody was doing their own thing, I was mainly interested in the tough work that was before me, as I was at that same time every year. The infernal period of annual assessments was to begin. In the four months to come, my collaborators and I were to give most of our time and energy to this cause.

    1990 had just finished with it’s usual routine, small events that were more or less important, good (and sometimes not so good) moments which made up the 366 full days of the year, the sextile years.

    As with each year since it’s creation, my office had developed a little more. The increase in the number of dossiers was upon us and we had to optimise our methods and procedures.

    It was also advisable to check the implications and implementation of the new and excessive (pleonasm…) tax and social situations that our leaders and their imaginative administrative system had concocted for us over the course of the previous year. It is often very important to inform the collaborators in the most precise and complete manner in order to avoid our clients having to deal with the annoyance of future and inopportune reports. I was a thousand leagues away from being worried by international politics and especially from feeling that international politics were going to take me a thousand leagues away from my worries.

    Although everybody is aware of international events because of the media, they don’t really bother me. The previous summer, however, it hadn’t escaped my attention that Iraq had taken over Kuwait under the pretext of economic legitimacy. On the one hand, the latter had allowed the price of oil to increase and inundate the international market and on the other hand there was national legitimacy: Saddam HUSSEIN had apparently always considered Kuwait to be Iraq’s nineteenth province which depended historically on it’s sovereign. Given that the English created Kuwait, it is my opinion that it is no more an Iraqi province than a province of the USA.

    Thanks to the media I also knew that, under the protection of the UN, the Americans and their allies, France being one of them, were preparing a detailed retort. On 17th January 1991 at zero hundred hours, military officials said that operation Desert Storm would take place.

    What was difficult for me to imagine was that this operation would start off another storm, without maybug stings, in what nobody would call a desert. It would happen in the little, ordered life of a provincial Chartered Accountant and would cause all the collateral damage imaginable.

    Let’s get straight to the point.

    A few days after the beginning of operation Desert Storm by the allies, one of my clients came to my office in Menton, accompanied by a French man who had had to leave Kuwait following the Iraqi invasion.

    Some time beforehand, the media transmitted messages stating that it would be easier for people who wanted to take on French people in this situation.

    Throughout the interview the ex-pat Frenchman named Gerard Vilatte told me that he had spent twenty years in Kuwait as an interior architect. Because of his job, he had decorated numerous residences belonging to Kuwaiti Princes. Very upset, he explained that all of his money had been blocked, that he was penniless, that he needed to work and therefore would have to go through the never-ending formalities that were completely unknown to him. I told him I’d look after everything. He told me he didn’t have the money to pay my fees. I told him not to worry and that one day I might find myself in the same situation and would be grateful if someone would do the same for me.

    We went through all of the common formalities and enrolled him in various different obligatory organisations so that, in an administrative and legal sense, he would have the right to work in France.

    Kuwait seemed to disappear into the distance at the same time as Gerard Vilatte regained his lust for life and worked towards professional integration in the region.

    I didn’t think too much about it. I just got on with my daily life, working fourteen hours a day, for the next month.

    During this time CNN was pouring out via satellite, day and night, kilometres of dark, smoky pictures on how the nocturnal operations were going, more specifically, the so called surgical hits in Iraq. This continued until the 28th February when we learned that Kuwait had been liberated.

    However, when the Iraqis left, they blew up most of the installations and pipelines. More than 750 oil wells were burning on the newly liberated Kuwaiti territory.

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