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Once Upon A Coniculepyr
Once Upon A Coniculepyr
Once Upon A Coniculepyr
Ebook123 pages1 hour

Once Upon A Coniculepyr

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Everyone's turning up mated, finding their happily crazypants ever after.

It's all babies and happiness and sneaking off to dark corners of the ship to- *cough*
Everyone is settling in but Skuht.

It's a conspiracy!
And the Coniculepyr's fellow crewmates are starting to take note of his discontent.

It doesn't take long before Skuht's Deventinor family decides taking matters into their own hands to get things moving along isn't really the worst idea they've ever had.

A bit of well meaning human date acquiring goes awry, some unintentional maiming of the pillow thwacking variety, identity confusion, a brooble party like no other, Project Find Skuht His Other B*tt Cheek is off to a hairy start.
And with a not quite so enthused Coniculepyr scratching his head at the people he loves dearly for their harebrained scheming, it only gets kookier from there.

PublisherJeanette Lynn
Release dateJul 29, 2021
Once Upon A Coniculepyr

Jeanette Lynn

Jeanette Lynn lives with her Neanderthal, beyond awesome kiddlens, mini-dino water-ninja (turtle), slightly eccentric terrier mix, and hobbit pup. She enjoys creating quirky, offbeat characters in out of this world stories. And, of course, a good happy ending.Quirky, offbeat characters in out of this world stories. Finding love in unexpected places.Paranormal, contemporary, fantasy, sci fi, shifters, aliens, magic and matchmaking mayhem, there's a little bit of everything.

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    Once Upon A Coniculepyr - Jeanette Lynn



    Hey. Just who I was hoping to find. Looking a little harried but happy, her brood all down for their nap, offering the human who’d mated the Deventinor’s commander a little reprieve, I was honestly surprised to see Florence. And of all places to go and beings to see, she came to my apartment not to seek out her brother but me?

    When I would have come back with something snarky, I was fighting a bit of a yawn myself. Hauri was a handful and a half for a single birthing. Kitlings developed quite fast the first few years and she was certainly no exception. It was saddening, maddening, and a blessing all at once. Don’t get me started on the difference in Lepyr species babes, leverets to kittens, let alone the added factor of hybridling, human to Lepyr, or as is in my case, my hybrid Lepyr-Pardruvian self to my Ozzy’s human. Hauri was unique, one of a kind, as my silly mate loved to call her, singsonging the moniker to her when she was being naughty, his overloud treasure beyond measure.

    Cradling my little one in my arms as she snoozed, I knew I should put her down and catch a quick nap myself but, sweet bebons, I was so happy like this, snuggling my, well, at this stage in her development, my not little one anymore, I was loath to part from her.

    Hauriaht was a spoiled kitten, loved within an inch of reason, and if she didn’t already know it, too little still to quite realize it, this babe would look back on her younger years and the love would be plain enough to see as the adorable nose on her sweet little face. That face was deceptive, and came with a death knell screech to rival any aboard this ship.

    She was, in a word, absolutely perfect.

    My hand brushed a downy soft, furred cheek and I felt my heart melt.

    Another happy sigh left me as I gazed down at the bundle in my arms. She was all limbs and fluff, curled up in a ball as if to keep within my lap. It wouldn't be long now and she wouldn't quite fit so easily in my lap anymore. A soft purr trilled from me even as I sighed mentally. It all went by so very fast.

    Recognizing the sound, Ren smiled as she joined me on the couch in the apartment they kept for my family, my Ozzy, Hauri, me, and any future little ones that might also come along, so that we might visit often.

    Florence and I had a much better relationship now than before, even if the crew of the Deventinor was still left in the dark about certain things of my life. They were aware and thankful of my offers of dealings for them with the grays, limited as I kept it, but the crew was unaware of my relationship with The Fathers, my true ties to The Farthers of Farqkiin or my devolved Farqk father, Daub. Ozzy kept my secrets, and Hauri was too little to worry just so now of her offering anything up of import. We’d be worrying about that later. She was more likely to screech than speak at this stage of her development, unlike Ory and Ren’s oldest, who was talking up a storm and the biggest love bug I’d ever cuddled. There was still time.

    You should be resting. I turned to my sister-in-law to offer her a twitchy lipped smile. I knew what was to come next as her lips ticked upward until they matched mine.

    Laughing softly, she gave a soft groan as she slumped into the sofa cushions. We’re overrun. But, I love it. Her arms wrapped around herself in a hug. My babies. The joy on her face as she yawned and closed her eyes was unmistakable.

    Finally giving up my smothering of Hauri, I stood and walked to her playing pen to carefully lay her down in it. Grabbing a snack and drink, fighting a yawn along with Ren, I offered her a beverage and or snack before making my way back to the sofa.

    The bots are working well? I asked. Unlike AAI Ken, the nanny bots were of a drone working, droid variety. Programmed to do simple tasks, they did not think for themselves, as Ken the Aware android did.

    I’d stopped asking about Ken after all seemed to be doing well for him with The Fathers. I wished him the best, but far, far away from me.

    The droids are fantastic. Thank you. They’ve been a wonderful help. Ren reached out and placed her hand over mine, giving my furry fingers a gentle squeeze.

    My smile widened as I joined her in a slump into the couch. Another yawn overtook me and I had to shake myself out a little to slough it off.

    Another, Hey, and she nudged me.

    My eyes shot open and I blinked. I hadn’t even realized I’d closed them. It had only been for a moment. Hmm? Yes? What?

    Could be sayin’ the same for you, she teased, eyeing me.

    I could use a kitten nap while Hauri rests, yes. My head bobbed in a nod. I wasn’t even going to bother trying to deny it. I was, as the Earthers say, pooped!

    She’s beyond adorable, she gushed over her niece.

    She is, as are your drove, I agreed, but that is not why you are here in my quarters. Cocking a single furry eyebrow, I waited, whiskers ticking.

    Nope. She made the word pop.

    Why, then? I questioned, curious.

    So… she began, waiting for me to turn to her, the side of my face pressing into the couch, to stare at her, making eye contact, before she continued. I was thinking…

    Does this thinking take long? I teased, blinking and then scrubbing at my eyes. Because I am waning, I admitted.

    Plans of world domination first, then kitten naps, she quipped, making me laugh.

    Hah, I mocked in reply.

    Turning so she was mirroring my position, she bit her lip as she fought a grimace of a grin. My nose wriggled, twitched. She was… nervous? Now that was interesting. My ears quirked, nose wriggling some more, as a hint of excitement pricked me.

    Okay, she leaned in to whisper, so you know how you have that connection type deal with the grays and you and Ozzy are, like, friends with those UFO lovin’ people and stuff?

    Yes, I said slowly, as a pinch of unease started to prick me at her mention of The Fathers.

    Okay, so I was thinking, you know, kinda like how you matched me and Ory up, you could help me do that with someone for Skuht. Her voice went from high, to low, and back to that whisper soft murmur, as if she was desperately trying to contain the excitement in her voice.

    You’re kidding, I blurted wryly. Did she not recall the trials of her getting to her Happily Lepyr After? I certainly hadn’t!

    Grabbing my hand in hers once more, she grinned sheepishly as she brought my paw to her cheek and gave it the Lepyr version of affection, brushing her face along the side of the back of my furry hand.

    You are horrible, I said on a sudden giggle. Did the female have a single clue what she was asking of me? What would my Ozzy think, I wondered. My sudden mischievous smile fell at the thought. Extracting my hand from hers, I gave my head a small shake. We couldn't, I murmured, frowning. My arms came around me, clawed fingers gently hugging my sides. Surely, she couldn’t be serious?

    I’ve already spoken with Ory of it, she cautiously argued, her tone soft, cajoling. She was nearly bouncing where she slumped in her excitement.

    Your Ory approves? That was surprising to me.

    Her head began to bob enthusiastically. We want Skuht to be happy. And he said Ozzy says he knows some people that might rub along well with Skuht…

    Ah… This was all starting to make sense now. I was the last piece needed in their plan. This was all sounding as if already of conclusion, they simply

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