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In this book Pastor Mfula deals with issues of life particularly the power behind forgiveness. Forgiveness may look insignificant to you, but that is the backbone of Christianity. It is the very core element or entity behind our salvation. If your sins are not forgiven then you won't make it to heaven. Now, the very fact that our God is a forgiving Father and does not keep His anger forever, and does not treat us as our sins deserve (Psalm 103:8-12). We are safe!

Particularly, In this book we will look at forgiveness as our covenant responsibility or duty. It is one thing to talk about God's forgiveness and another to talk about our duty to walk in forgiveness. We are called to walk in forgiveness. You can't have two at the same time. It is either you have forgiveness or unforgiveness. Habouring unforgiveness is not safe! Otherwise, you can die before your time! Unforgiveness drains life and brings you under bondage. Unforgiveness is a killer and has no place in heaven or the presence of God. If you choose forgiveness you have chosen life!

Get this book and discover the reason and purpose for your existence and how to fulfil it in Jesus name!!

PublisherGeorge Mfula
Release dateJul 6, 2021

George Mfula

George Mfula is the overseer of Rise & walk Church Sydney Australia. He is an author, speaker, pastor, leader, teacher and prophet. His mandate is to liberate people from all oppressions of the devil through the preaching and teaching of the Word of God. His passion is to glorify Jesus, and bring people from the kingdom of darkness into the glorious light of the gospel, through the power of the blessed Holy Spirit. George is wonderfully and happily married to Natalie Mfula who is profoundly instrumental to the ministry through the grace of God. They both live in Sydney Australia.

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    Forgiveness - George Mfula



    Copyright © 2021 by George Mfula

    ISBN 978-0-6488810-3-2

    Published by Faith Digest Library Media

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner, with the exception of brief excerpts in magazines, articles, reviews, etc.

    For further information or permission, please contact:

    Faith Digest Media Library

    Rise And Walk Church Inc. SYDNEY AUSTRALIA

    Phone: +61. 425-338-781



    Text design by: Sriraman Ramachandran

    Cover design by: George Mfula

    Interior design by: Sriraman Ramachandran

    National Library of Australia Cataloguing - in - Publication Data:

    Author: Mfula George –

    Title: Forgiveness (pbk)

    ISBN 978-0-6488810-3-2

    Subjects: Christian Living / Religious Book

    Unless otherwise stated, all Scriptures are taken from the New King James Version (The Holy Bible, New King James Version) Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved




    Chapter 1

    The Mystery Behind Forgiveness

    Chapter 2

    Jesus vs. Forgiveness

    Chapter 3

    The Sin of Unforgiveness

    Chapter 4

    Consequences of Unforgiveness

    Chapter 5

    You Become What You Choose

    Chapter 6

    You Reap What You Sow

    Chapter 7

    Benefits of Walking in Forgiveness

    Final Words of Faith



    About the Author

    About the Book


    God once said to me, Go! I’m sending you like I sent Moses, my prophet, to liberate my people from all oppressions of the devil through the preaching and teaching of the Word of Faith. Raise the foundations of many generations, prophesy over them and school them into supernatural knowledge, wisdom, and exploits; impart into them my power and wisdom; release them into their glorious and unparalleled destinies.


    Forgiveness is a fundamental key to walking in victory and favour. It is, in fact, one of the major spiritual keys to unlocking your destiny in Christ Jesus. In this book, we will look at both forgiveness and unforgiveness in one way and another. Without doubt, harboring unforgiveness in your life is punishing both your mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical life. There is no health and vitality in walking in unforgiveness. Walking in unforgiveness will wear out your life in no time.

    Well, sometimes we can get hurt and offended so much that the only option at our disposal is to walk in unforgiveness. Of course, that is understandable! However, we are commanded by God and His Word to walk in forgiveness, no matter our opinion or how we feel. Forgiveness and unforgiveness are crucial subjects to reckon with in life. In fact, it doesn’t always feel like forgiving people, because forgiveness is not a feeling. Instead, it is God’s commandment and divine instruction that we have to obey regardless of our feelings. Besides, failure to walk in forgiveness is disobedience to God and His Word—it has the potential to stop your life from moving forward—so be careful!

    It will always take God’s love to walk in forgiveness. Besides, I have also come to understand that most of the problems today in relationships and marriages are fueled by the spirit of unforgiveness. Yes, if people just learnt how to walk in love and forgiveness towards each other, they would walk in hundred percent total victory in Christ Jesus. Unforgiveness will always give the devil a foothold in your life. There is no way you can walk in victory in Christ Jesus walking in unforgiveness. Check your heart! Do you have anyone you are holding grudges against? If so, then that is unforgiveness at work in your life. When you forgive, you don’t harbour grudges, bitterness or offence against anyone.

    Each time you entertain unforgiveness in your life, just know that you are on your way to defeat. However, if you want to walk in forgiveness, you must be in the Spirit. You can’t walk in forgiveness walking in the flesh. As a pastor, I have seen people who struggle with walking in forgiveness. It often happens that way because they allow the flesh to rule over them. What is the flesh? It is the sinful nature in human beings that was born after Adam and Eve fell into sin (Genesis 3:1-24).

    Walking in forgiveness is a choice. However, you can’t walk in forgiveness if the flesh is still at work in your life. May God have mercy on us! Walking in forgiveness is our responsibility in Christ Jesus, no matter our excuses or reasons. Forgiveness is good for both our spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental health. The reason some people can’t experience the fullness of God’s peace and presence in their lives is because they have allowed unforgiveness to dwell in them for so long.

    No matter your opinion or theology, unforgiveness leads to confusion, insecurity, hopelessness, sickness, failure, dissatisfaction, bondage, misfortune, sadness, weakness, unfulfilment, anger, bitterness, frustration and misery. While forgiveness leads to joy, strength, vision, restoration, healing, and peace. Thus, I encourage you to embrace forgiveness in your life — forgivers are always winners!!

    Chapter 1

    The Mystery Behind Forgiveness

    The Lord is merciful and gracious, Slow to anger, and abounding in mercy. He will not always strive with us, Nor will He keep His anger forever. He has not dealt with us according to our sins, Nor punished us according to our iniquities. For as the heavens are high above the earth, So great is His mercy toward those who fear Him; As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our transgressions from us. As a father pities his children, So the Lord pities those who fear Him. For He knows our frame; He remembers that we are dust.

    Psalm 103:8-14

    Jehovah God Forgives

    God is the founder and the one behind forgiveness—He forgives, and His forgiveness leads to life

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