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The Case of the Rose Grimoire: RIVETED, #3
The Case of the Rose Grimoire: RIVETED, #3
The Case of the Rose Grimoire: RIVETED, #3
Ebook101 pages1 hour

The Case of the Rose Grimoire: RIVETED, #3

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A muerte, a mystery, and a pocket full of marigolds.


Stoic Detective Gillian Pepperpot leaves Ankle Bite Falls to go undercover at the Stubborn theatre to catch a thief.


Officer Gillian Pepperpot does not get hunches or gut feelings. She sees patterns. Connections between seemingly unrelated dots. And right now, a series of petty thefts in Ankle Bite, New Virginia tells her the perpetrator is after a bigger prize.


Like a marigold-bright arrow, all clues point toward Stubborn, a sleepy town with a crime rate softer than a kitten up a tree. A town that's about to blend its annual Day of the Dead celebration with the unveiling of an ancient magical manuscript, the Rose Grimoire.


Gillian excels at fading into any background, so she shouldn't have much trouble escaping notice in the midst of the color-saturated festival. But someone does notice. Vicente de la Cruz, a man as warm and colorful as the music he composes.


Gillian never shies away from a challenge, but she's determined to never let her heart be stolen again. Especially by Vicente, who, when the grimoire goes missing and a body turns up, could be the prime suspect—or the next one to fall victim to dark magic.

Release dateOct 20, 2020
The Case of the Rose Grimoire: RIVETED, #3

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    The Case of the Rose Grimoire - Nikki Woolfolk

    He wondered what it be like to have her above him, her mane of hair cocooning them both like wildfire.

    With each step, both Gillian and Vicente felt the leaves crunch beneath their feet. The light glowing from the full moon fell across her face and collarbone. As she looked up at the moon, Vicente saw the pulse under the hollow at her throat. He craved to place a trail of kisses from her earlobe to her shoulder.

    He wondered what it be like to have her above him, her mane of hair cocooning them both like wildfire. He caught another quick glance at her in her buttercup-yellow dress shirt and dark navy trousers with suspenders. She had worn those same items the week prior, but this time, there was an air of approachability.

    Wild like a lion’s mane, her hair gave one the impression that while Officer Pepperpot was present, Gillian was up for good conversation and fun.

    She looked back at him, and he didn’t turn away. He wanted her to know how he felt about her. He took a tentative step forward. She blinked and held his gaze as he slowly reached a hand up and pushed her curls back. There was a slow, hesitant blink from her as a sigh escaped her lips.

    The Case of the Rose Grimoire



    RIVETED: A Collection of Steampunk Tall Tales

    Book Three

    Stories by Nikki Woolfolk

    Riveted: A Collection of Steampunk Tall Tales, Volume 1

    The Invitation: A Night of Misadventures with Love, Book One

    Cinderfella, Book Two

    The Case of the Rose Grimoire, Book Three

    Suzette & the Holiday Hangover, Book Four

    The Spy Who Went to the Circus, Bonus

    Bittersweet Mystery Series

    Mise en Death, Book One

    Carrion Flours, Book Two

    Pretty Poison, Book Three

    ill Tempered, Book Four

    Blerd Grrl Series

    Joystick, Book One

    Poundcake, Book Two

    Martini Shot, Book Three

    Honey Trap, Book Four

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    ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, is forbidden without the written permission of the author Nikki Woolfolk.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

    The Case of the Rose Grimoire, Book Three, Riveted series: October 2020

    Copyright © 2020 Nikki Woolfolk

    Cover design by Creative Paramita

    All rights reserved.

    Printed in the United States of America


    This story was initially written out of the desire to see a Black Detective in Steampunk and to utilize the factual forensic discoveries that we take for granted today.

    As always our steampunk stories have a kiss with history, but with a twist. Reader you will note the usage of shorthand invented by Sir Isaac Pitman official titled the Pitman Shorthand Method. You'll note we fudged with the date of Detective Pepperpot's fingermark kit. Please forgive us for inventing this amazing technology a dozen years ahead of schedule. To those that love to learn more of this 1892 method created by Juan Vucetich, an Argentine chief police officer, get to your nearest library to read more of the fingerprint classification sysytems.

    Lastly, artist of color and their work are mentioned in the museum scene. I'd love to hear your thoughts on the pieces when you finish the book and look up their work.


    As always...for Menashe and Nerd, e.s.

    Ankle Bite Falls, New Virginia

    Autumn 1880

    We are all one decision away from performing a criminal act, Officer Gillian Pepperpot said to her superior.

    Chief Templeton sat at the desk and looked at Gillian. Be careful, Pepperpot. You almost sound as if you have sympathy.

    Gillian listened to the heavy drawl but noted the humor in Templeton’s eyes. She refused to sit. Ma’am, it is important to not miss details in criminal activity, including generalization on their motives.

    Templeton raised her eyebrows.

    Surprised? Impressed?

    Gillian slowly paced the office but didn’t go very far in the hundred-square-foot space.

    Once we get this buttoned up, I want you to elaborate this theory. If it has legs, you can share it with the rest of the officers here at the station.

    Gillian stopped, looked past Templeton’s broad face. Through the window she saw the town start to wake. You’re assuming we’ll find out who is behind these crimes, she replied, beginning to get lost in her thoughts.

    Templeton drummed her stubby fingers against the finished oak desk, pulling Gillian from her thoughts.

    You haven’t let me down yet, Templeton said. Though it looks like our thief is several years in. The warehouse was hit last night and then this morning. It’s a pattern.

    Gillian finally sat in the chair across from Templeton. Several years in?

    Several years in his commitment to making one bad decision after another.

    Gillian slid the stack

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