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Armored Piercing 2: Armored Piercing, #2
Armored Piercing 2: Armored Piercing, #2
Armored Piercing 2: Armored Piercing, #2
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Armored Piercing 2: Armored Piercing, #2

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About this ebook

Shadow Company almost started a deadly war between Western allies, but they were stopped by a ragtag group of Canadian soldiers and two former fugitives that were framed for murder. With the help of a Russian alcoholic with connections, they exposed agents within the American and Canadian militaries. Shadow Company was presumed to be defeated, but how does one know when a shadow organization is defeated?


After five years of hunting down the remnants of Shadow Company, the world has moved on. The Middle East has become a heated battlefield; An Iraqi terror group ramps up attacks against American and Iraqi forces, the Afghan terror groups continue to wreak havoc, and the terror group behind the devastating 2001 attacks makes a comeback. What was once viewed as a necessity, the Armored Piercing task force has become obsolete.


Sipho Morgess is baffled by the focus on "relevant" threats. He believes Shadow Company is still active and that the mastermind behind Goodman Shepherd and Conrad Jones is still in play. Without proof, his theories are a mere conspiracy. With the clock ticking until Armored Piercing is reassigned, will they find the true leader behind Shadow Company? Or will they continue to fumble in the dark as the biggest military deception in history goes unnoticed?  


*Book cover made with PosterMyWall*

PublisherSipho Moloi
Release dateJul 6, 2021
Armored Piercing 2: Armored Piercing, #2

Sipho Moloi

Ever since he was a child, Sipho Moloi has been writing sci-fi and military stories. He wrote fan fiction for Resistance 2 and Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. There are three important factors in his writing: gripping plot, intense action, and compelling characters. His current work in these two genres are The Invasion of Planet Earth and Armored Piercing. 

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    Armored Piercing 2 - Sipho Moloi

    News roundup

    July 14, 2016

    International News Network

    12:00 pm

    Less than twenty-four hours ago, General Conrad Jones of the Canadian Armed Forces was killed by terrorists. His convoy was entering insurgent territory where they got ambushed. There is no word on survivors.

    July 23, 2016

    Canadian News Network

    6:31 pm

    In a shocking discovery, General Conrad Jones was not only a member of the infamous Shadow Company, he was its leader. According to reports from multiple intelligence agencies around the world, Jones threw all media attention on US General Goodman Shepherd in an attempt to cover up his tracks. While many thought the conspiracy and terrorism charges against Jones were satirical, the not-guilty verdict will be seen as a failure of the justice system.

    July 30, 2016

    International News Network

    1:11 pm

    The Canadian Tactical Operations division, Armored Piercing, has now been converted into a joint military coalition between the United Kingdom, United States, and Canada. The UN Security Council Chief, who lobbied for this coalition to form, believes it will serve as a ‘grand tool to fight against some of the world's greatest threats, including Shadow Company.’ After the fall of General Shepherd and General Jones, what remains of Shadow Company?

    February 28, 2017

    Canadian News Network

    11:01 pm

    According to a report released by CSIS, terrorist activity has been vastly increasing over the past several months. The report suggests that a higher international military focus on Shadow Company is mostly to blame for this uprising. As reported last week, a group of extremists attacked a mosque in Kandahar, Afghanistan. The Iron Clad insurgent group has proudly taken responsibility for the attack that killed over forty people.

    March 13, 2017

    International News Network

    6:31 pm

    In a shocking press conference, the Afghan President claimed that insurgent activity has been ‘rising exponentially’ and coalition forces have failed to stop this from happening since they’ve been ‘wasting valuable time and resources hunting Shadow Company—an enemy that has long been defeated.’ The President’s comments come in wake of the massacre at the mosque in Kandahar.

    June 15, 2017

    International News Network

    12:32 pm

    Both the British and US governments are reducing the number of assets being committed to the Armored Piercing task force and reverting them to the heightened war on the insurgents in the Middle East.

    June 30, 2017

    Canadian News Network

    11:01 pm

    Earlier tonight, Ottawa firefighter Chief Frank Morgess was killed on call in a burning apartment downtown. He got trapped in a room trying to save a young boy, who was also tragically killed when the building exploded. Frank was a highly dedicated firefighter who was well respected by his peers.

    March 18, 2018

    Russian News Network

    11:25 pm

    Michelle Velovich has officially been chosen to be the next President of Russia. The Patriot candidate earned a landslide victory with seventy-seven percent of the popular vote. Her platform of economic and democratic reform was the largest component of her party’s success. Leaders from Western countries have also expressed gratitude since she has promised to build new bonds with the West. This also marks the Ultranationalist Party’s first federal election loss in eighteen years.


    April 4, 2019

    International News Network

    11:11 pm

    Earlier this week, a disturbing video was posted online. A masked-man made threats against the United States, ordering all US troops to pull out of Iraq or suffer the consequences. The CIA has identified the individual to be Sadar Moteaf, the leader of the FSI, or Free State of Iraq terrorist group. The US government isn’t intimidated by the threats: they call them ‘baseless’ and ‘empty’ because the FSI doesn’t have the resources to launch an attack on US soil. However, the US embassy in Iraq does seem to be the only possible US target. The embassy has been put on high alert.

    April 6, 2019

    International News Network

    6:00 pm

    In a devastating attack against the US embassy in Iraq earlier today, thirty embassy workers were killed, including security staff, and another fifty were injured. The FSI terrorist group has claimed responsibility for the attack, stating the US is at fault for not heeding to their warnings.

    April 7, 2019

    Iraq News Network

    11:00 am

    In a press conference that was held earlier today, Warhawk CEO and founder Rakim Albashir announced that the company will stand with the United States and help fight the FSI. He condemned the attack on the US embassy and called the FSI ‘an enemy that needs to be vanquished.’ Albashir also announced the two-billion-rupee acquisition of the Pakistani Private Military Company Divinor. He says the acquisition will help improve future productions from Warhawk and help fight terrorism in the long run.

    May 28, 2021

    The Forum

    5:47 pm

    Host: The Canadian government announced that it is decreasing Armored Piercing’s budget by an additional fifty percent. This is the thirdbudget decrease in eight months, so what could this all mean? Joining us today to discuss that are NATO’s Captain John Resgard and military analyst Jo-Anne Foster. Thank you for joining us tonight. Let’s start with you, Captain: what are your thoughts on the recent budget cuts?

    Resgard: Well, I for one understand that when you’re facing an enemy like Shadow Company, you have to give everything you got. No one suspected General Jones or General Shepherd—both highly decorated soldiers—to be the leaders of Shadow Company. They fooled everyone for years and almost caused the collapse of the West. We can not overstate how dangerous they were. Thank goodness the Canadians revealed them to the world and stopped them.

    Host: I understand you were one of the advocates for the creation of the task force?

    Resgard: Indeed. I was one of the people that urged the international community to help the Canadians fight Shadow Company after Shepherd was put to justice. NATO helped with forging the task force.

    Host: In retrospect, do you think it was a good idea to do so?

    Resgard: Without a doubt in my mind. The task force has done a great job tracking down their operatives and bringing them to justice. But as we have seen over these last five years, the presence of Shadow Company has sharply declined. We haven’t found any new operative since early last year. The Canadian government has rightly recognized that there are no more wars to fight where Shadow Company is concerned. However, terrorism in the Middle East has spiked because of our narrow focus on one enemy.

    Host: What do you think should be done?

    Resgard: I’d like to see the Canadian government put more resources to fight the FSI, Afghan insurgents, and countless other terrorist groups. We need that same commitment we had when we fought Shadow Company, so we can fight terrorism in the Middle East.

    Host: Very good words there, Captain. Miss Foster, do you agree with Resgard?

    Foster: Absolutely. Shadow Company has been defeated so we should now focus on the Middle East. The British and the United States have significantly reduced their contributions to the task force and have diverted them to fight the Afghan terror networks. Canada must take this same approach. In fact, they should remove all assets from Armored Piercing and put them in Iraq, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, and so forth. Things are spiraling out of control in those countries and we need to fully commit to stopping these vicious terrorists.

    Host: So, are you saying that the task force itself has become irrelevant?

    Foster: Let me be clear: just like the Captain said, Armored Piercing has done a fine job. When they revealed Jones as the traitor, I was totally surprised, but the surprise is over. Shadow Company has been defeated. It is time to move onto a different and more important enemy. Doing so otherwise would be one of the biggest mistakes we could make.

    Chapter 1

    August 6, 2021

    The Saviours camp

    20 miles from Kandahar, Afghanistan

    9:07 am

    A pickup truck stopped by an insurgent camp. The passenger door opened and Major Sipho Morgess came out.

    After taking out Shadow Company’s previous leadership five years ago, Sipho had still played a major role in the pursuit of the remainder of the secret organization. He had been viewed as the architect of the pursuit and was given great autonomy on how he ran his missions. No one wanted Shadow Company eliminated more than him and his passion for justice (or obsession with revenge) had driven him toward achieving that goal. 

    Soldiers in the task force wore a uniform that had slightly thicker fibres that better protected the wearer from damage, in addition to armor plates if the wearer chose to include them. This made the uniforms slightly heavier to wear. Camouflage colours did not differ from other divisions in the military, but there was a patch of an armor-piercing bullet on the right arm. That patch was a special touch from Sipho.

    Grass, keep the motor running.

    Sergeant Joel Grass, Caucasian, was thirty years old and had short brown hair and green eyes. He served in the Canadian Tactical Operations (CTO) for five years and in Armored Piercing for one year. He was a member of Sipho’s squad, Recker Team. He served as fire support and a spotter for allied snipers.

    Yes, sir. Good luck in there.

    Sipho smiled. I won’t need it.

    In Afghanistan, three insurgent groups dominated the battlefield: Iron Clad, Fists of Kabul, and the Saviours. The group Sipho was going to see was the Saviours. They used to be the top game in terrorism, but years of coalition forces primarily targeting them made the group fall from grace. These insurgents typically wore black or other dark colours. Sipho was meeting with them because they reached out to make some sort of deal and they asked for him specifically.

    Sipho entered the camp and two Saviours aimed their weapons at him. (Pashto) Hey, easy! I have a meeting with your leader.

    The two Saviours escorted Sipho into a tent where the leader was sitting at his desk waiting for him. The leader, who was in his early forties, looked at Sipho with delight. Hello, Major.

    Amid Rami, it still surprises me that you run the Saviours these days. Back in 2010, you were an errand boy for Amsel Kesche when he used to run the Iron Clad—before he got blown to bits by a drone strike. That faction sure was in disarray for a while, but now they’re on top of the game again and you lead third place.

    Rami’s look of delight melted from his face. (Pashto) Search him.

    One of the Saviours searched Sipho. He lifted a tactical smartwatch that Sipho was wearing on his arm. These smartwatches were used for text-based communication, such as sending coordinates for an airstrike and GPS tracking on maps. The current versions were the size of an average smartphone and integrated well with those wearing arm pads. They were also standardly issued to all soldiers.

    You do realize that’s not a weapon, right? asked Sipho.

    The Saviour continued searching Sipho and pulled out a knife from one of his pockets. (Pashto) He’s armed!

    Rami looked at Sipho disapprovingly. I thought I told you to come unarmed.

    Sipho raised his eyebrow unapologetically. Look, I didn’t bring any long guns or pistols or grenades. I like keeping a few knives around. What if I need to cut cheese?

    Rami made an annoyed look, but he nodded at his man and he placed Sipho’s knife back. Sit.

    Sipho took a seat across from Rami. So, why am I here?

    Rami leaned forward, eager to get to the topic at hand. I have something you want.

    I want a lot of things. What do you have?

    Information that would prove useful in your hunt against Shadow Company.

    Sipho nodded with amusement. I’m intrigued. Tell me more.

    Not until we make a deal.

    Sipho sighed. With his experience in dealing with insurgent leaders, similar to politicians, he learned that none of them did good things without benefiting from it. Of course, you want a deal. I wonder what it is.

    Rami smiled with excitement. I want two million US dollars, five crates of your country’s best weapons, three M1 Abrams tanks, and a public statement that says the Saviours are no longer an enemy and the Canadian government will stand by us.

    Sipho looked at Rami in awe and laughed hysterically for ten seconds. You must be out of your mind! My government won’t go for this shit and this shit is way too expensive! And I highly doubt the information you have on Shadow Company is worth that much.

    Oh, I would say so. Shadow Company is the biggest threat ever seen, so I am told. This is my starting price, but I’m sure we can adjust it to reach a deal.

    Deal? This is extortion!

    This is a negotiation. Politicians know how to negotiate.

    Politician? Do I look like a goddamn politician to you?! I mean, if the uniform doesn’t give anything away, I don’t deal with politics. See the patch on my arm—the bullet? Armor-piercing? That’s not a symbol for a political party!

    Rami glared at Sipho. Then why did you ask what I want?

    I didn’t, but let’s pretend I did for sake of conversation—I was just being Canadian. Now, my superiors have given me full authority on how I deal with you and your men. I’m not going to consider your bullshit of bullshit, so I have a better proposal: you just give me the information and I walk out.

    Rami laughed sarcastically. By your standards, that sounds like even more bullshit. How would I benefit from this arrangement?

    Simple: you don’t die today, at least not by my hand.

    Rami looked at Sipho as if he just insulted him. Let me remind you that you’re in my camp where my men carry guns. At any moment, I can order them to shoot you in the head. So, I suggest you pipe down.

    Sipho smiled as if Rami brought him to the point he really wanted to make. You think you can intimidate me? I’ve dealt with bigger men than you. Oh, and you may want to think twice before ordering your men to shoot me: I have drones on standby. He leaned forward to better relay his message. If I don’t walk out of here alive, they will blow up your camp. If a shot is fired, even if one of your men decides to randomly shoot in the air for no reason, they will blow up your camp. Are you starting to catch my drift? Rami kept silent and Sipho sat back. The Saviours are lagging behind the competition. This camp is your last area of operations. Do you want it to come under drone fire?

    Rami sighed. No.

    Okay then. How about you give me the info?

    Rami reached into his desk and pulled out a USB stick. This has account transactions between Shadow Company and the Iron Clad.

    Sipho raised an eyebrow. Really? I’m surprised you didn’t beg me to take the info then. This could help take out the competition.

    What I asked you for would’ve been more helpful.

    Well, you’re not getting that, but to compensate, I’ve got a stack of McDonald’s coupons I can give you. Sipho pulled out a stack of coupons and placed it on the desk. There’s a two-can-dine Halal McNuggets coupon.

    Rami smacked the coupons off his desk in a fit of rage. Get the hell out of here!

    Sipho placed the USB stick in one of his pockets and smiled overconfidently. Okay, fine. Don’t blow a gasket.

    Rami stood up and addressed his men in Pashto. Then a gunshot ran out in the distance and Rami’s head blew clean off. Everyone looked at each other with surprise. This was not supposed to happen.

    Sipho threw knives into the heads of two men and slashed the other two down before they could do anything. Grey Wolf, who the hell took the shot?!

    None of our drones fired. It must’ve been someone else, radioed Grey Wolf. There was yelling outside. You’ve got a bunch of men coming your way, Recker 1.

    Then get your damn drones to start shooting now! Sipho grabbed an AK-47 from one of the men and headed outside. Several Saviours were visible in the distance. Grey Wolf, I’m not hearing any explosions or gunshots!

    Something’s wrong with the drones. They won’t fire.

    Sipho grew more alarmed. What?! Bullets started whizzing in his direction. He took cover by another tent and shot down a few of the Saviours. What’s going on, Grey Wolf?!

    Server connection to the drones timed out.

    Sipho raised an eyebrow. Timed out?! How the fuck did that happen?!

    I don’t know, sir!

    Bullets whizzed towards Sipho from behind. He looked behind and saw at least five Saviours shooting at him. He moved to a safer spot and shot a few of them. I’m getting swarmed! I NEED DRONE SUPPORT!

    We’re rebooting the network. Standby.

    A grenade exploded nearby. Sipho moved to another tent and two Saviours came out of it. He shot one and kicked the other to the ground and shot him in the head. Recker 2, I need you to come to me at the green smoke.

    Roger. On the way, sir, radioed Grass.

    Sipho popped a green flare and tossed it onto the road. Another grenade exploded nearby. Grey Wolf, tell me the damn servers have been rebooted!

    Almost, sir.

    The pickup truck showed up. Sipho hopped into the back and ordered Grass to drive. Saviours fired at them from all directions. Sipho shot every Saviour he got a beat on until the magazine ran dry.

    Drones are back online, Recker 1, radioed Grey Wolf.

    Roger that. Smoke them out now!

    They drove out of the camp and it got bombarded with airborne missiles.

    Chapter 2

    August 6, 2021

    General Headquarters


    12:24 pm

    The General Headquarters was the largest Canadian military base in the country. It housed the Canadian Armed Forces, Canadian Tactical Operations, Joint Taskforce Two (JTF-2), and Armored Piercing. This blending of military functions allowed for great synergy between them. The base was the very heart of the Canadian military presence in Afghanistan.

    Sipho’s helicopter was nearing the vehicle depot. Sipho looked out the window and saw a mob of reporters by the front entrance of the base. Well, there’s the storm of vultures waiting for dinner. They’ve been hammering us with questions about the budget cuts and the insurgents.

    I’m sure you’ll be able to answer their questions, replied Grass.

    Sipho smirked. Oh, I’ll do a hell of a lot more than answer their questions. I’ve got a whole story to tell them too thanks to our lovely visit to that camp.

    Grass frowned. We don’t even know what’s on the stick, sir.

    It’s solid, I assure you.

    Grass shrugged. Whatever you say, sir.

    The helicopter landed in the vehicle depot and Sipho and Grass exited.

    Orders? asked Grass.

    Go on R&R. I’ll find you later.

    Yes, sir.

    Grass walked away and Sipho entered the base. He went to the Operations Room, where radio and surveillance operators worked, and found Captain Soap Kent.

    After taking down Goodman Shepherd and Conrad Jones, Soap stayed part of Armored Piercing when it became a three-country task force. He could have gone back to the British Private Military Company (PMC) he was in before joining the Grey Wolves task force, but he had thoroughly enjoyed working with Sipho and his soldiers. He was so proud of being a part of Armored Piercing, he got a tattoo that spelled AP on his arm. He also made his previous first name William his middle name, under the advisement of the late Macoy Lachowster. A poor bet he made and lost a long time ago forced him to legally change his name to Soap, a decision he had to live with ever since.

    Hey, Baby Wash, I got a stick for you. Sipho tossed the USB stick to Soap.

    Soap gave Sipho a sour look. Why are you calling me by Petrenko’s ridiculous nickname for me?

    Because I almost got killed because of your damn drones ‘rebooting.’

    Soap got defensive. That wasn’t my fault, man! The server got hacked!

    Sipho raised his eyebrow in disbelief. Oh really?

    Yes, man!

    How would that be possible? We have advanced security systems.

    I don’t know. I have IT working on it.

    Shouldn’t you be ‘working on it?’ Aren’t you taking computer science courses?

    Only for a year, but I haven’t perfected it! Computer science is very complicated stuff.

    Another way of saying you’re a slow learner?

    Soap crossed his arms. Oh, if it’s so easy, why don’t you ‘work on it?’

    My specialty is guns and knives. Now, what about the guy who shot Rami?

    Soap leaned back on his seat. We caught him on radar. He took position right outside the camp and ran off after taking the shot.

    Where did he go?

    He disappeared into the mountains. There’s no tracking him—he’s gone.

    Sipho became intrigued. Sounds like a Shadow Company operative.

    More likely he’s Fists of Kabul or Iron Clad, or even a kid with a vendetta.

    Sipho shrugged. Mystery for another time, I guess. So, where’s Jeff?

    In his office.

    Alright. Tell me when you get something on the USB.

    Soap sat forward. Hold up: are you going to call me by my real name now?

    William or Soap?

    You know which one.

    Sipho grunted. Soap or Baby Wash? I don’t know which one is worse.

    Soap sighed. Before taking that bet, I was infantry, but it was hard for me to get into the army.


    "Well, the Kent name is tainted in the British military community. My grandfather fought in World War 2—he was at Dunkirk. When things took a term for the worse, he deserted. He tried to escape the war for two years but failed, so he hid in a French city under an assumed name, where he met my grandmother. When the allies liberated the city, they found him. He could’ve gotten the firing squad for what he did, but he was a Captain, so they spread a story about him being a prisoner of war that survived German captivity—it inspired the troops. All that my grandfather got was a dishonourable discharge and he was stripped of his medals, but that was all hush-hush.

    Because of my grandfather’s actions, I was blacklisted. I wanted to join SAS, but they refused me despite my commendations from the Cadets. The Royal Navy and the Royal Air Force wouldn’t accept me and with the Royal Army it was a tough sell, but I made it to infantry. That bet I accepted got me kicked out. Even though my friend’s ex didn’t press charges, it was all they needed. Changing my name from William to Soap was just icing on the cake. Sure, a PMC accepted me, but PMCs don’t give out medals.

    Sipho took a minute to ponder what Soap said. Why even take the bet when you knew the reputation your last name encompassed?

    Soap shrugged. Part of me really wanted that Maserati, the other part... it knew that I was going to get kicked out of the army regardless if I lost the bet or not. My grandfather’s actions doomed me to that, even though I tried my best to be a good soldier. Once the system hates you, it’ll find a way to punish you.

    Sipho felt pity for Soap. One mistake and the past actions of a family member changed his life completely. Sipho had never been put under such scrutiny himself.

    Honour is very important to you. You lost that bet, but you honoured its conditions. You wanted to serve your country, but you ended up serving a private company. When you finally join a military operation like Grey Wolves, it’s run by a corrupt General.

    Soap nodded. Whenever I try to do something honourable, I end up dishonourable. And when I do something dishonourable, I end up a clown—something to be laughed at.

    The past is the past. What matters is the here and now. When we first met, I didn’t trust you, but now I see you as one of the crew. You fit here, Kent.

    Soap smiled. Thank you, Sipho.

    But I will call you Baby Wash when you screw up. Now, I’m going to see the General.

    I’ll radio you when I learn something.


    Sipho headed to the General’s office and knocked on the door. Sir?

    General Jeffery Bolt, or just Jeff, was Caucasian and had brown hair and a brown mustache, and brown eyes. At fifty-seven years old, he was the oldest active soldier in the Canadian Armed Forces. He had been through many tours and deployments throughout his thirty-plus years of service. He was a tough but fair kind of leader, and unlike the late General Jones, he did not have that big of an ego. He valued the lives of all of his soldiers, which made him a favourite amongst them.

    Jeff was on the phone. One minute, Major. He finished his conversation and hung up. That was the Minister of Defense on the phone—he said Armored Piercing would be reprioritized within four weeks.

    Sipho sighed. Let me guess: we’re going to be joining the mainstream war on the insurgents?

    Yep. I know you want to continue the hunt on Shadow Company, but we haven’t been producing the results we used to.

    Sipho smirked. Actually, sir, that may have changed.

    Jeff raised an eyebrow. Really? Was Kandahar a success?

    Other than an unknown sniper killing the Saviours leader and me almost getting shot to pieces, I’ve recovered some intel. This might be what we need to get back on track.


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