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The Blushing Amish Girl
The Blushing Amish Girl
The Blushing Amish Girl
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The Blushing Amish Girl

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Her vedder had known about Isaac's intention to marry her and accepted without informing Faith, a fact from which she was still reeling. 
And to announce the marriage in church as if I had any idea. 
"We will be married after final harvest," Isaac told her excitedly and not for the first time, Faith realized he was speaking around her and not to her. How many times had she wanted to end the almost farcical notion that she was ready to marry him? But as a good Amish girl, she held her tongue and watched the events unfold as if she was not party to anything going on around her. 
Is it that I do not want to marry Isaac or anyone at all? Faith wondered, again pressing the glass to her rosebud mouth. 
Truly, Faith had assumed she would wed as most women who came of age did in the district but perhaps she hadn't expected to grow up as fast as she had. 
Or maybe it was simply the fact that Isaac Bontrager seemed to have been thrust into her life without much warning. 
Will she go through with the marriage? Or will she follow her heart?

Release dateJul 12, 2021
The Blushing Amish Girl

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    The Blushing Amish Girl - Monica Marks














    Mary stole a look at Jacob from across the crowded barn, her heart skipping wildly as their eyes met. He offered her a wide, boyish smile but quickly turned his dark eyes away as he was approached by his brother.

    Soon, she thought happily. Soon, we, too, will announce our engagement and there will be a gathering for us. I deserve to be just as happy as the other girls in the community.

    You seem pleased, Mary, Faith commented, joining her sister’s side. Your cheeks have never been so pink.

    The younger girl blushed more furiously at the observation and darted her eyes away from where they had lingered on Jacob. She didn’t want to expose their secret yet. Jacob had agreed for them to wait a while.

    I am merely happy for you, Mary explained. You will be married soon.

    It was partially true. After all, Mary did love her sister and wish good things for Faith.

    "Ja, Faith agreed, a slight wistfulness in her tone. Isaac is a good man."

    Mary found her blue eyes studying her sister curiously, as though she detected a note of apprehension in her words.   It was not the first time she’d noticed the troublesome undertones in Faith when discussing the Bontrager family.

    Is something wrong? Mary asked. Faith shook her blonde braid quickly and smiled.

    "No, of course not. We should be returning home soon. Have you seen Mammi and Daed?"

    I believe they were speaking with Bishop Miller. There were many plans to be discussed for the upcoming days.

    Perhaps your baptism among them? Faith asked teasingly, her own cerulean eyes bright and mischievous.

    Perhaps, Mary agreed and her sister’s gaze widened.

    Really? Faith asked in disbelief. I did not know you were ready. Until last month you had spoken of going to the city.

    "I think that my time for Rumspringa has passed now," Mary replied evasively but Faith did not leave the matter so easily.

    You are only seventeen, Faith insisted. You do not need to rush your decision.

    Mary eyed Faith warily, the secret on her lips too juicy not to share.

    She will be happy for me. She is a good sister.

    I wish to marry too, she confessed quietly, her eyes darting around lest someone overhear them. She did not need to be told the resistance she might be met with if some of the elders overheard.

    You are still too young to decide such a thing! Faith cried and Mary shushed her instantly, her face paling as the congregation turned to look at them.

    Keep your voice down! she muttered.

    Who do is courting you? Faith demanded, her gaze darting around the barn as if searching for the culprit who had captured Mary’s heart. I had no idea there was a man in your sights!

    "That is because you are too Freundlich with Isaac to notice anything else," Mary countered. Faith scowled slightly, lowering her eyes and her sister caught a look of discontent on her face. She seemed offended that Mary had implied that she and Isaac might be affectionate with one another.

    "Isaac and I are not Freundlich. Our marriage is not going to be... She stopped speaking abruptly and stared at her sister. Never mind Isaac and me. Who is this man you think you are going to marry?"

    It is not what I think—it is what I know, Mary insisted, raising her sights back toward Jacob who was once more returning her look. Instantly, she felt a flush of warmth flutter through her body.

    His mere stare makes me warm and happy, Mary thought, exhaling softly.

    Jacob?! Faith cried and Mary whirled her head back toward her sister to glare mercilessly.  

    Would you stop shouting? she demanded. And what is wrong with Jacob? He is a good man from a good family, as you know.

    He is Isaac’s brother! Faith muttered, her face shadowing and Mary could clearly see the wheels of her bright mind moving.

    What about it? Mary snapped. There is no law against marrying one’s brother-in-law.

    Is there? In truth, Mary had not considered that it might be an issue.

    Mary, you do not know Jacob well enough to commit to being his wife. Please, speak with Mammi and Daed about this before you decide.

    Mary’s mouth became a firm line of annoyance.

    He is a Bontrager, just like Isaac? What is the issue?

    Faith clamped her mouth closed as if she worried what might escape from her lips if she continued to speak.

    The Bontragers have only just come to Arthur, Faith reminded her sister.

    That has not stopped you from announcing your engagement! Mary snapped, shocked at her sister’s hypocrisy. Why is it fine for you to marry Isaac but I cannot marry Jacob?

    What is this yelling? Edith Schrock appeared at the side of her daughter’s her brow furrowed in confusion. I could hear you clear across the barn.

    "Nix," Mary started to say but Faith spoke over her denial.

    Were you aware that Mary is being courted by Jacob Bontrager? Faith demanded. Edith’s face twisted in shock as she gaped at her younger daughter.

    I did not! He is to be your brother-in-law, Mary! You cannot entertain such a relationship!

    Mary looked at her family in disgust, a particular contempt reserved for her sister.

    You cannot stop us from being in love, Mary insisted. We will be married too!

    Mary, Edith began but Mary would not hear another word. She gathered her long skirt and hurried away from the reproachful eyes.

    She did not care what their opinions were on the matter. Mary knew that she and Jacob would be married, one way or another.

    ~ ~ ~

    The days were growing cooler as the sun set and Faith sat back against the high back of the rocking chair after the work was done, sipping on a cold tea her mother had made.

    She maintained the stoic expression upon her lovely face but inside, her heart was thumping wildly as it had been since Isaac had sprung the proposal upon her.

    Her vedder had known about Isaac’s intention to marry her and accepted without informing Faith, a fact from which she was still reeling.

    And to announce the marriage in church as if I had any idea.

    We will be married after final harvest, Isaac told her excitedly and not for the first time, Faith realized he was speaking around her and not to her.  How many times had she wanted to end the almost farcical notion that she was ready to marry him? But as a good Amish girl, she held her tongue and watched the events unfold as if she was not party to anything going on around her.

    Is it that I do not want to marry Isaac or anyone at all? Faith wondered, again pressing the glass to her rosebud mouth.

    Truly, Faith had assumed she would wed as most women who came of age did in the district but perhaps she hadn’t expected to grow up as fast as she had.

    Or maybe it was simply the fact that Isaac Bontrager seemed to have been thrust into her life without much warning.

    The Bontrager family had arrived from Holmes County, Ohio a year and a half earlier. They had settled into the old order settlement well enough but Faith had always had some lingering doubts about the trio who had arrived without warning. John Bontrager had claimed his wife had passed and the memory of her had been too painful for him and his boys which inspired the move across states.

    That had not stopped Isaac from setting his sights upon the older Schrock girl and working his way into her life, almost without Faith realizing.  She couldn’t say for certain what it was that bothered her most about the Bontragers. Maybe it was the fact that neither son mentioned nor seemed particularly aggrieved by their mother’s recent passing. Whatever the reason, Faith had barely noticed that Isaac had become her beau.

    I cannot ignore that anymore, can I?

    The announcement that Jacob Bontrager had been courting her sister had been a slap in the face to Faith. If she had been uneasy before, there was an undeniable dread overcoming her now.

    "Have you seen your schweschdre?"

    Edith stepped out of the house, her brow knit.

    Nee, she replied, trying to recall when she had last seen Mary. Has she gone to sleep already?

    I checked your room. She is not there.

    Edith’s mouth pursed.

    She has been acting strangely since we spoke to her about Jacob Bontrager.

    Faith looked at her mother, the words on the tip of her tongue.

    I could tell Mammi now that I do not wish to marry Isaac. She might speak with Daed about this.

    The words stuck in her throat and she only stared at her mother, wishing she had a bigger voice.

    Mary would have something to say about this. She would not hold her tongue and sit idly by as her life was planned around her.

    But Faith had never been as outspoken as her younger sister and even if she had mustered the courage to say anything about the uncomfortable situation in which she had found herself, Edith was speaking again.

    Would you go and look for her, Fay? I have a terrible feeling that something has become of her.

    Mildly surprised, Faith looked at her mother.

    It is Mary, Mammi. She never goes far.

    "Please, liebling. I cannot explain it but I feel something is wrong in my stomach."

    Faith instantly rose from the rocker, alarm of her own fusing down her spine. It was uncharacteristic of her mother to make such demands and Faith was not going to discount Edith’s intuition.

    "Ja, Mammi. I will go and see if she is with Eliza or Mark."

    "Danke, Fay." Edith did not seem relieved to know that Faith was looking into the matter and wrung her hands against her dirty apron.

    I am sure she is fine, Mammi, Faith said again but as she spoke, she realized that she had spoken the words more to reassure herself than she had her mother.

    ~ ~ ~

    It was very late when Faith headed back toward the Schrock farmhouse, her pulse racing. No one had seen nor heard from Mary since earlier in the day and the more Faith considered it, the more she realized she had not seen her sister since breakfast.

    Could she be at the Bontragers?

    It was the last place Faith could think to check before suggesting her father look in town but given hour, Faith couldn’t reconcile where else Mary might have gone.

    Faith! Isaac said, his face breaking into a wide smile when he saw her. What are you doing here?

    Has he always had such an Englisch accent?

    She shoved the new suspicion from her mind as she focussed on the reason she had come.

    Have you seen Mary? she asked without preamble. I have searched half the district for her.

    Your sister? he asked almost stupidly and Faith stifled a sigh.


    She was here this afternoon, looking for Jacob. I’ll get him.


    She waited on the porch, rubbing her hands over her arms as she waited for Isaac to return with his brother.

    I am standing here foolishly. She is likely home already while I am running about looking for her. Mary, Mary.

    A moment later, Isaac appeared at the door, his face drawn in concern.

    Wat? What is it? Faith asked, her heart skipping slightly at the expression on his face. Has something happened?

    Isaac shook his head slowly and Faith’s eyes trailed behind him to look for signs of Jacob. Her brows shot up as she realized a chandelier hung from the foyer and it seemed to be run by electricity, not candlelight.

    How can that be?

    Before she could ask, Isaac stepped onto the porch and closed the door behind him, leaving Faith more confused than ever.

    Could the Bontragers be going against the Ordnung and using Englisch technology? Faith had been inside the Bontrager home only once when they had hosted worship half a year earlier. Since then, any time she had seen Isaac or his family, it had been at her home or in the district.

    Jacob is not here either, Isaac said, distracting her from the growing mystery. Deep concern replaced Faith’s doubts about the Bontragers. Whatever their secrets, she had to find her sister.

    I will come with you to find her, Isaac suggested but Faith shook her head quickly, unsure if Isaac could be trusted.

    I am sure they have both returned to my house, she said, turning away even though she did not believe it for a moment. Knowing that Jacob was also missing gave Faith a much clearer picture of where Mary had gone.

    She is not apt to take no for an answer. Could she have run off with Jacob?


    She turned reluctantly to look at Isaac.


    I’m looking forward to marrying you, he said and she managed a weak smile.

    "Ja. Gut’n owed."

    She whirled away before he could speak again and rushed off down the laneway toward her house.

    His family is not who they claim, Faith thought worriedly. And now my sister may be with one of them.

    ~ ~ ~

    Her mother was awake when Faith returned, her concern transformed into a full-fledged panic.

    Have you found her? Edith breathed when she saw her eldest but Faith could only shake her head in dismay.

    "Nee, Mamm. I fear...I fear she may have run off with Jacob Bontrager."

    She didn’t add her addition thoughts about the family. Edith was alarmed enough without fueling those emotions.

    Mein Gotte. I knew she was up to something! Edith choked, rising abruptly from where she sat on the wing chair usually reserved for Faith’s father. I must wake Ezekiel and tell him.

    Nee, wait, Faith said urgently. She cannot have gotten far. I will go into Arthur and search for her before we bring Daed into this matter.

    At this hour? You will take Isaac, Edith replied, appearing relieved that Faith had suggested such a solution. Faith knew that her father would not handle the news of Mary’s unruly escape well, especially not when she’d run off with a boy she had been forbidden to pursue.

    I do not need Isaac to come with me, Faith started to say but even as she spoke, she knew the argument was futile. Edith would not risk sending her daughter unaccompanied into the darkness.

    "All right, Mamm, Faith conceded. I will have Isaac accompany me."

    Edith’s face relaxed if only slightly and she nodded curtly.

    Do not go further than Arthur, she warned. If she is not there, you will return home at once.

    "Ja, Mamm."

    For the second time that evening, she headed away from the house, this time with a cart as Edith watched her worriedly.

    You ensure you stay with Isaac! Edith called as Faith steered the horse away from the house. Faith did not bother to respond because she didn’t want to lie to her mother a second time.

    She would not be calling on Isaac again that night.

    I will find Mary on my own and bring her home and after I do, I will find out what the Bontragers are hiding.

    ~ ~ ~

    Not twenty minutes down the road, Faith felt the cart shift. A moment later, the horse whinnied as the cart faltered and a wheel popped off the side.

    Oh no! Faith breathed aloud, her pulse racing as Caramel neighed again and stopped in the pitch blackness.

    She swallowed the lump of fear growing in her throat and willed herself to be calm.

    You must simply unhitch the cart from the horse and continue on horseback, she reasoned. Or turn back to the house and tell Daed what happened.

    Neither option was particularly pleasant but she had several moments to consider both of them as she moved to unhook Caramel from the cab. To Faith’s dismay, she found her hands were trembling and under only the light of the half moon, the task was growing increasingly difficult.

    Suddenly, light flowed over her body and with a gasp, she spun to see a car slowing at her side. It was such a strange sight in the district, she instantly knew who it was, even before she heard the voice call out from the rolled down window

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