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The Shape of Amish Love
The Shape of Amish Love
The Shape of Amish Love
Ebook51 pages46 minutes

The Shape of Amish Love

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Jacob was a simple Amish farmer. He didn't set out to fall in love with Faith. Or her three small children. But he did and he loved them as his own. He asks Faith for her hand in marriage and she happily accepts. 

But a terrible accident occurs...and Faith loses her life. 

With everyone's life now in chaos, Jacob tries to be a pillar of strength to help Faith's children. He is fully prepared to raise the children as his own and they fall in love with him. 

Word of Faith's death gets back to her abusive ex-husband, however. Now he returns to the Amish town to reclaim his children. The children do not want to relive the horror with their father but the courts may see things Jacob prepares for the fight of his life in trying to keep Faith's children as his own. 

Will he anyone believe that he loves her children more than their own father?

Release dateJul 13, 2021
The Shape of Amish Love

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    The Shape of Amish Love - Hannah Winstone






    Three children huddled under the bundle of blankets, curled around each other with their faces hidden under the soft warmth. Outside the storm raged, uncaring and unbothered by their soft whimpers of fear. Thunder cracked, rain battered against the windows, wind rattled the trees.

    Jacob Kiem knelt by the youngest - Gabriel, shivering even with the thick blankets piled over him - and pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead. "You will be fine," Jacob assured, smiling softly. These three weren't his children - in fact, up until a year ago he had never even met them. That didn't make his love for them any less; nor did it demean his concern for their well being. Shall I make us all a drink? It will keep you warm at least.

    Lydia - the oldest, although still only a child at twelve years old - brightened. Yes please! Beside her, little Gabriel brightened - as did Theodora.

    Jacob ruffled Lydia's hair, ignoring her quiet protests, and stood up. Across the room the candles flickered, providing barely any light against the harsh storm and darkness outside. I'll see what I can do. Now, where's your mother?

    Upstairs, Theodora chirped, she told me she was making her wedding dress.

    So you can't look! Gabriel interjected with a beaming smile. For the moment, it seemed he had forgotten his fear. Lydia wanted to help, but then the storm started... his grin dimmed, but the shine in his eyes didn't.

    Chuckling to himself, Jacob resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Even in weather like this, his lovely Faith was still entirely focused on their wedding. It was only two weeks ago and his excitement welled whenever he thought about it - but Faith's joy for the occasion was unmatched even by Jacob, the groom. Smiling to himself, he set off to make a hot drink for the children.

    A quiet tune drifted through he house as he entered the kitchen. It was audible even above the relentless wind and rain, filtering down from Faith's sewing room. It wasn't a song he recognised, but Faith's love of music had always baffled him, as did her ability to play almost anything on the piano after only hearing it once. Jacob found himself swaying to the sweet tune as he fetched a pan to heat the milk, awkwardly humming along in the off-tune manner of someone who didn't really know the music.

    The rain continued its assault on the windows, a thick cloak of water lashing against the panes. At the end of their little yard the trees bent with the force of the weather - but inside it was warm and soft and just perfect.

    To think, Jacob had an entire lifetime of this to look forward to. Just him, his love, and three wonderful children. 

    The humming stopped, slowly drifting out until only the rain was left. Jacob turned just as he finished pouring the hot cocoa into five enormous mugs - and almost knocked right into Faith. Oh! He laughed and deftly edged away before the drink could spill and burn her. Hello, love. Finished for the evening? I made us all drinks.

    Bright hazel eyes flickered to the drink, a slow grin gracing her full lips. That's sweet of you honey, but I'm going out.

    Casting a sceptical look outside, he rose a brow. Whatever for? he asked, I can't think of anything we might need so urgently.

    Faith reached past him to pluck one of the mugs - her favourite, blue and white - and took a tentative sip. I need more fabric for the dress, she admitted, "I bought just enough for the bodice but not the sleeves." An exasperated gasp flew from her lips, brows

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