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Monster of Monsters: Series Two Mortem’s Level 1: #2 Past Hatreds And Lies And Little Morsels
Monster of Monsters: Series Two Mortem’s Level 1: #2 Past Hatreds And Lies And Little Morsels
Monster of Monsters: Series Two Mortem’s Level 1: #2 Past Hatreds And Lies And Little Morsels
Ebook30 pages28 minutes

Monster of Monsters: Series Two Mortem’s Level 1: #2 Past Hatreds And Lies And Little Morsels

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About this ebook

The story of Kein (Kīn) continues in the 9th installment of this novella series. Enjoy this short story as Kein continues through a difficult situation. Kein's heartbreaking and yet joyous journey continues as the results of Basement Level are dished out as cold as they can be. Alone, she must deal with the repercussions of the Judicium and a past she only wanted to forget. No one has won the Mortem and now Kein is one. She has no chance of surviving unless she can find some allies in the sadistic game. Her journey started in Monster of Monsters #1 Part One: Mortem's Opening and moves forward at an unrelenting pace.

Light and darkness...

All Kein wanted was to be devoured. As an orphan, she had been told since joining her school that it was very important that a house or clan devour her so when she met a creature promising to devour her, she was confused at first but then she was consoled that someone wanted her.

A world of monsters and vampires and a world of humans...

Loneliness can be a very strong emotion but it can also be a very strong motivator so even when a creature of the darkness invited her to come to her, innocence heeded the call. Kein began an adventure of heartache and joy as she walked the paths of shadow and light. She would discover what it was to be devoured as a dangerous game drew her into a deadly realm of wishes, revenge, hope, desire, love, and terror.

Release dateJul 28, 2021
Monster of Monsters: Series Two Mortem’s Level 1: #2 Past Hatreds And Lies And Little Morsels

Kristie Lynn Higgins

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    Monster of Monsters - Kristie Lynn Higgins

    More Series By Kristie Lynn Higgins

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    Chapter One

    All Is Lost

    Moments earlier…

    Basement Level…

    The lady must be fine, Kein told Fear after they had raced back up to her office on the sixth day since the last Judicium.  She was worried about her after the new Controller had told her the lady had been eliminated from the Mortem.  Kein felt more at ease and stated, She has erected another Kumo’sakai.

    Controller spoke over the intercom, I believe it just happened today.  I believe someone has poisoned her or at least that is the rumor.  Such a shame to lose one of the Coaches.

    Kein inwardly gasped as a new kind of dread pounded away within her heart.  All her thoughts about rejection and abandonment fled her mind in the wake of her terror like birds fleeing a predator.  She had to know if the lady was fine.  She had to know if she was still alive.  Kein ran forward, breaking every rule… breaking everything that the Kumovon held that showed respect and fear, and she crossed the white borderline closest to the elevator.  Sharp spider-like webs cut at her face, drawing blood.  The Kumo’sakai were not only warning signs but defensive barriers to keep enemies out.  The cuts stung as if venom was within the fine almost invisible strands that most couldn’t see.  The white borderlines consisted of many types of thread.  Some were seen and some were not.  The Kumo’sakai didn’t stop her, and Kein raced on… she raced on to discover if the one, the one she had spent most of her adult life looking for was alive.

    Fear felt her need to reach the lady, and she strengthened Kein’s leg muscles so that she could run faster.  Fear could do nothing about the venom.  Kein would have to deal with it on her own.

    Kein increased speed as she neared the next Kumo’sakai.  She broke through it and as she did, more mostly invisible ultra-sharp webbing cut at her face and arms.  Yes, there were many types of threads.  The Kumo’sakai had two layers of webbing.  The white borderline that was very much

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