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Fruit To Your Account
Fruit To Your Account
Fruit To Your Account
Ebook127 pages3 hours

Fruit To Your Account

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There are two financial systems operating in the world Today, the Babylonian system and God's system. In this book the author shows the origin of the Babylonian system, its strategy to suck people into financial bondage through debt, slavery and unfair policies. Expounding on nuggets etched in antiquity and his observations of contemporary society, the author shows us God's plan and how we can flee the bondage of Babylon. He shows us that we can experience abundant life in the here and now if we change our outlook and allow God to guide us.

Release dateJul 10, 2021
Fruit To Your Account

Matsiko Godwin Muhwezi

I spend my days doing what lawyers do and my free time transforming the world through writing .

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    Fruit To Your Account - Matsiko Godwin Muhwezi


    The history of the church shows that the gospel moved on wheels of civilisation and what is sometimes called imperialism. Explorers and missionaries moved to uncharted territories in quick succession. Many people have embraced the idea of Deity and have over the years innovated and experimented with different forms of expression of their faith. These differences have presented challenges and opportunities in fractional degrees of extremity. Some people are dead on pious, others nonchalant, some zealous, others empathetic, some judgmental others penitent. Some believe that to be poor is godly, others not, some that just enough for the day suffices; perhaps more than that is vile, some that everything material is vain and sacrilegious, for others to indulge is default. I was born in one of those countries referred to as third world, in a predominantly agrarian and; blue, semi-white collar subsistence. You could say, that a little bit of basic education, some clothes and a roof over my head would summarise the pilgrimage. Maybe this could be harnessed to break into some career fortune or it could short-circuit back to the rat race. I have like most of the people around me, made something of the dices dealt and in broad strokes trodden the acceptable footpath of life in the tropics. We turned out okay, didn ’ t we? Quite frankly, I have never been comfortable with just getting by and living to get by. Growing up, I was particularly intrigued by the mundane nature of village life. I never liked the idea of just waking up to milk cows, watch them eat and follow them around all day; weed one part of the garden only to go full circle and return to knee length weed a week later. Where life rotated around the next meal, cleaning after it until the next meal was due; a day, a month, a year and more. Could we get machines to do all the heavy lifting? Maybe stock up food for a week and build some space ships with the spare time? Was there a purpose beyond stuffing food into our bellies and stockpiling some for more stuffing in the morrow? What would life be without the quest for survival? Was there a life without toil and constant wails of sudden calamity? Would we appreciate people if they were not giving or taking something out of our pockets? Could we fight for a cause that was for the sole benefit of someone else? Was everyone a master schemer keeping an ace up their sleeve? And what was everyone so worked up about? Why was everyone who seemed to have made it running around like a headless chicken? What were all those accumulations and fat bank statements about? Was everyone indebted to their teeth for life? What was the end game anyway? I have toyed with these and similar thoughts for a couple of decades.

    In the centre of the earth, lies a small, young country with a history and heritage which has defined the world as we know it. The life and experiences of the Jews have informed revolutions and cultures for millennia and continue to arouse interest towards the close of this age. International foreign policy and economics will for a long time be negotiated and brokered however implicitly around this small relic of estate. If Judeo-Christianity originated among these people, what was the original plan like? Did it serve a purpose beyond the scrolls and tablets on which it was etched? In dire economic straits of Today ’ s world, do we have hope in the ignored nuggets of old? Is it just a nice moral tale that we live on the fringes of or could it be a spark of eternity igniting our realm for something yonder. Have we learnt all we could from this interaction with the supra human realm? Could we have gleaned more to ease the forlorn trail here below? Have we sacredly guarded the eternal treasures we have been handed or have we trodden them underfoot like ordinary rocks and pebbles?

    Specific experiences triggered the trajectory in this book and I am happy to share the message of what wonderful grace I continue to align myself with every passing day. In this season, we do well to open our inner eyes to the transcendent voice of assignments we must embrace and races we must run; battles we must scale and a harvest we must roll in. The events I briefly allude to in this section are premised on this context. 2 Corinthians 5:16 says " Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh: yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more. " [KJV]. In person, I have only met one of the people I refer to in the following passages and all the experiences happened on a supernatural level.

    Sometime in 2015, I had a spiritual encounter where I was translated to an open place where Kenneth Copeland was ministering. The Lord revealed to me some things about the faith generation of the recent past in church history and in that same moment I experienced some of the Bible wonders performed by Joshua (in the Bible).

    A few weeks after that, I was again supernaturally caught up in a place where I was before Prophet Elvis Mbonye and Bishop David Oyedepo; and they were telling me about an assignment I had been given. In that experience, I was surprised that not many people around were keen on what was being released and that I was being considered for it.

    On the 30 th of July 2015, I was translated into a place of spiritual ministry and in the process of encouraging someone, an angel took me to a house which he said belonged to Andrew Wommack who opened the door for us. I saw many things in that house that I am not at liberty to share but the Lord showed me that many ministers had not mastered the message Andrew Wommack was passing on. They seemed to have taken advantage of his generosity and compassion to pursue their own things. I saw how God had used him over the years, how his ministry would progress and the legacy he had built. Then I left to go and pray in a far place.

    In the months that followed, I started praying and seeking the Lord and He gave me the message of His providence plan for His children. I honestly did not know much about the subject at the time and was not even keen on it. I had not even watched or read after the men I encountered in these experiences in years though I knew their names. As the Lord taught me several things, I realised that I had over the years stumbled on some of them but now received them in better perspective. Most importantly I learnt about the tremendous grace of God in a way no man could have taught me. I was overwhelmed by the enormity of what Christ has achieved for me and the glory of that realisation, I would never trade for anything in this life.

    On the 1 st of August 2015, 22 nd of January, 4 th of February 2017, I had spiritual encounters with Prophet Elvis Mbonye where he would teach me specific things I needed to know at the time and show me where I had reached in understanding this message. I have since received many confirmations of this mandate through men of God who did not know about these experiences and will probably read about them for the first time in these pages. We are in that time when the Lord restores the treasures in this earth to His children so that the gospel can be preached. As the church anticipates the soon coming King, may she be ready to align herself and grab the ammunition hidden in His promises for the end-time harvest.

    Chapter 1

    A Glorious Design

    Have you ever wondered why there seems to be so much diversity in the expression of faith? While some lift their hands, others kneel and others lie prostrate. You could find one group preaching from one end of the Holy Book and another at the very beginning of it. Diversity of emphasis should not in itself be discomforting. In the Great Commission, people are gifted differently and preach about one thing more than the other depending on the season. God calls and gifts people differently and we should in all humility acknowledge people for what they excel at. We need not limit our understanding to someone else ’ s opinion but we can pursue and excel in what we choose without discrediting what someone else has done somewhere else.

    One of the ubiquitous biases in our day is one against the prosperity message/gospel . The most damning opinions often originate from people with limited interaction with the subject. Even among astute seekers, experiences greatly differ one from another. Some people allow a bad experience or misconception to keep them away completely.

    First off, the word ‘ gospel ’ means good news. In fact, the Bible says that part of Jesus ’ core mission was to preach good news to the poor! ‘ But shouldn ’ t we be listening to the full gospel, rather than money, money all the time? ’ you might ask. Not every minister we meet will have the full revelation of everything in the Bible but without taking away from what we receive, we should acknowledge our need for the fellowship with people of like mind. You might from time to time question the selective approach to certain things and even the motives behind what people preach but that is the bath water. Then there is the baby; that God calls people differently and equips them consonant to their assignment. God is not interested in a dismembered body with well-manicured hands but no eyes, good ears but without a nose. Is your argument with the word of God or with man? If most things on earth are driven by money or the lack of it, why should we assume that God does not have anything to say about it? Why would God be silent about something which affects our lives consistently? The good news is that God has a lot to say about money, what it is for and how we are to manage it. The Bible has about five hundred scriptures on love, about five hundred on faith

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