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Dictionary of 12- to 14-Letter Words: Words You Should Know
Dictionary of 12- to 14-Letter Words: Words You Should Know
Dictionary of 12- to 14-Letter Words: Words You Should Know
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Dictionary of 12- to 14-Letter Words: Words You Should Know

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In this book, you will learn the meanings of 1225 useful 12- to 14-letter words. You will also find the names of the parts of speech they belong to. I have also given synonyms for most of these words. “Letter Count” has been mentioned in the bracket after each and every word. Sample this:

01 -- abominableness [14] [n.] -- the state or quality of being extremely bad or unpleasant and causing a strong feeling of dislike or disapproval [synonyms: monstrousness, repulsiveness]
02 -- abstemiously [12] [adv.] -- in a sparing manner, avoiding too much in enjoyable activities such as eating food or drinking alcohol
03 -- abstractedly [12] [adv.] -- without paying attention to what is happening around you because you are thinking deeply about sth else; [synonyms: absentmindedly, inattentively, distractedly]
04 -- abstractionism [14] [n.] -- the principles that the mind obtains concepts by abstracting them from concepts it already has, or from experience.
05 -- abstractionist [14] [n.] -- a person who produces abstract works of art || [adj.] -- producing abstract works of art
06 -- acquisitively [13] [adv.] -- in a manner that shows eagerness to own to acquire and own money or new possessions (material things) in a greedy way [synonyms: graspingly, covetously, materialistically]
07 -- acrimoniously [13] [adv.] -- (of an argument, a speech, discussion, behavior, etc.) in an angry manner or in a bitter, sharp, harsh manner of language or tone
08 -- adaptability [12] [n.] -- (a). the quality of being able to adjust or be adjusted to deal with new and different situations or conditions [synonym: flexibility] | (b). the quality of being able to be modified or suited for a new use or purpose
09 -- adjectivally [12] [adv.] -- as, or in the manner or way of, an adjective
10 -- adulterously [12] [adv.] -- relating to a physical relationship (intercourse) between a married person and sb who is not their spouse or partner [synonyms: disloyally, treacherously]
11 -- advantageous [12] [adj.] -- good, useful, helpful or favorable in a particular situation [synonyms: beneficial, gainful]
12 -- advantageously [14] [adv.] -- in a manner that is good, useful, helpful or favorable in a particular situation [synonyms: beneficially, constructively, gainfully]
13 -- adventitious [12] [adj.] -- happening by chance or accident; not planned or designed
14 -- adventitiously [14] [adv.] -- in a manner that is happening by chance or accident; in a manner that is not planned or designed
15 -- aggrandizement [14] [n.] -- an increase in the power, wealth, importance or status of a person or country [synonyms: enhancement; extension]
16 -- alliteration [12] [n.] -- repetition of the initial letter or sound at the beginning of words in a sentence
17 -- amateurishly [12] [adv.] -- in a manner that is done incompetently, inexpertly or unskillfully [synonyms: incompetently, unprofessionally]
18 -- ambassadorial [13] [adj.] -- belonging to a high-ranking official, who is representative to a foreign country [synonym: diplomatic]
19 -- ambassadress [12] [n.] -- a high-ranking female official, who is representative to a foreign country; a female ambassador [synonyms: diplomat, envoy]
20 -- ambidextrous [12] [adj.] -- (a). able to use the right and left hands equally well | (b). (of a tool or instrument) designed to be used by right-handed and left-handed people with equal ease
21 -- ambidextrously [14] [adv.] -- meaning of the word
22 -- amphibiously [12] [adv.] -- (a). in a manner that is able to live/belong both on land and in water | (b). (of military operations) in a manner that involves soldiers landing or attacking at a place from the sea | (c). in a way that is suitable for use to operate on land or water; in a way that is able to operate on land or water
23 – antagonistic [12] [adj.] -- showing or feeling dislike or opposition [synonym: hostile]

PublisherManik Joshi
Release dateJul 25, 2021
Dictionary of 12- to 14-Letter Words: Words You Should Know

Manik Joshi

Manik Joshi was born on January 26, 1979, at Ranikhet, a picturesque town in the Kumaon region of the Indian state of Uttarakhand. He is a permanent resident of the Sheeshmahal area of Kathgodam located in the city of Haldwani in the Kumaon region of Uttarakhand in India. He completed his schooling in four different schools. He is a science graduate in the ZBC – zoology, botany, and chemistry – subjects. He is also an MBA with a specialization in marketing. Additionally, he holds diplomas in "computer applications", "multimedia and web-designing", and "computer hardware and networking". During his schooldays, he wanted to enter the field of medical science; however, after graduation he shifted his focus to the field of management. After obtaining his MBA, he enrolled in a computer education center; he became so fascinated with working on the computer that he decided to develop his career in this field. Over the following years, he worked at some computer-related full-time jobs. Following that, he became interested in Internet Marketing, particularly in domaining (business of buying and selling domain names), web design (creating websites), and various other online jobs. However, later he shifted his focus solely to self-publishing. Manik is a nature-lover. He has always been fascinated by overcast skies. He is passionate about traveling and enjoys solo-travel most of the time rather than traveling in groups. He is actually quite a loner who prefers to do his own thing. He likes to listen to music, particularly when he is working on the computer. Reading and writing are definitely his favorite pastimes, but he has no interest in sports. Manik has always dreamed of a prosperous life and prefers to live a life of luxury. He has a keen interest in politics because he believes it is politics that decides everything else. He feels a sense of gratification sharing his experiences and knowledge with the outside world. However, he is an introvert by nature and thus gives prominence to only a few people in his personal life. He is not a spiritual man, yet he actively seeks knowledge about the metaphysical world; he is particularly interested in learning about life beyond death. In addition to writing academic/informational text and fictional content, he also maintains a personal diary. He has always had a desire to stand out from the crowd. He does not believe in treading the beaten path and avoids copying someone else's path to success. Two things he alwa...

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    Dictionary of 12- to 14-Letter Words - Manik Joshi

    Dictionary of 12- to 14-Letter Words

    (Words You Should Know)

    By Manik Joshi

    Copyright Manik Joshi 2020

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes:

    All rights reserved. This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Smashwords Author Page of Manik Joshi:



    This Book is Part of a Series

    SERIES Name: Words by Number of Letters

    [A Ten-Book Series]

    BOOK Number: 09

    BOOK Title: Dictionary of 12- to 14-Letter Words

    Table of Contents

    12- to 14-Letter Words

    12- to 14-Letter Words -- A

    12- to 14-Letter Words -- B

    12- to 14-Letter Words -- C

    12- to 14-Letter Words -- D

    12- to 14-Letter Words -- E

    12- to 14-Letter Words -- F

    12- to 14-Letter Words -- G

    12- to 14-Letter Words -- H

    12- to 14-Letter Words -- I

    12- to 14-Letter Words -- J

    12- to 14-Letter Words -- K

    12- to 14-Letter Words -- L

    12- to 14-Letter Words -- M

    12- to 14-Letter Words -- N

    12- to 14-Letter Words -- O

    12- to 14-Letter Words -- P

    12- to 14-Letter Words -- Q

    12- to 14-Letter Words -- R

    12- to 14-Letter Words -- S

    12- to 14-Letter Words -- T

    12- to 14-Letter Words -- U

    12- to 14-Letter Words -- V

    12- to 14-Letter Words -- W, X, Y, Z

    About the Author


    12- to 14-Letter Words

    Letter A -- 91 12- to 14-Letter Words

    Letter B -- 25 12- to 14-Letter Words

    Letter C -- 128 12- to 14-Letter Words

    Letter D -- 97 12- to 14-Letter Words

    Letter E -- 81 12- to 14-Letter Words

    Letter F -- 24 12- to 14-Letter Words

    Letter G -- 13 12- to 14-Letter Words

    Letter H -- 19 12- to 14-Letter Words

    Letter I -- 167 12- to 14-Letter Words

    Letter J -- 05 12- to 14-Letter Words

    Letter K -- 02 12- to 14-Letter Words

    Letter L -- 14 12- to 14-Letter Words

    Letter M -- 59 12- to 14-Letter Words

    Letter N -- 10 12- to 14-Letter Words

    Letter O -- 27 12- to 14-Letter Words

    Letter P -- 142 12- to 14-Letter Words

    Letter Q -- 12 12- to 14-Letter Words

    Letter R -- 70 12- to 14-Letter Words

    Letter S -- 94 12- to 14-Letter Words

    Letter T -- 47 12- to 14-Letter Words

    Letter U -- 83 12- to 14-Letter Words

    Letter V -- 17 12- to 14-Letter Words

    Letter W, X, Y, Z -- 06 12- to 14-Letter Words

    TOTAL -- 1233 Useful 12- to 14-Letter Words


    adj. -- adjective // adv. -- adverb // n. -- noun // prep. -- preposition // pron. -- pronoun // v. -- verb // sb -- somebody // sth -- something

    [Letter Count has been mentioned in the bracket after each and every word.]

    12- to 14-Letter Words -- A

    abolitionist[12][n.] --a person who supports the official ending of a law, rule, custom, system or an institution

    abominableness[14][n.]--the state or quality of being extremely bad or unpleasant and causing a strong feeling of dislike or disapproval [synonyms: monstrousness, repulsiveness]

    abrasiveness[12][n.] --(a).an unpleasant and unfriendly manner of speaking or acting|(b).a roughness in a substance that makes it able to be used to smooth, clean or polish surfaces

    abstemiously[12][adv.]--in a sparing manner, avoiding too much in enjoyable activities such as eating food or drinking alcohol

    abstemiousness[14][n.]--a state or fact of beingmoderate or sensible in the eating of food or drinking of alcohol

    abstractedly[12][adv.]--without paying attention to what is happening around you because you are thinking deeply about sth else; [synonyms: absentmindedly, inattentively, distractedly]

    abstractionism[14][n.]--the principles that the mind obtains concepts by abstracting them from concepts it already has, or from experience.

    abstractionist[14][n.]--a person who produces abstract works of art||[adj.]--producing abstract works of art

    accentuation[12][n.] --the act or fact of making sth more noticeable; the act or fact of emphasizing sth

    accommodating[13][adj.] --eager or willing to help and do things for other people according to their requests or demands [synonyms: cooperative, obliging]

    accommodation[13][n.] --(a).a place to live, work or stay in [synonyms: lodging]|(b).an agreement, arrangement or adjustment reached between individuals or groups who hold different or opposing viewpoints and is deemed acceptable by all parties|(c).(accommodations) a place to live or stay, that often also provides or offers food or other services

    accomplished[12][adj.] --(a).highly talented at a particular activity [synonyms: gifted, proficient]|(b).well-educated and having a lot of social skills

    accomplishment[14][n.] --(a).sth impressive or remarkable that is done or achieved after much effort [synonyms: achievement, feat]|(b).a skill, talent or special ability|(c).the completion of sth with success

    accountability[14][n.] --the fact, quality or state of being responsible for your actions or decisions, and expected to give a satisfactory reason or explanation for them when asked [synonyms: answerability, liability]

    accreditation[12][n.] --official approval, recognition, acceptance or acknowledgment given by an organization stating that sb/sth such as an educational institution has met or maintained a required standard [synonyms:certification]

    acculturation[13][n.] --the process of changing your behavior to live successfully in a different culture

    accumulation[12][n.] --a mass or amount of sth that hasslowly and steadily gathered orbeenacquired, collected, obtained, etc.over a period of time [synonyms: accretion]

    accumulative[12][adj.] --gradually increasing or growing in number or amount

    acoustically[12][adv.] --(a).in a way that is related to sound, or sense or organs of hearing|(b).on a musical instrument that is not made louder by electrical machinery

    acquaintance[12][n.] --(a).a person that you know or have met but who is not a close friend|(b).knowledge of or familiarity with sth|(c).slight friendship

    acquiescence[12][n.] --the fact of being willing to accept an act, opinion, situation, etc. without argument or protest, although do not really agree with it [synonyms: consent, submission]

    acquisitively[13][adv.]--in a manner that shows eagerness to own to acquire and own money or new possessions (material things) in a greedy way [synonyms: graspingly, covetously, materialistically]

    acrimoniously[13][adv.]--(of an argument, a speech, discussion, behavior, etc.) in an angry manner or in a bitter, sharp, harsh manner of language or tone

    adaptability[12][n.]--(a).the quality of being able to adjust or be adjusted to deal with new and differentsituationsorconditions[synonym: flexibility]|(b).the quality of being able to be modified or suited for a new use or purpose

    adaptableness[13][n.]--(a).the quality of being able to adjust or be adjusted to deal with new and differentsituationsorconditions[synonym: flexibility]|(b).the quality of being able to be modified or suited for a new use or purpose

    adjectivally[12][adv.]--as, or in the manner or way of, an adjective

    adjudication[12][n.] --(a).an act or process of makinga legal, official, formal and final decision about who is right in a disagreement, dispute or conflict between two people groups or organizations|(b).the act of judging a case, argument or competition|(c).a formal judgment on a disagreement, dispute or conflict between two people groups or organizations.

    adulterously[12][adv.]--in a manner that relates to a physical relationship (intercourse) between a married person and sb who is not theirspouse or partner[synonyms: disloyally, treacherously]

    adulterousness[14][n.]--a state or fact of having a physical relationship (intercourse) between a married person and sb who is not theirspouse or partner[synonym: treacherousness]

    advantageous[12][adj.]--good, useful, helpful or favorable in a particular situation [synonyms: beneficial, gainful]

    advantageously[14][adv.]--in a manner that is good, useful, helpful or favorable in a particular situation [synonyms: beneficially, constructively, gainfully]

    adventitious[12][adj.]--happening by chance or accident; not planned or designed

    adventitiously[14][adv.]--in a manner that is happening by chance or accident; in a manner that is not planned or designed

    adventurously[13][adv.]--(a).in a way thatincludes new and interesting ideas, methods, things or experiences|(b).in a manner that isfull of new, exciting or dangerous ideas, methods, things or experiences [synonyms: audaciously, boldly, daringly]

    affectionate[12][adj.] --showing feelings of care, liking and love for sb [synonym: loving]

    affectionately[14][adv.] --in a manner that shows feelings of care, liking and love for sb [synonym: lovingly]

    affirmatively[13][adv.] --in a way that expresses agreement, approval or confirmation

    agglomeration[13][n.] --a mass, group or collection of things put together in no particular order or arrangement [synonym: assemblage]

    aggrandizement[14][n.]--an increase in the power, wealth, importance or status of a person or country [synonyms: enhancement; extension]

    alliteration[12][n.]--repetition of the initial letter or sound at the beginning of words in a sentence

    amateurishly[12][adv.]--in a manner that is done incompetently, inexpertly or unskillfully [synonyms: incompetently, unprofessionally]

    ambassadorial[13][adj.]--belonging to a high-ranking official, who is representative to a foreign country [synonym: diplomatic]

    ambassadress[12][n.]--a high-ranking female official, who is representative to a foreign country; a female ambassador [synonyms: diplomat, envoy]

    ambidexterity[13][n.]--the ability to use both the right and left

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