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Amish Decisions
Amish Decisions
Amish Decisions
Ebook25 pages22 minutes

Amish Decisions

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About this ebook

Rachel is a young Amish woman undecided on what she wants out of life. Her father expects her to remain in the community and find a husband. But her best friend Lovina left the Amish town and now seems happier than anyone she knows. 
Her confusion extends to her romantic life as well as she finds Abraham to be somewhat boring and predictable while the Englisch David is his polar opposite in every way. But is she truly seeing the Amish life and Abraham for what they are?

Release dateJul 14, 2021
Amish Decisions

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    Book preview

    Amish Decisions - Samantha Collier

    Rachel looked out the window, watching the fierce blizzard swirl around the farmhouse. It had been building for days.

    Last night, it had intensified so much that her sleep was disturbed.  The old house creaked and moaned as the wind picked up.  She had risen to her bedroom window, amazed at the snowflakes swirling as if in a vortex.  The cold had punctured her skin like a million needles.

    This morning, it was worse.  She watched, anxiously, as her father battled alone through it, securing the animals as best as he could.

    Two day until Christmas. The world was white, and frightening.  Somehow, nature reflected her inner turmoil.  She had not been herself, these past weeks. 

    Sighing, Rachel wrapped her shawl tighter around her shoulders.  The temperature had dropped, again.  The fire roaring in the corner seemed to throw out little warmth.  At least they had enough firewood to outlast the storm.  How long could the blizzard last? Would Christmas still go ahead?

    Suddenly, she heard her father shouting outside.  What was wrong? She craned her neck to see, but the swirl of white was so intense outside that it was impossible.

    The front door opened, sending in a blast of snow.  It was her father, of course.  But as Rachel turned, she was shocked to see two figures with him.  Both tall.  One was dressed in black, in the typical Amish fashion.  The other wore jeans and a huge snow coat, in the English style. Two men, covered in snow, stomping their boots onto the mat.

    Her father struggled to shut the door against the wind.  Then the trio walked into the living room.

    Rachel gasped.  How could this be?  For she knew the two men. They were as different from each other as chalk and cheese.  As far as she knew, they

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