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The Tales of Peter the Pixie Vol 1: New Friends
The Tales of Peter the Pixie Vol 1: New Friends
The Tales of Peter the Pixie Vol 1: New Friends
Ebook78 pages54 minutes

The Tales of Peter the Pixie Vol 1: New Friends

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About this ebook

In this, the first of the series of the Tales of Peter the Pixie.
Here we are introduced to Peter the innocent, honest, young pixie, and his friends; Elli, the, ‘much older then she looks’, modest but powerful Fairy, Timothy, the old, trustworthy, Toad and the, ever so noble, Fire Dragon.
We see how Peter first arrives in the forest, his meeting with the forest folk, and then his first encounters with the three very different creatures, who will then become the very best of friends.
Told in a classical children’s story style; Peter and his friends, meet all kinds of creatures and situations.
As with all children, Peter is often confronted with experiences that he does not know how best to deal with, and he often reacts in ways that are not the most appropriate. Fortunately; with the help of his good friends, good will and common sense, everything always turns out for the best

Release dateJul 8, 2021
The Tales of Peter the Pixie Vol 1: New Friends

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    Book preview

    The Tales of Peter the Pixie Vol 1 - Gary Edward Gedall

    The Tales


    Peter the Pixie

    Vol 1

    New Friends

    Text by Gary Edward Gedall

    Copyright©- From Words to Worlds, (G. E. Gedall) 1993 -2021

    Published by

    From Words To Worlds

    Lausanne, Switzerland


    Ebook Edition

    Copyright© 1993 -2021 by From Words to Worlds ( G. E. Gedall)

    All rights reserved.


    1. Peter and the Ants, Part 1

    2. Peter and the Ants, Part 2

    3. Peter has too much

    4. Timothy the Toad

    5. Elli the Fairy

    6. Selwyn the Squirrel

    7. Peter and Elvis

    8. The Coming of the Fire-Dragon, Part 1

    9. The Coming of the Fire-Dragon Part 2

    10. The Coming of the Fire-Dragon, Part 3

    1. Peter and the Ants, Part 1

    It was a bright, spring morning.

    The air was fresh and crisp, and diamond dewdrops tiptoed on the leaves, ready to float heavenwards into a clear blue sky.

    The forest stream leaped and danced towards the eternal ocean, full of herself and of the melted snow, flowing from the highest reaches.

    Bobbing gaily amid the snow and ice was a large golden oak leaf.

    A very large leaf indeed.

    On and on the leaf sailed, dipping and diving through the fast-flowing waters, until a large boulder split the stream in two.

    The water flowed around the stone ... to the left and to the right.

    Most of the water, that is.

    At the front of the boulder, an eddy had formed, a whirling wheel of water that spun around and around.

    The rock stopped the leaf from floating down the river.

    The very large leaf slipped in and spun around and around in the vortex, which was stopping the leaf from advancing downstream.

    And then something most interesting happened.

    A pair of pale green hands came up and grabbed the sides of the leaf.

    And then appeared a head to match.

    All that spinning was making the tiny pixie dizzy. His normally green skin acquired just a faint tinge of blue and he was starting to feel very, very sick.

    There was only one thing to do: get off the leaf.

    The tiny pixie stood up, steadied himself with his arms, and bent his knees.

    The leaf spun around the eddy towards the boulder.

    The tiny pixie braced his legs and concentrated on the approaching rock.

    Three ... two ... one… and he jumped into the air.

    Unfortunately, he miss-timed his jump slightly and just missed the rock…

    … he did find the water however, but that was not his intention.


    The water was ice cold on the poor the little man’s skin, as he scrambled out of the freezing river and onto the stone.

    Now what am I to do? he moaned to himself.

    He looked left, right, up and down.

    There was no way of rescuing his leaf, no object he could use to continue his journey, and nowhere for him to shelter.

    Well, Peter, he muttered – because he often talked to himself when he had a problem – you can’t stay here, all cold and wet, and you can’t go on down the stream. You’ll just have to find a way to the riverbank.

    Peter looked at the churning stream. Chunks of ice from the frozen lake high up in the mountains floated in the water. They nudged and jostled each other as if fighting for their place in the flow.

    Peter watched and waited and thought.

    Now, thinking wasn’t something Peter did very well (or very often for that matter) but he had a hunch that these frozen blocks could help him escape the rocky island.

    The chunks of ice neared the boulder. As they flowed around it, the larger ones caught on the rock and stilled. Although this only lasted for a few moments it was enough for the smaller pieces of ice to became blocked.

    Quick as a flash, Peter realized what he had to do.

    He jumped ... from block to block to block until he’d made it to the other side of the stream.

    His floating bridge freed itself and carried on its journey down the stream.

    Peter shivered and began to do a little dance on the spot to warm himself up.

    As he hopped from one leg to another, he felt the bounce under his feet.

    He bent down and inspected the ground. He was standing on a deep pile of leaves in what must be quite a large hole.

    Peter began to dig with

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