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Bad Preacher
Bad Preacher
Bad Preacher
Ebook24 pages20 minutes

Bad Preacher

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About this ebook

Ellie Duncan is a young police officer assigned to work undercover as a serial killer stalks young runaways on the streets of Berkeley, California. Nicknamed "The Preacher' because of his affinity for carving a cross into his bodies of his victims, Ellie sees the opportunity to catch the serial killer as a huge opportunity to prove herself until she finds out that the "Preacher" may not be working alone.

Release dateJul 15, 2021
Bad Preacher

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    Bad Preacher - Deborah Stockwell

    The man led the young woman by the hand past the dunes and toward the edge of the shoreline. The beach air felt cold and clear, stars faintly visible through the backwash of the Los Angeles illumination. The moon hung low and reflected majestically off the beach water.

    Looks like a painting, the young woman said as they looked out into the ocean.

    God's handiwork, the man said. It was made for us. But I want to show you something.

    He turned around and pointed at their footsteps in the sand. You see that?

    What? she asked.

    You ever see that meme where it shows one set of footprints in the sand?

    Yeah, the young woman said. That one where God asks tells us that when you see only one set of footprints then it was me that was carrying you.

    I hate that meme, the man said. You see, Lucy, most people really miss the point of that meme. God wants us to be in a relationship with him. He knows that our family and friends will often fail to meet our expectations.

    Isn't that the truth.

    He is the truth, the man said, now facing Lucy. He placed his hands on both of her shoulders.

    I really should go, Lucy said looking back at the fading campfire beyond the dunes.

    Go without meeting Jesus?


    What if I told you that you could have a relationship with Christ. That you could meet him here, tonight.

    Been there, done that, Lucy said. My whole family were Christians. That is what I ran away from.

    There's nothing for you here, the man said. "Those people that you found

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