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How Narcissism is Bred: Rose-Tinted versus Clear Lenses
How Narcissism is Bred: Rose-Tinted versus Clear Lenses
How Narcissism is Bred: Rose-Tinted versus Clear Lenses
Ebook65 pages1 hour

How Narcissism is Bred: Rose-Tinted versus Clear Lenses

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About this ebook

A sequel to the first book, "One Rose Tinted and One Clear Lens: How Narcissism is the Work of the Devil." In this book, I elaborate on the three competing realities mentioned previously, and how they represent a snapshot of life stages. We all go through life stages to make it to God's reality. Because narcissism isn't going away, it is important to understand it and learn how to deal with it so we can do God's will. Life has its bumpy moments and a lot of lessons are learned along the way. As there should be. Everything in life happens for a reason. We will find ourselves in the midst of darkness before we see the light. Note, all photos are taken and designed by me using Canva Pro. 


Update June 15, 2022: This is the first edition of this book. Bear in mind at the time of the original publication, I was on Rumble. Now I am on YouTube and Patreon. I will continue to bring you all updates and changes as they occur.  

Release dateJul 15, 2021
How Narcissism is Bred: Rose-Tinted versus Clear Lenses

Michelle Dickey

Michelle Dickey is a consultant, coach, trauma specialist, minister, author, spiritual leader, and public speaker. She is also a forensic and business consultant. She is the founder of Consulting for Heightened Awareness (CHA), a nondenominational, spiritual ministry that specializes in narcissistic abuse and trauma recovery with God's wisdom.  CHA's Spiritual Warriors for Christ (SWFC), is a community for like-minded souls to connect, helping one another learn and grow together. Iron sharpens iron! CHA is a ministry that is 100% Holy Spirit led and does not ascribe to any 'religion.' As a spiritual leader, Michelle helps fellow warriors understand this spiritual battle between good and evil, and helps them navigate through the spiritual awakening as they adapt to the new spiritual norm. CHA is all about trauma healing and spiritual growth with God's wisdom, basic scientific facts and more. You can learn more by visiting CHA's website! 

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    Book preview

    How Narcissism is Bred - Michelle Dickey

    Dedication & Gratitude

    I dedicate this book to Jesus Christ, our Savior, the light and the way to the Heavenly Father, God Almighty. Thanking God for another day, every day keeps me going and keeps me alert to see what He needs me to see. Jesus is and has been my inspiration to get this information out to the public.

    I thank the Godhead first and foremost for all that happens, good and bad, because life is full of ongoing lessons. Secondly, I thank all my supporters in the Quora family and my immediate family for standing by my side through thick and thin.

    I want to thank all my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ for being who you are and staying steadfast with the Godhead. In this spiritual battle, we all need to keep that full armor of God on to thwart the fiery darts of the wicked. In Jesus’s name, Amen.

    Introduction: Sequel to the First Book – One Rose Tinted and One Clear Lens: How Narcissism is the Work of the Devil

    In my previous book that discusses how narcissism is the work of the devil, I mention three competing realities: two rose-tinted lenses, the one rose-tinted and one clear lens, and two clear lenses realities. The two clear lenses reality is God’s reality, the one where we start to see through all the lies and deception of the devil’s fantasy land here on earth. I have decided to break down how each reality works and explain how each one of us goes through life stages to get to God’s reality. However, it has come to my attention that most people get stuck in the one rose-tinted and one clear lens reality as they continue to follow the crowd instead of the Godhead.

    Why is any of this important you might ask? We are told in scripture that once we learn a truth or mystery of the gospel, we are to share it with others. That is what I am doing as God reveals more of His truths to me daily. Additionally, we are responsible for not being deceived again once we learn a truth. Deception is the theme of any battle, and it is no exception to the spiritual battle we are all facing daily. We are in a spiritual war between narcissists and empaths whereby the narcissists choose to side with evil, starting with the worship of money. Sure, we all have bills to pay and necessities in life, but we are not to put anything above the Godhead.

    Yet the narcissists choose the path of destruction, and sadly, a lot of them are truly crept in unawares they have been duped by the devil himself. Empaths often suffer the most from the abuse in the system of narcissism and luckily, many of us become warriors for other survivors. True survivors, that is. See, there are narcissists who love to play the victim card, pretending to be a survivor but since they cannot mirror spirituality, they are easy to spot. People who hang onto the past and use it to garner sympathy and tug at emotional strings are just narcissists who are seeking attention. They learn to be this way in the two rose-tinted lens reality and carry it over into the one rose tinted and one clear lens reality.

    I am sure many of you can think of a few people you know who play the pity party game quite well. The truth is, a real survivor does not live in the past, nor do they live with the victim mindset, a type of thought process that makes the person think the world owes them something. The sense of entitlement is obvious in individuals with a victim mentality. The free August newsletter will touch more on this victim mentality and everyone is welcome to subscribe at the bottom of my homepage of the website, listed at the end of this book. So, what is the deal with these three realities? They represent a snapshot of life stages and how God uses what the devil dishes out against him.

    When satan dishes out his evil plans, God has a way of intervening that is far cleverer than we could ever imagine. God works miracles around what the wicked try to do to His children, as He did say, He will curse those who try to curse His chosen ones. After all, He did curse the devil when the devil deceived Adam and Eve (Book of Genesis). The wicked narcissists hate God’s chosen ones, and my previous book explains the abuse in more detail. The chosen ones are empaths who find their purpose God gave them. As stated in several of my videos, God has a purpose for each one of us who don’t choose narcissism as a life’s path. And that purpose is unique and individual.

    For many, it takes going through the first two realities to finally see what

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