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Proof Animals Have Souls
Proof Animals Have Souls
Proof Animals Have Souls
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Proof Animals Have Souls

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This bestselling Animal Souls serialized research of generously sized instalments is a gripping "must read" for all those who consider themselves religiously or spiritually inclined as these books stimulate readers to reflect on our true relationship to the rest of sentient creation and convincingly reveal our shared continued survival beyond physi
Release dateJun 6, 2014
Proof Animals Have Souls

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    Proof Animals Have Souls - Jackie Jones-Hunt Phd




    The thinking man must oppose all cruel customs no matter how deeply rooted in tradition and surrounded by a halo. When we have a choice, we must avoid bringing torment and injury into the life of another, even the lowliest creature; to do so is to renounce our manhood and shoulder a guilt which nothing justifies.

    Rev. Dr. Albert Schweitzer, (1875-1965).

    The introduction which follows summarizes the contents of this serialized research split into a short series of generously sized books.

    At the outset here, I would like to say a few words about our dear dog Teddy Edward who passed to spirit as my first installment was ready for print. Due to his transition to the spirit realm this manuscript lay untouched on my desk for many months. The evidence for my dog Edward’s transition to the alternate coexistent dimension of spirit and his continued survival has been overwhelming. Offering a brief summary of the verification for Edward’s continued survival here is in total harmony with the theme of my research.

    Below, I provide my brief account of Edward including an extract taken from the large amount of proof given to myself and my husband, Tony, by the distinguished Scottish medium Gary Cooke. The evidence of Edward’s continued survival after death continues to this day to be confirmed by mediums who know nothing about me and are unknown to each other.

    The continued post death survival of our two earlier dogs, who passed to the spirit realms some years before, named Jac and Sioux, has also been proven and verified by other mediums, at differing intervals over many years. Evidence of their continued lives has been given to me by mediums providing spiritualist church demonstrations and in one to one conversations with mediums, independently of each other and unknown to each other.

    Evidence of our dogs’ survival has come from many sources including mediums such as Keith Noble, Jean Hole, Caroline Wilson, Ricky Martin, Jean Brown, Aileen Wallace, Billy McFadzean, Virginia Swann, Kay Cook and Anne McCutcheon.

    Returning to the medium Gary Cooke, the accurate and detailed communications Gary received through his mediumship have further fuelled my existing concrete conviction that Edward has survived physical death, and is alive and well. Gary’s evidential proof has given me and my husband great comfort as has the kindness of Gary’s wife Maureen.

    After carrying out decades of psychical research observing and listening to a wide range of physical mediumistic phenomena, including communications from spirit manifestations and entranced mediums and a broad spectrum of mediumistic demonstrations together with my own personal spiritually transformative mediumistic and psychic experiences, of seeing and hearing human and animal spirits, I am convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that all animals, human and non-human make an inevitable and natural transition to the spirit realm at physical death as a fact of nature.

    Each sentient two-legged and four legged animal shares the same flesh and blood and nerve endings which transmit pain to the brain. It is my conviction that each soul, alternatively known as ‘spirit’ or ‘consciousness/personality’ survives in an indestructible pure energy form, (as energy cannot be destroyed), continuing to live in a recognizable, dynamically alive state intact for eternity and has the choice to reincarnate periodically. The ancient wise sages referred to this as the transmigration of the soul from one species to another for the purposes of soul growth.

    The following brief summary account explains the events leading up to Edward’s transition to spirit and the verification of Edward’s continued survival after his physical death. This initially tragic yet uplifting account should help all those who love their adopted innocent, trusting, emotional animal babes and grieve for them after they pass to the spirit realms.

    Those who adopt pets are well aware that they exude endless unconditional love, loyalty and companionship from the moment of their arrival to the moment of their death. The following account should prove that our pets’ devotion, friendship and loyalty continue without end after their physical deaths. All pet owners would agree that their typically four-legged petemotional-babe soon becomes an additional family member and his/her physical passing fractures their soul with grief as deeply as the loss of a two-legged child.

    Returning to the events that led to Edward’s transition to spirit, one evening I lay on our settee to watch TV, putting a cushion under my head, when our gentle and loving Jack Russell, Edward, came over and stood on the floor beside me. As I leaned over to scoop him up to cuddle him, as I had done an infinite number of times before, our faces converged and shockingly at that moment he had a wild enraged fit.

    Suddenly, wildly and uncontrollably enraged, Edward sitting on my chest, lashed out and bit off part of my top lip, fractionally lifting his face he returned to take another bite which included my nose and just beneath my eye. Thankfully this second bite was stopped by Tony, my husband.

    Moments later, as Edward’s glazed eyes cleared, recognition returned and he reverted back to his usual quiet, loving, placid, sensitive self. Now sitting on the kitchen floor, kind and calm again, Edward raised his paw to shake my hand. Peace-loving Edward used to offer his paw to shake hands with any vet after they had given him an injection, clearly asking each vet to be his friend instead of hurting him!

    At this juncture, obviously both Edward and I were traumatized with blood and disbelief. Immediately afterwards Tony took me to the hospital, I thought I was there to receive a tetanus injection only but was kept in for three days and underwent an operation to stitch up my lip. I watched the hospital clock throughout the first night and did not sleep a wink - I could not believe or understand what had happened.

    When I came out of the anesthetic I could not breathe which was extremely frightening. The day after I returned from hospital I had the vet check Edward out with blood tests and a liver scan. She discovered Edward had a urine infection and initially I wondered if that had been severe enough to make him hallucinate as had been the case with my granddad. This did not seem to be the case.

    During the following days we noticed on more than one occasion he lost his balance and strangely in the car his whole body shook with terrified anxiety. Edward also chased Lizzie our younger smaller female Jack Russell away on two occasions, she is our extremely feminine, two year old Jack Russell and we, like Edward himself, became afraid he might one day hurt her. Edward and Lizzie have always adored each other. From the outset Edward took on the paternal role, regularly washing and protecting her and conducting himself like the perfect gentleman he was/is.

    I know after the event with me our shocked Edward realized what he had done to me, due to the fact he instantly returned to his usual calm, loving self, wanting to shake hands. Some days after the event, I asked my tarot cards was Edward aware of what he had done, as his actions shocked both himself and me. Astonishingly, after shuffling the cards I picked out the Strength card which shows the lady calming the lion, clearly telling me he did know he had become uncontrollable like the lion. Indeed, he was aware that he had acted totally out of character and that this new uncontrollable periodic instability may cause him to hurt Lizzie when he was not himself.

    After the event, he frightened her on two occasions. He made it clear to me that he wanted to sleep besides me in my office at home as usual but to no longer be in the same room as playful, unpredictable, young Lizzie. For instant rage and aggression to come on that fast and then disappear, the crisis had to stem from a deep-seated, neurological problem. Obviously Edward’s usual loving personality was being intermittently adversely affected through the manifestation of intense aggression brought on by pressure and pain. However, soon after the event, we had him on medication to avoid further pain.

    Everything pointed to Edward having a brain tumor or an intra-cerebral aneurysm caused earlier in his life by violence towards him, such as being kicked in the head or thrown against an object or a wall. An aneurysm in the brain is a progressive swelling of the blood vessel secondary to head trauma, growing larger with age, behaving much the same way as a tumor.

    Five days later we visited the hospital to have my stitches out those inside my mouth were left to dissolve naturally. Due to the intricacy of the procedure the pain added to the emotional pain and in tears I told the nurse the sad situation about Edward. I could no longer trust our loving dog due to his illness causing his fit of uncontrollable rage.

    The nurse offered me a mirror from which I flinched. I did not want to see the mess my lip was in and the damaged nerves that prevented me from being able to smile as I could no longer hide my wound behind the stitches and plasters. I did not want to see the new ‘me’ whose life with Edward my loving, devoted doggie son and funny swimming companion had tragically been turned upside down!

    En route to the train station to return home, we stopped in a shopping mall for something to eat before which I visited the bathroom to wash my hands. Still not wanting to see my wounded lip, inadvertently, as I entered the room, I glimpsed myself in the mirror. At that exact same moment, fluted music rang out the words: So take a good look at my face, you’ll see my smile looks out of place, if you look closer it’s easy to trace the tracks of my tears….I tell a joke or two…deep inside I am blue…. Some months later I have learned that the song was sung by Smokey Robinson.

    As I exited, the words of the next song rang out: It’s hard to say goodbye to the one you love. I was astonished by the precise, exact and unique relevance of the above words for the situation Edward and I had found our self in. My deepest intuition told me that these songs were indeed specific messages for me, though I was still shocked and traumatized by the whole situation.

    At home again, increasingly we knew our wee Edward was ill, he lacked energy, he wanted to sleep most of the time and his eyes showed he was not always himself. I frequently told him he was a good boy to reassure him but was frightened to pick him up and cuddle him as I had done thousands of times before. I bought a Rottweiler cage and placed it by the radiator in our bedroom, in Edward’s spot, and put his usual bed and purple blanket inside it, the only difference now was that he would be sleeping in the large cage at night to protect Lizzie and prevent her from bothering him in the night as she slept besides him in her dog-bed.

    Nearly two weeks after Edward had bitten my face, on the Friday night I asked the angels to guide me. A few hours later Edward woke me in the middle of the night for the toilet. I awoke knowing what I had to do. Shockingly, painfully, I knew I had to let Edward go. I have never had my prayers answered so quickly and sadly the answer fractured my soul. I awoke now clearly knowing that we could not heal Edward that the answer was not antibiotics, pain killers, an unused muzzle or a cage. I could no longer let him play with Lizzie or trust him in this condition.

    I had to protect Edward from himself and I had to protect small, young Lizzie. Tony my husband was to go away shortly so I would not have help in keeping them separated or to get Edward off me or Lizzie if his obvious illness caused him to be enraged again.

    The real Edward would have given his life for Tony, me and Lizzie, who still wanted to play with him. If ever a loving soul such as Teddy Edward deserved ‘a forever home’ Edward did, now illness was taking him away – my heart broke as I wondered how much of his illness was the legacy of his cruel persecutor, the drug addict who kicked him in the head and body and threw him about since he was a defenseless puppy. What a terrible, unfair, heartbreaking and tragic hand of cards Edward had been given for this

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