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Guinea Fowl, Backyard Poultry: Keeping Guinea Fowl
Guinea Fowl, Backyard Poultry: Keeping Guinea Fowl
Guinea Fowl, Backyard Poultry: Keeping Guinea Fowl
Ebook122 pages1 hour

Guinea Fowl, Backyard Poultry: Keeping Guinea Fowl

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Guinea Fowl, Backyard Poultry a book that covers the care of keeping Guinea fowl from feeding, rearing, hatching eggs, housing and diseases. The book is a guide for anyone wishing to keep Guinea Fowl. The facts and information contain within the book are written in an easy to read style.
Release dateMay 8, 2015
Guinea Fowl, Backyard Poultry: Keeping Guinea Fowl

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    Guinea Fowl, Backyard Poultry - June Rose

    Guinea Fowl, Backyard Poultry

    Keeping Guinea Fowl

    A Beginner’s Guide to Breeding and Keeping Guinea Fowl

    Published by Peter Franks 2015

    Copyright and trademarks. This publication is Copyright 2015 by Peter Franks. All products, publication, software and services mentioned and recommended in this are protected by trademarks. In such instance, all trademarks & copyright belong to the respective owners.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transferred in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage retrieval system, without the written permission of the author. Pictures used in this book are either royalty free pictures bought from stock-photo websites or have the source mention underneath the picture.

    Disclaimer and legal Notice. This product is not legal or medical advice and should not be interpreted in that manner. You need to do your own due-diligence to determine if the content of this product is right for you. The author and the affiliates of this product are not liable for any damages or losses associated with the content in this product. While every attempt has been made to verify the information shared in this publication, neither the author nor the affiliates assume any responsibility for errors, omissions or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. Any perceived slights to any specific person(s) or organizations are purely unintentional.

    We have no control over the nature, content and availability of the web sites listed in this book. The inclusion of any web site links does not necessarily imply a recommendation or endorse the views expressed within them. Peter Franks takes no responsibility for, and will not be liable for, the websites being temporarily unavailable or being removed from the internet. The accuracy and completeness of information provided herein and opinions stated herein are not guaranteed or warranted to produce any particular results, and the advice and strategies, contain herein may not be suitable for every individual. The author shall not be liable for any loss incurred as a consequence of the use and application, directly or indirectly, of any information presented in this work. This publication is designed to provide information in regards to the subject matter covered.

    ISBN: 9780992999858 (ebook)


    Guinea fowl are a type of backyard poultry that, though native to Africa, are becoming increasingly popular with poultry farmers all over the world. These birds are incredibly entertaining to keep as pets and they provide a number of practical benefits as well. Whether you are thinking about keeping guinea fowl as a means of pest control on your farm or you want to raise them for food, this book is a great place to start.

    Within the pages of this book you will find a wealth of information about guinea fowl as pets as well as tips for raising them and keeping them healthy. By the time you finish this book you will be equipped to decide whether or not these birds are the right choice for you and, if they are, you will be well on your way in preparing to keep them for yourself and your family.


    I would like to extend my sincerest thanks to my friends and family for their patient support throughout the process of writing this book.

    Special thanks to my husband who always has been and always will be my rock.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter One: Introduction

    Useful Terms to Know

    Chapter Two: Understanding Guinea Fowl

    1.) What Are Guinea Fowl?

    2.) Facts About Guinea Fowl

    Summary of Guinea Fowl Facts

    3.) History of Guinea Fowl as Pets

    4.) Types of Guinea Fowl

    5.) The Roles of Guinea Fowl

    a.) Pest Control

    b.) Deterring Poultry Predators

    c.) Source of Food

    d.) Entertaining Pets

    Chapter Three: What to Know Before You Buy

    1.) Do You Need a License?

    a.) Licensing in the U.S.

    b.) Licensing in the U.K.

    2.) How Many Should You Buy?

    3.) Can Guinea Fowl Be Kept with Other Poultry?

    4.) Pros and Cons of Guinea Fowl

    Chapter Four: Purchasing Guinea Fowl

    1.) Where to Buy Guinea Fowl

    a.) Buying in the U.S.

    b.) Buying in the U.K.

    2.) How to Select Healthy Guinea Fowl

    Chapter Five: Caring for Guinea Fowl

    1.) Habitat Requirements

    a.) Keeping Free-Range Guinea Fowl

    b.) Providing Shelter for Guinea Fowl

    c.) Coop Training Guinea Fowl

    d.) Keeping Guinea Fowl Safe from Predators

    2.) Feeding Guinea Fowl

    a.) Nutritional Needs

    b.) Feeding Recommendations

    3.) Necessary Procedures

    a.) Wing Clipping

    b.) Culling

    c.) Guinea Fowl for the Table

    Chapter Six: Breeding Guinea Fowl

    1.) Basic Breeding Info

    2.) The Breeding Process

    3.) Raising the Babies

    Chapter Seven: Keeping Guinea Fowl Healthy

    1.) Common Health

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