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Mama's Medicines - Growing Your Backyard Apothecary
Mama's Medicines - Growing Your Backyard Apothecary
Mama's Medicines - Growing Your Backyard Apothecary
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Mama's Medicines - Growing Your Backyard Apothecary

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We need to learn, and very quickly, how to care for our medical needs. This world is getting progressively worse. If we wait until everything falls apart, there will be no time to learn.


But right now, we have a moment or two to learn to make our own meds. With that skill in hand, even after the SHTF, we can maintain our health. In fact, some may find that through learning these skills, we become healthier than we have ever been.


Make the Minimalist Health Kit, four infused oils you can take with you anywhere.


Find the best place to survive should your home be stolen.


Make dozens of herbal supplemental teas that can replace the meds you now take.


Discover the herbal tincture that will protect you from the spike protein that your vaccinated friends are shedding.


It only depends upon our willingness to learn how to use the bounty we've been given.


With the step-by-step instructions to address each plant's benefits, we can care for ourselves and our loved ones. In fact, anyone can. This book makes it as easy as sipping a cup of tea.

Release dateJul 19, 2021
Mama's Medicines - Growing Your Backyard Apothecary

Patricia Renard Scholes

Born into an abusive home, Patricia determined to make a better home when she married. She realized as soon as her first child was born that she needed to relearn how to parent. After much reading, trial and error, and advice, she accomplished her goal so well she began to parent other children in her home. That is the background Patricia brings into her stories. Her "children" are heroes, survivors who lived through tough childhoods and went on to become successful adults. Although her work is mainly science fiction, her characters are based on composites of real people who also must live with their decisions. Patricia and her husband, live outside of Durango, Colorado, surrounded by national forest, a great environment for a writer.  

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    Mama's Medicines - Growing Your Backyard Apothecary - Patricia Renard Scholes


    Iam not, nor ever will be, your doctor. The instructions in this book are suggestions for emergency use only. If you’re lucky enough to have a doctor after this country shuts down, you probably won’t need this book.

    This book is for those who are just now becoming aware that the SHTF days are almost upon us. There will be no medical care, no transportation to get to a doctor even if there were medical care. In the coming days, foreign soldiers will patrol the streets. Many people, especially Christians, will be in hiding. I know these things because God gave me a series of dreams and visions to prepare me. I prepared, so now I’m sharing so you can prepare too.

    You will find that many of the herbs address the same things. Which ones should you use? The simple answer is to use the ones that are the most abundant and the easiest to prepare. The next answer is to try them all, and use what works best for your body. Also, because this collection is not comprehensive, you can do your own research to find out more. There is nothing I’ve done that you can’t do. Explore! God gave us a whole natural pharmacy right at our fingertips.

    A wise caution: Before you ingest any unfamiliar herb, take a small amount and apply it to the inside of your wrist to test for any allergic reaction before consuming it.

    The society we currently enjoy is coming to an end. The monetary system is on the edge of collapse. The power grid will be shut down, which means no power and no water. No power means no way to keep gas in your vehicle, because the pumps don’t work when there’s no electricity. No power also means no water, because the system needs electricity. No internet. No commerce. Nothing the way you’re used to.

    Do this exercise. Go into each room in your house and touch everything, and say gone. Imagine what you’ll do without it. Can you even keep your house? If you don’t use these next few days, you’ll end up in a FEMA camp at the mercy of powers that want you dead.

    But most of all, you only have a short time left to get right with Jesus. When it’s all said and done, He’s our great, best hope. He offers life. This world only offers death.

    Just a note here: In this book, I’ve included some things you need to plant as a part of your medicine chest, such as mint, parsley, dill and sage. I planted what I thought I might need during a future collapse. In your apartment (what most people have), trailer park lot (what we have), your backyard, or your acreage, you need to PLANT something. Find out what you need, what you like, and learn how to use them before the SHTF.


    To Make a Basic Tea

    For thousands of years , people used teas as medicine. People lived long, healthy lives without Big Pharma. You can too.

    Harvest and dry your herbs thoroughly. You may store them in paper bags or in jars.

    I save all glass jars with good lids. The lids are not meant to seal, but they can be tightly closed.

    I also save jars without good lids. That’s when I use a square of cloth or a coffee filter as a lid. Then I tie it closed with a string or a rubber band. Not all jars need tightly fitting lids. Sometimes they need to allow air inside, but not dust.

    To make your tea, use about 1 teaspoon of the herb. This will vary from herb to herb. As you get used to your herbs, you may want to adjust the amount, either more or less.

    Put your herb in a tea ball. Add hot water. Let steep for at least 10 minutes. Sip slowly.

    I always say sip slowly. Sit down. This is a personal indulgence. This is when you care for yourself. You may sip your tea while you’re doing other things, reading, preparing herbs, shelling peas, snapping beans, but please sit down. Do what you can to relax. After the SHTF, you will be stressed. Taking the time to relax is good medicine.


    To Make an Infused Oil

    Fill a clean jar with the fresh chopped-up herb.

    Fill the jar with 100% vegetable oil. I prefer olive oil, but you decide what you want.

    Put on a loosely fitting lid. A coffee filter held in place with a rubber band will work. So will a cloth tied with a string.

    Let sit out of direct sunlight for 4-6 weeks. Write down on the calendar the day you prepared this infusion so that you will not go over 6 weeks.

    Every day for the first week, poke a table knife or a chopstick into the mixture in several places to release air bubbles. Pockets of air can begin to rot your herb. This is something you don’t want. You may be surprised at the number of air bubbles present. I know I was at first.

    Then let the mixture stand undisturbed for the remaining 3-5 weeks.

    Strain the diffused oil into another clean glass jar, this time with a tightly fitting lid. Throw away the vegetable matter.

    Label the jar with the herb, its purpose, and the date.

    Put the jar in a place that does not get any direct sun. It need not be in a cupboard with a door. A shelf in a corner of your living room that never gets sun is just as good. I store my herbs and empty jars on some shelving in a corner beside my fireplace.


    To Make a Salve or Lotion

    Pour 2 cups of your infused oil into a pan. Add 1-2 ounces of beeswax. Put on low heat to melt the beeswax. DO NOT ALLOW THE MIXTURE TO BOIL.

    When all the beeswax is melted, pour into small jars with tightly fitting lids. 4-ounce jelly jars will work just fine, as will any other jar you’re recycling from previous use.

    The jar does not need to seal. The lid just needs to fit tightly.

    A note on beeswax: Beeswax is getting harder and harder to find and is no longer cheap. We’re killing our world with herbicides and pesticides. Some of our casualties include these amazing pollinators.

    If you can’t get any beeswax, you can use the oil. Oils can be massaged into muscles or applied with a cotton-tipped swab or clean cloth to the affected area. Do not put your finger into the oil. The oils from your hands may affect the quality of the medicinal oil.


    To Make a Tincture

    Fill a clean jar with a tightly fitting lid ¾ full with the chopped, fresh herb. Fill the jar to the top with 80-proof vodka. The higher the alcohol content, the better.

    Attach the lid and shake the jar (not vigorously) to make sure all the vegetable matter is covered. Let stand in a dark place for 8 weeks or longer.

    The first week, shake the jar every day. Your goal is to make sure the herb remains covered. Eventually it will sink below the surface of the alcohol. You do not want any airborne pathogens to taint your tincture, but do not peek inside to make sure it’s covered. KEEP

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