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Mastering Your Financial Sense
Mastering Your Financial Sense
Mastering Your Financial Sense
Ebook101 pages1 hour

Mastering Your Financial Sense

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Mastering your financial sense, tops the must-read personal finance books if you want to enhance your financial intelligence and achieve financial growth. The author highlights the benefits of thinking rationally about our finances rather than emotionally following biases and bad habits.
The only book that illustrates practical wealth-building principles and strategies for teenagers, employees, self-employed people, business owners, and investors.
Looking to take ownership and control of your financial future, develop a prosperity mindset and grow your wealth? This book will teach you the appropriate principles to achieve your long-term plans. Financial planning, risk management, diversification of income, leveraging on others’ resources, are few of many lessons shared by the author.
No other book on personal finance combines traditional theories in finance, economics and investments with neuropsychology, and behavioral economics to educate readers on how to make smart decisions about making, saving, borrowing, spending, investing and managing money.
PublisherDany Lebbos
Release dateJul 20, 2021
Mastering Your Financial Sense

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    Book preview

    Mastering Your Financial Sense - Dany Lebbos






    Financial intelligence and

    behavioral economics inside.

    Dany K. Lebbos                  2021 edition

    This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information regarding the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the author, and the publisher are not engaged in rendering direct personal investing, financing, valuation, neuroscientific or other professional advisory services. If expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought including the ones presented personally to you by the author but not within the context of this book.





    Copyright © 2021 by Dany K. Lebbos

    First edition 2021

    All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author.

    Published by : Dany Lebbos

    ISBN : 978-9953-0-5068-3      (paper back)

    ISBN : 979-1220-8-2752-2      (e-book)

    Visit our website on-line at


    Telephone: +9613430718

    From the publication series of the founder of the IAIVC International Association of Innovation and Value Creation and the author of the motivational book, You are what you did.





    Understanding The Importance of Financial Intelligence

    Why Financial Sense?

    Your Financial Intelligence Behavior

    The Importance of Financial Education

    Improve Your Financial Information

    Your Three Prosperity Fundamentals

    Is Knowing the Fundamentals Enough for Wealth Building?

    Prosperity Mindset and Financial Behavior

    Prosperity Mindset

    Make or Break Cognitive Decision Making

    Behavioral Economics Impact on Wealth Building

    Financial Planning

    Risk Management Behavior

    How To Survive a Financial Crisis

    Conquer the World with Social and Financial IQ

    Personal Wealth Creation and Management

    Ways to Achieve Wealth

    Choose the Right Career

    The Power of Leverage

    Wealth Building Strategies that Fit your Aspirations, Visions and Values

    Prosperity Principles for Financially Educated Children

    Principles and Strategies to Create Wealth for Employees

    Principles and Strategies to Create Wealth for Self-employed People

    Principles and Strategies to Create Wealth for Business Owners

    Principles and Strategies to Create Wealth for Investors

    Cutting on Your Losses

    Managing Your Wealth


    About the Author


    A few years ago, I wrote and published my first motivational book addressing readers with beneficial lessons on how to take charge of their fate and act towards the achievement of their goals by helping them make better choices in life—choices that will positively contribute to their future.

    During the first years of publication, I was personally delivering copies to bookstores, negotiating revenue sharing plans and payment terms, sales return policies, deliveries to foreign countries, stock level management and collection of sales proceeds. Tens of emails were sent to me from various readers expressing their gratitude on the lessons they learned from this book, to whom I was happy to respond.

    What was intended to be a medium for sharing life-improving lessons, turned out to be a micro business-venture requiring entrepreneurial skills in production, planning, time management, supply chain, contracting with third parties, profitability management, sales, marketing, and after-sales customer management. I enjoyed every aspect of this venture and learned valuable lessons, but what I enjoyed the most was the passive income stream selling this book was generating for me years after, no matter how little it was.

    Come to think of it, that was one of the many self-taught lessons in financial intelligence I have been through and learned from, which made me consider writing a second book to share new beneficial experiences with readers and marginally expand my passive income stream.


    To the almighty for being present in my life and for giving me the wisdom to choose, the knowledge to act, the will to achieve, the courage to persist, the feelings to enjoy and the kindness to share.

    Once again, I should recognize my efforts for being able to spend long hours year after year to transform what was intended to be an undergraduate crash course in financial intelligence into a book while I am fully engaged with my family, in work, and personal assets protection for the most parts of the day.

    My sincerest and heartfelt gratitude goes to the following people who directly or indirectly contributed to the success of this book:

    My wife Tania for doing her best for us with her intuitive financial sense. So grateful for having you in my life and for being a wonderful wife. You are a star sweetheart.

    My three charming daughters for inspiring me to push my limits and achieve my biggest goals. I wholeheartedly thank you, ladies.

    For those who contributed in designing this book cover, Alain Semaan and my wife again.

    And last but not least, to all the readers to whom this book is dedicated in good faith.


    In the motivational book, You are what you did, I wrote that "we have career goals, emotional or relationship goals, financial goals. Things we want to achieve that make our lives worth living. But often these things are difficult to achieve. We have to work hard at them, invest time, money, emotional and physical energy into them, and here we might fail in case we do not prioritize them especially with the world of media, social networking, marketing communications, and pressing economic needs where our time, purchase power and attention are becoming scarce."

    Although I referred to financial goals broadly, I did not elaborate on personal financial goals setting and implementation because the book was intended to entice readers into taking charge of their fate and acting towards the achievement of their goals of all sorts by helping them make better choices in life—choices that will positively contribute to their future.

    But gradually, I realized that many of you out there are financially struggling and needed assistance in understanding and implementing sound prosperity principles. Even if you knew the importance of financial literacy, you needed to learn how to materialize your thoughts into actions and how to overcome the challenges obstructing your wealth-building journey.

    Therefore, and in contribution to your financial wellbeing, this book on financial intelligence mastery was written to provide individuals who do not possess a strong grounding in personal finance a better understanding of the importance of financial literacy and help them to develop financial skills and apply this knowledge immediately to create future wealth.

    The book was designed to help you evaluate financial information that is uncertain, time-constrained, risky and strategic in nature and may lead to potential gains or losses, using insights from psychology, behavioral economics and neuroscience in addition to traditional theories in finance, economics and investments so that you can make smart decisions about making, saving, borrowing, spending, and investing money.

    As a reader, you will gain a detailed understanding of critical financial fundamentals and will be

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