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The Annunaki; The Reckoning: The Annunaki, #5
The Annunaki; The Reckoning: The Annunaki, #5
The Annunaki; The Reckoning: The Annunaki, #5
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The Annunaki; The Reckoning: The Annunaki, #5

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In the previous book in the series "2022; The Return of the Annunaki", the Annunaki mysteriously disappeared when they were on the cusp of deciding mankind's fate as custodians of Planet Earth. Their decision was based on whether mankind was the right species to ensure the survival of the planet into the future. Their concern was not for mankind, but for the long-term survival of the planet and whether we, as a species would be able to rectify the environmental damage we had already caused and return the Earth to an equilibrium.

The Annunaki were a telepathic species and in their time observing Earth they had interacted with us, enhancing the telepathic ability of some and increasing many to match their own IQ of 250. The chosen telepaths that remained after the disappearance of the Annunaki were by earth standards geniuses with a score well above that of Einstein and they had a commitment to ensure the environmental well-being of the planet. Some saw them as saviors while others saw them as the spawn of the Annunaki to be exterminated, The Annunaki had left; but their progeny remained.

PublisherJack Lourens
Release dateJul 26, 2021
The Annunaki; The Reckoning: The Annunaki, #5

Robert Smith

I am a recently retired college professor. Now I am able to write in a lighter vein! Hobbies, beside writing, include cooking, wine tasting and painting.

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    Book preview

    The Annunaki; The Reckoning - Robert Smith

    The Reckoning

    Chapter One

    After a long day Lisa Henning-Butler sat back, relaxing comfortably in her wingback red leather chair in her prestigious rooms at Stanford University, a Jack Daniels and Coke with ice was on the Georgian side table next to her as she skimmed through the latest copy of the Audubon Magazine. Lisa, 49 and newly single, had served under the presidency of Barak Obama as the Director of Energy and Climate Change Policy but now held a Professorship in Climate Change at the university and as an environmental advisor to a number of blue-chip organizations.

    As she took her first sip from her Jack Daniels and Coke a sharp knock sounded on her door.

    That’s late she groaned to herself. Two suits stood there.

    We been sent by the President of the United States with instructions to accompany you to a meeting at the White House. You are to pack for three nights. We are to leave immediately, said Suit One perfunctorily.

    You are to pack for three nights after which we will deliver you back here, said Suit Two.

    She packed, hardly acknowledging the two suits who had been sent to collect her. Lisa understood that they were just carrying out their orders and knew nothing about the reason why she had been summoned. A long drive, a private jet, and another long drive and she entered by the east door of the White House. The security was thorough. She wasn’t sure if the protocols had changed following the insurrection or whether there was more to it.

    Lisa was led along a corridor that she had never been down in her many visits to the White House. Two security men searched her luggage thoroughly, scanned her and took her phone away. They were shortly joined by a female security guard.

    You will accompany me to the room over there, pointed the female security guard. "Where you be strip searched and undergo a full body examination. Do you have any objections?

    Bloody hell, what’s this all about, thought Lisa.

    None, she said.

    After the rather detailed and personal search the two male security guards accompanied her to an elevator where they went down two floors. She was shown into a functional bedroom with prints by Govinder Nazaran on the walls and no windows.

    There is a meeting at 09.00 hours tomorrow. We will ensure you are woken in good time. Take nothing with you. Everything you need will be provided, said one of the security guards without elaborating further.

    As they left, she couldn’t help but notice the door being locked from the outside.

    There was a knock on the door at 06.30 precisely. The locked door was opened and a maid entered carrying what turned out to be a very good breakfast. The maid locked the door on the way out. After getting ready she sat on the corner of the bed and waited. At 08.00 there was a knock on the door. She opened it to find the same security guard who had strip searched her the previous evening.

    Really, remarked Lisa.

    Protocol, Ma’am, replied the security guard.

    When the strip search had been completed, she was handed over to two security guards. She walked between them until she arrived at a riveted metal door with a lock on the outside. The type of lock you would find on an old style safe. The door was opened as she was motioned to go in. Inside was the insignia of the President of the United States, a long conference table and down the far end four tables and chairs.

    Lisa, how nice to see you again, said the president as he shook her hand. Please accept my apologies for bringing you hear in this manner, but you have been brought here on a matter of the highest national importance.

    He looks old, thought Lisa.

    She looked around, recognizing some of the people in the room. Those she recognized included some she had worked alongside under the Obama administration but most she recognized from TV and the media. They introduced themselves and chatted for a while before the president indicated for them to sit in the seats that had been designated for them. The room was subdued waiting for the president to speak. None of them knew why they were here.

    Good Morning, ladies and gentlemen, the president commenced. He had waited until the security team had completed their final sweep and secured the metal door from the outside. Around the table sat eight members of his administration and four hand-picked experts representing various disciplines in the scientific community. As you can see from the security protocols in place this is a top-secret meeting. No official record of this meeting will be kept and you are not permitted to transcribe your recollection after the meeting. You will sign to that effect.

    Sign here, he said after which the president walked around to each delegate and waited until they had signed in his presence.

    "No doubt you are wondering why you have been summoned here today to this obscure underground part of the White House whose history goes back to the days of the Cold War. I would like to congratulate, in their absence the team who updated this neglected part of the White House in time for today’s very important meeting.

    You ladies and gentlemen form the new Viper team. The team that held responsibility for keeping the news of aliens away from the public for so long and was dissolved by President Obama after making the knowledge held known across the world. The new Viper team has a new remit, one that ensures our nations readiness should aliens reappear, but first it has one over-riding remit and that is to assess the threats remaining after the timely disappearance of the Annunaki and to counter those threats.

    Why timely, thought Lisa. She looked again at the president. He did not look old, under his amiable façade he looked angry. Timely because he was no fan of the Annunaki.

    Having established both the importance of the meeting and his dominance over the group as President of the United States he invited those attending to help themselves to coffee.

    You will notice that at the far end of the room are four tables with four seats around them. You will find a nameplate at each of places. Your first task is for each team to provide a review of the risks facing society following the disappearance of the Annunaki. I will move around the room listen to the discussions without comment, just ignore me. As you know we have all set aside three days to fully discuss the implications of the Annunaki. Today we will brainstorm the situation. You will move between groups at the appropriate time. Tomorrow we will develop broad strategies and on the third day we will consider the operational implications involved in those strategies. If we need more time then so be it.

    You may wonder why this room, he continued. "Simply, it is lead-lined. As we all know the Annunaki were telepaths and many on earth now have that ability either reawakened or enhanced. We have no idea if the lead-lining would stop telepathic transmissions but in case one or more of you are telepaths it is an attempt to keep what is discussed in this meeting as confidential as possible. No offence meant.

    He gestured with his hand and those in front of him walked to their allotted place. Each of the four tables had one seat for a member of the scientific community. They introduced themselves to each other and, as was the convention, elected one person to manage the discussion.

    Around table 2 sat the head of the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of Homeland Security, the Director of National Security, and Lisa Henning-Butler. The Secretary of Defense assumed leadership of the group based on his seniority. Lisa already feeling a little overawed in such august company just deferred.

    The threats remaining after the disappearance of the Annunaki would appear to be the starting point. Once we have recognized the threats then we can look at how best to mitigate or eliminate them, he said.

    ........... breakdown of society, said one.

    Our nation is dependent on fossil fuels, said another.

    Climate change remains unproven, said another.

    Why are we looking only at the threats? Lisa interjected early in the discussion.

    The president’s brief is quite clear. We are to look at the threats, said the Secretary of Defense. The Annunaki have gone, not to return in our lifetime. We are here to discuss only what the president instructed us to do.

    Quite right, said a voice. It is business that drives our great country not environmentalists.

    Lisa sat still and observed growing increasingly concerned at what she was listening to;

    .......... telepaths are of alien origin.; ....... no place in our society."

    Who are they to sit in judgement ......?

    It’s our planet.

    Environmental concerns are secondary in the greater scheme of things.

    Finally, the president drew the first day of the meeting to a

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