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About this ebook

Kathy was a normal, shy girl. Then one day she started to experiment with her wardrobe. Before she knew it Kathy was doing all sorts of unusual things. You might say that Kathy "enjoys" the great outdoors in a way most nature lovers haven’t even thought of. At first it started out in the privacy of her own home. Then, somehow, it got out of control. It got waaaaay out of control. Before long Kathy found herself doing things in public that she never, ever, thought she’d do.

Thankfully her good friend Colleen is there to keep lookout for her. Of course when the two of them got caught one day, in the mall, by another friend of Kathy’s things jump to an entirely different level.

The problem is the more trouble Kathy finds herself in, the more Colleen embarrasses and humiliates her, the more Kathy likes it.

Kathy is exposed to things, and places, she’s never even considered before. Kathy is exposed to all sorts of new things in the mall, in the park, in her very own neighborhood and then for the grand finale her old friend introduces her a brand new way to work.

Try the free sample chapter for a true feel of what Kathy is really about. The entire story is 41,095 words that will expose you to a whole new way to see the world.

Release dateApr 24, 2018


I've been writing naughty stories since I discovered my Dad's dirty magazines at age 8. In fact I practically learned how to read from Penthouse Forum. Surprised the hell out of me when I was old enough to realize that all women weren't nymphos with huge boobs and that men didn't have nine inch dicks!After I got over that shock I decided to write stories that were a little more realistic. Most of them have their feet firmly planted on the ground. Some may only have a toe or two desperately scraping at reality. However you will find that they all make some kind of sense. There is some kind of story or plot that actually enhances the sex. To me you need that third element to make it really hot.Sometimes I call my stories erotica. Sometimes I think that term is to pompous and haughty so I prefer to call them naughty stories. Either way I put my heart and soul into them. I write what drives my own twisted little soul towards the little death.Come die with me. It's wonderful and the afterlife is completely catered.

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    Book preview

    Kathy - Ardor

    An Book

    June 2013


    Published by

    Cover Illustration by Ardor

    Copyright (c) 2013 by Ardor

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the publisher.

    This book is a work of fiction. All people, places and events are fictitious. Any similarity to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. Further more this ebook is meant for adults only. It contains sexually explicit material. Please do not allow minors access to material they are not old enough to understand.

    This ebook was written and published by the author. Please don’t pirate it. I’m not a huge corporation that can absorb losses. I’m one person who works hard and spends a lot of time and effort to write the best story that I can for my readers. If you give away my work or get it for free you are taking money out of my pocket; money that I use to support myself, and my writing. If you’ve received this book for free please go to and buy a copy so that I can continue to bring you more of my work.

    Thank you,


    Chapter 1

    Kathy was just sitting around the house watching TV when the phone rang.

    Hello, Kathy said as she answered the phone.

    Hey, it's Colleen. I'm going to the mall to do some shopping. You wanna come?

    Um, sure, Kathy said as she looked down at her naked body.

    Kathy had been going naked around the house for about a week now. She always kept the curtains closed and no one knew or saw a thing about it. However, it was always a subtle turn on for her when she talked to someone on the phone while she was naked.

    Cool, I'm in the neighborhood. I'll be right by, Colleen said and then hung up the phone.

    Kathy slowly put down the phone and then looked at her naked body. The idea came into her head the minute she heard Colleen say that she was in the neighborhood. She could just sit there and watch TV, naked, until her best friend came over. When Colleen came in Kathy could pretend it wasn't a big deal and get dressed when it was time to leave. That way she'd actually be naked in front of someone.

    Am I really going to do this? She thought as she tried to get up her nerve.

    Kathy just sat there staring at the TV in a daze. She sat there for so long, wrapped up in her own thoughts about her nudity, that she actually jumped when the door bell rang.

    There was her chance.

    It was also her only opportunity to back out. If she got dressed quickly, made some kind of excuse as to why she had kept Colleen waiting then her naked time at home would remain her secret.

    Kathy got up and walked towards the front door, naked.

    She stood behind the door and thought about opening it. Then she realized that it might not even be Colleen.

    God, she thought, what if I opened the door stark naked and it turned out to be a stranger? It could be the mailman, the paperboy or who knows on the other side of that door!

    It was a really exciting idea but too much for Kathy.

    Colleen? Is that you? Kathy asked hesitantly.

    Yeah, it's me, open up already, Colleen said impatiently.

    Quickly, before she could change her mind Kathy just reached out and turned the door knob.

    When she opened the door the bright, late morning light and a cool breeze flooded in and surrounded her. Her best friend, Colleen, stood there dumbfounded for a second.

    Kathy, you're naked! Colleen exclaimed in disbelief.

    Y-yeah, I um, hang around the house like this during the day sometimes, Kathy said shakily.

    What are you a nudist or something now? Colleen asked in disbelief.

    No, and no one knows about this. You're the first, and only person, who's ever seen me, like this, Kathy said looking down at her naked body.

    Well then, you'd better let me in and close the door or the whole neighborhood will be in on your secret, Colleen said as she laughed at her naked friend.

    Oh my god! Kathy replied in horror.

    Kathy quickly grabbed Colleen by the arm, pulled her inside and then slammed the door shut.

    Colleen just laughed some more and then said, You're too much. You run around the house naked, open the front door like that and then are shocked by the idea that someone could see you?

    I, uh, Kathy stammered as she leaned with her back against the door as if she was trying to hold back the fifth brigade. didn’t think. Maybe this was a bad idea after all.

    Nah, relax, Colleen said. We're friends, it's cool. Besides I've already seen you so I know your dirty little secret.

    The phrase, dirty little secret, echoed in Kathy's head.

    If only she knew, Kathy thought.

    Y-you won't say anything will you? Kathy asked a little scared that she might have bitten off more than she could chew.

    Yeah, like I'm gonna run and phone CNN right now! Colleen joked. Woman finds best friend naked at home, film at eleven.

    Visions of being shown naked on the 11 o'clock news swam through Kathy's head. Images of her as she stood naked in her open front door as dozens of cameramen filmed her.

    Kathy would be humiliated as the whole world saw her naked body and knew her dirty little secret. The idea excited and terrified Kathy so she quickly snapped herself back to reality. Then she saw her friend was just teasing her so she relaxed a little.

    As Kathy walked towards Colleen, who had planted herself on the couch, she started to feel self-conscious again. Kathy was Colleen's best friend. The two had met when they were very young. They'd known each other so long though that they thought of each other as sisters.

    Colleen was very pretty and had an amazing body. Kathy always felt that, even though she was slightly older, she was second best to Colleen. It wasn't that Kathy was ugly or had a bad figure. Kathy was actually very cute and had a nice body but she just never felt as good, or as pretty, as her younger friend.

    As Kathy walked in front of Colleen she felt like every inch of her naked body was under her best friend’s scrutiny. She also felt that she couldn’t stand up to her best friend’s standards. Not even if Colleen was fully clothed and she was naked. Kathy sat uneasily on the couch next to her best friend and tried to think of something to say but words wouldn't come out of her mouth.

    Colleen on the other hand enjoyed every second of this. For some reason she was getting off on seeing her older friend, not only naked but, embarrassed. The two friends just sat there on the couch pretending to watch TV for a few minutes until Colleen finally said, I can't stand it anymore! I've gotta ask, how long have you been doing this?

    Um, I don't know, for a while now. Whenever I know I'm gonna have the house to myself for a few hours, Kathy said shyly.

    Well, I guess it's not a big deal. All you're doing is getting naked right? I mean it's not like you're fucking yourself with vegetables on the kitchen floor and then serving them for dinner, right? Colleen asked laughing.

    COLLEEN! Kathy said shocked.

    Hey, Colleen said with a laugh, how do I know what my nudie friend gets up to unless I ask?

    Nudie? Kathy said under her breath secretly enjoying the way her friend said it.

    Anyway, do you still wanna go to the mall with me or would you rather hang out at home naked? Colleen asked with a little smirk that Kathy felt all the way down to her clit.

    Um, sure... Just let me get dressed, Kathy said as she got up and walked towards her bedroom.

    As she walked away Colleen said, Oh, shake that ass baby! Let me see you workin' it good.

    Kathy put a little extra shake in her butt that made Colleen laugh and scream out, Wooo hooo!

    Kathy walked into the safety of her bedroom and stood there alone for a minute not believing what she just did. She was stark naked in front of her best friend! Without a thought about what she was about to do Kathy reached for her nipples with both hands. She played with them as she thought about how Colleen had talked to her. One hand had started to move down her body when she heard her friend at the doorway ask, Do you mind if I drive?

    Um, no, sure, Kathy replied quickly dropping her hand to her side as she tried to pretend she hadn't been caught.

    Colleen had seen every second of it and was shocked, and amazed, at how much this whole thing must be affecting her older best friend. She decided right then and there that she could have a little fun with this.

    Chapter 2

    The ride to the mall was pretty uneventful. Colleen chatted about this and that while Kathy just sat there and ether nodded yes, no or gave short answers to whatever question she was asked.

    She still couldn't believe she had actually done it. She was naked in front of perfect little Colleen. Not only was she naked but Colleen saw her playing with her nipples. Kathy just knew she did.

    What was even worse was that if Colleen hadn't had said anything she would have seen a whole lot more. Kathy rubbed her legs together and wished she had the chance to get off before they left for the mall. Now she was horny and all she could think about was being naked.

    Kathy, are you coming? Colleen asked.

    Huh? Kathy asked as she looked around.

    Once again she had gotten so lost in her own naked little thoughts. She didn't realize that they were, not only at the mall, but parked and Colleen was standing outside of the passenger door waiting for her.

    Oh, sorry, I guess I wasn't paying attention, Kathy said as she got out of the car.

    Yeah, you were probably thinking about getting naked again I bet, Colleen teased.

    Kathy blushed a little but didn't respond.

    Hey, have you ever gotten naked outside the house? Colleen asked a little louder than Kathy would have liked.

    No, Kathy lied as she thought about a time a few nights ago when she had walked out naked into her backyard really, really late.

    It had been about three thirty in the morning on a Tuesday night. Kathy was sleeping when for no apparent reason she just woke up. Not able to go back to sleep she went in the living room to watch some TV.

    Dressed only in a pair of panties and a t-shirt she walked quietly out of the bedroom. Kathy wasn't sure why she bothered to be so quiet though. Her husband slept like the dead. If a jumbo jet had crashed into their backyard the explosion might have woken him up. Most likely all he would have done was rolled over and gone back to sleep though.

    Kathy walked quietly through the dark house, went to the living room and was about to turn on the TV when she saw the sliding glass door to the backyard. She stepped up to the glass door and looked through it. The nighttime backyard was lit up only by the pale moonlight. It seemed so quiet and peaceful.

    She stared out into it for a while and then opened the door. The cool night air felt really good and standing there in the darkness she felt hidden, protected, in a way.

    After a few minutes

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