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Lily: The Story of a Call Girl, Part One
Lily: The Story of a Call Girl, Part One
Lily: The Story of a Call Girl, Part One
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Lily: The Story of a Call Girl, Part One

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Cindy opened up opportunities when Lily was still sitting in a separate chair. She sat next to Anton. He shifted his sitting position facing her and his back to his wife. He kissed her. She was uncomfortable being kissed by a man in front of his wife.
"Don't hesitate. Pretend I don't exist. Treat him as usual. Relax," said Cindy as she left them and sat on the edge of the bed.

Release dateJul 21, 2021
Lily: The Story of a Call Girl, Part One

Frank Spreader

Incurable writer. Creator. Extreme reader. Travel fanatic. Introvert. Friendly coffee junkie. Music ninja. Internet nerd. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Thinker.

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    Lily - Frank Spreader

    Lily: The Story of a Call Girl, Part One

    Copyright 2021 Frank Spreader

    Published by Frank Spreader at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

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    It was a story of her life that happened before fate brought her to her current husband. Her name was Lily. She was twenty-six years old. As a call girl, of course, she had experienced many sexual experiences from various ages, groups, ranks, behaviors, lifestyles, and even sex treatments. With her five-foot-nine, one-hundred-and-fourteen-pound posture, and 36B bra size, plus her smooth skin and pretty face, of course, it wasn’t difficult for her to get clients. She often refused them rather than looking for. Her clients were bigwigs, officials, children of officials, and even grandchildren of officials, both state and federal. She had served high-ranking officers and even generals, governors, and the husbands of famous actresses. Some were still in office, but many had retired. Some were on trial and even in prison.

    Indeed, Lily’s market share was the upper class by her high-class appearance. Of course, the rate she charged was a four-digit number. It could even be five-digit if she had to spend the night and go out of town. But indeed, the price was equal to the service she provided. Ninety-five percent of her clients were old customers. Indeed, she was a little picky about choosing clients. The goal was to get sexual and financial satisfaction.

    What was certain was that Lily satisfied not only her clients, but she could also get satisfaction. She usually served clients and got short-time calls two to four times a day, not to mention those who asked her to stay in five-star hotels. Anyone could imagine how much money flew into her pocket. But as the saying went: easy come easy go, money flew in easily and flew out easily in the gambling arena.

    It had never involved Lily in drugs. Using it once was okay, but that was at the coercion of the clients.

    Lily fulfilled a lot of clients’ sexual fantasy wishes, either just one-on-one or threesome or foursome, depending on the wishes of the clients. But with the shrewdness of her seduction, she could force the clients to make love two-on-one or three-on-one. She was the one. That happened more often than her being part of the two or three. Many clients wanted to make her their mistress. They even fell in love with her and wanted to make her a second wife. But she got nothing because she considered that, from the material side, she got much more, while from the sexual side, she could enjoy the clients that she chose. So, there was no sound reason to leave this life yet.

    Besides that, it traumatized Lily when she became the mistress of a lawyer when she first lived this life. By being a freelancer, not tied to one pimp, she could choose clients. She could accept or reject for various reasons. When she first plunged into this world, it was at the persuasion of a famous pimp in Los Angeles. She knew his name was Logan. He put her in a five-star hotel in Beverly Hills. She was standing by in the room, waiting for clients to come.

    In such a situation, she was powerless to refuse the clients sent by Logan. Most of whom were already at her papa’s age. Understandably, with such a high rate, of course, only people with deep pockets could buy her body. For a short time, it was already above twenty-five hundred dollars.

    Of course, not just any class could afford it, even though Lily’s service was still normal because she plunged into a world like this from a homemaker. But many clients came back again.

    On average, Lily could receive clients two to three times a day. She had a contract with Logan for one month. But because it didn’t balance the part of the distribution between them, so she started by walking alone, aka freelance.

    Chapter One: The Lawyer

    The first client Lily got when she entered this profession was a lawyer from New York who was handling a case in Los Angeles. His name was H. Wilton.

    Lily called him Wilt. He was about fifty years old, and he was the one who, with his power of attorney, ended her contract with Logan and made her his mistress for three months before she couldn’t stand it and broke free from his bond with all the risks that she had to bear. That person looked unfriendly.

    Wilt’s face was unsightly. But what could Lily do? She couldn’t refuse every client sent by Logan.

    Just looking at Wilt’s face, it already scared her. He was spooky. But that was the consequence.

    After Logan introduced Wilt, he left Lily alone with him. There was a sense of tension and awkwardness being alone in a room with a stranger, especially with one that looked like him.

    Lily was nervous. Luckily, Wilt noticed her awkwardness. As her first client, he was quite instrumental in guiding her in dealing with the next clients. He grew her confidence and knew that he was her first client, then he didn’t crash into her right away. He was patient and painstaking enough to teach her. Even though she was under Logan’s control, her relationship with him was only a business relationship. There was no compulsion to serve him.

    So, Wilt was the second person who would enjoy the warmth of Lily’s body after her ex-husband and he would take her virginity again because two years since she divorced, she had never made love again. After chatting for a while to lighten the mood, he approached her. He led her to bed. Her heart beat hard when he hugged her. She closed her eyes when he started kissing her cheek, and put her lips together when he started trying to kiss her lips. She cried in her heart when his hands touched her tits. He was a patient person. Feeling like he didn’t

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