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A Christmas in the Alps: A Christmas Novella
A Christmas in the Alps: A Christmas Novella
A Christmas in the Alps: A Christmas Novella
Ebook176 pages2 hours

A Christmas in the Alps: A Christmas Novella

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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After a time of heartache and loss, Simone Winthrop discovers a tantalizing letter from her French great-grandmother, which seems to suggest that she is heir to a family treasure. Ever practical, Simone assumes the claim is baseless, but her best friend encourages her to find out for sure. Despite her deep-rooted fear of flying, Simone boards a jet to travel to Paris at Christmastime to uncover the truth.

During the long flight, Simone meets the charming Kyle Larsson, who's on his way to France to become an apprentice clockmaker. Though they abruptly part ways, an unexpected rendezvous in the French Alps at Simone's family's clock factory may lead to the discovery of the family treasure . . . and so much more.

For anyone who is wearying of staying home, Melody Carlson invites you to spend Christmas with her in the beautiful French Alps this year. So pull on your mittens, tie your scarf tight, and prepare yourself for a magical mountain holiday.
Release dateSep 7, 2021
A Christmas in the Alps: A Christmas Novella

Melody Carlson

Melody Carlson is the prolific author of more than 200 books for women, teens and children. The recipient of numerous writing awards including the Rita and the RT Career Achievement Award, she makes her home in Oregon with her husband.

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Reviews for A Christmas in the Alps

Rating: 4.126865653731343 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Paris and the Swiss Alps. Draws you in to feel all the feels of Christmas. Seeking lost treasure draws Simone to family and her legacy. She finds that love and forgiveness is the ultimate treasure.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I enjoy reading Melody Carlson's Christmas books every year - and this year was no exception! A Christmas in the Alps is her Christmas novella for this year. It is a sweet story, set in the French Alps. There is a little mystery – a little romance – and a little family drama. Altogether, a nice story for the Christmas season!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A Christmas in the Alps, by Melody Carlson, is a heart warming short Christmas story. It is well written and the perfect length to read in an evening. I enjoyed how Simone knew nothing of her extended family and was getting the chance to know them. It surprised me that someone in today’s world would have no background of their family. I liked the character of Kyle. He is so caring yet he has a hint of mischief in his personality. This is a wonderful story with the message that God will provide when the time is right.I received a complimentary copy of this book, this is my honest review.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Well written, if a bit predictable. The characters are charming and the setting cozy. Perfect for a short Christmas read with enough mystery and romance to keep the pages turning.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    This is a boring book. The premise is generic and Carlson’s write-by-the-numbers telling of the story lacks even a hint of creativity or freshness. I groped for something more to say, but the truth is this brief novelette wasn’t worth reading.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Melody Carlson Christmas books are always short and sweet, with minimal conflict or drama. A Christmas in the Alps is the story of a young girl who decides to sell her grandmother's house and use the money to travel to the French Alps to look for treasure. After her grandmother's death, Simone Winthrop realizes she has no family left, she can have a fresh start. While she's cleaning out the house her grandmother left her, Simone's best friend discovers an un-opened letter to Simone from her great-grandmother. In it she mentions treasure and her hometown in the Alps. With nothing holding her back and at her friend's extreme encouragement, Simone takes a leap of faith and decides to spend Christmas in the Alps. What she doesn't expect to find is family, romance, and a new take on life - but her great grandmother really delivers on the "treasure" that can be found if one is really looking for it. Very sweet, would make a good Hallmark Christmas movie.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I enjoy reading Melody Carlson's novels. This one did not disappoint. Since it is a novella, there wasn't the full character development and scenery description that would be in a full-length novel. But it is a fun and quick read, with enough character development and scenery description to make it satisfying. And the bonus chapter lets you know that there is a sequel coming! I enjoyed seeing how the past affects the present and that perspectives can change no matter how old you are.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Simone was raised by her grandparents - a nice childhood but after they did she had no one. On her deathbed her great-grandmother had asked Simone to go back to her place of birth in France and find her treasure. Simone was confused but after much encouragement from her good friend, decides to do just that. She indeed finds a wonderful treasure but not the one her great-grandmother had imagined. She finds family.A very readable and fun story.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Simone decides to visit her great-grandmother and overcomes her fear of flying to do so. While traveling she meets Kyle and finds herself meeting up with him again while in Paris and the French Alps. They work together to uncover family secrets and treasures. A great happy read that puts you in the mind for Christmas. I received a copy to read, the review is mine.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Carlson's Christmas in the Alps was a wonderful read. Since I don't travel this book was just a dream and imagined a trip to Paris and the French Alps just as I would imagine it. The added romance was a bonus! Simone Winthrop (a wonderful name for the main character) meets Kyle on the flight to Paris. They part ways but soon meet again - unexpectedly at Simone's family;s clock factory. Of course, there is a family secret involved. Could you ask for more. If you like the genre, this is a must read. Treat yourself to an early Christmas gift and get in the mood for the holidays.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This was a charming Carlson story of finding family and restoring relationship. The young woman suffers through a long flight in order to see Paris for the first time. Then she moves to a chateau-hotel in a quaint village in the Alps for Christmas. She makes awkward attempts at communicating in French.Many reviewers compare this to a Hallmark movie. What is wrong with that? There are several love triangles in this story. How will they affect the outcome of the story? Will Simone find her grandmother’s “treasure”?Check out this little novella. I understand Melody Carlson has written other holiday novellas. I will check them out.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    This book was very predictable. It reminded me of a Hallmark movie when you know what the ending will be.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Beautiful book! I love the story line , which includes some mystery , love , family and hope! Great author

Book preview

A Christmas in the Alps - Melody Carlson

Praise for The Christmas Swap

Carlson’s latest Christmas romance is as light and sweet as a Hallmark movie.


"The Christmas Swap is a perfect book to curl up with by the fire and catch some cozy Christmas romance vibes."

Fresh Fiction

Praise for Christmas in Winter Hill

A deftly crafted, wonderfully holiday-season-appropriate novel from a gifted storyteller.

The Midwest Book Review

"Intriguing, sweet, and heartfelt, Christmas in Winter Hill is a must-read for all."

Urban Lit Magazine

Praise for A Christmas by the Sea

With a sweet ending that neatly wraps up this Christmas novel, Carlson explores second chances through the touch-ups of a small beach house, a budding romance, and a renewal of faith in God.

Publishers Weekly

This breezy, entertaining read provides the perfect afternoon getaway during a busy holiday season.

Library Journal

A Christmas story that will warm your heart and have you dreaming of your own enchanted seaside holiday.

Family Fiction

Books by Melody Carlson

Christmas at Harrington’s

The Christmas Shoppe

The Joy of Christmas

The Treasure of Christmas

The Christmas Pony

A Simple Christmas Wish

The Christmas Cat

The Christmas Joy Ride

The Christmas Angel Project

The Christmas Blessing

A Christmas by the Sea

Christmas in Winter Hill

The Christmas Swap

© 2021 by Carlson Management Company

Published by Revell

a division of Baker Publishing Group

PO Box 6287, Grand Rapids, MI 49516-6287

Ebook edition created 2021

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—for example, electronic, photocopy, recording—without the prior written permission of the publisher. The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on file at the Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

ISBN 978-1-4934-3195-3

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.




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Books by Melody Carlson

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Chapter 1

SIMONE WINTHROP knew all about loss. But as she sorted through her dead grandmother’s cluttered house, she experienced an unexpected wave of hopefulness. Because, really, what was left to lose? Sure, it was a backward way to view life, but it helped on days like today.

Hey, Simone, Andrea Jacobs called from what used to be a pleasant guest room but over the years had morphed into a space that could be featured in an episode of Hoarders. Simone had meant to clear it out when she’d moved back here to help Grandma Betty, but with the responsibilities of caring for her ailing grandmother these past couple of years . . . somehow she’d just never gotten around to it.

Come look at this, Andrea called out again.

What is it this time? Using her foot to push aside the half-filled box of old pottery, Simone shoved a loose auburn tendril beneath the old bandana she’d tied on to keep the dust out. She picked her way through the living room maze of cardboard boxes, plastic packing crates, and just plain trash. It’d seemed a good idea to have her childhood best friend lend a hand with clearing out the house, but she now realized how easily Andrea got distracted with odd bits and pieces. Particularly family memorabilia.

Unless you’ve unearthed the original Declaration of Independence or the crown jewels, I’m not sure I’m interested. Simone smirked as she leaned against the doorframe. What’s up?

Andrea frowned. Seriously, Simone, you should be more grateful. Without me here, you’d probably have thrown some important stuff away. She pointed to a box she’d been using to store items she felt needed preservation. What about your great-grandpa’s war medals and those photos of him in his military uniform? She picked up the old wedding photo of him and his war bride and held it up. I still can’t believe how much you look like your great-grandmother. She pointed to the young Simone Sophia—Simone’s namesake—and smiled. I wish this photo was in color. I’ll bet her hair was auburn like yours.

As a matter of fact, it was. But I’ve seen that photo a million times. Simone bent down to pick up an old needlework pillow she remembered from childhood. I guess I’ll keep this. She shook off the dust then tucked it under her arm. Okay, what’s so important that—

"This letter. Andrea held up what looked like a perfectly normal envelope. It’s never been opened."

Well, that’s nothing. Grandma Betty was always forgetting things. I found a grocery sack stuffed with unopened mail and bills when I first came to help out.

"Yeah, I know. But this letter is addressed to you, Simone. And the return address is Mrs. Simone Sophia Winthrop. Isn’t that your great-grandmother?"

Yeah. Simone made her way through the messy room. But she passed away more than two years ago.

Maybe so, but this postmark is nearly three years old.

Simone took the thin envelope from Andrea, curiously studying the lacy handwriting. This was mailed from the assisted-living center that Great-grandmamma went into after Great-grandpapa died. Simone read the postmark. You’re right about this date. It seems to have been written a few months before she died.

Maybe it’s a check, Simone. Your inheritance. Wouldn’t that be cool?

Great-grandmamma wasn’t wealthy.

What about that cool house she had in San Francisco? I remember when I went with you to visit her. That must’ve been worth a bundle.

Except they got a reverse mortgage on it when my great-grandfather needed care. Simone flipped the envelope over to see it was still securely sealed. It’s never been opened.

I know. Why didn’t Grandma Betty give you this letter?

Just one more sign of her early-onset Alzheimer’s. I noticed some memory issues with her when I was in college, but I assumed she was grieving for Grandpa. Then it kept getting worse. When a neighbor called saying she’d walked down the street in her nightgown, calling for a dog that had been gone for years, I knew we had a problem.

Yeah, I have an uncle with Alzheimer’s. It’s sad. Andrea tapped the envelope. Anyway, don’t you want to see what’s inside?

Simone used her fingernail to carefully slit open the top of the envelope. At least Great-grandmamma had all her marbles up until the end. You know, she was ninety-three when she died.

Hopefully you got her genes. Andrea moved closer as Simone slid out the slim one-page letter. What’s it say?

Simone took in a deep breath then began to read aloud. As she read, she could almost hear Great-grandmamma’s sweet French accent.

My dearest Simone Sophia,

I am a very old woman who has lived a very good life. I married a good man, and I miss him dearly. Time is soon when we will meet again. But this is not why I write to you today, dearest great-granddaughter. I have an important message for you. I sent it to your grandmother, my daughter-in-law, last spring. But I do not hear back from her, so I am worried you will not know.

I asked Betty to tell you about my treasure—

"Her treasure! Andrea interrupted. So this really is a valuable letter?"

I don’t know. Simone frowned. Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe Great-grandmamma was getting loopy too.

Go on. Keep reading, Andrea urged her.

Simone returned her focus to the letter, continuing where she left off.

My treasure stayed behind when I left France. I hid it in a secret place. I tried to send for it many years ago, but life grew busy. I forgot and my treasure seemed lost to me. But now, I remember my treasure. It haunts me like an old melody. More than anything in life, I want to share my treasure with you, Simone Sophia. It is for you and only you, ma chérie. If I were not so ancient and worn out, I would go there and bring it back for you. But I cannot.

My treasure is hidden in Avre—

In an oven? Andrea interrupted again.

"No, not an oven. Avre is in France. It’s spelled A-V-R-E but my great-grandmother pronounced it more like ov-eh. Her family home was there. I actually wrote a research paper on Avre in middle school. All I remember is that it’s this really small town in the French Alps and that it burned to the ground in the 1800s. Great-grandmamma never spoke of it much, but I know it’s where she met my great-grandpapa during World War II. I remember asking her if she ever missed her family, or wanted to go back, but she didn’t seem to care. I almost got the feeling something went wrong back—"

Never mind all that, Simone. I want to hear about the treasure. Keep reading!

Then stop interrupting. Simone felt her hands tremble slightly as she held up the letter and continued to read.

My treasure is hidden in Avre. I know it must still be there. You must go and get it, ma chérie. It is meant for you. For you alone. Please, waste no time. Go and get it, Simone Sophia. My treasure will be your treasure. If I know you have secured it, I can die a happy woman.

All my love, ma chérie,

Simone Sophia Beaumont Winthrop

I knew this letter was important, Andrea declared. I could just feel it. What do you think the treasure could be? Money? Gold? The deed to the family home? Maybe your great-grandmother’s family was wealthy.

Simone ignored her as she reread the letter, trying to grasp the meaning.

You could be rich, Simone. Andrea grabbed her by the arm, giving her a shake. Think about it, this could be something really big. Aren’t you just a tiny bit excited?

Simone blinked then slowly nodded. Yes, of course, it’s exciting. But think about it, Andrea. Great-grandmamma Simone left during World War II. She hadn’t been in France for . . . well, decades.

Yes, but she sounded pretty certain that her treasure was safely hidden in Avre. It must still be there. Maybe it’s in her childhood home. Don’t people in France keep homes in the family for generations?

Even if she hid it in her family home, what are the chances it hasn’t been found by someone? Or that her relatives still live in the same house? And even if her mysterious treasure is still there, how could I possibly find it? How would I know where to look?

Stop being so negative. Just imagine if you did find it—how cool would that be? It would give you an even stronger connection to your namesake. She was such a cool lady. You need to do this.

Get real, Andrea. Even if I miraculously found this supposed treasure that probably doesn’t even exist, how could I prove to anyone that it was mine?

The letter. Andrea pointed to the page still in Simone’s hand. That’s your proof.

But, honestly, I wouldn’t know where to begin. Furthermore, Simone had no desire to board a jet and fly clear to France. Not that she planned to admit her deep-rooted flying fears to Andrea.

Oh, Simone, this is an adventure just waiting for you. Weren’t you just telling me you were ready for some sort of big change in your life?

Simone did recall saying something to that effect last night. But only after Andrea had insisted on opening an old bottle of wine she’d found buried in the back of the pantry. After a couple of sips of what tasted more like vinegar then wine, Simone had confessed that she did want something more.

I only meant that I didn’t plan to go back to being a dental assistant, she said. I’m done with that.

"And I’m glad you are. I’ve always known that you were meant for something bigger and better than cleaning

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