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The Pre-Birth Soul Contract that Laura Anderson Signed to be Born in Toronto: Canada
The Pre-Birth Soul Contract that Laura Anderson Signed to be Born in Toronto: Canada
The Pre-Birth Soul Contract that Laura Anderson Signed to be Born in Toronto: Canada
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The Pre-Birth Soul Contract that Laura Anderson Signed to be Born in Toronto: Canada

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Based on a thorough review of the records of her soul in the Akashic Library, the Department of Karma and Reincarnation has determined that, Laura Anderson will be born in the city of Toronto,  Canada; on December 21, 2021. Just like any other reincarnating soul, Laura Anderson has signed a pre-birth soul contract, in which she explicitly agrees to be born in Toronto, Canada, in a unique set of situations and circumstances, which perfectly match the aggregate output of her deeds in previous lives, as dictated by the immutable cosmic law of karma and reincarnation.


According to the cosmic law of karma and reincarnation, the unique combination of circumstances into which a soul is born, is dictated by the cumulative output of the soul's previous lives' deeds or past karma. Therefore, the notion of accidental birth does not exist. This implies that Laura Anderson has strictly fulfilled the requirements essential for her to be born in Toronto, Canada. Laura Anderson's  parents, date of birth, time of birth, family members,  physical appearance, and the general circumstances into which she is to be  born, are all determined by the output of her past karma or previous lives' deeds.


One of the most powerful laws of the universe is the law of karma, or the law of cause and effect. This law states that every action produces a corresponding effect or  consequence, which must be borne by the person who carried out the action. Thus, even though the soul is at liberty to exercise its freewill in a way that befits its interests and preferences, the soul is also expected to conduct itself in a way that complies with the laws of the universe. Each soul automatically takes full responsibility for the results yielded by its exercise of freedom of choice.


Thus, all activities carried out by the soul generate corresponding consequences. Good deeds generate happy consequences, while bad deeds generate miserable consequences. All deeds carried out by the soul and their respective consequences are documented in the personal record of each soul, and stored in the cosmic secretariat or mighty library of the universe known as the Akashic Records. Therefore, the complete and perfect personal record for each soul is maintained in the Akashic Records.


So, while the soul of Laura Anderson was in the spiritual realm preparing to be born on earth, the Great Experts of Cosmic Justice went into the Akashic Records or library of the universe, to access the personal record of Laura Anderson's soul. In fact, this record contains the full content of Laura Anderson's spiritual history. The spiritual history of Laura Anderson's soul was meticulously and comprehensively studied by these Experts of Cosmic Justice. Based on the output of Laura Anderson's previous lives' deeds, it was indisputably clear that Laura Anderson would be born in Toronto, Canada.


Both Laura Anderson and the Experts of Cosmic Justice were unanimous that it is essential for Laura Anderson to be born in a unique set of circumstance, which would enable her to correct her past mistakes, overcome her weaknesses, harness her strengths, learn the necessary lessons; and acquire a blend of relevant experiences suitable for her evolution and spiritual maturity. Upon scrupulous consideration of all these factors, Toronto in Canada provided the most suitable circumstances, which would allow Laura Anderson to achieve the prime purpose of her birth on earth. Accordingly, Laura Anderson is to be born in Toronto, Canada, North America; planet earth, Milky Way Galaxy.  

PublisherEmmanuel Ebah
Release dateJul 23, 2021
The Pre-Birth Soul Contract that Laura Anderson Signed to be Born in Toronto: Canada

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    The Pre-Birth Soul Contract that Laura Anderson Signed to be Born in Toronto - Emmanuel Ebah


    Based on a thorough review of the records of her soul in the Akashic Library, the Department of Karma and Reincarnation has determined that, Laura Anderson will be born in the city of Toronto,  Canada; on December 21, 2021. Just like any other reincarnating soul, Laura Anderson has signed a pre-birth soul contract, in which she explicitly agrees to be born in Toronto, Canada, in a unique set of situations and circumstances, which perfectly match the aggregate output of her deeds in previous lives, as dictated by the immutable cosmic law of karma and reincarnation.

    According to the cosmic law of karma and reincarnation, the unique combination of circumstances into which a soul is born, is dictated by the cumulative output of the soul’s previous lives’ deeds or past karma. Therefore, the notion of accidental birth does not exist. This implies that Laura Anderson has strictly fulfilled the requirements essential for her to be born in Toronto, Canada. Laura Anderson’s  parents, date of birth, time of birth, family members,  physical appearance, and the general circumstances into which she is to be  born, are all determined by the output of her past karma or previous lives’ deeds.

    One of the most powerful laws of the universe is the law of karma, or the law of cause and effect. This law states that every action produces a corresponding effect or  consequence, which must be borne by the person who carried out the action. Thus, even though the soul is at liberty to exercise its freewill in a way that befits its interests and preferences, the soul is also expected to conduct itself in a way that complies with the laws of the universe. Each soul automatically takes full responsibility for the results yielded by its exercise of freedom of choice.

    Thus, all activities carried out by the soul generate corresponding consequences. Good deeds generate happy consequences, while bad deeds generate miserable consequences. All deeds carried out by the soul and their respective consequences are documented in the personal record of each soul, and stored in the cosmic secretariat or mighty library of the universe known as the Akashic Records. Therefore, the complete and perfect personal record for each soul is maintained in the Akashic Records.

    So, while the soul of Laura Anderson was in the spiritual realm preparing to be born on earth, the Great Experts of Cosmic Justice went into the Akashic Records or library of the universe, to access the personal record of Laura Anderson’s soul. In fact, this record contains the full content of Laura Anderson’s spiritual history. The spiritual history of Laura Anderson’s soul was meticulously and comprehensively studied by these Experts of Cosmic Justice. Based on the output of Laura Anderson’s previous lives’ deeds, it was indisputably clear that Laura Anderson would be born in Toronto, Canada.

    Both Laura Anderson and the Experts of Cosmic Justice were unanimous that it is essential for Laura Anderson to be born in a unique set of circumstance, which would enable her to correct her past mistakes, overcome her weaknesses, harness her strengths, learn the necessary lessons; and acquire a blend of relevant experiences suitable for her evolution and spiritual maturity. Upon scrupulous consideration of all these factors, Toronto in Canada provided the most suitable circumstances, which would allow Laura Anderson to achieve the prime purpose of her birth on earth. Accordingly, Laura Anderson is to be born in Toronto, Canada, North America; planet earth, Milky Way Galaxy.  

    The Pre-Birth Soul Contract that Laura Anderson Signed to be Born in Toronto: Canada

    Emmanuel Ebah

    © Crystal-Clear Publications


    During her extensive series of past reincarnations, Laura Anderson had been born in various countries across the globe. For each successive episode of reincarnation, Laura Anderson was born in a different country, including: Egypt, Russia, Greece, India, Mexico, France; and South Africa. During her last reincarnation, Laura Anderson was born and bred in Pretoria in South Africa. Her name was Beatrice Ntombela Ngozi. She was a reputed medical doctor, who lived in the Menlo Park residential area, in the city of  Pretoria, South Africa. Beatrice Ntombela Ngozi passed away at the age of eighty-nine, in Johannesburg, South Africa. Even though Beatrice Ntombela Ngozi was a good woman, she also made a number of mistakes while she was alive.  

    Therefore, when she passed away in Johannesburg, South Africa, the post-death life of her soul was characterized by both pain and happiness. Having spent the amount of time in the spiritual realm that corresponds to both her wholesome and unwholesome deeds, it is now time for Beatrice Ntombela Ngozi to be born on earth again, in circumstances that perfectly mirror the output of her previous lives’ deeds or past karma. Based on her past karma, Beatrice Ntombela Ngozi would be reborn in Toronto, Canada, North America. Her name in Canada would be Laura Anderson. Her mother’s name would be Sandra Robertson; while her father’s name would be Patrick McAdams. Laura Anderson would have one brother named Simon McAdams. 

    Part one of the book establishes the fact that during her preparatory stage of taking birth in Toronto, Canada, Laura Anderson’s soul abided by the standard protocol of collaborating with the Experts of Cosmic Justice, in establishing a life plan for Laura’s soul, according to her past karma. Part two of the book highlights the fact that Laura Anderson also signed a number of mutually-indebting spiritual agreements with other souls, with whom she would collaborate while in Toronto, Canada. Part three validates the truth that each and every person has an invisible and eternal soul. Part four upholds the veracity that Laura Anderson’s soul lived in the spiritual realm prior to taking birth on earth. This component also provides a description of the different types of spiritual realms where a soul can possibly reside after  death and before birth.

    Part five of the book brings to light the fundamental difference between incarnation and reincarnation. Part six examines key concepts related to the pre-birth soul contract of Laura Anderson. These concepts comprise, the fate of the soul after death, karma, the Lords of karma, post-death life review, the Akashic Records; and the processes governing death and birth. Part seven reviews the breathtaking and fascinating

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