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Anger Without Guilt: Anger Management Begins Within
Anger Without Guilt: Anger Management Begins Within
Anger Without Guilt: Anger Management Begins Within
Ebook287 pages1 hour

Anger Without Guilt: Anger Management Begins Within

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About this ebook

Anger Without Guilt is a book and a series of YouTube videos by Dr. Gerry Dunne. Both help us understand our human nature--the fact that we become angry at times. We are then reminded of our choice to manage it using our right mind or mismanage it with our wrong mind. Many stories and examples of anger provoking everyday situations real people face and how we can think and act in helpful or hurtful ways are described. Anger Without Guilt explains how often anger causes us to feel conscious and unconscious guilt and how these feelings feed on each other becoming a vicious circle. You will gain tools and strategies for overcoming that vicious circle through reading, journaling, doing self-assessments, and engaging in the Life Work challenges offered. Topics include: "Anger Traps," "Know Your Anger Triggers," "How Assertive Are You?" "Anger in Your Family," "Who Controls You?" "Do People Like to Communicate With You?" "Can You Handle Confrontations?" and many more.
The author tells us the truth about her own struggles with anger. Here is an excerpt from Chapter One, "Cluelessness to Consciousness":
"It's easy to see what anger does to others but I didn't see it in myself until I turned a corner--one small step after another over time. It started when I found the courage to observe myself and tell myself the truth about how vulnerable I was to anger. Just like having a low-=grade fever, I gradually realized I had a low-grade gripe with the world and a short fuse to bootl I've been working ever since to get out of that rut--to build self understanding and genuine self-love and respect as well as new assertive anger management habits. In the process I've learned some ways to help myself. Now I'm devoted to helping anyone else who wants the same--a process of correction--waking up--listening to your inner teacher who puts you in touch with your right mind, 'the wizard,' instead of your wrong mind, 'the lizard.'"
Release dateJul 26, 2021
Anger Without Guilt: Anger Management Begins Within

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    Anger Without Guilt - Gerry Dunne


    © Dr. Gerry Dunne, Ph.D. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

    distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other

    electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief

    quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    ISBN (Print): 978-1-09837-377-1

    ISBN (eBook): 978-1-09837-378-8


    YouTube Videos With Dr. Gerry Dunne

    Publications by Gerry Dunne, Ph.D.

    Author’s Note: Stories About Real People

    Meanings of Key Terms


    Your Inner Teacher

    Your Right Mind

    Your Wrong Mind


    My hope for you

    Chapter 1. Cluelessness to Consciousness

    Many of us torture ourselves with guilt about our anger

    Getting Out of the Anger Habit Rut

    Can anger habits be broken?


    This book offers guided journaling

    Life Work

    Chapter 2. Anger Without Guilt

    For many people anger and guilt go hand-in-hand

    What you do with your anger is what matters!

    Give yourself a break!

    The one and only use of guilt


    Five Steps for Managing Yourself When You Become Angry

    Why do we get angry?

    There is one other response to threats besides fight or flight

    Start talking to yourself like the best coach you’ve ever had

    Life Work

    Chapter 3. When Is Anger Bad?

    Recently I lost two jobs I loved

    My wrong mind gave me the urge to tell somebody off

    Next, isolation!

    After all the soul searching I finally got it!

    When is anger bad? Five ways to mismanage it (and give yourself guilt)

    Every moment of our lives is "The Moment of Truth"

    Ideas for Releasing Anger in Ways that Don’t Hurt Anyone

    Life Work

    Chapter 4. Have You Ever Blown Your Top?

    We’ve all done it

    They don’t call it blowing your top for nothing!

    Fear, guilt and hurt are the hot magma bursting to get out!

    As the stress mounts the pressure builds

    When we blow up we’ve lost self control

    Tell yourself the truth

    I was the frustrated mom

    Try using this process yourself

    Life Work

    Chapter 5. How Do You Talk to Yourself?

    All of us talk to ourselves all the time

    Moving from shock and anger to control

    Let’s see how you talk to yourself in these scenarios

    How do you talk to yourself about yourself?


    You and I are with ourselves 100% of the time!

    Flip negative self-talk to positive affirmations

    Life Work

    Chapter 6. Know Your Anger Triggers!

    I had a very bad morning


    A more consequential story about anger from the distant past


    This story shows how anger triggers form

    It’s easy to see in others

    We are clueless when this happens!

    Staying in the here and now keeps us sane

    Do anger triggers cause every type of anger?

    Know Your Anger Triggers!

    Red Alert!

    Neutralize and resolve painful past experiences

    Life Work

    Chapter 7. Can You Refocus?

    I had an unexpected, weird experience!

    When is perceiving and believing illusions a Big Deal?




    Three Conclusions

    Our lives exist in moments

    Cancel the cost!

    Life Work

    Chapter 8. Who Controls You?

    Controlitis has three forms

    Seven scenarios


    A life-changing event occurred!

    A major shift came next

    Affirmations to help stop controlitis

    Life Work

    Chapter 9. How Assertive Are You?

    What kind of world did you grow up in?


    How do assertive people act?

    How do assertive people think?


    How do aggressive people act?

    How do aggressive people think?


    How do submissive people act?

    How do submissive people think?

    Two sides of the same coin!

    Assertiveness is in a category by itself!

    Are you ready for a Self-Assessment?

    Life Work

    Chapter 10. Do People Like to Communicate With You?

    Some people seem to have a silver tongue!


    Are great communicators born that way?

    What does communicating with others have to do with anger management?

    Our bodies speak loudly and they tell the truth!

    It may be subliminal but it’s powerful!

    Tones and vibes!

    Do people like to communicate with you because you are a good listener?

    The Communication Stoppers!

    Awareness helps us become better communicators

    Drop the Stoppers!

    Life Work

    Chapter 11. Anger Traps: Part One

    The Anger Habit Trap


    The Past and Present Mix-up Trap

    See the new situation in a new light

    The Unconscious Imitation Trap

    My mother was an A+ backseat driver

    How have you been influenced?

    The Unrealistic Expectations Trap


    My (Realistic) Bucket List

    Life Work

    Chapter 12. Anger Traps: Part Two

    The Judging, Blaming, Condemning Trap

    Judging others boomerangs back on us

    What does judging others achieve?

    Are you harder on yourself than on anyone else?

    Can you step out of judgment?

    The Displacement Trap


    Shooting at the wrong target

    Preventing displacement is better than letting it happen

    The Rationalization Trap


    Rationalization is a very common defense mechanism

    The Scarcity Trap


    Self pity is an especially sad misery pit

    Gratitude is an abbreviation for Great Attitude!

    Life Work

    Chapter 13. Anger Traps: Part Three

    The Attack and Defense Trap


    We live in a highly competitive culture

    A question to ask yourself

    The Need to be Right Trap


    A common trait is the need to be right

    It’s not a lot of fun being around someone like this

    The Superiority/Inferiority Trap

    The flip side of this picture

    Imagine you could talk with your very young self

    The Grudge and Getting Even Trap


    Grudges are poison!

    Don’t feed the wrong wolf!

    Spill the poison down the drain!

    Life Work

    Chapter 14. Anger in Your Family: Acting Out


    Acting Out Happens!

    I call these incidents stupid fights

    There is another option

    Sometimes something snaps

    When does angry acting out at home cause serious damage?

    This is NOT anger management

    Ideas for managing when someone in the family destructively acts-out

    What if you are a victim?

    What if you act out at times?

    Life Work

    Chapter 15. Anger in Your Family: Unconscious Imitation

    A joke that makes the point

    This story caused me to reflect

    MY DAD

    Taking abuse, or allowing it to happen, is NOT anger management!

    Ideas for Managing Unconscious Imitation When It Hurts Someone

    I have forgiven myself; you can too

    Are you willing to make changes?

    Life Work

    Chapter 16. Anger in Your Family: Rivalries


    Rivalries seem to be a jinxed part of human nature


    One evening the hostilities broke loose

    Sibling rivalries are so common most people accept them as normal

    Ideas for Reversing and Minimizing Pain Caused By Rivalries

    Life Work

    Chapter 17. Anger in Your Family: Scapegoating

    Summers with my country cousins were a real trip!


    Love and patience can stop scapegoating!


    Does your family have a black sheep?

    Ideas for Breaking the Scapegoating Pattern

    What if you are your family’s scapegoat?


    Life Work

    Chapter 18. Can You Listen With Your Third Ear?


    Have you given or received this gift?

    True listening is taking our attention off ourselves

    Sometimes listening is a big challenge

    Steps for Listening With Your Third Ear

    Plan and prepare for the next time it happens


    His healing words were the game changer

    WYGYG—What You Give, You Get!

    What If You Can’t Get a Word In?


    All it took was 45 minutes of patient listening!

    Life Work

    Chapter 19. Can You Handle Confrontations?

    Nobody likes being blamed and shamed

    Valuable strategies for handling confrontations


    What actions caused the positive outcome?

    What is the opposite of an I message?

    Have you noticed the wording difference in these two ways to confront?

    The Formula for Delivering an I Message

    Do you need to confront someone about something at present?

    Turn a Potential Dispute into a Helpful Conversation

    Suggestions for your approach

    Take this opportunity to plan the conversation

    Ideas for the conversation

    How did the conversation go?

    The Crucial Matter of Motive

    What if someone is blaming, shaming, accusing and criticizing you?

    Life Work

    Chapter 20. More Assertive Strategies for Managing Anger and Conflict

    The Yosemite Dispute

    Compromising settled it!

    We Postponed a Brawl and Got a Happy Surprise!

    Postponing works!

    An Apology Was All It Took!

    There’s Power in apologizing and/or expressing regret!

    Life Work

    Endnote: Looking Out Beyond


    YouTube Videos With

    Dr. Gerry Dunne

    View Gerry’s YouTube videos now in production. Look for Anger Without Guilt.

    Titles include:

    Stop the Vicious Circle of Anger and Guilt

    Your Right Mind v. Your Wrong Mind

    Five Steps for Managing Yourself When You Become Angry

    Five Ways to Mismanage Your Anger

    How Do You Talk to Yourself About Yourself?

    Drop Your Communication Stoppers

    Know Your Anger Triggers

    Do You Have a Case of Controlitis?

    Don’t Let the Memories of Your Own Past Drive You Crazy

    Who’s Got You Under Their Influence?

    Can You Step Out of Judgment?

    No One Has Less or More Value Than You Do

    Publications by

    Gerry Dunne, Ph.D.

    Anger and Conflict Management: Personal Handbookand Guided Journal

    A text/workbook for students (age 9 and up) in Anger and Conflict Management classes

    Anger and Conflict Management: Leader’s Guide

    A guide for instructors of classes using the text/workbook listed above

    Supporting Social-Emotional Learning with Remote Instruction:

    100 Ready-to-Use Group Activities for Grades 4 – 9

    Co-author, Susanna Palomares, M.Ed.

    Self Control and Anger Management Lessons for Middle and High School Students:

    Activity Guide and Student Materials

    Preventing Violence in Our Schools: Classroom Activities and Strategies

    for Teachers and Counselors

    These publications are available from Innerchoice Publishing Company


    More titles by Gerry Dunne on google: list of books by author, Gerry Dunne

    Author’s Note:

    Stories About Real People

    Who doesn’t like a story? When there are realistic stories and examples about people in books, I find myself seeking the deeper meanings underlying the author’s purpose. I am more apt to understand and use those purposeful meanings to benefit my own life than if those stories had not been included. I think most of us are similar in this regard.

    So it is in Anger Without Guilt. I have included many stories and examples that illustrate the ideas and ideals I sought to convey. Some of the stories came from external sources but most are my own direct experiences and I claimed them as such. In stories about people close to me who have given permission to use their real names I have used them. When it would not have been appropriate to give real names I applied fictitious names. In a number of cases the people in stories have passed away. Still, I have not used their real names in most cases. In other stories the people are not given names at all. I have also changed some unnecessary complicated facts in some stories to fiction in order to streamline them. Additionally, I have blended some of

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