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All The Pleasure
All The Pleasure
All The Pleasure
Ebook191 pages3 hours

All The Pleasure

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About this ebook

Neither of them should have been there. But fate had other plans.

At the urging of a friend, Cassandra Jameson found herself in the last place she wanted to be: on a blind date. But favors were for suckers, and she was the biggest one of all. Little did she know, this chance encounter would drag her out of her comfort zone. A place so convenient and safe, she’d been content to stay there for the rest of her life. But that all changed the moment a mystery man sat across from her.

It was shaping up to be a normal evening at the restaurant for Warwick Leary when his pesky, younger brother threw a wrench in those plans. Now, instead of dealing with invoices and spreadsheets, he found himself dining with a sweet, intriguing woman. As their time together came to an end, he figured out a way to extend their date and spice up their night. Because the last thing he wanted was for her to slip away.

Author Note: All The Pleasure was first published in 2020 exclusively on the Radish Fiction app under All The Ways. This story has been re-edited and expanded. It is now Book 1 in the All The Ways Duo. Book 2 will feature a related couple who will be bringing even more heat.

PublisherKelly Violet
Release dateJul 26, 2021
All The Pleasure

Kelly Violet

Kelly Violet is a fan of love and writes romance in all forms. You can expect her stories to be fun and flirty, angsty and gut-wrenching, or downright dark and extremely naughty. One thing they’ll all have in common is a happy ending, however it comes. No matter the obstacles or dire circumstance. Either way, it’ll be a roller coaster ride of emotions, just the way she likes it. Music and dancing are her go-to outlets. If there’s a party and a dance floor (optional), she’s usually the first one out there. When not writing, Kelly can be found working at her day job assisting people in their search for information and concocting a plan to write more. Thank you for joining her on this journey she’s dreamed about pursuing for many years. Kelly loves to hear from readers, so be sure to drop her a line on social media or at

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    Book preview

    All The Pleasure - Kelly Violet

    All The Pleasure

    All The Ways Duo, Book 1




    Neither of them should have been there. But fate had other plans.

    At the urging of a friend, Cassandra Jameson found herself in the last place she wanted to be: on a blind date. But favors were for suckers, and she was the biggest one of all. Little did she know, this chance encounter would drag her out of her comfort zone. A place so convenient and safe, she’d been content to stay there for the rest of her life. But that all changed the moment a mystery man sat across from her. 

    It was shaping up to be a normal evening at the restaurant for Warwick Leary when his pesky, younger brother threw a wrench in those plans. Now, instead of dealing with invoices and spreadsheets, he found himself dining with a sweet, intriguing woman. As their time together came to an end, he figured out a way to extend their date and spice up their night. Because the last thing he wanted was for her to slip away.


    All The Pleasure

    Copyright © 2021 by Kelly Violet

    All rights reserved. This book is licensed to the original purchaser only. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereinafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, is forbidden without the express written permission of the author.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental. All product/brand names mentioned herein are registered trademarks of their respective holders/companies.

    Published by Pump Up the Violet Publishing, Los Angeles, CA.

    Original Photo by Terricks Noah on Pexels

    Cover Design by Kelly Violet

    Cover content is for illustrative purposes only and any person depicted on the cover is a model.

    ISBN-13: 978-1-954572-03-4

    Printed in the U.S.A.


    This book goes out to you, dear reader.

    You are beautiful inside and out.

    You are brave and resilient.

    You are worthy of love.

    Table of Contents




    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Also by Kelly Violet

    Follow Me on Social Media

    About the Author

    Chapter One

    I’m only doing this because I feel sorry for you, ya know. Cassandra Jameson tried to keep her meltdown to herself, only slightly kidding.

    I know, the pitiful words of her congested friend met her ears. Besties since undergrad, Starr Thomas, had come down with a head cold in the last couple of days. When Thursday rolled around and she wasn’t feeling any better, she asked her girl to take her place at an event. But her friend’s voice brightened a smidge, this will be good for you. I want you to try and enjoy yourself for once.

    Cassandra rolled her eyes even though the woman wouldn’t see the action. She had the sudden urge to wring her best friend’s neck through the phone. The only reason she agreed to the idea in the first place was because Starr had sounded so damn miserable on the phone. Now, she regretted agreeing to the charade. Because it would be a whole ass mess. The kind of mess she tried to avoid at all costs because the last thing Cassandra wanted to do was go on a blind date. And at a dark dining experience to boot.

    No, ma’am. This is not my idea of a good time. At. All.

    Well, I’m not sure about this anymore, girl.

    Don’t you dare chicken out. You promised!

    Starr, are you sure you can’t reschedule your spot for their next event? She felt close to begging. When you’re feeling better, perhaps?

    You already said yes, Cass, she whined on the other end of the line. And no, there was no reschedule date.

    It was worth a shot, she thought. The pessimistic part of her brain knew the night would just add to the embarrassingly long list of reasons why she never went out anymore. She’d try to make the most of it, though. Try to enjoy the night out with a drink or three. But with two hours before she had to leave her house in order to make the reservation, she had way too much time to think of excuses not to go.

    If nothing else, she might use this as a practice run. Maybe it was finally time for her to get back out there and meet people. Dating seemed like a daunting enough task nowadays but expanding her small circle of friends might be nice. Cassandra no longer expected a serious relationship, especially since the last one tore her down so badly. She found herself still in recovery mode. And the whole sham ended over two years ago. Yet, the unique spin of the singles’ event Starr conned her into could alleviate some of the usual, stress-inducing pressures.

    Yeah right, she shook her head at the naive thought.

    Girl, you need this. Get yourself all dressed up in something sexy, and flirt with a handsome, mysterious man. Starr sighed dreamily before coughing into the phone.

    How the hell will I know he’s handsome if I can’t see him? Cassandra walked over to her closet, considering Starr’s words.

    I’m sure you’ll figure it out, Cass. Listen, I’m gonna lay down for a minute. This cold medicine is finally kicking in. She did sound a bit drowsy now that she mentioned it. But I want a full report on how things go tonight. And please try to live a little.

    I live enough, thank you very much.

    Mm-hm. Just enough. But there’s more to life than just enough, girl. Her friend meant well, but Cassandra didn’t need the headache she felt coming on.

    Okay, Starr. How about you get off here so that you can get better, m’kay? And not leave me to go on one of your little adventures by my damn self.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’m in my bed right now, just so you’re aware. By the way, don’t forget to shave your legs, girl. You never know… she added a sing-song note to her voice.

    Wait. What? Cassandra’s free hand fell to her side, on its way to land on a potential outfit.

    You heard me. You might meet the man of your dreams tonight.

    "Don’t you mean the man of your dreams? You’re supposed to be the one at this thing. Not me," she reminded her friend who clearly got high on the cough syrup she took.

    And if my butt was going, I would be shaving every line, curve, and crevice, if you catch my drift.

    Oh God. You’re a mess!

    Starr’s phlegmy snicker turned into a full-on cackle once she got started. Which promptly morphed into a coughing fit. All in all, the poor woman sounded like a congested hyena, and it wasn’t cute.

    Serves you right, Cassandra thought to herself then immediately regretted the pettiness. Her bestie was only looking out for her even though she wouldn’t be in this predicament in the first place if Starr hadn’t gotten sick.

    She finally stopped coughing after a minute. Check in tomorrow. I want a full report, Cass, so try to have fun. Oh, and remember to give them your name. I called and the hostess said she’d put a note on the reservation. Okay, I’m going now. Love you. Bye, girl.

    Ditto, Starr. Bye. And feel better. She ended the call, sliding her phone into a pocket of the long-sleeve duster she wore. Cassandra then placed her hands on her hips. Now, what the hell am I gonna wear to this thing?

    The question rolled out of her mouth as she considered her cluttered bedroom closet. Before long, her thoughts returned to Starr and the crazy turn of events.

    Cassandra knew she’d been a little too snappy with her sick friend. Shame tried to burrow its way deep into her temples. A tension headache was the last thing she wanted to deal with right now. She had enough to worry about.

    The whole premise of tonight’s event seemed far out of her element, but it was right up Starr’s alley. The woman had been her ride-or-die since the beginning. They’d met during orientation and hadn’t looked backed since. But she was stretching the tethers of their friendship with this outrageous, last-minute favor of hers.

    Starr had always been the adventurous one. Cassandra described her homegirl as a naturally audacious and radiant person. In fifteen years of friendship, Starr was always up for an adventure. Her motto should be Hell, I’ll try anything at least once.

    And on the other side of that spectrum stood Cass. Her opposite in too many ways to count. Content to stay at home curled up on the sofa for a movie marathon or with a good book, that was the perfect way to spend the evening in her mind.

    Still, their friendship worked despite their obvious differences. She would do anything for her bold homegirl, and Starr used that knowledge to her benefit when she cooked up this crazy idea.

    And now Cassandra stood frozen in front of her closet about to get ready for a blind date. Something she’d never sign herself up for in a million years.

    Being blindfolded on a first date seemed a bit extreme. Certainly out of the box. There were just too many unknown variables, especially when most of the dating scene focused on a person’s looks, first and foremost. For both parties to be stripped of one of their senses piqued her interest a little. The superficial tendency to pick someone based on looks alone went straight out the window for an evening. Cassandra had to admit her inquisitive mind wondered about the possibilities.

    The good and the bad.

    Still, for someone like her, this sounded too wild, too daring. Too thrilling. And that so wasn’t like her. Not at all.

    Cassandra learned to stay in her lane and far away from thrills whenever possible.

    With a frustrated sigh, she plucked a hanger out of the closet and set the garment on her bed. Time was ticking and she had a few things to take care of, if she planned to follow any of Starr’s misguided directions.

    Freshly showered, Cassandra spent several minutes meticulously applying her favorite honey scented lotion to her body and light makeup. And then it was almost time to leave.

    Standing in front of the freestanding oval mirror in her bedroom, she took a long look at herself. Despite her misgivings, she heeded Starr’s advice. The classic, little black dress she’d donned did its job. It hugged her curves while downplaying all other imperfections. Her dark brown complexion appeared silky smooth in the soft light of the room.

    She looked sexy and sophisticated, but that was only on the outside. On the inside, her belly stirred with nerves, and she hadn’t even left the house yet.

    Without meaning to, familiar words left her mouth, filling the quiet bedroom. Cassandra repeated her daily affirmations out loud for the second time that day.

    I am my mother’s daughter. I am beautiful on the inside and out. I am brave and resilient. I am deserving of love. The statements settled the swarm of butterflies fluttering around her stomach. But her nerves were already shot to hell, and it was all her best friend’s fault.

    With one final check in the mirror, Cassandra turned away and prayed for some much-needed strength to get through the evening. Secretly, she hoped to have a good time. Adult conversation with a dinner mate shouldn’t be an unattainable expectation. Or a chore. So, she promised herself to make the most of it. For Starr. And for herself.

    Since the nights were cooler this late in September, she grabbed a light jacket from the entryway closet and secured the front door of her townhome. The ride she requested would arrive any minute.

    This is it, she thought. A trial run after two years stewing in heartbreak and self-doubt. And if the night turned into a complete shitshow, she’d lay the blame all on Starr. But only after her friend got better, of course.

    We have a no-show, Wick. Warwick Leary stopped in front of his younger brother and business partner. Cullen stood off to the side in the state-of-the-art kitchen next to the dishwasher. The deep furrow in the other man’s brow made him take a slow breath before diving in. He’d come out to check on tonight’s event before isolating himself in his office to crunch more numbers and review invoices.


    The start of the night seemed promising, if not tedious as hell, until that sentence in a mildly desperate tone reached his ears.

    It sounded like a minor hiccup, so Wick focused on calming his brother enough so that they could come up with an easy fix. 

    This is your show, Cull. So, what are your options? The man was fully capable of handling things at the restaurant. Plus, tonight’s event was his idea. His baby. He watched several expressions dance across his brother’s face before it settled on fierce determination. If that look meant what he thought, this couldn’t be good. Not for Wick, at least.

    Well, you can take a night off for once and go on a date. The cheeky little prick grinned at him. 

    Oh, hell. No way, brother! Wick refused the suggestion outright. He planned to get a ton of work done tonight, to stay ahead. And Cullen wanted him to pitch it all to go on a flipping date. And with a woman he’s never met before. The man had lost his damn mind. 

    Wick, can you do this for me, please?

    Why don’t you take the seat? Have a nice meal and good conversation with someone for once? His brother needed to get back out there.

    Cullen shook his head at Wick’s words. I don’t think so. Plus, you’re a way better catch than me, he replied jokingly. Wick didn’t find the self-deprecating comment humorous at all. Plus, his little brother was just plain wrong, and he was about to set him straight.

    The younger Leary was a damn good catch. At thirty, he was part owner of an up-and-coming restaurant in the beautiful city of Clayton. He was independent and stable. Any woman would be

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