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Pain, Passion And Purpose: Volume 1
Pain, Passion And Purpose: Volume 1
Pain, Passion And Purpose: Volume 1
Ebook104 pages1 hour

Pain, Passion And Purpose: Volume 1

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About this ebook

Christy takes readers behind the scenes of what life was like living in South Carolina, becoming a teen mom at the age of fifteen and again at the age of seventeen. She shares intimate moments of being molested at a young age, breaking free from toxic relationships as well as battling anxiety and depression.

Christy tells the real story based on her account of how she learned to deal with different life situations that could've destroyed her.
From hitting rock bottom to rising to the top, breaking destructive cycles in order for her to be successful in her marriage and raising her two daughters has been her mission.

She now understands why she had to endure so much pain to find her passion and purpose.

Release dateJul 15, 2021
Pain, Passion And Purpose: Volume 1

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    Pain, Passion And Purpose - Christy Brunson Williams

    Chapter 1

    There are two great days in a person's life- the day we are born and the day we discover why.- William Barclay

    Life behind the closed curtains

    The best place to start a story is usually at the beginning, but in doing so, you have to bring up emotions that you've either tried to erase or block out your mind. As crazy as this may sound, I have very vivid images about my childhood. Definitely had some good times but those good time were often overshadowed with bad ones. I was raised by my grandparents and my uncle who was just a junior in high school. My mom had me at the age of eighteen, just before she graduated. Oftentimes, she would joke about how she did everything possible to terminate the pregnancy. It may have been a laughing matter for her but for me it was very hurtful knowing that I wasn't wanted. Even was jokingly called a bastard child once or twice by a family friend. After graduation, my mom was somewhat of a wild child. Partying and hanging out with friends became more of a priority than being a mother. Even though I was not raised by my mother, a lot of her issues or decision were always an influence on my life. The man she claimed to be my father was no where around and she would always tell me I belonged to a guy name Robbie. 

    Life behind the closed curtains

    I've been told that once my mom became pregnant, Robbie had another female knocked up at the same time and there was no way possible that his mom was going to help him raised two babies at once. Years later, I was introduced to another man by my grandmother as my dad. We never had a paternity test done or anything but he would come by to visit me whenever he was in town from New York and give me money. Some times, I reflected on how horrible that must've been for my mom during that time. There she was a new mom, the man she claimed to have taken advance of her, is claiming to be the father of her child and on the other hand, you have the father denying her child but taking care of the other baby. I'm sure it was a lot for her to handle at that age and even to this day, I feel she has never fully healed from that situation. Her mistake of being with two men around the same time, was drill in us for as long as I can remember. My grandmother always told us to never sleep with more than one man so we would never have any problems with knowing who the baby belong too. 

    My mother

    Life behind the closed curtains

    From a early age, I was always told that I was special and that I had something on the inside of me. You would've thought I would believe it with the amount of stories my grandmother shared with me of things that I did as a child or by seeing all the trophies my grandmother sat on a glass stand in her living room.

    I had at least one hundred trophies sitting on that stand. Truth is, I lacked a lot of confidence as a child. I was very shy and timid. Never thought I was pretty enough, always looked at myself as being overweight. I always was involved with the church in some form or fashion. From YPD meetings, choir rehearsals, piano or vocal lessons. My grandmother was a woman of strong faith. She always taught us how to pray and to believe that with God anything is possible. As a child, it was kind of hard to understand all that when you felt like your family was far from picture perfect. My grandmother tried to protect us from dysfunction but the harder she tried the more it appeared. Those were very dark times for our family and I try not to think on those things. While my mom went off to school, my grandmother and grandfather adopted me but instead of coming back with a degree in nursing, she came back with a baby and a husband. My sister Libby and I were inseparable. One minute we would be fighting like cats and dog but nothing could make us stay mad at each other for long. When we were younger, our grandmother would dress us alike to look like twins because we were so close in age.  

    My sister and I

    Life behind the closed curtains

    Growing up in my grandmother's house, there would be arguments almost everyday between my mom and grandmother. My grandmother can be the most sweetest person in the world but she was also controlling and if you did anything that she didn't agree with, you would definitely see a completely different person, almost a bit spiteful. In the mist of those arguments, my mom would snatch up my sister Libby and leave. I didn't understood it at that age but I realized that Libby and I were different. I believe I had to be about six when I was told or began to understand that my grandmother wasn't my real mother and in knowing this made me very sad. I thought my mom could just take me away for good like she did with Libby but my grandmother ensured me that would never happen. My mom always did things that my grandmother never approved of and that's were a lot of their arguments came from. After my mom divorced her husband, she began dating a guy that was much younger than her and of course my grandmother was furious. My mom did not like anyone telling her what to do or how

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