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The People we Trust
The People we Trust
The People we Trust
Ebook296 pages4 hours

The People we Trust

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About this ebook

When Soraya Jansen took over the exotic Libellule’s from her boss, she understood two things: The beauty parlour offers certain “extra” services that need to be handled with discretion. And there’s a strict no-fraternising rule between staff or clients.

But Soraya’s in charge now and can bend the rules to suit her management style. Besides, no one will get under her guard—not the ex-employee she allows back to work, the flirty new hire, or the hot police officer client who definitely shouldn’t be so interesting given they’re on opposite sides of the law.

So why, after forty years of protecting her heart like a fortress, is Soraya suddenly having the pesky urge to lower her walls and take a chance? Maybe the no-fraternising rule was a good idea after all.

A friends-to-lovers lesbian romance about the power of finding someone not only worthy of love, but of trust as well.

This spin-off from The Secrets We Keep can easily be read as a standalone.

PublisherDonna Jay
Release dateJul 28, 2021
The People we Trust

Donna Jay

Donna lives in the land of the long white cloud, otherwise known as New Zealand. Living in a picturesque country and enjoying the outdoors has provided many opportunities for her to write ‘naughty stories' featuring strong women.

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    The People we Trust - Donna Jay



    I unlocked the door to Libellule’s, and a sense of pride filled me. Although it had been a month since Victoria handed over the reins, I was still adjusting to my new role as manager. Unlike my predecessor, when it came to our clients, I preferred a more hands-on approach.

    I first met Victoria when I’d worked at a strip club in Auckland. Our gazes had locked, and I’d twirled my body, sliding up and down that pole like it was the last dance of my life.

    The men ogling me became faceless, their catcalls soundless as Victoria became my sole focus. She’d played the part of shy wife to perfection, objecting when her husband paid for her to have a lap dance.

    That lap dance changed both of our lives. The bond we formed was instantaneous. After that night, Victoria frequented the club. A brief affair followed, but it didn’t take long to realise we weren’t sexually compatible and neither of us were looking for love. We ended the tryst but remained in contact.

    When Victoria presented me with her plan to open a high-end beauty parlour, catering exclusively to women’s needs—beauty therapy with a little something extra—I was all for it. Two weeks later, I relocated from Auckland to Taupo.

    I intended to change a few things at Libellule’s, but the core values would remain the same: treat everyone with respect, consent was non-negotiable, and no dating the clients.

    A knock on the office door pulled me out of my musings. Come in. I didn’t bother glancing up. I knew who it was, and Juliet was damn lucky to be there at all.

    She took a seat on one of the two sofas in my office and waited. It was her first week back on the job, and I needed to set some boundaries.

    After a quick browse of the client list for the day, I finally met her gaze. How are you doing?

    Good, thank you. Juliet fiddled with the hem of her skirt. So, you’re the boss now?


    I was more than capable of bossing people around. I had clients who paid handsomely for the privilege. But as a business manager, I wanted a good rapport with my employees while also keeping the professional lines in place.

    I steepled my hands and nailed Juliet with a look that had made more than one submissive kneel before me. What have you learned?

    That I’m an idiot.

    I tut-tutted. Try again.

    That I’m lucky to be sitting here. That I’m more gullible than I thought.

    Correct on both counts, but not what I want to hear.

    I’ll never make the same mistake again.

    You better not. The only reason you’re here is because I told Victoria I’d take full responsibility for you. Don’t let me down.

    I won’t.

    Falling for a client was a tough lesson for Juliet to learn. I wanted to punish her and pity her all at once, but she’d been punished enough, and I didn’t offer up pity.

    People needed to learn from their mistakes and move on. Being handled with kid gloves and told ‘there, there’ wouldn’t speed up the process.

    If you have any issues, my door’s open.

    Thank you, Soraya.

    I’ll see you at two.

    Juliet’s head shot up. You’re still okay with that?

    We had a session with one of her clients that I wouldn’t miss for the world. I’m a businesswoman, I said by way of explanation.

    Chapter 1

    After a busy week, I was looking forward to my session with one of my favourite clients. I preceded Kitten into one of the back rooms and quietly closed the door behind us. She was an attractive woman with piercing green eyes and wavy, brown hair.

    Standing face-to-face, Kitten handed me her headband, complete with little ears.

    I took it and slid it onto her head, pulling her hair off her face. Beautiful.

    She mewled, hands held up like paws. There was a lot of stigma around pet play, as it was misunderstood. It meant different things for different people. For Kitten, it meant an hour of being pampered and not having to talk.

    I ruffled her hair. Go explore.

    She crawled around the room on all fours. After a minute, she found a small ball I’d placed in the corner and batted it with her hand. It stopped by my feet, and I kicked it back, letting her chase it around the room.

    After a while of playing together, I climbed to my feet and sank into the chair. Come here.

    Kitten pranced over on all fours and dropped her head into my lap, her long hair tickling my thighs.

    You’re such a good girl. I stroked her hair.

    She nuzzled my leg, and the sense of protectiveness I felt was an endorphin high all of its own. My heart also went out to Kitten. Like me, she was a business manager and nearing forty. Unlike me, her kink, fetish, call it what you will, was something she guarded like a fortress.

    Libellule’s was the only place she could completely surrender her mind and body in the way that fulfilled her, without being ridiculed. When Kitten started to topple sideways, I guided her onto her side on the sheepskin rug.

    Once there, I slid out of the chair and snuggled up behind her, stroking her hair and running the back of my fingers up and down her arms. These sessions were as therapeutic for her as they were for me.

    A commotion in the hallway made my blood boil. Not only was it unacceptable, it had also interrupted my session before it was over. Reining in my irritation, I roused Kitten and motioned for her to climb into the cage.

    Good girl. I’ll be right back.

    I stepped into the hallway, and anger surged through me. Two of my employees, Lola and Ruby, had a death grip on the last person I wanted to see—Tiffany.

    What the hell’s going on? I demanded.

    She tried to barge in, Lola said.

    Juliet was leaning against the wall, hugging herself as if she was in physical pain. Please, just go.

    Fuck you. Tiffany glared, spittle flying out of her mouth. Your boss told me I had a freebie, and I’m here to cash it in.

    That was news to me, and it was never going to happen. Not on my watch. I motioned for Lola and Ruby to release her, and Ruby immediately went to Juliet, hugging her protectively.

    Loudmouthed people didn’t scare me. They were generally all noise. Please leave.

    Who asked you? I want to speak to the manager.

    Oh, this was going to be good. I gave her a sardonic smile. "I am the manager."

    What? The look of surprise on Tiffany’s face was laughable. Since when?

    I’m going to ask you one more time. Please leave.

    And if I don’t?

    I didn’t have time for this shit, and frogmarching Tiffany out was a waste of my energy. You’ve got two minutes before I call the cops.

    A smug smile pulled at Tiffany’s mouth. Oh, really? You want to bring the cops to your door? She scoffed. I don’t think so.

    She wasn’t as stupid as I thought. Or maybe she was. I didn’t want the cops to come calling any more than Tiffany did.

    Time’s up. I held up my phone, calling her bluff and waiting to see if she would call mine.

    Fuck you. She flipped me the bird and marched out.

    In your dreams, lady, Lola yelled after her. And don’t come back.

    I clapped my hands. Show’s over, ladies. Back to work. Ruby, Lock the back door. No one’s to enter without a prior appointment.

    Sure. Ruby did my bidding.

    Juliet gave me a weak smile and disappeared into the bathroom. I wanted to check in with her, but that would have to wait. I had a client to get back to.

    I returned to the room I’d just vacated, gutted to see a once-relaxed Kitten on high alert, nose pressed against the cage, eyes wide. I undid the latch. Come here, girl.

    She crawled out, looking at me like a cat who trusted their human to keep them safe.

    Are you okay? I stroked her hair.

    She nodded, and I removed the headband. With that gone, her entire demeanour changed. She was back to the businesswoman she presented to the outside world.

    She stuffed her kitten ears in her handbag and slipped her feet back into her high heels. Is everything okay?

    Yeah, just an excitable client. I smiled to reassure her. She got a little too playful.

    Right. Kitten dragged out the word as if she didn’t believe me.

    The door was solid wood and sealed tight, but that didn’t mean it was soundproof. She would’ve heard muffled parts of the altercation.

    Hating that Tiffany had made my client feel unsafe, I picked up Kitten’s coat and helped her into it. Come on. I’ll see you safely to your car.

    After escorting Kitten out, I went in search of Juliet. Cynthia, our cleaner, appeared out of nowhere, almost running face first into me.

    Whoa. Slow down.

    Sorry. Ruby asked me to give these to Lola. She held up some dental dams.

    I’ll do it. I took them from her, memories of Ruby and Lola setting up Sadie coming back to me. If this was a trick, Lola’s head was going to roll.

    She pretended to be cool with me being the boss, but I sensed otherwise. I tapped once and entered. The only one in the room was Lola. She had her back to me, and her skirt was so short I didn’t have to guess if she was wearing any underwear. The scant bit of fabric was so thin, she might as well not have bothered.

    I handed over the dental dams. You requested these.

    Thanks. Where’s Cynthia?

    Doing her job.

    Lola waved the packets in my face. If she was doing her job right, I wouldn’t have had to ask for these.

    Irritation prickled along my skin. Do you have a point to make? An axe to grind?

    Nope. Why would I? She’s the cleaner.

    There was no mistaking the barely disguised sarcasm in her voice, and I didn’t like it. She might be the cleaner, but that doesn’t make her your bitch. Got it?

    Disdain flitted across Lola’s face. Got it.

    Whatever was going on, I needed to nip it in the bud before it took over like a noxious weed. Is there something going on between you two?

    Nope. Why? Is there something going on between you two? That seems to be a thing around here. Lola’s gaze was challenging.

    It took all of two seconds to register what she meant and equally as fast to rein in my agitation. I refused to bite or defend myself. I liked Cynthia a great deal, but there was nothing going on between us, nor would there ever be.

    If Lola didn’t have her head so far up her arse, all bent out of shape because she hadn’t known our last cleaner had been living with the boss for practically the entire time she worked at Libellule’s, she’d be able to see Kahu had a much higher chance of sneaking under my defences.

    Watch yourself, Lola. You seem to forget who’s running the place now. I paused, letting the tension build. And I’ll fuck who I like. If that includes the cleaner, it’s none of your business. Understood?

    Understood, Lola said.

    I turned to leave, and Lola muttered something about cleaners receiving special treatment. As tempted as I was to give her an attitude adjustment, I let it go. Maybe she was hormonal. That thought stopped me in my tracks.

    Shouldn’t you be working in the front rooms this week? All employees were also trained beauticians. When they were menstruating, they stuck to the above-board services: manicures, pedicures, facials, massages.

    She waved the dental dams in my face, her expression mocking. Not at all. I’ve got these.

    My last thread of patience reached breaking point. Hormonal or not, her attitude was unacceptable. I don’t know what your problem is, but you’re skating on thin ice. Sort it out, or use the door.

    Is that a threat?

    I don’t make threats. I waited for Lola to keep pushing, but she finally dropped the attitude.

    Sorry. I’ve got some shit going on at home.

    Take some leave if you need to, but don’t bring it to work. I have a business to run, and clients want happy people, not drama.

    Oh, I don’t know about that. Some people love all the angst. The hint of a smile graced Lola’s lips.

    Better. I turned and left the room.

    Chapter 2

    As I stepped into the hallway, the light above the back door glowed. Someone was there and wanted to be let in. The door separating the front of the house from the back rooms swung open.

    I’ve got it, I said to Ruby.

    She stopped in her tracks. Okay. It’s Piper here to see Lola.

    I opened the back door and greeted Piper. She was smartly dressed in a business suit, and her blue eyes sparkled. Hi, Pipes.

    Hi! She stepped inside, and I closed the door behind her. I hear congratulations are in order. She held out her hand. Manager. Very swanky.

    Piper and I went way back. I’d first met her when I worked at a club in Auckland. When I moved, she said she would miss me. When she relocated to Taupo last year, she made contact, and not long after, she became a regular client.

    I leaned in close. Lola’s ready for you. Make sure she treats you right. Any issues, my door’s open.

    Don’t be silly. Piper patted my arm as if she was eighty instead of fifty. Everyone I’ve seen has been wonderful. Why do you think I keep coming back?

    I feigned hurt. And here I was thinking it was to see me.

    That too. She looped her arm with mine, and we parted ways at the door to room number two.

    I wandered down the hallway, wondering what I was going to do about Lola if she didn’t shape up. On the one hand, I couldn’t afford to lose her—customers loved her. But on the other hand, I couldn’t afford to keep her if her attitude didn’t improve. It wouldn’t take long before it rubbed off on her co-workers.

    I finally caught up with Juliet as she was exiting the bathroom. She smelt shower-fresh, and the bottom of her short, black hair was damp. She averted her gaze, but not before I noticed she’d been crying.

    My office, please.

    Wordlessly, Juliet fell into step beside me. She didn’t speak until we were seated in my office and the door was closed. She stared at the embossed wooden plaque on my desk.

    Soraya Jansen, Manager

    It felt a bit pretentious, but Victoria had insisted, and I’d yielded. It also didn’t hurt to serve as a reminder that although I still worked alongside the other staff, I was a notch above them.

    Are you enjoying being the boss? Juliet asked.

    I turned the plaque facedown. This wasn’t about me. It was about an employee. I made sure my girls were healthy, and that included taking care of their mental health.

    How are you doing?

    Juliet’s lip quivered, and my heart broke for her. I crossed from my sofa to hers and pulled her close. She rested her head on my shoulder, and I stroked her hair, letting her cry it out. Once the sobs subsided, I handed Juliet a tissue.

    Do you want to talk about it?

    I’m just so bloody angry with myself. She thumped her thigh. I can’t believe I fell for Tiffany. She sat up straighter, tears flowing again. I’ve fucked everything up. Victoria hates me, and now you probably do too. I didn’t mean to bring—

    I pressed a finger to her lips. I don’t hate you, nor does Victoria. Hate was a strong word and an emotion I tried to avoid. It did nothing to change a situation and only dragged down the person carting around all that hatred. With that said, Tiffany was riding the slippery slope between where my tolerance began and where it ended.

    I didn’t have to remind Juliet she’d learned a tough lesson. She was being hard enough on herself. Take the rest of the day off and take care of yourself. I can’t have you working here if you’re going to fall apart.

    Her eyes went wide. Are you firing me?

    No, Juliet. I shook my head. I’m telling you to be kind to yourself. You’re not responsible for Tiffany’s actions.

    Maybe not. But I still feel responsible for the scene she caused today. What if she comes back?

    I’d dealt with bigger fish than Tiffany, and she would go down first. Then I’ll deal with it. But that’s not for you to worry about. I’ll get Ruby to reschedule your last two appointments.

    No, please don’t. Juliet pulled herself together. It’s the first time I’ve seen Lily since… She trailed off, but I heard the unsaid words.

    Since Victoria fired her.

    Is she fun? Sexy?

    She’s the best. Juliet’s eyes lit up before she paled. Not in that way. I wouldn’t date her. I wouldn’t date any of the clients. Never again. Ever. Nope. Nada.

    Got it. I grinned, knowing at that moment Juliet was going to be all right. Maybe not this week, maybe not next week, but she was stronger than she realised. Go wash up. You don’t want to freak Lily out with your panda eyes. Unless she’s into pet play.

    Nope. That’s your client.

    It is. Warmth engulfed me the same as it always did whenever I thought about one of my submissives. The power exchange varied from gentle to intense, and I loved it all.


    Alone again, I put in a few calls, the first to a trusted client and friend, the second to Victoria. She picked up almost immediately.

    Hey, Boss. There was a smile in her voice. How’s tricks?

    Are you done entertaining yourself? I asked. Victoria knew how tricks were. Just because she no longer showed her face every day at Libellule’s didn’t mean she didn’t have her finger on the pulse. Remember Tiffany?

    Ugh, how could I forget? Victoria groaned, and I pictured her dropping her head in her hands.

    Did you offer her a free appointment? If she said yes, I was going to ask if she needed her head read.

    I couldn’t imagine why Victoria would, but I needed to get to the bottom of things. Tiffany might have a rap sheet a mile long, but there had to be a reason she believed she was owed a freebie. According to my source, Tiffany was a con artist, not a wacko. Although, I was beginning to wonder about the latter.

    I did, Victoria said.

    If I hadn’t been sitting, the comment would’ve knocked me off my feet. Do you need your head read? I hadn’t thought I’d literally ask that question, but here we were.

    Only you could get away with a question like that. Her tone was light, but I picked up the hint of a warning and remembered my place.

    Sorry. But honestly, why would you do that?

    It was a passing comment. I wasn’t serious. Victoria paused. Wait a minute. Why are you asking?

    She was here. Today.

    What? Victoria’s shrill voice rattled my eardrum. I pulled the phone away and rubbed my ear before tuning back in. Did anyone let her in? Fuck. It was a fleeting comment to get rid of her when I confronted Juliet about their affair. Shit. Is Juliet okay? Did she see Tiffany?

    The spark of concern in Victoria’s voice warmed me. She might’ve been hard on Juliet when she fired her for breaking company rules, but deep down, she cared.

    She thinks you hate her, I said.

    Who? Tiffany? Then she’d be right.

    No, Juliet.

    That’s ridiculous. I don’t hate her. I hate what she did.

    You fired her.

    Your point?

    There wasn’t really a point to make. Juliet had been disciplined, she was back, and we needed to move on. If only Tiffany would let us.

    What happened?

    I gave Victoria a brief rundown.

    Do you think she’s going to pose a problem? It might pay to take out a restraining order.

    Done. It was the first thing I’d taken care of after Juliet exited the office. Calling Victoria was the second.

    Did Officer Dunn have anything to do with that?

    Maybe. Victoria knew one of my clients was a cop. She was also aware we occasionally met up for a drink.

    I knew I appointed you as the manager for a reason.

    Any other nasty surprises I need to be aware of? I asked. Freebies you’ve offered?

    No nasty surprises. But I do have news.

    Mm, do tell.

    "Come over for dinner next

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