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I Am from Maldek: Survivors from Disaster
I Am from Maldek: Survivors from Disaster
I Am from Maldek: Survivors from Disaster
Ebook113 pages1 hour

I Am from Maldek: Survivors from Disaster

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Do You have good mental, scientific & mathematical abilities & self-control? If so, You could have lived a former ‘Off-planet’ life on Maldek! Maldekians were seven feet tall, very slim, pale white/blue skinned humanoids. Read how you lived, loved & worked on Maldek during a 400 year Cold war & how the inhabitants destroyed their Home World with nuclear weapons! Plus much more. A Beacon of Light.

PublisherThe Abbotts
Release dateJul 29, 2021
I Am from Maldek: Survivors from Disaster

The Abbotts

The Abbotts have published over 140 books on many different alien/extraterrestrial, psychic and spiritual subjects including the paranormal, self development, love, relationships and inspiriting fiction.They also have another 275 plus books that are being prepared for general release!All of their published books and courses are available through all major online book stores, book retailers and digital libraries.The Abbotts goals for the future includes writing even more alternate books and branching out into other forms of mass media including films, animation, audio books and translated books.The Abbotts hope that you enjoy their free and low-cost books. Please recommend us to your family and friends.Love, Light and hopeThe AbbottsTony Abbott and Robyn Abbott.

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Este livro corresponde pouco às memórias que tenho de Maldek.

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I Am from Maldek - The Abbotts

I Am from Maldek : Survivors from Disaster


The Abbotts

A Beacon of Light Book

Working towards - Peace, Harmony and Unity

Copyright 2021 The Abbotts

All Rights Reserved

ISBN: 9781005845452


Hi, we are The Abbotts, counsellors, writers and paranormal experts. Many of our readers and clients have asked us to tell them more about Off-Planet lives following them reading our book ‘Who Are You? - Discovering Your Cosmic Origins’.

Recently, we have been receiving information about Maldek and the people who lived there and we want to share this information with you. An awakening number of men and women have found that they are former Maldekians and want to know how they lived on their own planet.

They also want to know how their previous existence on the Maldekian Home World affects them, in their current life on Earth. Through our own psychic research and with help from channelled messages from Maldekian entities and the Ascended Masters, we have gathered as much information as we can, to fulfill this desire for more information on Maldek. We hope that this book will give you, the reader the answers that you seek.

The Ascended Masters, Archangels and Maldekian and other Off-planet Beings add their own particular wisdom to our thoughts and research. The Ascended Masters, are wise, loving and understanding beings! We have channelled them for over forty years and they have always enriched our lives with their Higher wisdom and unconditional love! We hope that you will read this book with an open mind and heart.

You will find that the exercises and explanations in this book are written in an easy-to-understand manner. Our aim is to help illuminate you, not to confuse you!

We hope that you will find this book as fascinating as we did discovering the Maldekian outlook on life!

Love, Light and Hope

Tony Abbott & Robyn Abbott

The Abbotts

Eden Park.


Chapter One : Maldekian History

Everyone has had lives on various Off-Planet worlds. As hypnotherapists, we have heard many clients describe these amazing planets of pale rosy red skies or double suns. Whether you have incarnated directly from Maldek or have had a previous incarnation there or know someone who is obviously an ex-Maldekian, you should find the information that we have gathered as important, to understanding the Maldekian outlook on life. For Maldekians certainly do think differently to most other Off-Planet races!

What was Maldek?

Maldek is the name given to a destroyed planet of our solar system that was once located between Mars and Jupiter. Maldek was also known by some ancient peoples as Tiamet the Mother. It had one moon Malona, also destroyed in the explosion.

The Rings of Saturn, small moons and asteroids in the Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter are some of the remains of Maldek.

The gigantic explosion that shattered Maldek into millions of tiny pieces, flinging vast amounts of rock and soil into outer space happened between 700,000 to 1 Million years ago.

At present approximately 2 million of all males and females born since 1921 are former Maldekians. This means that they spent a lifetime on Maldek before their death. They would have then spent some time on the Higher realms, what we call Heaven, then finally, they incarnated to Earth.

On Maldek the inhabitants were about seven foot tall, very slim, pale white/blue skinned humanoids. Maldekians usually had excellent health, both physical and mental. They prided themselves on their mental, scientific and mathematical abilities and self-control.

They usually had life spans of approximately 65 to 75 Earth years. Maldekians resided on the upper third to lower fourth dimensions.

Here is a channelled message from a higher Master Lord Ashtar who has told us of Maldek’s disastrous fate.

"Have you heard of Maldek, no? Well, Maldek was a planet in your solar system with beings much like yourself. They lived in harmony with nature for millions of years and then, they began to pollute their rivers, soil and air. They broke into two factions of billions of men and women who allowed power and greed to overwhelm them and they forgot the natural ways of living.

Their industry was so important to them that they disregarded any environmental warnings, and soon the land and oceans were barren and the air unbreathable.

They then began to cause wars to claim crops and water and eventually using nuclear weapons, they split their planet apart into millions of pieces. Everyone was annihilated and the debris from the planet formed the Rings of Saturn and asteroids in your solar system.

Maldek is a warning to every inhabited planet with an advanced civilization to create harmony with nature and not destroy your home with avarice and arrogance!"

Blessings, Ashtar.

At certain times, specific groups of people incarnate in small groups to Earth, to bring in

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