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Hometown Secrets Revealed
Hometown Secrets Revealed
Hometown Secrets Revealed
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Hometown Secrets Revealed

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Jessa "Peacock" and Nate "Jaguar" Masters have been assigned a case but not by the Intergalactic Intelligence Bureau. They are working directly for the President on this one. She and her family have been receiving death threats. Someone is set on exposing what really happened the night the President's late husband, Dylan Ashton, died. Even the President has no idea the kind of person she had been married to as the secrets of the street Jessa grew up on start to unravel...and investigating Dylan Ashton's death exposes more skeletons than answers. Will Jessa and Nate be able to shovel through all the distractions and get to the truth?
Release dateJul 18, 2021
Hometown Secrets Revealed

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    Hometown Secrets Revealed - Annagail Lynes


    You weren’t supposed to be home until tomorrow, Nate Masters declared as he marched into my office on the Liberty, the StarVessel that we commanded.  He rushed over to me and wrapped his arms around me, lifting me off the ground.  I’ve missed you so much, he expressed, covering my face with kisses.

    In 2100, the Armed Forces formed a United-Nations organization called the Freedom Alliance.  Each branch functioned as it always did, but now came under the rules and regulations set forth by the Freedom Alliance.  Fifty years later, a faction no longer agreed with those rules and regulations and broke away to form a group called the Crimson Fleet that wanted to create a one-world totalitarian government.  Since the Freedom Alliance could not let that happen, they went to war with the Crimson Fleet.  Nate and I commanded the USS Liberty, the flagship of the Freedom Alliance, stationed at the frontline of the war. 

    I put my fingers over his lips, tracing them.  Shhh.  I’m not home.  I raised my head to peer at him.  My knees weakened, and my heart pounded with one look into his intense eyes.  The color of freshly-brewed cappuccino.   I ran my forest green ones over his jet-black hair down his rugged features over his slightly overgrown nose to his goatee.  I let my eyes linger on his muscular, thin physique before leaning in and  tasting his lips that I dreamed about for the two weeks I visited DC.  At least not officially...until tomorrow.  The trial wrapped up earlier than I expected, so I rushed home to see you.  I looked around the room and remarked, Everything seems to be okay here.  Nothing is falling apart.  I probably could have stayed in DC for another couple days or so.  Maybe a week.  You know, I do need to go take care of some unfinished business in the States.  I could go back.

    Don’t you dare, Nate whispered, drawing me against his chest.  While you were in DC, testifying to put a criminal in prison, our daughter’s going on her first date.  Our son’s moping around the quarters like he’s lost his best friend.  Troy’s sick, and I’ve been running this vessel single-handedly for days, and your father’s been feeding me busy work assignments.  He lifted up my chin with his finger, forcing me to lock eyes with him.  How is your Dad?"

    In addition to serving on the Liberty, Nate and I also solved crimes in space for the Intergalactic Intelligence Bureau, a covert organization based in Washington DC, founded by my father Bradley Thomas. 

    Most people in my life, most people aboard the Liberty, had no idea that I led a secret life, that my husband led a secret life.  We were Federal Agents, who had been partnered with each other for fourteen years, who had worked on abductions and homicides of very high profiled people, took down drug traffickers, stopped terrorist attacks and many other prime cases.

    Nate and I referred to each other by our code names.  I referred to him as Jag or Jaguar for his cat-like reflexes, and he referred to me as Peak or Peacock because I did the Peacock dance so well.  The Peacock dance was the act of getting close to a member of the opposite sex in order to gain information from him. 

    He’s fine, but I have an ulterior motive for coming home early, I started, running my fingers up through his hair.

    Oooh really, Nate purred, touching his lips to mine.  He massaged my shoulders. 

    I wish it was that simple, I advised him, tilting my head to the side.  I pulled a set of folded-up papers from the pocket of my military fatigues and handed them to him.        He fanned out the papers and studied them.  He looked up at me, raising his eyebrows.  Peacock, these are– I glanced down, then met his eyes. 

    "How’s my brother, Jessa?  I know you went to see him," I heard a familiar feminine voice hiss behind me.  Her voice, to me, sounded like fingernails on a chalkboard. How did she get in here?  Did she follow me in?  How did Nate and I not see her?

    I rolled my eyes. "I told you when you contacted me that I didn’t want to talk to you.  I told you in DC that I didn’t want to speak with you.  What part of I don’t want to talk to you, aren’t you getting," I thundered, swinging around to face the author of the voice. 

    The blond-haired woman, who stood eye-to-eye with me, had dark roots.  She had an oval-shaped face and skin the color of bone-China.  Her eyes the color of her brother’s–as blue as the Pacific Ocean on a good, clear day. 

    Now you’ve followed me from DC to here.  I won’t let you displace Rina and Caleb again, I cautioned as Nate put his arms around me and put his chin on my shoulder.  They are settled here.  You call them once a week, and send them cards and gifts, and think you have a relationship with them, I grounded out through clenched teeth, putting my hand on top of Nate’s.  I motioned back to Nate and added, We are the ones that help them with their homework, hold them when they have nightmares, feed them, clothe them and teach them right from wrong.

    The woman laughed.  Oh, my heavens, is that what you thought?  That I was here to take Rina and Caleb away from you, she required, shaking her blond locks.  She leaned against the doors.  Her eyebrows looked as if they were permanently raised.

    But your mother said that you were questioning her about Nate and my ability to care for Rina and Caleb, I countered, turning slight to share a troubled look with Nate.

    No wonder you were so insistent on getting away from me, the woman assessed, bending her leg at the knee.  Her foot to the doors. I wanted to make sure Rina and Caleb were taken care of.  From talking to Mom, Tony and the kids, it’s clear to me that you were the logical choice, she concluded.  She raked her eyes slowly over me from head to toe, moving her eyes back up to my stomach.  Frankly, she recalled, I’m not surprised that Tracey didn’t want me as her children’s god-mother.  There was no love lost between us.

    If you aren’t here to take the children, why are you here?

    I need your help.  I don’t know who else to turn to, she admitted; her voice now bordering on hysteria.  Is there somewhere private we can talk?  She gestured with her head toward Nate.

    Oh, I’m sorry, Michelle Ashton, this is Nate Masters, my partner of fourteen years, I introduced, kissing his cheek. 

    And your husband, Nate corrected, running his hand over my stomach.

    And my husband, I agreed.  I intertwined my fingers with his.  Whatever you have to say to me, you can say in front of him.  He knows most of my past anyway.

    Masters.  Ben’s brother, right, Michelle surmised.  She walked over to Nate and stuck out her hand.  You sure look like an older version of Ben.  I was so sorry to hear about his passing.

    Nate came out from behind me, shook her hand and observed, Thank you, Michelle, but your condolences should really go to his widow and their daughter.  They are the ones who suffered the most when he was killed.

    Suffered so much that Jessa married you within a year of his passing.  Had I been his wife, I would have stayed faithful to his memory, Michelle expressed, flipping her hair back.  "I don’t see how my Ben ever married the likes of you," she ranted, moving her eyes over me several times, wrinkling her nose.

    How did she go from being nice to criticizing me in a minute and a half, I wondered.  It had to be the mention of my marriage to Ben. Nate lunged at Michelle.  I grabbed his arm and charged, Jag, it’s okay. This is what she does.

    He shook my hand off and barked, Not anymore.  Ben would never let her treat you like that, and neither will I.  He closed the gap between him and Michelle.  He ran his eyes over her icily, twisting his mouth in disgust.  For growing up with my wife and supposedly being hot and heavy with my brother, you sure don’t seem to know either of them that well.

    "Ben loved me.  He was in love with me when he took pity on her and married her, she snapped, nodding in my direction.  She’s always been a tomboy–climbing trees and beating boys at track.  We all know, Nate, guys don’t go for that type of woman.  They want women who are more feminine, more domestic."

    I could see Nate seething with every word that Michelle uttered. "You couldn’t prove that by me–that my brother loved you, that is.  He never spoke of you.  He never brought you home to meet our Mom and Dad, to meet our sister.  But Jessa said it was so, so it has to be true, he said; his voice degenerated into a guttural rasp.  He reached for my hand, leading me over to him.  I could have been as bitter as you.  I really could have.  I loved Jessa then, and I love her now, he maintained while pulling me into his arms.  While you were locked up in some convent, I was here partnered with Jessa, he went on as he turned me around, so I faced Michelle, watching their marriage day after day after day, knowing that I was in love with my brother’s wife, the mother of his child."

    But you got the happy ending.  I didn’t.  Not even close.  He should have been married to me.  His child should have been my child, she asserted, raised her hand in the air to admire her perfectly-manicured hands.

    You touch one hair on our daughter’s head, and I will kill you, Michelle, I threatened.  I tucked my hair behind my ears and revealed the long scar on the left side of my neck and repeated,  I will kill you in cold blood.

    Michelle chuckled, then reminded me, I am the First Daughter.  There is no way you will kill me without being put in prison for the rest of your life.

    She’s not joking, Michelle, Nate confirmed, meeting Michelle’s gaze, and if Jessa doesn’t kill you, I will.

    Don’t tell me about being the First Daughter, Michelle.  Most of America doesn’t even know that Aunt Maddy has a daughter, I began, closing my eyes briefly.  When I opened them, I caught her eye and lectured, But they have seen Tony, Nate and I, even Ben when he was alive, by her side, campaigning for her because we believe in her.

    Nate’s CommLet, his wrist-worn communication device, chimed. Papa, where are you, I heard Remy call out over it.

    I’m supposed to be at his rehearsal for tomorrow night’s concert.  He wants everything to be perfect for your homecoming.

    Then let’s go, I bid, marching toward the door.  I swung back around to see Michelle and instructed, If you want me to help you with those death threats you’ve been receiving, Michelle, then you’d better come along.  Then I walked out the door.

    A few minutes later, Michelle, Nate and I stepped into Cougar’s on the Victor level, which the people on the Liberty referred to as the Mall. 

    JonJon greeted, Hey, Lucky Star, you’re back early.  How was your trip?

    I could use a vacation.  How’s that new son of yours, I returned, leaning against the bar. 

    Peter’s doing great.  It’s been a joy to have him around, JonJon gushed as he poured Vodka into a shot glass.

    He and his wife had adopted a young boy whose parents were killed in a Tsunami on Planet M-99.  Many of the other members of the Liberty followed suit by adopting the orphans of the Tsunami.  Nate and I would have took one or two in ourselves, but our inn was filled to capacity.

    JonJon, this is Michelle Ashton, Tony’s sister, I provided, motioning toward the blond nipping at my heel.  I glanced back at Michelle.  He manages this jazz club, I added as I gave the place an encompassing wave. 

    JonJon wiped his hands on his apron and shook her hand.  Nice to meet you, Ma’am.

    How do you know my brother, Mr. JonJon, Michelle required as she tapped her nails on the bar.

    He is part owner of this club, Ms. Ashton, came his matter-of-fact response.

    We will be at the table near the kitchen, I advised JonJon.  I nodded in that direction and said, When you have a chance, I need to talk to you and Ellie about something.

    You want your usual and a menu for the newbie?

    Yes, thank you.

    Make that two of her usual, JonJon, Nate corrected, leading me over to the table closest to the kitchen.  He pulled out a chair for me and helped me sit down.

    Why did he call you Lucky Star?  I know why my brother used to call you Lucky, but why Lucky Star, Michelle questioned, then opened the menu. 

    There was a man who was very special to me, Nate and to most of the people who make this place run.  He used to call me that, I mentioned, motioning for Nate to sit down.

    Mom, a dark-haired miniature version of me screamed, then jumped off the stage and ran over to the table.  She climbed into my lap.  She laid her head on my shoulder and cried.  Hey, Angel, what happened, huh, baby, I coaxed, rubbing her back. 

    I looked at Nate, who had just sank into the chair next to me, for clarification, but he only shook his head.

    You’re going to be mad at me, the little girl muttered.

    I won’t be mad.  I promise.  Just tell me what’s going on, I assured her as I smoothed out her hair.

    I lost Dad’s necklace, she admitted after a few minutes of urging.

    When did you have it last, I queried, smiling as JonJon set a Collins glass in front of Nate, then me. 

    I had it in class.  I remember fiddling with it while my teacher was talking about World War III.  By the time, I came here to practice our songs, it was gone, she vocalized in between sobs.  "Is my teacher right?  Did you and some of the others aboard the Liberty serve in World War III?"

    Tell me the route you took to get here, I prompted, leaning my head against hers. 

    I did what you told me to.  I waited for Remy, Rina, Aunt Ashley and Caleb at the TravelTram closest to my classroom.  Then we took the TravelTram here, she replied, turning her head toward me.

    I put my thumb to my CommLet. Colonel Masters to Security Chief Vincent.

    Colonel, came Colin’s response, I’m so glad you are back, but aren’t you a day early?

    The trial wrapped up early.  How are Beej and Rj, Colin, I prodded.

    Colin expressed, A little cranky, but they are doing fine.  I can never thank you enough for what you did for us.

    Joey would have done the same for me.  Can you do me a favor?  Reggie lost the necklace her Dad gave her somewhere between her classroom and Cougar’s.  She took the TravelTram closest to her classroom.  Could you have your officers keep an eye out for it?

    Sure, Jess.  I’ll send Lieutenant Crawford out to look for it now.  Tell Reg that I’ll have it for her by dinnertime, Colin insisted, then he terminated the transmission.

    Reggie lifted her head and smiled through her tears.  Lieutenant Crawford will find my necklace.  He’s good at finding things.  He found Jamie when I left him in the Infirmary that one time.  He found my homework when one of the boys ran off with it, she surmised.

    That he is, Angel, I agreed while wiping her tears away with my thumbs. 

    Mom, do you still have the necklace Dad made for you?

    Of course, I do, Angel.  You know, just because I love your Papa doesn’t mean I love your Dad any less.  Do you understand?

    After a minute of mulling it over–a trait she inherited from her Dad–she nodded.  I love Papa.  Dad told me in a dream that Papa is the father that he left in charge of me.  I love Papa, but I still love my Dad.

    I kissed her head and praised her, You are one smart, little girl.  You are definitely your Dad’s girl.

    Dad used to say, ‘Our hearts are never meeting their full potential, Reggie started, laying her head back on my shoulder. 

    Unless we stretch them to love more and more people, Michelle finished for Reggie.

    Reggie raised her head and looked at the stranger.  She studied her for a moment, tilting her head to the side.  You are Rina and Caleb’s Aunt Michelle.  They have a picture of their family in their rooms, she determined.  I could see her sizing Michelle up. 

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