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Lightning Strikes: Sciath Court, #0.5
Lightning Strikes: Sciath Court, #0.5
Lightning Strikes: Sciath Court, #0.5
Ebook63 pages1 hour

Lightning Strikes: Sciath Court, #0.5

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Leif Granier has arrived at the Hunt Forest to check it out, and possibly blow off some steam fighting and sparing with the Huntsmen. Behind on the shared hook up board he is competing against his siblings on, hes thinking it's a dry spell and what better way to work off frustration than to get into some altercations.

But Fate has other plans for his trip, and lightning strikes.

A chance viewing of the Court of Peris' battle against their enemies brings clarity and need… because Leif has found his female in a volatile storm hag even the hunt gives a wide berth to. A woman special enough to tame one of the largest lothario's of the Granier clan.

But it won't be as simple as a revisit to a sexy conquest after its all over. Because lightning doesn't strike the same place twice… or does it?

PublisherS.A. Price
Release dateAug 17, 2021
Lightning Strikes: Sciath Court, #0.5

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    Lightning Strikes - S.A. Price

    Leif Granier inhaled a deep breath and let it out slowly, trying not to cough. He wasn’t used to breathing in actual fresh air. Spending the majority of his life in a casino or in the fighting ring, he’d almost forgot what nature looked and smelled like. Though, this wasn’t typical nature he was standing in the middle of but the legendary Front, home of the huntsmen.

    For the last several weeks he’d been trying to schedule time to head up with Aldal, also known as the man with the longest fucking streak with his sister. Usually none of the Granier men would bother even getting to know Addie’s latest fuck buddy, but considering they’d been seeing each other on and off for the past several years, and Leif actually liked the guy, he and all of his brothers had created a friendship with the demon. Him most of all. He actually liked and approved of the man, which was a feat within itself. Little did everyone know, Leif was extremely protective of his baby sister.

    I forgot this color green actually existed, Leif said as the two of them made their way from the portal to the main section of the Front, where Aldal said Jedreck, his closest friend and commander of the Hunt, would be waiting for them.

    Which is what happens when you see the morose and decadent interiors of casinos day in day out. You all really should get out more often. Faerie is huge and there’s weird shit everywhere, though the Hunt Forest is probably the greenest, aside from Outura Ken. Most of the hidden forests have their own colors. You see the Ice forests up north yet? Bitches have glass trunks on trees. Blinding as shit when the sun comes out.

    I’ve been meaning to get my ass up there, he said. Vice keeps talking about the snowboarding trails. And I’ll have you know, I see more than just the interiors of the casinos, I also happen to see many of the bedrooms, too. He smirked at his friend. But now that I have access to this place, I’ve been itching to get into a real skirmish. Don’t get me wrong, fighting in the ring is a fucking rush, but being out in the elements against fuckers that deserve to die? That’s the sweet spot.

    They walked through to a clearing set up with several huge tents and in front of them an enormous fire pit surrounded by logs. There were a few huntsmen coming and going from the tents and more sitting around the fire, and one walking toward them. Tall, dark hair, and a smile so wide, his dimples were showing, the huntsman headed straight to Aldal.

    About time you fucking came around, you ass. I was beginning to think that chick you’d been seeing had chained you to the bed.

    I’m going to assume he’s talking about Addie, Leif said. Which would mean she probably has chained him to the bed.

    Only on Thursdays...every other month, Aldal said with a grin and pulled the guy into a hug. Surprised to see your mug here. Isn’t there an incursion happening today? He looked to Leif. Leif Granier, meet the hunt commander, Jedreck.

    You can just call me Jed, the man said as he held out his hand and Leif shook it. As to the incursion, there is always some kind of shit going down. The Night Hags wanted to have some fun, so I sent them out.

    What the fuck is a Night Hag? Leif asked, looking between the two men. Last time I called a woman a hag, I limped for an hour.

    Aldal smirked. These women are fine being called hags, but just make sure you get the designation right. Sluagh have a Court called Peris, and it consists of the Banshee, Night Hags, Storm Hags, Berberoka and the Leehaum Shee. All of them are not to be fucked with. If they wanted out it means two things—lusts are rising and their commanders are going to go into heat. He wiggled his eyebrows. And there’s your Sluagh lesson of the week.

    Worst fucking thing about Light and Nightmare being all buddy buddy now, trying to keep track of all the new species, Leif said. I already have enough shit in my brain, I’m running out of damn room.

    Jed gestured with his hand and they headed over to the fire pit and sat down. You probably won’t have to remember everything when it comes to the Sluagh, they pretty much keep to Dank and the Hunt. None of them have ventured out. Hell, the only one called to serve is Hendrix and he’s with Gogo. Though, from the first two LC princesses getting them some Nightmare, you never know.

    This fucker and my sister started that crossover shit, Leif said with a laugh. The whole forbidden fruit shit. What I want to know is, how do we get ourselves in this little skirmish with whatever the hell they’re fighting? I’m seriously in need of a non-sanctioned ass kicking.

    Easy buddy... Aldal said and looked to Jed. "When the hunt sends out the Court of Peris, they let

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