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Peace or Pain: Self Betrayal: Peace or Pain Series
Peace or Pain: Self Betrayal: Peace or Pain Series
Peace or Pain: Self Betrayal: Peace or Pain Series
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Peace or Pain: Self Betrayal: Peace or Pain Series


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You Are The Savior Waited For — The Wisdom You Seek Is Within!


Humanity is in a Collective Crisis of the Soul, longing to acknowledge its greatness while returning to a state of Unconditional Self LoveShifting into the authentic Spiritual Expression of Creative Power, Presence & Peace! The Collective Trauma currently playing out in Humanity is intimately connected to the experience of unprocessed trauma.


Peace or Pain: The Lies of Self Betrayal offers Spiritual Insights & Ground Breaking Strategies to transcend one's Traumatic Childhood pain and suffering. It's a book filled with Spiritual Wit dispelling the misconceptions leading one into the darkness of total disempowerment! Kye's pragmatic representation regarding the Natural Order of this realm is the very reason she is often times referred to as, the Cynical Psychic!


The journal entries depicted over 13 years detail an incredible story of one ordinary woman's determination to find her power in her pain, which provided spiritual understanding unleashing Wisdom Filled Enlightenment to her seeking Soul. Readers will be captivated by Kye's no-nonsense approach to Spirituality while revealing the Lost Ancient Teachings regarding the Purpose of Life— without all the woo-hoo BS!


Furthermore, readers will gain access to a model of healing resolution that ensures the fulfillment of Desires & Destiny for the Trauma Inspired Warrior. They will close the pages of Peace or Pain with a solid grasp regarding the origins of the lies believed while knowing how these lies impacted her life's decisions creating a life of mediocrity and meaninglessness. The Trauma Inspired Warrior is destined for Greatness and Brave enough to bring Spiritual Order to Physical Chaos by choosing — Peace Over Pain!


In the end, Kye found the Strength and Courage to be a hero & save herself — Will You Choose The Same?


Release dateAug 10, 2023
Peace or Pain: Self Betrayal: Peace or Pain Series

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    Peace or Pain - KYE


    I was blind to the truth of what is because of what I desperately need to be true.

    Unfortunately, all those who uttered the meaningless words ‘I love you’ painfully betrayed me in the end.

    Tragically, I spent a lifetime window shopping with little more than misguided, good intentions— riddled with the pain and suffering of self-betrayal.

    However, I must be forthright that had I been given unconditional love, I would have never gone looking for myself!

    — Kye



    Either give me some fucking clarity, or I’m done! I pleaded as the depth of darkness and despair extinguished the last bits of light guiding the way forward. The anguish within was suffocating as I drew my last breath of hope, begging God to show me the way out of the darkness.

    At this moment, devoid of light, I felt incredibly abandoned and unloveable as worthlessness consumed my hope of ever existing without pain and suffering. I spent years suspended in the sadness of despair so profound I dared not look it in the eye for fear it would destroy me!

    — Journal Entry

    As New Year’s Eve of 2006 encroached, the pain and suffering of life devoured the remaining light within my Soul. A darkening void consumed me with sadness and sorrow; it bore no beginning nor end. Every ounce of my Being felt intense emotional despair, silently screaming to be acknowledged. Mentally, physically, and spiritually broken, I fell to my knees crying inconsolably, begging for clarity to reveal itself in the quiet desperation of the moment. Hopelessness, helplessness, and powerlessness filled my Soul with a depth of devastation no one should ever experience. Out of options, I did the only thing I could think of. I fell to my knees, pleading toward the heavens — either give me some fucking clarity, or I am done!

    I cried relentlessly, alone in the darkness, for what felt like an eternity. When my heartfelt sobbing finally subsided, a peaceful resonance embraced me, conveying help was on its way. I didn’t know how or why. It felt like somebody had heard my cries for help. The peace felt in those proceeding moments provided the hope to rise in the pure will of determination. Little did I know that every lie I believed about myself and the life I unconsciously created was about to be turned upside down and set on fire, spawning more chaos than peace. However, tremendous clarity rose from the ashes of the annihilated lies and deceptions that previously permeated my life. For this, I am eternally grateful.

    Yes, life had brought me to my knees. I hated my life, and most of all, I loathed everything about myself. I was quickly running out of reasons to live, desperately feeling the need to leave the world of the undead behind. I feared there was no one to save me from my self-created hell. There was no knight in shining armor coming to rescue me. Sadly, I settled for a life of mediocrity, calling it contentment while longing for greatness. I desperately longed to escape the pain and suffering of existing in the land of the undead, where meaninglessness abounded. I prayed for death to bring the peace and rest I desperately desired. How could I be strong enough to survive the past yet feel helpless to create a meaningful and peaceful life? Why are moments of happiness fleeting, and the ability to feel love always out of reach?

    Honestly, I spent a lifetime window shopping with little more than misguided, good intentions, filled with pain and suffering. I was in a perpetual state of sadness, confusion, and deception. I was desperate to make a happy and meaningful life over the years. Imagine my surprise upon realizing I had spent most of my life attempting to make sense of pure nonsense. The harder I tried and failed, the more discouraged I became.

    The messages from all aspects of my life screamed I would never be enough. I was drowning in worthlessness that consumed me from morning to night. Nothing is more devastating than realizing you are living a lie without an escape route. Unfortunately, my efforts to feel worthy of being loved went unfulfilled over the years. The only love I ever received was conditional at best. Feelings of unworthiness and rejection were constant companions throughout most of my life. I felt it, believed it, and attracted it!

    You falsely believe if someone loved you enough, your life would be perfect. Here lies the error in thought, which precedes all pain and suffering! The self-love you deny will never be found outside of yourself.

    — The Crew

    I felt discarded like an insignificant piece of garbage by those falsely professing their undying loyalty and love. I learned to despondently walk away in the face of this rejection, feeling discouraged and weary. I fled many jobs, relationships, family, and friends. For far too long, I sought the safety of isolating myself from the pain of the world in the quietness of my bedroom. For this was the truth of the meaningless life I had unconsciously created. Everything about my adult life was beyond emotionally painful. I was never enough to be loved unconditionally. Actually, there was never enough of anything I desired. There was never enough love, time, or joy.

    Not to mention, arguing with Dick, my second husband, had become nothing more than a perpetual state of senseless and self-imposed suffering. As each day brought more and more clarity, I quickly realized it was impossible to have a sane conversation with an insane person. He was constantly at odds with anyone he deemed a threat or undeserving of his presence. In his arrogance, Dick believed his respect had to be earned before being entitled to his conditional love. Sadly, he had no idea how to give or receive unconditional love. To Dick, love was a game of wits, and he had no real intention of authentically offering any part of himself. One day, he exhibited the kindness of Jesus and the next, he extolled the expression of Satan himself, ultimately leaving me in a never-ending whirlwind of self-doubt and confusion.

    Last week, I sat in the emergency room with chest pain, vision problems, numbness in my left arm, and a migraine. Weeks upon weeks, years upon years of sadness had taken its toll on me. I was at a loss for what to do next. As I lay on the gurney, I wondered, is this all there is?

    My second marriage was falling apart, my youngest son was on a disastrous path, and my two youngest daughters were feeling the stress of my life. Unable to hold it together any longer, I felt like death was at hand, and I welcomed it. Not realizing a spiritual death had already taken place.

    I have a difficult time just getting up in the morning to go to work as a nurse. Most days, the thought of caring for another person in distress leaves me feeling sick to my stomach. I am silently screaming for help, and no one can hear me. The worst part is I had spent most of my life being invisible to myself!

    How could I hold on for even one more day when I didn’t even want to get out of my fucking bed to face another day? I feel so empty with nothing left to give anyone, much less myself. Realizing your life is meaningless and that you have been living a lie is devastating. I hated myself for making all those bad choices. Only I am to blame!

    — Journal Entry

    Unfortunately, it would take another four harrowing and chaotic years filled with pain and suffering to acknowledge the truth regarding my marriage to Dick. I falsely believed my life would miraculously produce blissful happiness if only he would change for the better. In truth, I spent too much time and energy unsuccessfully hoping and prodding him to be a better human. What I should have done was start choosing to be better to myself.

    Instinctively, I knew in the recesses of my soul that unconditional love and self-awareness were an inward journey of acceptance. Yet, how could I possibly find within what I had never experienced in this lifetime? I was not acquainted with the experience of unconditional love or unquestionable self-acceptance. These were the questions of a barely conscious soul beginning to wake from her slumber. I distinctly remember repeating, life isn’t supposed to feel this way. Nothing is making sense.

    In my devotion to self-hatred, I experienced sadness, fear, worry, lack, loneliness, and hopelessness. I spent years suspended in the sadness of despair so profound I dared not look it in the eye for fear it would destroy me. In truth, I handed over my life to people vibrating at less-than-desirable frequencies while falsely believing it was I who wasn’t enough.

    Sitting on my patio in quiet reflection one afternoon, I was trying to figure out how my life ended sideways. I had such an epiphany, realizing I had lived most of my life in the deception of disillusion. I was so excited at this thought I immediately called my sister to inform her of the inspirational insight that had created a pivotal moment and shift within.

    Every decision I ever made in my life was wrong and based on a false reality of the lies I believed about myself and the fucked up ideals of the world I held.

    — Kye

    Realizing the correlation between the lies I believed and my experience was such an "ah-ha" moment. This epiphany shifted my perception profoundly, and it was such a significant game-changer in my journey from fiction to fact. This clarity-driven shift would ultimately direct my internal and external quest to find the truth versus the lies I believed, which controlled my thoughts and choices.

    Three weeks ago, I sat on my patio, informing my sister that every decision I had ever made was wrong. It was no wonder things never turned out as I wanted. Sure, my intention was loving, but decisions made within a false reality will never turn out as you expect.

    This realization was such an ah-ha moment for me! I have spent years thinking everyone else was to blame, but it was all me.

    I made all the wrong decisions because I didn’t know who I was, nor did I unconditionally love myself. I also realize that the worth of my Soul is not based upon anyone’s opinion of me.

    At that moment, I made a decision that would forever change the trajectory of my life. I refuse to go down without a fight!

    — Journal Entry

    I spent the next fifteen-plus years investigating every thought, belief, and unprocessed emotional pain from past trauma. A lifetime filled with emotional pain and lies begat deceptive decisions and actions, contributing to the suffering I chose to endure as an adult. Awakening to the fact that one’s meaningless life is built upon a foundation of lies could be devastating for some. I was elated and welcomed the thought with open arms. Finally, I had a starting point to decipher my lies and discern the why behind my suffering. A journey of a lifetime starts with one simple question: If my life is painful because of the lies I believe, then what is the truth?

    Fuck! Taking personal accountability for your choices is exceptionally challenging to the seeking soul. No wonder my life was such a freaking mess. In truth, I made the wrong decisions because I did not have the strength or courage to serve unconditional self-love. Also, I was blindsided by the fear of never feeling worthy of more.

    I fell deeper into the abyss of darkness every time I chose fear and the need to feel safe over self-love. Why did I choose survival over thriving? What were the origins of the constant feelings of worthlessness that consumed me? Looking back over my life brought me front and center with my insatiable need to feel safe and loved. Why didn’t I ever feel safe?

    Years into the journey, the answer to this question would reveal itself: Childhood trauma— the unwanted gift that keeps giving! Whether you remember the open wounds or not is of no consequence. The wounds of childhood are as fresh as the day inflicted, poisoning every thought, belief, and action contemplated.

    Unfortunately, time and time again, I chose self-hatred and fear. These were the moments in time that infected most of my adulthood. The lies of others became my truth, and the reality of my Divine Greatness became the lie. The lies programmed into my mental, emotional, and physical Being took control of my life while the desires of my heart faded from sight. Mostly, I realized my greatest fear became fear itself, as a monster lurked at every turn. Coming to terms with the wrong trajectory gave me the wisdom to rise in the peace of truthful knowing.

    I lived most of my life in the shadow of feeling vulnerable. I never felt safe and protected. Never quite being able to leave behind the small child who was helpless to defend herself against the predators of her childhood. This mentality is why any ‘self-proclaimed guru’ who directs individuals to become more vulnerable— I get just a little perturbed! Listen, the last thing millions of people who have endured childhood trauma (especially sexual abuse and rape) should ever pursue is feeling the lack of safety while living in a state of vulnerability. Instead of running from your pain in a constant state of survival, you must resurrect your innate strength and courage to find the unconditional love of self. Accept yourself and the intuitive wisdom bound to your storyline. Acceptance, yes— vulnerability, no fucking way!

    Vulnerability is bound to a lack of perceived control over your life’s circumstances. This undesirable emotional state eventually leads right back to the core issues created by past traumatic events.

    Your spiritual and religious leaders falsely convey that expressing vulnerability is a desired state. We are here to say vulnerability is not an admiral characteristic to embrace, as it has nothing to do with self-empowerment!

    — The Crew

    Unfortunately, the people entrusted to nurture, love, and shelter me from harm miserably failed as they became the monsters of my childhood. Childhood abuse re-wires a child’s brain to see all people and situations as potential threats, resulting in a life steeped in hypervigilance and survival. Thriving was the farthest thing from my mind, as self-protection was priority number one. Conversely, the outcome of abuse rang fervently throughout my adulthood: Why wasn’t I enough to be loved and kept safe? I know without a doubt that an unloving and abusive early childhood environment creates an emotional cataclysm for all to collectively share. When I look out into the Collective, all I can see is the evidence of trauma programming.

    You wanted the perfect life, the perfect marriage, the perfect family. The need for perfection always leads to pain and suffering.

    The lack of perfection perceived only reinforces self-hatred. You only wanted what you never had as a child: to feel unconditionally loved and safe.

    — The Crew

    Once you start acknowledging how your life feels, questioning the lies you believe for validity is not too far behind. You will begin to question your life with great tenacity. Self-introspection can be destabilizing in and of itself. The rabbit hole of self-awareness that enlightens the seeking soul is a chasm of brutal truth that eventually parlays into peace, satisfaction, and expression of your unique creativity.

    The information garnered in Peace or Pain: Self Betrayal is necessary to set the stage for coming to terms with the teachings of Trauma to Triumph. The concepts outlined in Self Betrayal are about taking stock of your painful and mediocre existence: Acknowledging and awakening to the truth of what is. Meanwhile, Trauma to Triumph takes a deep dive into how childhood trauma sets the stage for spiritual growth.

    The process of spiritual transcendence provided by The Crew gave me the strategies that ultimately offered freedom from self-hatred. The pain and suffering of the past had infected my body and soul. I had to remember who I am and why I am here while embracing the strength and courage to express my heart’s desires. The trauma I experienced was my greatest teacher and tyrant that pushed me to find my power in my pain. The story itself is never as important as the principles, concepts, and strategies of wisdom bestowed by the events that took place in my childhood. Every soul’s storyline sets the stage for their uniquely desired spiritual soul growth that embraces self-awareness and enlightenment while foreshadowing their destiny.

    The journey of enlightenment in the physical consists of separation and transcendence, followed by the unification and alignment that raises one’s vibrational soul level. A soul increases its vibrational frequency by extracting spiritual wisdom from their experiences. I often equate the process to taking yourself apart and then putting yourself back together but more self-enlightened.

    Acknowledging the fact my life was a ‘fucked up mess’ forced me to turn and face what scared the hell out of me— my past. The right question will yield the right soultion every time. All be it ever so painful, the truth will always incarcerate the darkness lurking in the shadows. The shadows provoked decisions consumed with fear and pain avoidance.

    My advice to anyone setting out on the sacred journey of self-awareness is to question the lies as well as the truth. The journal entries advise, reveal, and reinforce venturing within oneself for the answers sought — To stop looking outside of yourself for someone to save you! You are the hero of your story. The entries convey spiritual assistance, which is always available to remind and clarify what you know to be spiritually true yet ignore. The truth of any given situation always clarifies the next spiritual step along the journey to enlightenment. Dissecting and analyzing my past choices that brought pain and suffering was beyond brutal at times. Yet, I knew this was the only way back to the land of the living.

    My festering wounds demanded my attention, and my choices and experiences were evidence of such. I had to acknowledge the anger and rage within. As a child, I failed to process my moral outrage. Ultimately, suppressing my rage transformed it into the disempowerment and the quiet desperation of a ‘Voiceless Soul.’ I relentlessly sought the love of those incapable of giving unconditional love. Again, this unconscious ignorance resulted in the fucked up mess I called my life— I had to own this brutal truth!

    Deconstructing an unconscious life of pain and suffering pushed me to my mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual limits many times over the years. The journey to which I speak is not for the faint of heart. Throughout the journal entries, I frequently say in hopelessness, I just want to go home! I don’t like it here! I am fucking done! And I felt that shit to the depths of my Soul. Honestly, it is a miracle I am even sitting here. I was so close so many fucking times to throwing in the towel. I can only say is that whenever you want to give up, keep going because what is difficult upfront is always easier on the back end.

    You may be wondering what or who saved me. It is as if I have this internal voice compelling me to go forward, as failure wasn’t an option in this reincarnation— I had to keep my promise! There was too much at stake for my fellow Souls of Light. And, of course, The Crew would step in to be supportive by asking questions that shifted my perspective back into the light. I often direct people who feel like giving up to take an adult time out while asking themselves, What am I missing? What is hidden from sight? Why am I feeling this level of despair because this is not the real me? Every bit of the hopelessness felt is filled with the spiritual wisdom waiting to reveal itself to you— all you have to do is ask! As each year passed, the internal urgings to keep moving forward fueled my insatiable need to find the origins of the lies I believed. Once I identified the origins of said lies then, I began to question the spiritual purpose of my traumatic experiences.

    To find the truth of who I am required a willingness to acknowledge who I was not. Acknowledging the lies believed brings a level of self-awareness that enlightens a suffering Soul to find a truthful way back to peace— to thrive instead of survive! Objective spiritual understanding is a game-changer! Nevertheless, I would be lying if I did not convey clarity, which initially brought unmeasurable suffering. I asked for clarity and received utter chaos in the wake of this request. It is comparable to watching a bomb go off only to realize the magnitude of the devastation once the smoke clears. Finding my strength and courage while sitting in the depths of discouragement and despair was no small feat, but I tell you, it is possible. We are all stronger than we believe!

    Whenever I felt myself spiraling, I would recite, "You must till the garden before you can plant the seeds of a meaningful life— stay the course!" Later, when the painful memories of childhood sexual abuse began to surface, I frequently reminded myself, These are but a few experiences of one lifetime out of many. These mantras allowed me to remain, for the most part, spiritually and objectively focused without falling too far into the depths of self-pity. However, believe me when I say anger and hatred filled every ounce of my Being for many years as the memories consumed and overwhelmed me.

    You might wonder if I forgave my transgressors. Forgiveness wasn't even a consideration. I was entitled to my feelings of hatred and the divine right of rage. The unprocessed emotions of pain endured as a child were silenced and went unexpressed for far too long. So many people emotionally struggle to be the so-called better person, to forgive the perpetrators of their childhood pain and suffering. It’s one thing to depersonalize the event so you can live with the past, yet quite another to forgive the unforgivable! As my mother lay upon her deathbed, she offered one last life lesson. Transcendence, not forgiveness, is necessary! The only person I needed to truly forgive was myself for ever believing I wasn’t enough to be loved. At that moment, I handed back the pain that wasn’t mine to hold. Always choose transcendence over forgiveness!

    The next game changer in my journey came when, one afternoon in the autumn of 2010, a stranger offered advice regarding my innate ability to connect with Beings on the other side of the veil. An unknown woman in a small shop conveyed the life-changing message: You can channel. I laughed and replied, Oh, sure, why not! I may be spiritually pragmatic and cynical, but one of my greatest attributes is the willingness to be open to the possibilities in knowing nothing is random, as life is full of magical synchronicity. I went home, grabbed a notebook, sat on my bed, and set the intention to connect— to whomever would come through!

    Lo and behold, the image of a man with white hair and a long beard appeared. He conveyed that my life’s purpose held significant meaning for many. My mission was to feel, express, and teach the meaning of unconditional self-love. Thomas offered guidance and clarity regarding the spiritual purpose of life’s experience and the nature of the world. Thomas became my spiritual ‘Project Manager’ overseeing the multitude of Beings who offered wisdom in each aspect of my life as I took a deep dive into self-awareness and realignment. I fondly refer to these beings as The Crew. The Crew mostly asked thought-provoking questions to prompt deep reflection, directing me to find the truth while providing clarity to dispel religious and spiritual misconceptions that led me astray.

    Three months after the initial connection between Thomas and me, I scheduled an appointment with a local energy worker. I was speechless when the session ended, and the healer said, When I started working around your Heart Chakra, this man appeared and can only be described as Father Frost. He asked me to convey the words parallel universe followed by; you will eventually figure it out. I smiled and replied, Oh, I am quite familiar with him. While thinking— well, fuck, I am not crazy!

    Interestingly, new Beings appeared in response to particular challenges, such as my health or when I was having difficulty comprehending spiritual teachings about the processing of the emotional wounds of childhood trauma. I quickly realized I explicitly chose each teacher to assist due to their expertise with specific concepts to resolve challenges when presented. Throughout it all, Thomas remained central to keeping my journey’s moving parts interconnected.

    Eventually, I questioned why I was not speaking directly with my Eternal Self, even though I appreciated my Spiritual Assistants and Thomas’s guidance. The Crew taught that my Eternal Self facilitates the reminders to stay on track with my purpose. At the same time, my spiritual mentors assist with mastering specific challenges related to my life plan. Think of it this way. Your Eternal Self chooses the theme and desired wisdom regarding the master plan of your reincarnation— in essence, your path and purpose! The chosen theme symbolizes an area in which your Soul desires growth. The mentors chosen are experts in your desired theme. In other words, these are your guides and teachers. Every soul chooses a Project Manager as a team leader whose primary goal is to keep the soul and the Spiritual Team on point.

    Believe me when I tell you journaling keeps you honest, accountable, and sane when deeply diving into self-awareness. Honestly, the only place that I felt truly free to express myself was while intuitively journalling the raw emotions of a life gone astray. It gave me an outlet to be brutally honest with myself. Journaling offered a safe space to be anything but voiceless. At the same time, it allowed me to decipher how my falsely held beliefs impacted my choices.— it kept me accountable! In essence, journaling provided the outlet and strategy to become my own personal intuitive therapist. However, when you combine individual honesty with the support and guidance from your Spiritual Crew, self-enlightenment is unstoppable.

    Through my spiritual connection across the veil, I could be myself without fearing judgment, as there was never a stupid question. Guidance was always lovingly given, even when they forced me to question my thoughts, feelings, and actions for the truth. The Crew had a way of bringing me front and center with the truth. Like myself, all Souls of Light are born with a Spiritual Internal Guidance System that links them to the other side. Unfortunately, the unprocessed traumatic events of the past diminish this connection over time. I can’t stress enough that every Soul of Light has intuitive abilities. However, whether you consciously choose to connect for guidance is entirely up to you.

    Over the years, The Crew would direct me to write these books solely for my sake and not for others. I needed a thorough understanding of the spiritual knowledge revealed to garner a deeper awareness of the spiritual concepts conveyed. I believe the journal entries specifically disclose how important it is to question one’s reality for the truth versus the lie. The journey brought much wisdom into awareness, illuminating many aspects of my life. The most valuable insights I garnered over the years are: To thy self be true in the expression of unconditional self-love, and peace is the absence of pain.

    The student must be allowed to draw their own conclusions and apply the concepts without interference regarding the spiritual guidance given, for this is true free will!"

    Remember, no two experiences are alike, but the concepts and directives presented over the years are timeless. Summarize the information and leave it alone!

    — The Crew

    Ultimately, I concluded that had I been given unconditional love, I would have never gone looking for the real me. Nor would I have found my innate strength and courage, which unfortunately went unacknowledged for most of my adult life. My greatest sins revealed my incessant thoughts, decisions, and actions of self-betrayal, lacking any measure of unconditional self-love. My greatest fear was that I would never be enough to feel the gentle embrace of self-love and approval.

    If you desire freedom from your intolerable and miserable life, the time is now to rise above the physical. Align with your spiritual path and purpose, which extols the elements required for soul growth. Again, my only hope is for you to gain the personal insights that provide the courage and strength to express unconditional self-love in all things. I have absolutely no expectation the information contained within my journal entries will affect or direct your path. However, there is an excellent possibility the series of questions posed from differing angles could ignite a spark within, illuminating the way to an inspiring and meaningful life.

    You are about to embark on a journey of self-discovery, taking you from the hell of self-hatred to the salvation of unconditional self-love while experiencing the spiritual freedom that slides effortlessly in from behind it. Please do not take all you have suffered for granted; save it will be for nothing!

    Remember, your soul’s worth is never based upon the opinions or beliefs of another. Stand tall and convicted in your truth no matter what label the person in front of you is wearing. Uncover and vanquish every lie you believe about who you think you are to reveal the path and purpose of your life— your destiny is waiting! Believe me; I know how powerful you are and why you chose to be a part of something great and monumental.

    It’s time to rise and answer the call! It’s time to embrace the strength and courage hidden from sight under a blanket of unconsciousness. It’s time to keep the promise you made to reveal the greatness within that will impact generations to come. Choosing unconditional self-love despite what is showing up in the world is the truest test of a Servant of Light and a Warrior of Truth.

    If you so choose, that is!

    It is time to stop settling for a life of mediocrity, calling it contentment, all the while longing for greatness.

    You don’t have to live in the hell of another’s false perceptions of who they think you are.




    Peace is the absence of pain!

    Humanity is currently writing either the ending or the beginning of life here in this realm! When every Soul of Light on the planet chooses peace over pain, the world will be transformed in the twinkling of an eye, as the veil of darkness filled with self-loathing, hatred, and feelings of fear will lift.

    AGreat Spiritual War is upon us. For thousands of years, this moment was foretold, and it is by no accident that each of you chose this period in time to be present to be part of something great and monumental. The day will come, mark my words when the truth of what is will become undeniable in one pivotal moment. How we choose to respond to the escalating chaos and control grid going up around us will determine the collective outcome. What humanity chooses to do despite the manufactured chaos will determine the outcome for future generations.

    The only soultion to the current soul crisis besetting humanity is to change the trajectory of the I’ness of individual souls to ultimately transition the trajectory of humanity’s We’ness toward restoring the Natural Order.

    All atrocities humankind allows result from souls filled with the quiet desperation of never feeling like they are enough to change the perceived unchangeable. I am here to say humanity is enough. The Souls of Light are enough. All souls who are self-aware and filled with the spiritual energy of unconditional self-love will never harm or kill without provocation, will not spread hatred, will not create separatism, and will not judge one another, nor will they live in fear. And they most definitely will not stand by watching the suffering of their fellow souls in silent complicity, too afraid to do the right thing for the right reason. Did you honestly think refusing to acknowledge the pain and suffering of another means it doesn't exist? If you must stand alone in righteousness, stand firm and be courageous.

    Humanity is undereducated, misinformed, and disconnected from higher vibrational states of wisdom. Life is a journey of self-discovery and suited for soul growth. This earthly realm is our creative playground. Unfortunately, indifference and apathy have turned this realm into our prison. The duality of the physical realm offers humanity the opportunity to choose between the deception of Darkness and the truth of light.

    Let me ask, Are you blinded to the truth because of what you desperately need to be true? Truthful action is required in the face of honest clarity because anything else is intolerable! With great confidence, I wish to convey that courage is a virtue lacking in the world today. We either stand together, or we fall together.

    The Collective Soul Crisis results from humanity’s unconscious ignorance, a mental time bomb set to destruction. Society is unaware of the spiritual truth of itself. Thus, it is the cause of its suffering while unknowingly partnering with evil to dismantle the Natural Order of this realm. True freedom will be nothing more than the whisperings of a time gone by.

    In truth, the world is spinning out of control for the sole reason flagrant self-hatred and fear-mongering have become pervasive across the globe. Unfortunately, many subscribe to a worldview doctrine that lacks logic, wisdom, and spiritual truth.

    Sadly, many Souls of Light have succumbed to a mass hypnotic trance of indifference, spiritually asleep to the truth of the collective experience. Humankind is reeling from what I like to call ‘Fairytale Fallout,’ where the poisoned apple of lies, deception, and twisted half-truths is the main course served at every dinner table globally. As a result, many have internalized the poison of self-hatred, causing them to forget their divine right of self-governance because they feel unworthy of a life worth living.

    At what point did the Souls of Light stop being loyal to ourselves? Not only have we chosen to betray our dreams, but we also have forgotten to love without condition. Therefore, we withhold, retreat, and set conditions for our love for ourselves and each other.

    What if everything humanity believed about itself and the world were twisted half-truths and outright lies? The lies humanity covets as truth propels it into becoming deeply ingrained in the fearful life of the undead. Many falsely believe global mass media sensationalizes news reports for ratings only. However, you only have to dig a little deeper to learn mass media, large corporations, and sectors of our global governments are working side-by-side to manipulate the hearts and minds of the masses for financial and political gain.

    In addition, humankind is brainwashed to falsely believe it’s free. Yet nothing could be further from the truth. If humanity chooses to apathetically give up its freedoms for a falsely held sense of safety, it will be to its detriment. The generations to come will pay the price for this indifference to the personal freedoms some of us are holding onto with a courageous death grip.

    If you want to know who controls you, look at who you are not allowed to criticize.

    — Voltaire

    Unquestionably, the collective consciousness is nothing more than an agreed-upon delusion of lies. As previously stated, the unconscious do not understand their ongoing role in the current ‘Collective Soul Crisis.’ A spiritually disconnected and ego-driven populous is led without much difficulty to do the bidding of those with malicious intent in the name of religion, protection, and a false sense of freedom. Such levels of manipulation would never be possible if humanity became self-aware and capable of thinking

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