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Paranormal Talent
Paranormal Talent
Paranormal Talent
Ebook33 pages27 minutes

Paranormal Talent

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Ranny opens things by snarling at me: “Jim Marr, you spoke to Cassandra, when you have been told not to do that.”
I reply, “I did not speak to Cassandra today or at any time, since I was told not to speak to her.”
Billy snarls, “He’s lying!”
I reply, “I have been in my computer lab all day, so far, as surveillance videos will show. If I did speak to Cassandra today, it would have been via the Interlab Communication System, the Squawk Box. If Billy heard me speaking to Cassandra, then Billy must have tapped into the Interlab Communication System, a no no security violation.”
(One of the MPs is busy with his two way radio.) He then says, “An etech is checking the Interlab Communication System lines. We will have a report shortly.”
I state, “I have not spoken to Cassandra today, which can be easily verified by simply asking Cassandra.”
(The Personnel lady is on her cell phone.) She says, into the phone, “You don’t really need to come here.”
Matt, the Project Manager sneers, “It appears that we have two little boys, just tearing at one another.”
I reply, “I have been in my computer lab all day, so far, as surveillance videos will show. If I did tear at Billy it must have been my speaking to Cassandra today, via the Interlab Communication System, the Squawk Box. I deny that I spoke to Cassandra today, via the Interlab Communication System. Thus, I did not tear at Billy.”
I continue, “Billy did tear at me, disrupting my work and breaching my work contract. I will ask for a legal termination of said work contract. Also, I am a man, not a little boy, whose rights can be ignored.”
Matt, the Project Manager sneers, “I can’t watch ‘em all the time.”
About this time, Cassandra, a very pretty woman, erupts into the hearing room. She snarls, “Apparently this Billy thinks that he can run my life better than I can. Billy can just explain his position before the equal opportunities people. I am filing a formal complaint, against Billy.”
The Personnel lady jumps in, “Cassandra, did James Marr talk to you today?”
Cassandra states, “James Marr did not talk to me today, or for the last few weeks. The last time that I recall talking with James Marr was about data rate processing and data latency.”
Billy sneers, “I heard her talking to James Marr today. She’s lying.”
Cassandra snarls, “How dare you call me a liar. Billy, you can just explain your position before the equal opportunities people. I am filing a formal complaint against you.”
Billy then gets up and makes a run at either Cassandra or Jim Marr. I get up, zone block Billy’s arms and put a thrusting kick against Billy’s knee. The force of my thrusting kick is such that Billy’s knee visibly disassembles. I then put a forearm strike against Billy’s head. Unfortunately, Billy is on his way down and my forearm strike doesn’t kill Billy, maybe breaks his neck.
I then address the room, “Have Billy again call Cassandra a liar. No? Then one problem solved.” Have Billy get up and fight. No? Then another problem solved. Why are you management people just sitting there? The Billy problem is one in your area of responsibility.”
The MPs and the Corpsman are up and tending to Billy. The MPs get a stretcher for Billy. The stretcher bearers and the Corpsman then escort the pile of shit, that’s Billy, out of the room.
The head MP then tells the room, “Billy did some sort of etech work on a communication line. The etechs are now checking to see if the communication line is part of the Interlab Communication System.”
The suit (who later proves to be a Senior Vice President) asks me, “James Marr what happened earlier this morning?”
I reply, “I was working in my computer lab, when I get a call, via the Interlab Communication System. The call came from a lady named Donna who is a talented etech, who works for Cassandra. Donna wanted me to check a data feed line. I did and the data feed line was dead, as Donna suspected. End of

PublisherR. Richard
Release dateJul 30, 2021
Paranormal Talent

R. Richard

I'm the co-author, with Sunset Thomas, of Anatomy of An Adult Film.I have 48 novels and over 299 short stories currently published.I spent my early years in the part of Los Angeles known as the South Central. I was known as Whi' Boy, which was sufficient to indentify me in that place. I'm a skilled kung-fu player, using a system that I learned from a Korean I knew only as 'Pak.' It would be easier to tell you the places that Pak wasn't wanted by the police, rather than the places where he was wanted by the police. Pak's kung-fu system, augmented by some bits and pieces from some Chinese practicioners is quick and effective, or I wouldn't be alive today.My early education was mostly obtained by stealing books from the public library (I always returned them and the Librarian even began to provide me with reading lists.) I did go to high schools, but I never really learned anything there. I eventually graduated from the University of California at Los Angeles, UCLA, with a degree in mathematics.I work as a Systems Analyst and also make a part of my living as a professional gambler (legal in Nevada.) I write science fiction and erotica. My published novels are:Anatomy of An Adult Film (With Sunset Thomas)1. Second Chance: God Killer2. Second Chance: Sky Pirate3. Second Chance: Scroll Seeker4. Second Chance: King of The Islands5. Second Chance: King of Zaya6. Second Chance: Duke of Averon7. Second Chance: King of Golomon8. Second Chance: King Of The Sky9. Second Chance: Warlord of Ifrequeh10. Second Chance: King of Ariby11. Second Chance: King of Mesodania12. Second Chance: King of Avuls13. Second Chance: King of Kemet14. Second Chance: King of Zorran15. Second Chance: King of Two Worlds16. Second Chance: King of Averon17. Second Chance: King's Duties18. Second Chance: King of The New WorldAdventurer: Simulation ProblemAdventurer: Pannar ProblemA Programmer's GambitAmateur StripperBeach MurdersBondage HouseCorporate Sex SlavesFriday NightGo Naked In The SoftwareGrasshopper WinterInvoluntary NudeLayoffNot A HeroPirates of The KeysSummer of SexThe LakeThe Last Moon DanceThe Nude Adventures of Plain JaneThe Secret Life of Wanda WilsonTails of the Pussycat LoungeTo Keep A JobTopless RestaurantToy WhoresVix: The MarineWayward BoyShort Stories:A Christmas Visit

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    Book preview

    Paranormal Talent - R. Richard

    Paranormal Talent

    By R. Richard ©

    Published by R. Richard at Smashwords

    Copyright 2024 R. Richard

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Paranormal Talent

    By R. Richard © 2024

    Chapter 1: It’s A Matter of Contract

    Since I have a government mandated five year employment contract with the Lozenge Corporation, I go to work in the morning, with no choice in the matter.

    I check in, in the morning, with the Department Secretary. I tell the lady, I am assigned to work on a military system. Unless I am reassigned, I intend to do just that.

    Beverly, the Department Secretary says, You just want to get into your little computer lab and work by yourself. Billy doesn’t like that at all.

    I reply to the lady, I am not assigned to work for Billy. I am assigned to work on a classified military system. I intend to do my assigned work.

    I then walk back to my computer lab, fire up the equipment and get to work. I am making some progress, when I get a call on the Interlab Communication System (the Squawk Box.)

    Donna wants to know if a classified data line is working.

    I plug into my plug board and find the data line is not working. I tell Donna, The line is dead, no signal at all.

    Donna sighs and thanks me.

    I get back to my work.

    Suddenly, Billy is pounding on my lab window. He threatens to break the window, if I don’t come out and talk to him.

    I hit the Trouble button and nothing happens. Someone has disabled my Trouble button. I then use the comm facility inside the military system that I’m working on. I call

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