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Juniper’s Daughter: Fragmented Whole/Black Lense
Juniper’s Daughter: Fragmented Whole/Black Lense
Juniper’s Daughter: Fragmented Whole/Black Lense
Ebook121 pages1 hour

Juniper’s Daughter: Fragmented Whole/Black Lense

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About this ebook

This is Nick Armbrister's new book, featuring short stories and poetry on a variety of topics, in his Juniper's Daughter series. Juniper's Daughter is a witch with a difference; no flying broom here but a silver flying saucer! She stars in his other novels and her job is to fight evil and save the world. Will she win?

Stories like Barren, about a woman banished to a remote island and Fragmented Whole, where a holiday goes badly wrong for three streetwise women are here. Poetry on many topics, both light (like Damp, a trip outdoors on a rainy day), and dark (like I Become Nothing, a soul searching poem on war) are featured. This book is Nick's first release of 2012 and is in two parts in one volume; poetry and short stories.

He is working on a new poetry collection for future release.

Release dateJan 31, 2012
Juniper’s Daughter: Fragmented Whole/Black Lense

Nick Armbrister

Hi, this is the publishing writing profile for Nick Armbrister, an author and publisher from Manchester, England. His work includes varied poetry and stories, including short and novel length. Topics include history, erotica, aviation, current affairs and much more. Nick has been writing since 1996 and published in the 'small press' (poetry scene) and in books for many years. He does open mic, attends writing work shops and is always working on a writing project. He has writing online and in real world books. Follow Nick's writing, news updates and more on his varied blogs links. Enjoy his writing, something different and creative. Nick has also worked with several international writers/authors/poets.Nick's other interests are gothic/alternative music, gigs, tattoos, aircraft, reading, outdoors, paganism, hiking and life. He was born in 1971.

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    Book preview

    Juniper’s Daughter - Nick Armbrister

    Juniper’s Daughter - Fragmented Whole/Black Lense

    Nick Armbrister

    I M P R I N T

    Juniper’s Daughter - Fragmented Whole/Black Lense by Nick Armbrister

    © 2021. Nick Armbrister. All rights reserved.

    Author: Nick Armbrister


    If you liked the book, then recommend your friends to download their own copy. Thank you very much for respecting the work of the author!

    This ebook, including all its parts, is protected by copyright and must not be copied, resold or shared without the permission of the author.

    Copyright 2009-11 Nick Armbrister. All rights reserved. This version 2021.

    No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without listing Nick Armbrister as the author. The only exception is using a single paragraph for reviewing purposes where the author, Nick Armbrister, must be quoted as author and holder of the copyright.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

    Thanks and acknowledgements

    A big thanks to my friends and family for your support, also to my readers, fellow writers and poets who have supported me when times got tough. Thanks and respect to you all. To my pagan Goddess, I revere you. To those who inspired me to write dark poetry/stories, I thank you for your inspiration. You make me stronger. Keep the peace people.

    For Karen, you are Juniper’s Daughter, and for world peace, always.

    I ask PAGAN GODDESS JUNIPER why there’s so much war and murder in the world. She told me the DEVIL wants to take our world for his. Welcome to the oldest war in history - light versus darkness... will the scales tip into darkness? Together, we can stop Him.


    Juniper’s Daughter - Fragmented Whole Stories

    Sleeping Monster - Juniper’s Daughter in Trouble

    Juniper’s Daughter Picks a Man

    Juniper’s Daughter - Barren


    Juniper’s Daughter - Spring With My Family

    Juniper’s Daughter - Trip

    Juniper’s Daughter - a Holiday Horror

    Juniper’s Daughter - Fragmented Whole

    Juniper’s Daughter - Black Lense Poems


    Juniper’s Daughter - Fragmented Whole Stories

    Sleeping Monster – Juniper’s Daughter In Trouble 

    She was in trouble and running for her life through the forest. She was mortal now, so very human and frail, as fragile as a spring flower under threat from an immense frost. The frost dragon was chasing Juniper’s Daughter through the forest, a night terror threatening to suck the very lifeblood from the witch. A slow horrible awful human death with no rebirth, for she had made a pact with her number one enemy, Satan, and bargained her soul away for a mere mortal man, to save him from the gallows. To save his life so she could be with him for one short human lifetime, together.

    Her Mother Juniper had gone crazy and tried to kill her daughter with lightning from the sky and small meteors from space. Slightly wounded and very scared, the former witch knew her Mother had failed. The woman who was once Juniper’s Daughter lived and ran for her life, her Mother abandoned her only child who had cast her lot in with the Devil. For the sake of a mere mortal man who was condemned to death for stealing a chicken, such was the way in medieval Saxony. Would my Mother really kill me, wondered the panicked girl? Would she?

    The ice dragon made another pass, sending freezing air and ice thundering down into the trees, missing the vulnerable girl by yards. Soon she would be hit, this she knew; it was her predicament now. Events from before led to this moment. How could she forget them?

    A storm appeared before the man could be hung; torrential rain flooded the town square forcing the executioner and population to flee to higher ground, leaving the thief on the gallows. Juniper’s Daughter caused the storm to save her love; against her Mother’s wishes, for the man wasn’t innocent, he was a criminal with a dark past of black arts and murder. Crimes he got away due to Satan backing him. He thought the theft of a single thin chicken to feed his starving stomach would go unpunished and noticed, for the first time in his life he was wrong. Satan was about to cause an earthquake to topple the gallows and free the man but something stopped him seconds before the ground shook. A freak storm not of his doing – Juniper’s Daughter was here!

    Clouds coiled in the blue sky darkening it, rain fell down in torrents drenching the crowd who wanted to see a hanging, good medieval entertainment. With the man now free and in the arms of the witch, Satan flung a lightning bolt down hitting the witch and burning her badly. She was on the edge of death with the former captive holding her head in his hands, enemy and witch crazily brought together in a surreal situation.

    He cried for the first time in his life, never had he shed a tear for the hundreds he had slain before, now he did for the witch who had freed him. She was his mortal enemy, for he was allied with the Devil and darkness, all they stood for made the evil man feel alive. Now something had occurred. A freak happening, he should have killed the witch, burned down the village and killed its inhabitants but he didn’t. When the fire struck the witch almost killing her, the evil man screamed, Master, oh mighty Satan please don’t kill the witch! She freed me! If it wasn’t for her, I would be dead. Save her Master!

       My slave, you have worked with my enemy and betrayed me. You deserve to die like she does, by letting her free you give her power over you and against me! No, she must die! You have one last chance slave to be totally subjugated to me, if not I’ll burn you down along with your new friend! You must finish off Juniper’s Daughter; kill her with your own bare hands. One more murder won’t make a difference. Then I’ll forgive you and forget about this little episode. Hurry now!  thundered a voice from the heavens, full of ominous hostility and hidden violence.

       I am still evil and still work for you, you know that! How can you doubt me? Look into my mind and soul. I let the witch free me for you! But I do love her and she can work for us. Ask her before you kill her, I refuse to murder her. She helped me and didn’t hurt me, feebly replied the criminal to the dark rain laden clouds. His voice was barely heard over the pouring rainstorm.

       Yes I know you work for me, think it over what I said! bellowed the Devil from up above, making the ground shake.

       But… stammered the mortal man.

       Let him kill me then Satan! I’m as good as dead already!  the witch announced, coming round after being hit by the lightning bolt fired by her enemy.

       Yes my dear but I’ve changed my mind! replied Old Nick.

       What do you mean? What tricks and games are you playing with us now?  screamed the condemned man, rage filling his puny body.

       Don’t listen to him! He does this all the time, the bastard! shouted the witch, looking up at a black cloud. She was sure now the Devil controlled those same clouds that she had cast upon the village to keep all witnesses away. She couldn’t think clearly due to her wounds and intense pain.

       Be quiet witch! said the Devil, firing another shot of lightning a metre from her head; the wet grass hissed and burst into flame. Juniper’s Daughter struggled to move from the flames with great difficulty.

       Stop this mischief! shouted the man raising his fist to the sky.

       Help me, I’m in great pain. He’s right, I’m finished. Kill me and put me out of my misery, begged the witch, her life slowly leaving her.

       Juniper’s Daughter, I will heal you and let you live! whispered Satan. Was this more trickery? On one condition and one alone. Do you want to hear my proposal?

       What is it? You only lie and cause pain and suffering, how can you heal? 

       Listen witch. If you make a pact with me and become human and not immortal, giving up your witchcraft, talents and right of immortal life, I will spare you’re life and that of you’re lover. I promise to let you both live together, in peace. I will also free your lover from his dark debt to me. Do we have a deal? beckoned the Devil playing his hand. Silence descended on the rainy village, water threatened the injured witch and her new friend. They had to move or be washed away soon.

       What are you going to do? whispered the man looking into Juniper’s Daughter’s blue summer eyes, his façade of evil momentarily dropped and she knew she loved him, that they were soulmates. She nodded and smiled painfully.

       I accept your offer! I will do whatever is necessary to be with my love. Even betray my magical path, my Mother and myself. I accept your offer! the witch humbly replied, head bowed in defeat. This was one fight she had lost but gained a small victory – saving her lover. Now they could be together.

       Okay nice to hear it. Now I will heal you from your wounds and strip you of your power and immortality, came the reply from the black

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