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When Vampires Attack
When Vampires Attack
When Vampires Attack
Ebook60 pages38 minutes

When Vampires Attack

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This book discusses who empaths are and how we experience energetic vibration, both normal and vampiric, along with how vampiric energy can affect us. I also discuss various types of energy vampires and how they are experienced as well as how to deal with them.


Some energy vampires are easier to handle than others. And the primary reason I'm writing this book is to empower other empaths to develop their own understanding and methods of dealing with these people.

Release dateAug 2, 2021
When Vampires Attack

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    Book preview

    When Vampires Attack - Janet Erickson

    Empowerment Through Understanding


    Don’t you love books that tell you how to do something in five easy steps? Well, this isn’t one of those books. Born an empath, I’ve spent my life discovering how to deal with aggressive and intrusive energy from others. Empaths refer to these people as energy vampires because like traditional vampires they seem to suck the life out of us.

    It’s not an easy experience to have, dealing with vampiric energy, particularly when an empath is young. In my case, I was also born a witch, so I spent much of my time steering clear of most people anyway. And now that the world has taken an interesting turn toward volatility during this time of ascension, energy vampires are coming out of the woodwork visiting their intrusive intentions on anyone they see fit.

    When I wrote the book, Empath, I discussed an empath’s nature and how I process that experience. I also suggested various methods including shielding and meditations to deal with vampiric energy, but in this book, I wanted to delve more deeply into the vampiric attack itself given how disturbing it can be.

    Much of the decorum between people that used to exist has been replaced by hostility and vitriol. Without that basic decorum, the safety an empath might feel going about her day is replaced by a heightened sense of awareness if not fear. And it can be perplexing when we don’t understand the nature of the individual behind the attacks.

    Now at sixty, I’ve had many years to sort all of this out and learn to deal at least somewhat with what I experience. And although every day is a new discovery about the vibrations I experience, I wanted to offer what I’ve learned to empaths who are exploring who they are as well as the meaning behind their experiences.

    It’s easy to take in and absorb vampiric energy which is the last thing an empath should do. It’s also easy to believe that we’re either responsible for what’s happening or that we deserve it somehow. We may see the truth when the experience is over, but when we’re experiencing a full-blown vampiric attack, empaths can become completely caught up in the moment unable to find any release.

    Although strategies for coping are extremely helpful, I prefer to understand not only what’s happening when I’m experiencing a full-on vampiric attack but the type of vampire I’m dealing with as well. Knowing that makes any tips I can remember at the time more helpful and meaningful.

    It’s an uphill battle even when an empath fully understands what she’s experiencing so even a rudimentary understanding of the type of energy vampire in play helps immensely when things get dicey. And rest assured, things always get dicey.

    So, in the pages following, I’ll discuss who I believe empaths are and how we experience energetic vibration, both normal and vampiric, along with how vampiric energy can affect us. And I’ll also discuss various types of energy vampires and how I experience and deal with them.

    Some energy vampires are easier to handle than others. And the primary reason I’m writing this book is to empower other empaths to develop their own understanding and methods of

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