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Second Chance: A Story of One Man’S Attempt to Get into Heaven After the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, the World’S Savior
Second Chance: A Story of One Man’S Attempt to Get into Heaven After the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, the World’S Savior
Second Chance: A Story of One Man’S Attempt to Get into Heaven After the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, the World’S Savior
Ebook181 pages2 hours

Second Chance: A Story of One Man’S Attempt to Get into Heaven After the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, the World’S Savior

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About this ebook

Second coming of Christ becomes a reality. This individual sees his error in not believing so does all he can to get God to give him a second chance. This is the story of a man's goal to reach into the heart of God proving he was ignorant and arrogant of such a great calling of God to be saved through faith in the Son of God, Jesus Christ. He attempts, even giving his own life, to see if his voice had been heard by God who created all that there is! Jesus Christ's return may happen today or a thousand years from now, but God will bring it to pass, guaranteed!

This book was written with one purpose in my mind-to scare, frighten the hell out of you for what you are about to read, but trust me His coming is as sure as the sun rising each day, and life and death. This book was written to keep your soul secure in heaven under the blood spilled for us by Jesus Christ.

Gary Vochatzer, Author

The Bible clearly explains how people can be spiritually prepared for the events leading up to the Return of Christ and for eternity. People should live expecting His return in their lifetime. Gary vividly describes the anguish of a family and their community who were caught off guard.

Release dateAug 3, 2021
Second Chance: A Story of One Man’S Attempt to Get into Heaven After the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, the World’S Savior

Gary Vochatzer

Gary Vochatzer has written 500+ poems, 90+ short stories, 50+ Biblical statements, 15+ songs, 225 Statements of Conscience, published 6 books, and has 10 books ready to publish. He has been a Christian for 50 years, a Life Insurance Broker for 55 years and kept a daily diary and prayer journal for many years. Gary and his wife Shirley live in Stockton, California.

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    Second Chance - Gary Vochatzer


    Copyright © 2021 by Gary Vodchatzer

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    This Book’s Purpose

    In Noah’s time folks were marrying, raising families, working, partying, enjoying the fruits of their labor, but one day God said, Sin has caused Him to grieve over His creation of humankind. So He devised a plan that would put an end to it, he thought!

    Soon its ugly head reared itself again and thousands upon thousands of years later He once again was grieved over the sin the human heart had developed into and so He set for a second time a plan He had devised to end the awfulness of humankind’s behavior on a planet He had set aside out of all the universe for peace through His creation. This is that second plan story!

    The Author

    Gary Vochatzer




    6507 Pacific Avenue, #332 • Stockton, CA 95207

    PH: (800) 698-9556 FAX: (209) 957-6014


    Over past 20 years, I have written:

    • 500+ Poems

    • 90+ Short Stories

    • 50+ Biblical Statements

    • 15+ Songs

    • 5 Books published

    • 5 Books ready to publish

    • 25 Books written to be typed

    • 225 Statements of Conscience


    • 27 years kept a daily diary

    • 24 years kept a daily prayer journal

    • 48 years a Christian

    • Been a Life Insurance Broker for 52 years

    Second Chance

    Chapter 1 The Vanishings

    Chapter 2 Reconsidering The Facts

    Chapter 3 The New Rulers

    Chapter 4 Reality Sets In

    Chapter 5 United Nations World Order

    Chapter 6 The Pill

    Chapter 7 One Year Has Passed

    Chapter 8 Two Years Have Passed

    Chapter 9 Three Years Have Passed

    Chapter 10 The Finality

    Chapter 11 Biblical References

    Chapter One

    The Vanishings

    Chapter One

    The Vanishing

    It’s 3 A.M. on a Wednesday night and I just woke up from a terrible nightmare but not remembering what the nightmare was couldn’t be half as bad as the nightmare the human race is now living under! So I got up from my bed without waking anyone in the house and went out to our dining room to sit and write out what has happened in the last thirty-six months in case no one else has, and for the benefit of those who will come after us, to let them know what we have been through and are, at this moment, going through and worst of all, are not seeing it getting any better in the future!

    First of all to the person or persons who read this material, let me first tell you a small bit of who I am so you won’t think this is all a hoax. I am a middle-aged man who lives in a midsize town in this country called The United States of America. I have a college degree in computer programming and went on to find a good paying job (six figures) at a nationally known computer company. I met the girl for me almost twenty years ago and we have two teenaged kids (boy and girl); we are (in my opinion) about as average as you can get. There isn’t (I don’t think anyway) anything unusual about us as a family or individually wise out of the ordinary.

    We start on Mondays by going to work (My wife is a nurse at a local hospital.) Our kids both go to the same high school and a bus picks them up daily and drops them off two miles away from home each day. I work at a desk doing what’s been put on my agenda in programming on a daily basis. We try to have dinner together nightly, but a lot depends on (1) kids activities and school homework, and (2) if the Mrs. gets an emergency call to come to the hospital to help, but seventy-five percent of the time we manage to sit down and eat dinner and discuss our day. On the weekends we mow our lawn, rake our leaves, take out the trash, watch TV, nap, go for a ride, go out to dinner, maybe catch church once in a great while if we all crawl out of bed, and visit a relative-again very-very average!

    Well that about sums up who I am, who we are, and now I can feel comfortable about telling you what has happened to the world in this last thirty-six months and I know if you are an iota like me, you are not going to believe any of this I am going to share and, to be honest, I don’t know how to prove it unless you were here to witness it and more than likely anyone who reads this is going to be a person who comes along long after the Mrs. and I are long gone. Enough said – Here is my story.

    It was March and it was cold! It was the ninth day of the month and the world, our country, the United Nations, our town, our neighborhood, our block, my neighbor, our home, our jobs, our family was getting along as all was about as usual as it could get, nothing big going on worldwide that I can recall-no major wars, no shortages, governments were seemingly getting along so in essence on March 9th, all was as it’s always been-ordinary! That is until about 3 P.M. in the afternoon. I remember it as it if happened today! Here is what I saw, and it was sudden, in a moment, in a flash, all of a sudden at exactly 3 P.M. (I had just looked up at the clock in our hallway), a number of people vanished from where they were standing, sitting, walking, all of a sudden they were gone, absolutely no trace of them, and they took nothing away with them but the clothes they were wearing. I looked around at 3:01 and was gasping, wondering what happened?

    We have about five hundred employees at our company site. In my area of work there are about fifty of us within voice range. We all have cubbyholes or cubicles for office space, with carpeted panels that go from one cubicle to another and are only five feet high so it doesn’t take much to stand up to see who’s where. At 3:01 there had to be a least fifteen people gone!! They didn’t all go to the bathroom or the break room. The workday wasn’t over as yet. They just vanished into thin air! To this moment I can still see their faces, hear their laughter, see them come in, in the morning and leave at night. I knew exactly who left at 3 P.M. and who stayed. Naturally one of them who stayed was I, otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this report I am writing!

    At 3:05 after the initial shock of seeing them all gone, the rest of us kind of looked at each other over our cubicles and said, Huh! What happened? Where is so and so? Where did they go without leaving their chair? Why did they go and the rest of us are here? What’s going on that we don’t know about? It was crazy. Gals were crying, guys were screening, folks were running wild, and it was chaotic. Naturally the building was empty in about an hour. No message over the intercom. It was just the natural thing to do. Leave and head home!

    I park in a six-story parking lot and I usually park on the third floor and as usual that’s where my car was. It took until four-thirty to reach it. You couldn’t understand a word anyone was saying. Folks were crying, screaming, running or had gone into a seemingly hypnotic state of being, so I just kept quiet. I figured there had to be a reason for all this. It hadn’t affected me personally. I was still here. The company building didn’t blow up. My car was still in its same parking space, so I said to myself, There is an explanation and within hours it will be solved. No big deal! Well, it took over an hour to get out of the parking garage and I was finally on the street in an attempt to get home, which is about five miles from work.

    I thought it was strange seeing some cars in the middle of the streets, no one in them. Cars were still running with lights on and there were several accidents that I saw with nobody in the car, apparently a person who vanished while driving ran right into another car, a utility pole but fortunately I didn’t see anyone laying on the pavement hit by a non-driver car! But I have to say it was crazy driving home-cars with no drivers, busses without a bus driver, even saw an ambulance with no driver and yet it was inching along as if someone was at the wheel! I saw folks on their knees crying, some shouting, even saw a few folks with their fist clinched pointing it toward the sky. Traffic was absolutely the worst I had ever seen, horns honking, people putting their hands out their car window yelling all kinds of profanities and then there were those that thought positive and they helped folks who got hit by a non-driver car or apparently had somebody with them who just disappeared like those in our office.

    It’s now five-thirty on March 9th and I am still only half way home as traffic is moving slower than a snail. I turned on my car radio to see if anyone knew what had happened and went from one channel to another. All said the same thing. What happened in my office at 3 P.M. happened all over the globe at the exact same time and in the exact same way. No one escaped this event, whatever it was. No language barrier, no time barrier, no ethnic barrier, no government barrier, it happened everywhere at the same time, but nobody knew why.

    But who did this and why only a few did it affect? I mean we had fifty folks in our work area and only fifteen vanished. Why not us, why them? What made us different from them or them from us? The radio had no answers and I was too confused and disillusioned and now getting too angry to turn on my auto laptop computer, which may have given me an answer or two. It was now almost seven P.M. when I finally arrived at home. The Mrs.’s car was in the driveway so that made me feel halfway decent. I could see the three of them in the house as they had all the lights in the house on. I parked, grabbed my laptop, and hurried on in, only to find what I had just left!

    My Mrs. was in hysterics, my two kids were crying. The television was blaring out on each channel what had happened at 3 P.M. today. It was as I had seen on the streets on the way home-chaotic! I put my computer away, tuned off the television, sat down at the kitchen table and asked them all to come and all sit with me. Within a few minutes all four of us were sitting at our table with one conversation-What happened? Soon I said, Let’s calmly tell, one at a time, what happened at 3 P.M. today and just maybe we can make some sense out of what’s going on.

    All agreed and I said I would start, which I did and I told them all what you have read above. My Mrs. volunteered next and she was at the hospital at 3:00-doctors, nurses, patients, about twenty in the entire staff vanished but the most amazing part was there was not one newborn child left in the maternity ward, not one! (That was spooky!) She went through what I did in trying to get home as the hospital is about three miles from our home, car wrecks, folks crying on the streets, cars still running with no one in them, just like me-it was a mess, but she finally made it to the house.

    Next to speak was our daughter. She told how she was in her last class of the day and school was about over, in fact the bell rang at 3 P.M., the same time this chaos started. But just as all the students stood up to go on out of our class about five students she realized just vanished! The other twenty including her just looked at each other along with the teacher. All were as all of us are, still bewildered! She said she went out of the classroom and kids were yelling for their sisters, brothers, boyfriends, girlfriends, teachers, and friends who had vanished and they wanted an answer. Of course, crying and yelling was rampant as you can imagine with three thousand teenagers on one campus and all of a sudden ten percent are gone! The busses were stopped by too much traffic so both the kids walked home as we are less than two miles from the high school.

    Our son spoke last and he said just about all the same thing as our daughter did. He was still in a stupor about this whole thing. He thought it’s from outer space! At 9 P.M. like most Wednesday nights, we all had our homework done, a last snack for the evening, television is off and we are all hurrying to bed as our days start early. But tonight was different; no one wanted to go to bed for fear of

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