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Loomered: How I Became the Most Banned Woman in the World
Loomered: How I Became the Most Banned Woman in the World
Loomered: How I Became the Most Banned Woman in the World
Ebook457 pages5 hours

Loomered: How I Became the Most Banned Woman in the World

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About this ebook

Laura Loomer is the most banned woman in the world.

An investigative journalist, activist, and truth-teller who has earned many powerful enemies in Silicon Valley and the media, Loomer has been banned from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Uber, Lyft, Uber Eats, PayPal, Venmo, GoFundMe, Periscope, Medium, and TeeSpring…so far. Loomer works tirelessly for Americans banned from essential online services for having the wrong political opinions. In addition to filing lawsuits against the companies that have wrongfully ostracized and defamed her, she is running for Congress in Florida’s 21st District. This is her story.
Release dateOct 19, 2021
Loomered: How I Became the Most Banned Woman in the World

Laura Loomer

Laura Loomer, twenty-eight, is the “most banned woman in the world.” She is also a Jewish Conservative investigative journalist, an activist, and a pathological truth-teller. The latter are responsible for the former, because her courageous reporting and activism have earned her many powerful enemies in Silicon Valley and the press. Originally from Tucson, Arizona, Laura began her journalism career working as an undercover journalist for Project Veritas from 2015–2017. Loomer’s investigations have uncovered fraud and corruption within the Hillary Clinton campaign, Islamic terrorism, the cover up of the Las Vegas Shooting, flaws and loopholes within the U.S. immigration system, anti-Semitism, and widespread voter fraud throughout the U.S. Loomer has traveled all around the world for her investigations, and she is mostly known for her Guerrilla-style journalism. She has become notorious for door-stepping Democrat politicians and celebrities with rapid-fire and artfully tactless questions, broadcasting the encounters online to a gleeful live audience. Public figures unfortunate enough to be on the receiving end of her ambush interviews are said to have been “Loomered,” a term now in relatively common usage and hopefully someday in the Merriam-Webster dictionary.   In political retaliation for exposing cherished Establishment figures, Loomer has been banned from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Uber, Lyft, Uber Eats, PayPal, Venmo, CashApp, GoFundMe,, Periscope, YouTube, Stripe, Teespring, and Chase Bank—so far. She isn’t taking it lying down. Despite being canceled, Loomer has continued to fight for free speech and First Amendment rights for all Americans. This book is her refusal to be silenced and a warning to all Americans about what is to come if Big Tech tyranny and social media censorship are not immediately defeated in America. In addition to filing numerous lawsuits against the Big Tech giants, Loomer ran for U.S. Congress in 2020 in Florida’s 21st District, home to President Donald J. Trump, where she lives with an English Bulldog whose name is also “Loomer."

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    My favorite No talent always complaining waste of skin. Yep

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Loomered - Laura Loomer

© 2021 by Laura Loomer

All Rights Reserved

Cover Photo Credit: Stevan Fane

Author Photo Credit: Wesley Rose

Interior Art: Bosch Fawstin

This is a work of nonfiction. All people, locations, events, and situations are portrayed to the best of the author’s memory.

No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author and publisher.


Post Hill Press

New York • Nashville

Published in the United States of America



William Shakespeare,

Julius Caesar


who believed in me when I

decided to do things the hard way


Foreword by James O’Keefe















About the Author

FOREWORD by James O’Keefe

It’s obvious, the first time you meet her, there is something different, something special, about Laura Loomer. She isn’t wired like other people. It’s as if her brain doesn’t process information like the rest of us. She appears to be functionally immune to fear, to shame, and to embarrassment. She has Kryptonian reserves of energy. Sometimes her behavior is described as a loose cannon, but that’s by people who do not know her. Rather, she is startlingly brave, with a large reserve of courage that allows her to extend right up to the line without crossing it—most of the time.

I met Laura at David Horowitz’s 2014 Restoration Weekend. My initial fear was she might be a mole. She seemed a bit too eager, pursuing me down the hallway of the Breakers Hotel after my video journalism presentation and refusing to take no for an answer. She was relentless and emphatic about her willingness to work in any capacity for Project Veritas.

She reminded me of Calvin Coolidge: Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.

Several months later, I spontaneously called her to come up to New York and work with us on a few projects. She was on a plane the very next day. On January 20, 2015, during her first training assignment, Laura wore a hidden camera to a Black Lives Matter rally. She visited the Staten Island Ferry Terminal alongside Project Veritas Executive Producer Joe Halderman. Laura obtained undercover video of Erica Snipes, daughter of Eric Garner, the man who was put in a chokehold and killed at the hands of the NYPD.

In response to, So, what do you think of Al Sharpton, is he kind of like a crook in a sense? Like you think he’s like…. Erica: He’s about this! rubbing her thumbs and fingers together—a hand gesture universally indicating cash or currency. Money was the true intent behind Al Sharpton’s activities.

The exchange was memorialized on the front page of the New York Post with a picture worth more than just a thousand words. It led to CNN’s Chris Cuomo saying, James O’Keefe is definitely someone who is identified with the right, but Eric Garner’s daughter isn’t and she’s the one who said that Al is all about the money. CNN’s Alisyn Camerota interjected, She was caught on tape not knowing she was being videotaped. Cuomo quipped back, Sometimes that’s when you’re the most honest.

But the reactions to the action are sometimes greater than the revelations themselves. Laura, then undercover and operating without a byline, went on to generate an extraordinary series of events with each piece of footage. First, she would gather incendiary cinema verité, generate a firestorm of local television coverage, and most importantly, force reactions wherein her subjects would trip over themselves, choking on their own words and hypocrisy.

Legendary undercover reporter Günter Wallraff would describe the educative drama that would unfold during the release of his investigations with a series of acts, in which at the onset the journalist appears as the director and as the actor who carries forward the plot. When the videos are released. The balance of political forces is changed. David assumes new strength, while Goliath is attacked on all sides. The hunter becomes the quarry.

Each of the dozen or so investigations Laura was involved with at Project Veritas unfolded in precisely this way. Laura was, has since, and continually is willing to take enormous risks to capture men and women carrying out evil deeds, saying evil things, and supporting unjust actions.

While in Wallraff’s quote Laura is certainly David, the underdog, she, like the historical King David, is willing to take the fight to the immoral. She doesn’t merely walk toward the fire, per the late Andrew Breitbart’s familiar injunction; rather, she hurls herself onto the nearest mount and gallops into the blaze like a Valkyrie.

In another investigation, and while a student at Barry University in Miami, Laura created a group named Sympathetic Students in Support of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. On hidden video, she asked a Barry University administrator if they approved of sending flashlights and other aid to ISIS, because they don’t have night vision and stuff.

The Barry administrator suggested she rename the group Sympathetic Students in Support of the Middle East as opposed to ISIS. It created a Florida media firestorm, and she was kicked out of the private Catholic university. Barry University’s president said she was incensed, not at the staffer for suggesting a workaround to fund a terrorist organization but at Laura for exposing it. There was even a threat of criminal charges against Laura for filming on campus.

At great legal cost, Project Veritas launched a massive and successful campaign so that Laura could get her diploma. Laura graduated a few months later with a perfect 4.0 GPA and posed for a picture with her diploma that was mailed to her since she was banned from attending her own graduation and banned from ever returning to the campus. The picture with Laura’s face blurred was posted by Project Veritas to social media. One can imagine the look on the faces of the Barry University administration watching Laura come out clean on the other side of that imbroglio. The hunter became the quarry, indeed.

If all of this sounds like terrifying experiences, it is. But, as you get to know Laura, you realize that her fearlessness and penchant for living dangerously are kept in check by a robust, personal, lifelong commitment to justice and an unambiguous grasp of right and wrong. This is what led to her pursuit of journalism, while her other gifts have conspired to transform her street interviews into performance art.

Much like Forrest Gump, she would seemingly show up anywhere fraud and misconduct were happening. There was the time at a Teachers Union Conference in Atlantic City, NJ, when a health teacher offered Laura cocaine. The high school health teacher was later suspended. (Project Veritas walked into his school to video PV’s offering him a certificate of Excellence in Drug Abuse Awareness just before busting him.) He looked interesting, Laura said afterwards, like the kind of guy who would sleep with a student and want to brag about it.

There was the time in 2015 she stood in line on Roosevelt Island and struck up a conversation with someone at a Hillary Clinton souvenir stand the day Hillary Clinton officially announced she was running for President. As always, Laura’s camera was on. A woman behind her said, I’m Canadian. Molly Barker, the Clinton campaign Director of Marketing was nearby. So was Erin Tibe, the campaign’s Compliance Director.

The Canadian woman said, Can I give her [Laura] the money? Laura asked, So Canadians can’t buy [Clinton campaign merchandise], but Americans can buy it for them? Not technically, said Barker. "You would just be making the donation."

Not technically, of course, meant not legally. Laura’s video led to a Federal Election Commission (FEC) complaint against the Clinton campaign.

Speaking of Clinton, Laura has taken numerous selfies with both Bill and Hillary. She also dressed up like Huma Abedin with a full burka and was offered Huma’s ballot by a poll worker in Manhattan during the 2016 election. A picture of Laura in the burka made the Drudge Report.

Another time, Laura caught Alan Schulkin, the Democrat, representing Manhattan at the NYC Board of Elections in NYC admitting, I think there’s a lot of voter fraud. Mr. Schulkin added, They bus them around. They put them in a bus and go poll site to poll site. De Blasio immediately called for Schulkin’s resignation.

Wherever Laura went, she attracted a story like light attracts moths. Perhaps the biggest contributions she made were not as a reporter but as Project Veritas’s Associate Communications Director, running social media on the Democracy Partners story in 2016. The videos trended on YouTube, racked up tens of millions of social media views, and forced the resignation of Bob Creamer and Scott Foval for admitting to dirty tricks on behalf of the Clinton campaign. Laura was at my side every step, and Project Veritas could not have maximized the impact of these videos without her.

After the successful impact over three years at Project Veritas, Laura began her independent journalism career, making and publishing her own videos and eventually running for the US House of Representatives. She is remarkably well-suited for the enormous fights she picks.

For example, Laura turned her being deplatformed by the politically motivated social media giants in Silicon Valley to her advantage. She avoided that professional disaster by committing herself to battle on behalf of her fellow citizens and their right to express themselves. Her legal clashes with Facebook, Twitter, Google, Apple, PayPal, and other tech firms have the potential to improve the lives of every American.

They say trying to parlay internet notoriety into electoral success rarely pans out. Laura, however, is overturning that received wisdom by outraising her opponent Lois Frankel every quarter and doing so by large margins. The New York Post has already named her the conservative answer to New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

People ask me if I think Laura can win. I avoid both conventional wisdom and conventional politics. It’s certainly true that what Laura accomplished exposing waste, fraud, and abuse in her early twenties is tremendously more difficult than running for political office. But no one should underestimate Laura Loomer. I wouldn’t be at all surprised when this book’s third or fourth printing needs an edit to the spine to add Congresswoman in front of her name in honor of her eventual victory. Of course, she can win.

I’ve learned never to bet against Laura, no matter the odds, because she keeps confounding her critics, embarrassing her doubters, and pleasing her supporters and millions of fans. In response to the innocent purity of her commitment to truth, justice, and the American way and for her courage to personally fight on against overwhelming odds, the Establishment and Mainstream Media have lied about her, banned her, slandered her, and finally ostracized her from their politically correct society. Yet, she remains as defiant, determined, and dedicated as the day in 2014 when I first met her.

If you’re reading this book, you probably already know, you can’t believe much of anything you’re reading in the newspapers or on social media about people like Laura or me. Thankfully, despite everything they’ve taken from her and tried to do to her, Laura gets to set the record straight in these pages about her life and her work—and explain why her mission matters—to you. More than anything, I’m proud of the many things she has done. I’m honored to say, she is like a sister to me.

—   James O’Keefe

   Founder, Project Veritas


I put down the phone and suddenly felt empty. Empty and sick, like the bottom of my stomach had dropped out, and I didn’t know what to do or say because I knew it was hopeless. I stared blankly into the night in my car on the side of the road. My dreams had been butchered—murdered in their cribs—by ghouls in hoodies from Silicon Valley, California, of all places , on the basis of no crime, no great sin.

I had done nothing shameful, and yet shame was all I felt. I was bereft, hopeless and helpless, and for some hours I didn’t feel entirely human, trapped in some kind of dissociative place. When this happens to you—I should say if it does, because I never want anyone else to suffer this—you’ll understand that when I say trauma, I do mean trauma.

It’s not that I’m some pathetic dopamine addict hooked on the high of likes and retweets. I liked them, of course, like anyone. I was suffering because my work was all gone—the stories I’d spent years digging into, the people I’d met and the places I’d been. It was all I had, and I had given it everything. That night it was taken from me, and it felt then, as it does now, like a piece of me is forever missing.

I will never truly recover from losing not only my life’s work, but also my future, my promise, and my dreams, because banning me wasn’t enough. They took the time to make sure my reputation was wrecked as well. Nothing will ever make up for the slice of my soul I put into my work, only to have it incinerated by gleeful vandals who made me watch as they poured the gas and flipped a coin for the match.

I am learning how to channel some of the feelings I’ve been describing, or what’s left of them, into productive work, so I can devote my life to saving others from the pain—from the cruelty, the loneliness, and the petrifying finality of it all when it happens to them. I can never rebuild what I have lost. But I can make them pay for doing it to others, and perhaps I can save future dissidents and free thinkers from my fate.

That night, the night it happened, I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t sleep. It was the night before Thanksgiving, and I didn’t know whether I wanted to be alone or with friends. I was, perhaps for the first time in my life, truly, utterly lost, with no compass, no map, and no hope, drifting in the middle of a vast ocean, wondering how to come to terms with the end of everything I had worked so hard to build. The only fragment I could make sense of from the mess in my head was the same phrase, repeating over and over, like a wreath laid again and again on my shame from what felt like eternal failure:

But I’m only twenty-five.

But I’m only twenty-five.

But I’m only twenty-five.

I had to figure out how to respond to the hundreds of text messages and emails I had been receiving from reporters and friends of mine who said, Wow, I can’t believe you’re banned. When I arrived at a Fort Lauderdale restaurant for a scheduled dinner with Roger Stone, I didn’t even want to go inside. My friend Sophia was there, and she had filmed a video of me talking about everything that was happening and how I had been banned from Twitter. She posted the video on her own account, and it instantly went viral—receiving nearly a million views. Ironically, the story that I was banned was trending on Twitter the evening I was banned.

My friend Roger Stone, already banned from Twitter himself, realized how devastated I was. He pulled me aside, outside the restaurant, and did the best he could. He said he knew I was a fighter and that I would keep on fighting. He assured and encouraged me by saying he knew I wouldn’t let my Twitter ban prevent me from making my voice heard. His words were kind, and I knew he was probably right. I had no choice but to carry on. But I wasn’t ready yet for the words I was hearing.

That was the night of November 21, 2018, when I found out I’d been banned for life from Twitter. My journalistic career had been stunted—some would say destroyed—forever, at the flick of a switch, in the latest of Twitter’s arbitrary, cruel, and politically-motivated acts of censorship. It was a thermonuclear overreaction to my published observations and factual concerns about Congresswoman Ilhan Omar in a tweet in which I called her anti-Jewish and pro-Sharia. Two factual statements that Twitter decided to label as hate speech and punish me for with a permanent ban.

Since then, I’ve been on a one-woman crusade against Big Tech to expose their bias, their hypocrisy, their lies, their meanness, and how dangerous they are to our Constitutional Republic and Democracy as a whole. I’ve been determined to find out why Silicon Valley protects Muslims in public life, seemingly above all other groups, holding them immune from all criticism, and at the expense of our fundamental right to freedom of speech and free expression. Twitter has gone above and beyond to provide a safe haven for jihadists, Democrats, and anyone who belongs to any foreign group that despises America.

My campaign against the Silicon Valley sociopaths led me all the way to a congressional run in Florida’s 21st District and notoriety as the most banned woman in the world. Once almost alone among Republicans in calling for Big Tech’s power and full-blown tyranny to be radically curtailed, I am finally starting to make progress. Although my battle against Big Tech and censorship began as a quest to get justice for myself, my campaign quickly revealed to me that this mission is a calling—my life’s vocation. I have since dedicated myself to ensuring that no one else in America ever has to endure what I have suffered.

This book is part of that mission. It came about almost by accident. It wasn’t supposed to happen. Not in the middle of a congressional campaign. Not yet! But I was courted by publishers keen to share my story with the world, and soon enough I found myself signing a book contract. And then, I have to confess, the second it was a real thing, with an impending deadline, I started listing in my mind all the exciting possibilities for my book and began designing covers in my head, and figuring out what to wear for the photo shoot and, well, here we are.

I think you’re going to like it. This book shares its name with what I humbly suggest is the most enjoyable spectator sport since the first wrestling matches, depicted in 15,300-year-old cave paintings in Lascaux, France. I refer, of course, to Loomering—or, as it’s already known to some of you, the legalized, livestreamed torture and ritual public humiliation of hypocritical elitist politicians and celebrities. I suppose being Loomered has also come to mean being banned virtually everywhere in this modern era of cancel culture we find ourselves living in.

Loomering is an art form I have been perfecting over the last few years, and I’m finally ready to take it global and open source. In this book, I’ll be sharing the full history of getting Loomered.

First of all, in case you found this book left behind at Starbucks, your local library, or you were just drawn to read my book based on its fabulous cover, let me introduce myself properly. My name is Laura Loomer. I am a conservative, Jewish-American investigative journalist, and, as I mentioned a moment ago, I am also the most banned woman in the world, forbidden from using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Uber, Lyft, Uber Eats, PayPal, Venmo, GoFundMe,, Teespring, Periscope, Cash App, Stripe, YouTube, Clubhouse, and even the Google cafeteria, which is literally open to homeless people. Even Chase Bank briefly froze my online banking accounts before backing down when they got too much negative attention and a visit from Project Veritas.

I am, I should say, not the only person who has been widely shut down and silenced by the tolerant and welcoming progressives of Big Tech. My friends Alex Jones, the wildly popular host of Infowars; Milo Yiannopoulos, the bestselling author; and Gavin McInnes, the founder of Vice and The Proud Boys, could probably give me a run for my money if we each started listing the individual services we are banned from. I’ll let the three of them duke it out for the male trophy. In the meantime, I am certainly and by some margins the woman who has been silenced and banned the most for speaking my mind—and not for expressing especially outrageous or hateful opinions, but for opinions that I know millions of Americans share.

Some of you will find my account of how my deplatforming damaged my career, hurt my friendships, and traumatized me to be implausible, silly, or even cause for ridicule. But this is my personal story—and it’s one I’ve been waiting a very long time to tell. I am confident that by the end of this book, I’ll have persuaded you that it’s a big deal that companies like Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Apple have a power of veto over your social and professional life. And you might have a better understanding of why it has been so damaging to my life—and why I’m still recovering.

As a journalist, social media is an indispensable work tool. It was my go-to platform to broadcast reports, activism, videos, and commentary. It was a fast and free way to get my message out to the masses. One particularly great tweet, and you might attract thousands of new followers. If a video goes viral, you can become an internet sensation and bring awareness to your cause overnight. But there are no free rides in life. The bill always comes in the end.

Over time, I became too controversial, too bold, too powerful, and too unapologetic for the Left-leaning powers that control social media, television, our universities, and the music industry. Like Alex, Milo, and Gavin, I was becoming too effective. The Left figured out that I was too persuasive, and I converted too many people to the other side. I was getting too popular too quickly—so Big Tech and the Democrats had to take me out. Therefore, over eighteen months, app by excruciating app, I lost everything. The tech companies did it in concert with one another, and they did it in the most painful way possible so I would suffer.

I lost my platform, without which a writer can serve no useful social purpose. To add insult to injury, I had to stand by and watch as journalists concocted outrageous untruths about me with no way of responding to them or telling my side of the story, knowing that sleazy journalists—which is most of them—would be emboldened to print lies from now on, because they could be assured of getting away with it. If it’s not causing them grief on Twitter, journalists, and even their editors, literally don’t care what is said or published.

Then, when I was banned from PayPal and various payment processors, I lost my ability to earn a living. That’s when I almost lost confidence that I could stay afloat and keep going. Everything was very dark for a long time. At one point, I even considered suicide as a way out of the pain and misery. But I made it. I’ve come out the other side, and I’m finally free of them. They have no power over me any longer.

Before writing this book, I never sat down and calmly worked through my feelings about being so thoroughly, comprehensively, publicly, and, yes, humiliatingly scrubbed from the internet—and how it felt to know there was nothing I could do about it. That might sound a bit melodramatic to you, until you understand the context and the details.

You see, my reporting career, into which all my soul had been poured, was irreparably damaged, and my life made unfathomably more difficult, thanks to the coordinated efforts of a small group of Silicon Valley companies, working in harmony to deny me access to essential digital products, including payment services I needed to buy food and pay my bills.

They did it because I humiliated a lot of cherished liberal icons with my aggressive reporting style, and for a split second, it looked as though they might have succeeded in driving me out of public life. It was a retaliatory act—it was pure spite. And, given the enormous power these companies collectively wield, it almost worked.

Unfortunately for Big Tech, I survived, regrouped, and recharged, and now I’m back to make their lives more miserable than ever with my congressional run. I should say now, my congressional runs, because I’m not giving up. I may have been digitally exterminated, but I am more dangerous to the forces of progressivism than ever before—because this time I have a mission. I’ve proven what I’m capable of doing, and I won’t stop until I complete it.

Ordinarily, an autobiography would be premature for someone who is only twenty-eight, the sort of thing only deluded reality-TV stars have the audacity to publish. But I’ve lived a lifetime in the past half-decade. Plus, this book is my way of setting the record straight. Since I’ve never read a news story about me that isn’t riddled with half-truths and name-calling, this is my chance to correct the record on some pretty outrageous lies that have been told about me.

I’ll tell you about how I confronted Hillary Clinton, asking her the questions no other journalist would dare. I’ll dish the dirt on my run-ins with a whole host of Democrat superstars, hypocritical celebrities, and deep-state apparatchiks such as former FBI boss James Comey, mad Maxine Waters, bug-eyed Marxist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, creepy porn lawyer Michael Avenatti, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, the insufferable and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Jew-hating Women’s March organizer Linda Sarsour, and fake feminist Alyssa Milano.

All that said, because I am only twenty-eight, the whole book can’t be about me. So, along the way, I’ll explain how I plan to make sure you never go through the same ordeal I did, by running for Congress—as many times as it takes to be successful—and getting laws passed to curb the power of the Big Tech tyrants. I’ve also made room to talk about the historical and intellectual background of some of the political skirmishes in our country and how history is dangerously repeating itself as we rapidly transform into a tyrannical technocracy led by a slew of Leftist Silicon Valley billionaires who look like they should have been cast in Revenge of the Nerds. But this isn’t a comedy. It’s a livestreamed horror show on display for the whole world and anyone who uses the internet to witness.

For instance, I’ll tell you what I’ve learned about why progressive elites pander to Islam so much—even the scariest Middle Eastern varieties of that ideology—and how you can better understand how to stay alive on a censored, politicized, and Sharia-compliant social web.

What I’ve learned about Big Tech helps to explain why they’re so sensitive to ridicule or criticism of that one particular ideology on their sites and why you always get banned for posting facts about, making jokes, and criticizing certain people and specific subjects. It’s not happy reading, but these are things you should know and need to know.

Finally, this book offers encouragement to you, dear reader, and I hope I will inspire you to introduce a little good-natured but raucous political activism into your own life. Who knows: maybe this book will give birth to a generation of Mini-Loomers! I know you might think disruption, disobedience, and protests aren’t for conservatives, but you’re wrong. The fate of Western civilization is on the ropes, my friend, and it’s time for drastic measures for these drastic and often dismal times. As I often like to say, civil disobedience is the only way forward!

Get used to the idea of interrupting Shakespeare plays and door-stepping your local elected officials at their homes. And might I suggest investing today in a selfie stick, a bullhorn, a high-quality outdoor projector, and a pair of law enforcement-grade handcuffs. And maybe set aside some bail money. Trust me, I know what I’m talking about….

Within the pages of this book, you’ll find a story about my run in with the FBI, hidden cameras, the multiple times I was arrested, a handful of stupid billionaires, the Clintons, Secret Service agents, Islamic terrorist groups, the time President Donald J. Trump endorsed me and voted for me, powerful politicians, hundreds of lying journalists at places like the Washington Post and the New York Times—and one Somali migrant who married her own gay brother to commit immigration fraud. It sounds like an implausible pulp fiction thriller. But it is my life, as ridiculous as it is noteworthy.

So much of my life sounds implausible—or even downright impossible—that it’s essential to get it all down for the annals of history. My life is what happens when George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four transmogrifies from literary warning into an instruction manual for the most powerful tech companies in the world and their eager collaborators in the Democratic Party.

But this book contains another story as well. It’s a story about all of us—about America—and about how we can address the terrifying hold Big Tech has on us. A story with a moral and an urgent message that explains why it’s imperative we act now. I want future generations to have proof that we at least tried. That is until society reverts to book burnings, and this book, my story, and my prophetic warnings become contraband.

As I’ve reflected on my life in the course of writing this book, I’ve been forced to confront my own responsibility for some of the situations I’ve found myself in over the years. But, try as I might, I can’t pin the blame for Facebook and Twitter’s appalling behavior on anyone but them. They did this. And I am determined to ensure that there will be a reckoning.

I regret nothing.

And I would do it all again.

I’ve always been outspoken and blunt, and there will always be people who can’t handle the truth served up without apology or caveat. That’s a personal problem—of theirs. I know that for some, I can be too loud, too aggressive, and so on, and I have been known to push people to their limits. It always makes for a great viral video! But the last time I checked, being brash and insistent wasn’t a crime, and free speech was still a fundamental American right—a God-given right.

Whatever you think you know about me, leave it to one side and let me tell you how it all really went down and what it means. I believe everyone should be able to say what they think and how they feel about everything—especially politics, and especially elected officials. That someone could be banned from an essential professional tool for criticizing a politician, which happened to me after a remark about Jew-hating jihadist Ilhan Omar, isn’t just absurd. It’s obscene. And I’m going to do everything I can to stop it.

As clichéd as it sounds, I believe in the Constitution and in America, despite everything that has happened to our beautiful country. Not everyone has my address book and resources; not everyone can stay afloat after being victimized by the malicious actions of Leftist technology companies and their employees. I believe in protecting my fellow citizens if it’s in my power to do so. So, I feel a duty to tell this story and to take on this fight.

What I did not know and was never prepared for when I embarked on my journey as a hell-raising journalist a few years ago was that I would be silenced for speaking truths and defending beliefs I regarded as commonplace and ordinary. I didn’t realize the country—most, if not all, of our largest institutions and corporations—was so thoroughly co-opted by Leftist dogma. But now I know. I’m ready, and I have a plan.


As this book was being written, I had three lawsuits making their way through the courts against Twitter, Facebook, Apple, and Google. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) was also named in one of the suits, because I found out following an investigation by the Wall Street Journal that CAIR lobbied Twitter to get my account banned after I said too many factual things about incestuous Muslim politicians. Something like that, anyway. It’s tough to narrow it down. For an organization like CAIR, that was an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terrorism financing trial in US history, they are frightfully touchy and thin-skinned. One of my lawsuits even made it to the Supreme Court of the United States and resulted in an opinion by Justice Clarence Thomas, arguably the most respected Supreme Court Justice on the court.

My lawsuits, like my activism, are designed to expose the bias and hypocrisy baked into the policies and practices of all the biggest tech companies in the world. But they’re not the only thing I’m doing. My personal battle with Big Tech and censorship has prompted some lawmakers to take on the issue of Big Tech censorship. In Florida, there was a state legislative bill sponsored by Sen. Joe Gruters, which he said during a press conference was inspired by my battle against Big Tech. Gruters is currently the chairman of the Republican Party in Florida. The bill was named the Stop Social Media Censorship Act (SB1266), and it was created to expose social media companies to statutory damages if they ban people for their political speech. Gruters invited me to the Florida State Capitol for a press conference about social media censorship in January 2020, which further elevated the state and national discussion about social media censorship. The day after the press conference, Gruters met with President Trump on the tarmac in Florida where among other conversation, the issue of Big Tech censorship, my congressional campaign, and Gruters’s legislation were discussed. Perhaps it was an alignment of the stars, because the timing couldn’t be more perfect as President Trump had just become a new Florida resident (his Mar-a-Lago residence is located in Palm Beach, FL). I also helped advise Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ staff and Republican lawmakers in Florida on language that should be used and amendments that should be included in the Governor’s proposed Big Tech censorship legislation, known as HB 7013 and SB 7072, which ended up passing during the 2021 Florida legislative session. The legislation addresses the deplatforming of candidates in Florida by the Big Tech social media companies. As the first deplatformed federal candidate in US history, I was able to provide lawmakers in Florida with valuable insight and testimony before the Florida House Appropriations Committee while they were drafting this landmark legislation.

Most importantly, of course, I fought back by running for the United States Congress in Florida’s 21st District, home to President and Mrs. Trump in 2020. My congressional run was motivated by the Big Tech tyrants’ continued assault on free speech, civil rights, and Silicon Valley’s sinister and ever-growing influence over our lives. It was my way of fighting back on behalf of everyone who is being silenced. Although I was unsuccessful the first time around, I know I will eventually triumph, and I have since filed to run again in 2022. When I win my seat in Palm Beach, Florida, I’ll be President Trump’s representative in Congress.

As an investigative journalist and a conservative, I have always been passionate

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