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Money + Love Manifestation Blueprint- The Law Of Attraction (2 in 1): 50+ Manifesting Techniques, Meditations, Hypnosis& Affirmations For Abundance, Wealth+ Twin Flames/ Soul Mate
Money + Love Manifestation Blueprint- The Law Of Attraction (2 in 1): 50+ Manifesting Techniques, Meditations, Hypnosis& Affirmations For Abundance, Wealth+ Twin Flames/ Soul Mate
Money + Love Manifestation Blueprint- The Law Of Attraction (2 in 1): 50+ Manifesting Techniques, Meditations, Hypnosis& Affirmations For Abundance, Wealth+ Twin Flames/ Soul Mate
Ebook546 pages6 hours

Money + Love Manifestation Blueprint- The Law Of Attraction (2 in 1): 50+ Manifesting Techniques, Meditations, Hypnosis& Affirmations For Abundance, Wealth+ Twin Flames/ Soul Mate

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Discover Over 20+ Hours Of Practical Law Of Attraction Teachings, Meditations Affirmations To Help You Build A Life Of Wealth, Abundance Ever Deepening Love!

See, when most people see wealthy people, or those in long-term successful loving relationships they only see the outer ex

Release dateAug 12, 2021
Money + Love Manifestation Blueprint- The Law Of Attraction (2 in 1): 50+ Manifesting Techniques, Meditations, Hypnosis& Affirmations For Abundance, Wealth+ Twin Flames/ Soul Mate

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    Money + Love Manifestation Blueprint- The Law Of Attraction (2 in 1) - Spiritual Awakening Academy

    Chapter 1

    What is Manifestation?

    Have you ever wondered what it would be like to project your hopes and dreams into the environment and hope for a good outcome? If that is you, then consider Manifestation, or manifesting your dreams for a successful future.

    Here you will be learning what Manifestation is on both a spiritual and a psychological level according to what many professionals and practicing individuals have to say. This is where Manifestation came from and how it works with both a spiritual and a psychological component in order to be most effective.

    Spiritual Manifestation is the theory that by using meditation and positivity, paired with good and constructive thinking, it is possible to make your dreams and aspirations manifest into reality. This theory would include the thinking, that if you really want something, and hold that thought at the forefront of your thinking, it will form in your reality to become a tangible thing.

    On the spiritual spectrum, to meditate should most likely, or could in theory include your higher power, this would amplify and increase the chances of Manifestation working for you. Meditate with full balance in which way you feel is right for you. Once you have reached your higher power in a state of euphoria and heightened oneness, think or project the thing which is desired most, and it will happen.

    Accessing what is known as the highest state of meditation or near highness is difficult. In many spiritual aspects, it is only possible once you complete a cleansing of your body and soul. Knowing what your beliefs are and who or what your higher power might be will amplify the way Manifestation works for you.

    Experts say that Manifestation works best when in the most comfortable of atmosphere and with as little stress as possible.

    For example, one might be seeking a Tesla… in most cases that would make for a calm atmosphere, but when one is seeking salvation or healing in one way or another for themselves or a needy loved one, depending on the beliefs across the board, stress and high anxiety might be hard to rid yourself of.

    It’s important in order to meditate and achieve your goal, no matter the desire, you attempt to open communication with your deity or open your third eye, also depending on your beliefs. With each system of belief, one thing holds consistent, and that is that spirituality is a common key-term used.

    That spirituality might be different belief to belief, but if you can achieve the level of highness through your specific spirituality, then you can get that Tesla, or healing, home, money, whatever the desire may be.

    Gandhi once said that the spirit, as manifest in truth and love possessed him utterly. My creed is service of god, and therefore humanity, and service means pure love. Gandhi meant that in so many ways, but the most littoral way to assume it, is if you can achieve those things physically and spiritually, then Manifestation and other achievements, are only a thought away.

    On the other hand, to think of Manifestation psychologically, one must consider their mental status. Can you believe in something so grand that you can have faith in a thing before it can be ever seen? Is it possible, for you to wrap your mind around the process before it’s practice and brought to fruition?

    The concept of Manifestation on a psychological level means that on some level, people can become aware of how their thought, goals, beliefs, wishes, and general mindset can influence current and future experiences. Essentially with the idea of Manifestation, what one desires and is attracted to, can come to light through what you think, say, do, and in the way you act.

    Similar, to what Gandhi said about humanity and love, if you have a dark soul/personality, it is less likely you can achieve even the lowest level of headspace in order to manifest even the slightest desire. Think about it like the quote, what you put out in the world will always come back to you. But never how you predict.

    If you put garbage into the universe, you will reap garbage, or negative karma… the utter reverse of blessings and Manifestations. If you sow goodness and kindness… love as Gandhi suggested, then your body has most likely been cleansed, as has you mind, enough to achieve something higher and thus Manifestation can work.

    Can, however is the word to look at. Depending on your mindset and thought process, your psychological analysis of Manifestation must be on a level consistent with belief. In that sense, spiritual and psychological are nearly one in the same, but not… at the same time.

    Ask for what you want and be prepared to get it.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson said, once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen. The universe conspiring in your favor is perhaps one of the greatest gifts one can be given.

    Stop waiting for someone to elevate your game, if you wait around for others, you might just miss what is out there for you. You are already equipped with everything you need to manifest your own greatness. You are all given the measurement of faith within yourselves to project and receive.

    Considering belief when referring to mind and spirit, you need to remember that in order to manifest your desires, you must believe first in what is inevitable.

    Cause and effect can be like Manifestation. Because you can think it, the cause being putting it out in the universe, believing in the outcome and the effect is like achieving your Manifestation and gaining from it, be it for your gain or someone else’s.

    In all honesty, it’s already yours, you only need to claim that it is, and receive what has always been waiting for you.

    Rhonda Byrne said, every single second is an opportunity to change your life because in any moment you can change the way you feel. Albert Einstein said imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.

    Both of those support a healthy mindset. Seeing is believing and likewise. If you can’t imagine your life the way you want, then how are you going to project your Manifestation and receive the outcome? Thinking and seeing your thoughts visualized into your future is not as hard as one might think.

    Projecting is pushing an idea into the atmosphere and hoping it comes back for the good. Manifestation is projection while pushing an idea into the atmosphere and KNOWING it will come back for the good.

    Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice, William Jennings Bryan.

    Choose to have the right mindset.

    Do you suffer from depression? Anxiety? Stress induced issues? Well, to learn that destiny is not a matter of chance, not the game of Life hoping to not lose it all, it is your choice what happens. Manifest your depression away, gain a mindset that through affirmation and Manifestation that you will no longer be depressed.

    It can happen… take it from Rumi, the universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself, everything that you want, you already are.

    Believe your psychological self can accept something not so tangible and make it as such.

    Jim Carrey is a funny man, not a philosopher, scientist, or the like. We watch him in the movies and see his characters, and think that’s brilliant, or we don’t like this one, we love the other. Let’s cry with Mr. Popper and laugh with The Mask but not many of you think of him for quotes on intentions and accomplishing what is impossible.

    Our intention is everything. Nothing happens on this planet without it. Not one single thing has ever been accomplished without intention, Jim Carry.

    Think on that. How is it possible, without the right mindset to create intention and project it… Manifest it?

    Think I am, not I want to be. Know you are, not you hope to someday be. Intentions are the root and Manifestation is the bud to an even bigger plant that comes in many names. Success, achievement, accomplishment, happiness, having what you need, some of what you want… that is only one thought away.

    There are so many other quotes by famous people, some you know, and others you don’t. Knowing the quotes are by someone famous isn’t what’s important, it’s the power behind the words, and the reality there. Remembering that power and accessibility are only things if you make them things.

    A car has the ability to run. It can start and zoom down the road at the speed you desire, but that car is going nowhere if you don’t start it. It can’t start itself it isn’t going anywhere without you first projecting the end goal of the journey, or at very least the start of it. Think of your dreams like a car, happiness and a life well deserved… it’s there, hanging out somewhere in the universe, but it will NEVER be used if you don’t spark it first.

    You have to make the first move… spiritually, mentally, emotionally, it doesn’t matter if it’s there, it always has been and will always be, but without you taking the first step, it will stay there, unused and wasted.

    In the following chapters, you will learn the various ways of accessing your proper mindset and learning to manifest in your own unique way. You will learn how to visualize and focus on the goal, much like ball players, you have to see the end result you want before it’s even there.

    You will be given a figurative toolbox of everything needed to achieve Manifestation.

    You will know exactly what an affirmation is, and how it can help you do anything from cure your depression, to gain your dream job. Along with that, you will know the seven main laws to attract and manifest in the way that is right for you.

    We will discuss with you the difference between choices and decisions and how you need to consider both in making your life available for Manifestation. Ultimately, one will discover how to speak to yourself.

    Humans are their own worst enemy. People say such mean things, but the way we speak to ourselves and about ourselves is perhaps the grossest thing we could do. Putting oneself down just because that’s what everyone else does, will never allow Manifestation to work due to psychological blockage. You do you, be nice to you, love you… you are all you have sometimes… why would you want to run yourself away.

    Love who you are and do it on purpose.

    Your thoughts and words can affect your body and mind, the way you project and the doubts that set in on top of your hopes and dreams. You will learn how to think positively and speak affirmations of faith for your daily life.

    While considering the above motivations, the topic of conscious living will be touched on, as well as elevations of vibrational response… this is the way you should respond to the vibrational frequencies of everyone and everything around you, and in turn, the universe is responding to your vibrations. This is a huge power to your advantage when Manifestation comes to play.

    After leaning that, you will find a chapter on intentions and how to set them. There are many ways to make an intention and many ways to use your spiritual self to set them into place. Intentions are important while manifesting, and perhaps one of the most beneficial aspects. Intentions can be as small as sending good vibes into the world, and as big as intentions to become somebody that everybody will admire.

    Creative methods and timelines for seeing projections come to fruition are often two of the biggest questions asked during Manifestation. Humans want it to happen here and now, and in some cases it does, but the term be patient may be more prevalent here than anywhere.

    Lastly, becoming a master of Manifestation is the ultimate goal, but one can’t achieve this unless their spiritual and psychological selves are ready. Continuing without first getting those two aspects, if only those two in check is of the utmost importance.

    Finding who you are, seeing what can be done, having faith in yourself and others, knowing where you belong, and loving yourself and others… those are all good steps to take in making sure you are ready to continue. Also, knowing what you believe and do it with great passion.

    Here are a few tips for the above things in making sure your mind, and spiritual self are ready.

    Finding who you are.

    o By this time, you should have some idea as to who you are. This doesn’t mean who others think you are, sometimes others don’t know you as well as you know yourselves.

    o Find who you are as a person, what you love to wear, what your favorite things to do are.

    o And do this without taking anyone else into consideration.

    o If you must consider someone, only consider your close loved ones, parents, husband/wife/partner, children, and the like, but express first that this is who you have always been, and you would like them to accept you the way you are.

    o This step will also work when thinking of sexuality and coming to others with the results of your revelation, or perhaps you have known and it’s time to tell others.

    Seeing what can be done.

    o In seeing what can be done through Manifestation, you might consider reading materials on the subject… likely why you are here.

    o You could also speak to others who practice and achieve good results through Manifestation.

    o Talking to the leader of your belief system about manifesting through meditation, affirmation, and self-assurance is a good start.

    o Study, and know the facts, and if after all that, you still don’t know, ask again.

    o In the end, it’s best to always try it yourself, you are the best judge of your own end results.

    Having faith in yourself.

    o Believing in you is key. If you don’t have faith in your capabilities, even in simple tasks, then Manifestation can not be possible.

    o Learning your own abilities even with the help of others first helps your self-worth, and faith in oneself, but you might have to be good with the next step to do this one.

    o Practice makes perfect.

    Having faith in others.

    o If you can’t trust yourself, you are likely not trusting others.

    o Trusting others comes with practice, and it doesn’t mean you are trusting everyone.

    o Find the few and follow them… be their friend, let them be yours.

    o Always trust your deity, higher power, parishioners of your belief system… unless they have given you a good reason not to.

    o If that’s the case, reevaluate who you have chosen and see what went wrong.

    o Have good judgement of character.

    Knowing where you belong.

    o Knowing where you belong and with whom you belong is important.

    o Trying to make yourself fit like a round peg into a square hole will only hinder you.

    o Knowing your friends and true loved ones is what’s most important when considering where you belong.

    o Considering the right organizations, clubs, sports, events, and spiritual affiliations that fit your needs is also important for a healthy development towards mindfulness and spirituality towards achieving Manifestation.

    Love yourself.

    o Just like having faith in yourself, you need to love who you are.

    o Self-worth and self-esteem can be largely affected by what people say and do to you, but loving yourself no matter what will cause your mind and soul to heal.

    o Loving yourself also makes you a prime candidate to love others openly and to be a good example for those struggling in that department.

    Love others.

    o Sometimes this can be the hardest mindset to get behind.

    o Psychologically, you know… KNOW, that it’s hard to love someone that doesn’t love you back.

    o This doesn’t mean a romantic love, but a kindness type of love.

    o In loving others, you can truly find the good wherever you look… even in the darkest places.

    Know what you believe.

    o This one is a hard one. Belief is a difficult subject, especially while trying to find who you are, but once you have done that, finding who and/or what you believe in is important.

    o Some say they don’t believe in anything, but that isn’t entirely true. The wind blows, but we don’t see it, but we believe it’s there… even if you have to focus on the wind, be a good person, and love yourself and others, you can believe Manifestation will work.

    To conclude this chapter, you should focus on these thoughts… you are loved, you are worth it, you are good enough to achieve what you believe, you can project and manifest the desires of your heart… you can be the best version of you.

    You can believe.

    Chapter 2

    How Do I Begin?

    Here, it will be discussed as to what methods are best to first get started and some of the ways that a person will need to clear their mind and find out what exactly they are seeking before they can begin a Manifestation practices.

    When doing most anything, you can’t start in the middle or at the end of the process and get the same finishing results… you must always start at the beginning. The same holds true with Manifestation. End results can only be achieved if and only if you do the work from start to finish.

    Here, you will learn the exact steps you will need to take in order to achieve your end goal and how to get there with little to no problems.

    First, it is important to do the steps in chapter one in order to be in the highest state of consciousness and spirituality to make the connection.

    Once you are ready spiritually and mentally, then it is time to move on to these steps.


    o Realizing the need for Manifestation is the first step to achieving your manifested wishes.

    o Realizing that Manifestation is even a thing and can be achieved no matter your belief system.

    o Realizing that what you want has always been there for you and will always be there.

    o Realizing that if you do nothing about that, it will never come true.

    o Its time for you to take the first step… realize that.

    Through realization, you will learn how to study, research, and ask what is needed to continue heading towards your goals and learning how to manifest your hopes and wishes.

    Think of it like a test at school, if you try to take the test without studying first, you will likely fail. The same can be said with Manifestation. If you try it without at least the basic knowledge and tools needed, then you will most likely fail.

    It doesn’t matter if you feel you are a busy person, you will need to find the time for reading and surrendering yourself to self-chosen ignorance. Admitting that we don’t automatically know it all out of the gate sometimes can be the hardest thing to do.

    Think of finding out that Manifestation is a thing like hearing about a life hack that could have saved you so much trouble through the years, but you didn’t know about it… well, now you do. It could have been helping you all along, but since you didn’t know it existed, then you can’t fault yourself.

    Now that you know that you can achieve your goals through Manifestation, and once you learn how, it will become the most life changing thing you have discovered.

    Learning is important when making the decision to implement anything into your life, Manifestation and the like is the same… be educated before you act.


    o Understand that learning how to achieve Manifestation is not for everyone.

    o Understand that only by having a clean mind, body, and soul can you even attain said goal.

    o Understand that only you, with great training, and understanding, can even contemplate Manifestation.

    Understanding and education often go hand in hand. If you can’t understand what you are learning, then in the end, you may never achieve the highest achievements… be it educationally or in reference to Manifestation.

    In referencing understanding, one must know themselves… in that knowledge of self and the way your mind and body works brings you to another level.

    For example, you wouldn’t go sky diving if your body and mind weren’t physically and mentally ready. Physically so, due to the weight one has to be to partake and the condition your body would need to be inside and out to participate. Mentally due to the fact that you will be plummeting towards the ground at a break-neck speed with only a rip-cord to save you.

    You might be wondering what skydiving has to do with understanding what it takes to practice Manifestation. Well, more than you might know. Like driving a car or taking a test without being ready, the right steps need to be taken for both.

    For the act of lunacy or adrenaline, depending on the spectrum you fall on regarding jumping out of a plane, you can’t second guess YOUR ability to act in the way that will result in saving your life. Like Manifestation, while it’s not got a life-threatening aspect, it CAN cause you mental and even spiritual anguish if not ready.

    Like said many times over to this point… understanding who you are, what you can handle, your mental health, and your spiritual health is TOP priority.

    So, like the situation of jumping out of a plane, you won’t be doing it without a full understanding, practice, training, and then ultimately confidence in YOURSELF.


    o Being prepared to begin your journey is important.

    o Knowing the tools needed is also important.

    o Knowing yourself and the stages from chapter one, have each been addressed.

    o Knowing that your mind is ready and, also that you have the faith to believe in Manifestation.

    Preparedness means to make certain that you are ready for whatever it is that you are going to embark on. To say that you believe in Manifestation is one thing, but again, if you do not have the knowledge, understanding, and the tools to start, then your simply not ready.

    Being ready to begin your journey through Manifestation doesn’t need to be taken lightly. One would assume that since you have gotten this far, you have at very least a minimal desire to learn what Manifestation is, or how to achieve it at its highest.

    Benjamin Franklin said that by failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.

    Abraham Lincoln said it this way, give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.

    Both men have been revered through history as being influential and knowledgeable, also for being prepared for the challenges that were ahead of them. Franklin didn’t always jump headfirst into an idea, it started as a thought, a spark, then with preparedness and research it grew… sure, trial and error was largely a thing during his life and many others, but never without basic understanding.

    Lincoln didn’t mean that he literally needed four hours to sharpen a blade. He meant that no matter how much time you feel you have, there is never a reason not to stop and prepare. To chop down a tree with a dull blade would have taken far more than six hours, likely, but if the blade was sharp, then two would be enough.

    Take the time to sharpen your mind, spirit, body, and be prepared.

    Gathering the tools.

    o Gather all the things needed to begin, this does not mean real tools or even tangible items.

    o Simply prepare a clean and relaxed environment, free of as much stress and negativity as possible.

    o Dress comfortably and prepare your intention, projection, or affirmation in the way your belief system allows, or that you have been taught… this will differ person to person.

    Just like any carpenter, or laborer of any kind, tools are needed to do the job they have chosen or been given for their life. Like Manifestation, you have been given the chance to achieve higher understanding and in the end the gifts that are hanging in the divide for you.

    What is yours is yours, but only if you know how to get it. You can’t build a house with only your hands, or have it built for that fact. The person doing the work, be it you or someone you trust, the TOOLS needed to do that specific job are essential to the end goal being what you want.

    The proper tools for manifesting towards you end goal are going to be discussed in depth further on in the reading. Be sure you understand these are not hammers, and nails… these are the mental, physical, and spiritual things you will need to achieve you desires.

    Sure, tangible things might be needed depending on your practice, candles, sage, spices, pillows, blankest, cloth, and such, those would also be part of your tool arsenal, but in no way should you consider gathering the tangible tools until you know you are ready with the mental, physical, and spiritual ones.


    o Knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that Manifestation is real, is key.

    o Believe in yourself and others you trust.

    o Believe in your higher power, deity, or the process of Manifestation.

    o Seeing is believing and believing is seeing… but remember that sometimes you need to believe in things you can’t see too.

    Believing in something is what it takes to act towards or for the thing you hope to achieve as your goals and aspirations for yourself and your life. Humans tend to not dedicate their time towards things and people they don’t believe in and trust.

    Unless you are forced into it, one doesn’t often do a job they don’t believe in, practice something they don’t believe one-hundred-precent. We don’t put time and energy into people we feel aren’t worth it and we can’t believe will amount to good one way or another.

    On the other hand, even if you have gotten this far… believing is only half the battle. As discussed in chapter one briefly, if you are not prepared in the ways needed, it’s likely you are not purely cleansed and true, it won’t matter how much you believe Manifestation will works… it won’t for you.

    Believing in yourself would be the first real step towards cleansing oneself.

    Facing the fact that the monsters in this world are usually human hurts. Sometimes it doesn’t matter how much said monster wants to change, it isn’t over night. On the other hand, most humans aren’t purely darkness… it’s hard to live your life that dark.

    Even if you feel you are the worst person on earth, it’s not too late to believe in yourself. By believing and seeking the help you need mentally, spiritually, and physically, Manifestation can only be a few steps away. By manifesting your dreams, also making sure they are pure and good, you may even get closer to becoming the kind of person you have always wanted to be.

    It is NEVER too late to become that person. No matter how old or young you are, you are worth it, you are beautiful, and you have a soul worth the light.


    o Know that seeing in this sense means something figurative.

    o You must see the end result, picture it and think it into fruition through Manifestation.

    Seeing your aspirations and goals is not something everyone can do. Some people have trouble seeing the future like that, others often fear thinking about what they want or never even try due to fearing failure. Through Manifestation, affirmation, and believing in the possibility of the future desired, it can become easy for you to do something great through meditation and Manifestation.

    Studies show that there are three main kinds of people when dealing with seeing your dreams and aspirations for your life, even as simple as believing in the fact that the universe is waiting for you to ask and receive. Knowing which category, you fall under will help you continue this list of steps towards achieving your Manifestation goals.

    -Seers-By being a literal seer, you can picture things in your minds eye. Think of the juicy apple and actually… visualize the sweet, crispness, the dew dripping off the waxy coating. For seers, it’s hard to believe that NOT ALL PEOPLE see the way you do.

    Those that can are lucky, to physically see the thing you desire in your minds eye makes it that much easier to project the thing you want or need towards achieving Manifestation.

    Just because you don’t fall in this category, does not mean how you project isn’t considered seeing the end goal, it’s just seeing through your other senses.

    -Hearers-Being a hearer means that you can hear that still small voice in the back of your mind. (No this is not referencing schizophrenia or a mental break) it simply means that you are more in tune with your conscious, verbal self, or what you may call it.

    You’re welcome… for some of you that just cleared up so much for you. Thinking you have been going crazy your whole life by hearing it, has just been cleared up in a simple paragraph… don’t worry, you are among a grand percentage of people who can do the same… and no, they aren’t crazy either.

    Know that some hearers can also be seers, and vice versa, but it doesn’t not mean that is the only truth… you can only be one or the other or have a combination of hearing and the next one.

    Being a hearer sometimes makes the thought process better, but hearers often have trouble shutting off their brain… downfalls and perks of being able to do this.

    Another benefit is that IF you can’t see the dream or desire, you can project mentally through the use, of your still-small-voice. Let it see for you and manifest your desires.

    -Hands on-if you are a person who practices better with hands on experience… seeing and hearing isn’t there for you, or might be but not as prevalent, you CAN achieve Manifestation, but with a few more steps.

    If you practice hands on learning, then likely you have hopes and dreams, but they are thoughts for you. Those that are fortunate enough can project thoughts without first seeing or hearing it, but some can’t.

    For those that can’t and you have gotten to the end, ready to achieve that which you have manifested, if you are struggling, then do something hands on… draw what you want so you can visualize… write a short story about you with the outcome you wish… those are both hands on things that can help you visualize, project, and achieve Manifestation in ways you might not have been able to before.


    o Gain a heightened sense of relaxation through meditation or relaxing in the way you see fit.

    o Concentrate on what the end result you want is and know it’s only moments away.

    As spoke about in chapter one and will be expounded beyond further into the chapters, finding the optimal form of mediation for you is going to help in the long run. If you’re a seer, hearer, or hands on learner, you will need to first be comfortable in order to reach your highest thinking to attain the result you are going for.

    Achieving I.

    o Achieving I is the portion of meditation in which you have finally gotten to that state of happy and highness.

    o Be it meditation or relaxation, you have finally achieved it, live there in that headspace for as long as possible.

    o Once you have learned how to achieve that state, perfect it by learning how to make it better… you can only get better from here.

    Achieving I is the first level of achievement in the steps towards manifesting your aspirations. There are two in the steps process, but this one simply means that one, you have learned the way you learn the best, two, you have learned that it’s possible, three, you have found the category you are able to see best in, and four, you have been able to achieve the vision/projection/intention you want.

    That means you are ready to continue. Achieving this is usually the half-way point, and is only done during the high point of meditation/prayer and the like.


    o Once you are achieving the highness of euphoria in which way you have chosen, concentrate on your higher power, deity, or the thing you wish to guide you.

    o If you have none of those, then make sure to think about the steps of Manifestation and/or the person who guided you towards said steps.

    This is self-explanatory, meaning you must concentrate to hold that imagine (in whichever way you must see it.) Hold it, concentrate on it and send it out into the universe.


    o This section loosely depends on the individual. Choosing the way you will achieve your end goal, or Achieving II heavily depends on your method.

    o If you choose prayer, then pray to the powers that be for the end result that YOU want.

    o Through projection, project your thoughts, hopes, dreams, and goals towards the end result that YOU want.

    o The same goes for Intention. If this requires more materials, as some belief systems would, gather those and have them on hand.

    o Manifestation is truly the end result for all of them, projection, intention, and prayer will all get you to the same conclusion if done the right way.

    Again, this one is self-explanatory in the fact that this is literally the act of sending the thought into the world and believing it will come back to you in the way and time the universe sees fit.

    End Goal.

    o Know what you want.

    o Push it out into the universe.

    o Don’t give it a timeline, good things are worth waiting for.

    o Don’t begin to doubt it will come true if it doesn’t happen when and how you want.

    o Look for the small stuff, sometimes Manifestations don’t end in a face slap, but rather a sweat and almost soft end result that could easily be passed up if you don’t sit back and look and listen.

    Achieving II.

    o Achieving II is as simple as that… it is the receiving of the gift.

    The end goal is the action of receiving the gift that you put out into the world. This is after you have come down from the high of Manifestation. Sometimes seconds after, other times weeks, months, or years later… not often that long you will find yourself with the ending that you had manifested.

    For example if you manifested becoming a famous actress/actor it is out there for you and will happen, but not until you go out and get it for yourself. It’s the gentile push you need to go to acting school, try out for the role… you will never know until you try.

    The universe expects you to claim the gifts it has for you… get it and use it. Again, like a car doesn’t run by itself… a gift doesn’t open itself.

    Chapter 3

    What’s the Best Way to Manifest?

    In this chapter the discussion of some of the best ways to manifest will be covered. Topics such as the tools needed for manifesting (visualization) and how to use them in order to get the best results will be featured. This may also include various activities that one can do to help with their meditation while manifesting such as seeing, hearing, and hands on scripting as discussed in chapter two.

    The following are the tools you will need to attain purity of mind, body, and soul, in order to begin the process of Manifestation.

    Two types of

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