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Millionaire Mindset
Millionaire Mindset
Millionaire Mindset
Ebook65 pages1 hour

Millionaire Mindset

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Millions of people want the life of financial freedom and millions of dollars but few people have the knowledge and discipline to build a million dollar asset. In this read we will talk about how to become a millionaire. The Millionaire's brain is wired differently from the average person. The Millionaire's life is one of sacrifice, discipline, and dedication to a goal or purpose. They have all experienced great pain in their life and have risen above like a phoenix from the ashes. Millionaires are not afraid to take risks and have the mental fortitude to bounce back from defeat. Millionaires also know how to earn money by creating lasting value for other human beings, Millionaires are people who wake up early and go to bed late. Millionaires have habits that show discipline and sacrifice in all parts of their life they live below their means. Millionaire's actions speak volumes, Millionaires don't care about what everyone else is doing with life or money they worry about themselves only. Millionaires have made a direct decision to go from Millionaire's get revenue and Millionaire's will spend the money on assets that increase their value. Millionaire's seek financial freedom, Millionaires don't believe in job security they believe in wealth security. Millionaire's focus on how to make more money. Millionaires are highly motivated about how much they can change their life or someone else's life. Millionaires learn new skills everyday and improve upon what they already know, Millionaire's think about spending like an idiot so they won't die broke because everyone who spends all of their money is broke or close enough to it . Millionaires often buy things on sale because its cheaper than paying full price for something.

Millionaires invest in what they know. Millionaire's pick the right career path for their strengths and weaknesses Millionaire's are driven to become better human beings everyday Millionaires don't have time to watch t.v Millionaire's will make millions by creating a product or service that is needed or wanted Millionaires focus on wealth creation not just plain income Millionaires seek out mentors Millionaires are quick learners Millionaires want financial freedom so they can go down their own path Millionaire's work hard at being healthy Millionaire's save money by buying things off season or refurbished Millionaire's spend 5% of their income on shopping and hobbies. Million

aire's don't care how they look people judge rich and poor by different standards. Millionaires will always have a will, trust and digital assets in place for their family members. Millionaires invest more on themselves than they do on material possessions or hobbies Millionaires are not afraid of investing in bettering their future instead of buying something they want but don't need.


Millionaire's seek out the opportune time to invest their money Millionaire's are big dreamers and they strive to make those dreams a reality. 

Millionaires don't care what people think of them as long as it doesn't affect their ability to build wealth. Millionaires research any investment opportunity before making a decision on it. Millionaire's understand they will lose sometimes when investing and won't panic or cry over $100 dollars in losses because they know that is part of the game. Millionaire's realize that hard work and perseverance lead to monetary success. 

Release dateAug 11, 2021
Millionaire Mindset

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    Book preview

    Millionaire Mindset - Steven Harrison

    Table of Contents

    Millionaire Mindset

    #1. Persistence

    #2. Think and Plan Big

    #3. Self-Discipline

    #4 Focus on Yourself First

    #5 Believe You Can Achieve Anything That You Set Out To Do Millionaires

    #6 Surround Yourself With Positive People

    #7 Be Passionate About What You Believe

    #8 Take Chances With the Right Mindset

    #9 Establish Long-Term Goals And Demand Achievable Results

    #10 Negative Thinking Leads To Nervousness and Anxiety


    Millions of people want the life of financial freedom and millions of dollars but few people have the knowledge and discipline to build a million dollar asset. In this read we will talk about how to become a millionaire. The Millionaire's brain is wired differently from the average person. The Millionaire's life is one of sacrifice, discipline, and dedication to a goal or purpose. They have all experienced great pain in their life and have risen above like a phoenix from the ashes. Millionaires are not afraid to take risks and have the mental fortitude to bounce back from defeat. Millionaires also know how to earn money by creating lasting value for other human beings, Millionaires are people who wake up early and go to bed late. Millionaires have habits that show discipline and sacrifice in all parts of their life they live below their means. Millionaire's actions speak volumes, Millionaires don't care about what everyone else is doing with life or money they worry about themselves only. Millionaires have made a direct decision to go from Millionaire's get revenue and Millionaire's will spend the money on assets that increase their value. Millionaire's seek financial freedom, Millionaires don't believe in job security they believe in wealth security. Millionaire's focus on how to make more money. Millionaires are highly motivated about how much they can change their life or someone else's life. Millionaires learn new skills everyday and improve upon what they already know, Millionaire's think about spending like an idiot so they won't die broke because everyone who spends all of their money is broke or close enough to it . Millionaires often buy things on sale because its cheaper than paying full price for something.

    Millionaires invest in what they know. Millionaire's pick the right career path for their strengths and weaknesses Millionaire's are driven to become better human beings everyday Millionaires don't have time to watch t.v Millionaire's will make millions by creating a product or service that is needed or wanted Millionaires focus on wealth creation not just plain income Millionaires seek out mentors Millionaires are quick learners Millionaires want financial freedom so they can go down their own path Millionaire's work hard at being healthy Millionaire's save money by buying things off season or refurbished Millionaire's spend 5% of their income on shopping and hobbies. Millionaire's don't care how they look people judge rich and poor by different standards. Millionaires will always have a will, trust and digital assets in place for their family members. Millionaires invest more on themselves than they do on material possessions or hobbies Millionaires are not afraid of investing in bettering their future instead of buying something they want but don't need.

    Millionaire's seek out the opportune time to invest their money Millionaire's are big dreamers and they strive to make those dreams a reality.

    Millionaires don't care what people think of them as long as it doesn't affect their ability to build wealth. Millionaires research any investment opportunity before making a decision on it. Millionaire's understand they will lose sometimes when investing and won't panic or cry over $100 dollars in losses because they know that is part of the game. Millionaire's realize that hard work and perseverance lead to monetary success.

    The millionaires in this world share a few traits in common, such as they all have an entrepreneurial mind set, don't let setbacks keep them from chasing their dreams, think about the big picture instead of focusing on only the now or the materialistic objects in life, don't just talk about people who sell out there business and on top of everything else invest their money. 

    Millionaires understand that not everyone is meant to amass great fortunes. It takes a certain attitude and ability to be a millionaire. College degrees or high salaries do not automatically make someone rich; it takes more than just relying on ones own drive and desire to succeed financially.

    The most important thing that you must have if you want to become a millionaire is the determination to give up all of your current possessions and spend the rest of your life working towards your success. This alone separates those who want to be rich from those who manage to acquire wealth. You need to be persistent, motivated, focused and always looking for ways to improve yourself or expand upon an idea. 

    #1. Persistence

    A millionaire knows that success is not something that comes overnight. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to become a millionaire. You will be faced with many challenges along the way, so you need to always look for ways around these obstacles and

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