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Twenty First Century Crusader
Twenty First Century Crusader
Twenty First Century Crusader
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Twenty First Century Crusader

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What most people need to understand is that the Holy Land was in military occupation by the Romans during Christ's time. Not far from where he grew up had been a town of about 10,000 inhabitants that threw out the tax collectors, much like what happened in Falujah. The Romans responded by sending in the legion and killing every mature man, not j

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Release dateAug 6, 2021
Twenty First Century Crusader

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    Twenty First Century Crusader - William Gabriel


    Twenty First Century Crusader

    Copyright © 2021 by William Gabriel

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher or author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    Although every precaution has been taken to verify the accuracy of the information contained herein, the author and publisher assume no responsibility for any errors or omissions. No liability is assumed for damages that may result from the use of information contained within.

    ISBN-E-Pub: 978-1-64749-554-1

    Printed in the United States of America

    GoToPublish LLC



    Twenty First Century Crusader

    The Search For Righteousness

    The Professional fields:

    The initial gleaning of Righteousness:

    Sports, socializing groups, and sub-cultures:

    The final arbiter of chosen Archetypes and Professional conduct:

    ‘Force’ in Psychodynamics.

    ‘Mass’ as a variable within F=ma:

    Creating the Message:

    Measuring the Force of the Message:


    Maslow’s Hierachy Of Needs

    Maslow’s Hierachy Of Needs As Portrayed In A Four Step Structure:


    The Transition To Pure Psycodynamics

    There Are Three Different Types Of Psycodynamic Interaction!

    Operational Psycodynamics:

    Messaging In Psycodynamics

    (Chapter 7)Review and Hofstede’s Dimensions

    Psychodynamic theory regarding Hofstede’s dimensionality:

    Hofstede’s dimensions and other methodologies.

    Negotiation Theory Under Psycodynamics.

    Psychodynamic Force:

    Usages of Psychodynamics (chapter 8)

    The Converse Of Righteous Activity

    Creating Institutions

    Cultural Implosion And Genocide:

    Closing Remarks

    Author’s Forward

    Twenty First Century Crusader

    What most people need to understand is that the Holy Land was in military occupation by the Romans during Christ’s time. Not far from where he grew up had been a town of about 10,000 inhabitants that threw out the tax collectors, much like what happened in Falujah. The Romans responded by sending in the legion and killing every mature man, not just those that hurt the tax collectors. They then sold all women and children into slavery.

    So it was his teachings to tell us how to live under occupation. I lead off with the Beatitudes because of this, and then go into present day tools on how to engender peaceful resolution of situations involving conflict. I have put forth the basic building blocks of activities and messaging that can bring a society towards tranquility. As a Special Forces soldier I learned how important that cultural peace was needed for a vibrant society. For thirty years I have been developing the tools of ‘Psychodynamics’ represented in Asimov’s Foundation series. This work delves into the mechanics of creating a peaceful, more prosperous society. Questions of how many peacekeepers, messaging, developing culturally effective tools, and social dynamics of these differing cultures are addressed. All these facets must be organized and readied before an invasion occurs so as to have an ‘exit strategy’.

    Also in this work are the repercussions and calculations of social change due to migration, natural disasters, and nation state competition. New applications of the Cognitive Therapy model are developed to get into the mindset of the people of a culture. How to guide them into a more interactive element in the global environment. This is not the psychology of an individual, but of cultural movements. How did the internet take off so suddenly, or why did the economic bottom fall out from a nation’s economy? The fact that societies are more prosperous when all elements (men, women, etc.) of society compete on equal footing in the job market. How do insurgencies develop? Will the subculture compete economically or pick up the rifle and fight? All these are psychodynamic questions and this work presents the building blocks to form and understand these things.

    So I ask you to read past the first chapter and start on the second if you are not into the Bible. This work is designed for all people so that they can formulate an effective campaign to bring about the social change they want. The first chapter shows that classical Rome was not easy to live under, much like any occupation. The second through to the end gives modern day tools to develop your own psychodynamic plan. It is in the format of an easy to read textbook. I hope and pray that it gives you insight into the opportunities that psychodynamic theory presents.

    William Gabriel July 4th, 2021

    The purpose of this writing is to provide a path for Christians to make sense of this world. The world must be navigated. There is a strength in all cultures that propel them into the 21st century. Understanding this allows us to better navigate through the environment in which we wish Christian culture to flourish. We must understand our part of the world which lends us strength and can diminish our enemies. A great fortitude of our belief is that we can make friends of enemies, thereby diminishing their force. This underlying belief permeates our society and gives us great strength in dealing with world affairs. At home and abroad this cultural habit can be shown to be the foundation of our prosperity. First and foremost we forgive past transgressions and move forward mentally to a new and better economy. This economic strength gives us the tools to forgive in the worldly environment and build stronger ties with our neighbors. We will win in the future because of this forgiving foundation. I started life and into young adulthood with the evil Soviet Empire as a foundational enemy. They were not an adversary because of any thoughts of theirs, but because they threatened to diminish the Christian capitalist society into submission to their atheistic dominion. Psychodynamics became a research project and my own skills in combating this menace compelled me to join the Special Forces of our great nation. I graduated this training as the Soviet Empire collapsed and my newly developed skills were given to warily watching as the Soviet nuclear arsenal was reduced and consolidated under Russian power. It was not through any military ventures, but by forgiving and embracing the old Warsaw Pact nations that we spread our prosperity into Eastern Europe. This is simply one life long example of how we have flourished in this world. I give this as an opening example of preparedness and forgiveness going hand in hand to better the world.

    Now trying to say that the United States is a Christian nation is a stretch. But what happens is that a sizable percentage are, and their mindset begins to permeate the society so that norms of forgiveness and prosperity become the mindset of the majority. When our confrontation with the Soviet empire was over we were greatly motivated to embrace the nations of this former adversary. In doing so we reinvigorated their earlier Christian orientation. The Eastern Bock of European nations began an uplift through very troubled times that shrugged off communist domination. It was tumultuous as they reoriented towards a market economy. It did not matter if it was Catholic or Eastern Orthodox, their faith carried them through. Those countries that had a greater resurgence of church activity also saw a faster recovery from the state controlled economic structures as they transitioned into free markets. These changes occurred in tandem. This is an underlying focus of this work and the presentation of a new field called psychodynamics. In Special Forces the creation of stability in friendly countries are a maxim of their operations. I developed this theoretical framework before, during, and after my service to this country. The desire to create stable and flourishing economic environments in other countries was a goal of my studies and a foundation for this book.

    Why is this book called 21st Century Crusader? It is first needed to understand the environment that the crusader of olden times had to operate. They went to the Holy Land to rule over Muslim, Christian, and Jew. All had to be treated equally and fairly if that society was to flourish. Those that showed unfair favoritism at the state level would not do as well as those that ruled with liberty and equality. The Holy Land was a dynamic economic environment at that time and a crossroads of culture. Much like the world today, we must maneuver through the maelstrom of cultures to pronounce our faith. This is the outer face of our faith that we present to the world. And I do not write this just for Christians, but for all people whose faith is in a flourishing society. Your internal faith will present an external dimension, a face. Others will judge by this face, and it must be able to withstand cultural pressures. This cultural pressure is the social force within society, and will be explained later in this work. Christianity exerts its own cultural pressure and we must be diligent in insuring it is the correct and effective pressure in world affairs. Other cultural norms within our society will react with our outward face we present and will present paths of prosperity that will open up before us if we are prepared to seize upon them. When will the opening present itself to expand the culture of our faith.? We must be constructive in our outlook, knowing that each other person we come in contact with could be a window of opportunity. Internally our faith is a basis for what we consider as prosperous. Spiritual prosperity is a goal of Christians. This allows us to better enjoy life within the limits of our worldly prosperity. The prospect of sharing this world’s earthly abundance is an accepted dimension. It is easier to find common ground with such a cultural face.

    Now I write this for the Crusader, the one who takes up arms for our society. And this soldier’s mentality begins in all places, the Beatitudes:

    Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.

    Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.

    Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

    We begin here. A soldier will mourn the loss of life of both his enemies and his fellow soldiers. In doing so he realizes the travesty of war and the desolation it can cause. We can rejoice in victory and despair in defeat, but the loss of life in battle should be mourned. The loss of innocent life even more so, this draining of the spirit in the total picture of war cleanses a warrior’s spirit so that they may more fully understand the merits of peace. Being poor in spirit acknowledges the travesties of this world and the harsh environment that we might need to navigate. As a soldier’s song one should become as proficient as possible for the task at hand. Being poor in spirit is understanding that one needs improvement. It is a never ending journey to improve. In improving their skill in today’s modern battlefield collateral damage is reduced, the mourning of innocent loss of life decreased. By employing psychological tactics and effective defenses the loss of life both friendly and enemy could be averted. This never ending process of improvement is part of our military psyche. This is the mindset of our national morals, embedded in the foundation of our beliefs. By uplifting the psychological methods of overcoming an enemy we lower the number of casualties. This should be the end goal of any warrior.

    The meek of our country are the backbone of our nation. They rise every day, go to work, and toil away for a share of our national prosperity. All hope to improve their lives. By having an effective military that protects the interests of the meek, we serve out God’s design. A soldier is also to be meek and not use their power of life and death to lord over any of our citizens. It is imperative that we are careful in handling our international affairs that we do not use a strong military to lord over other cultures. Historically, time and time again when military force is used to try and control a situation, then the culture being suppressed by the military force will rise up in many guises. At the writing of this the most glaring example is the de-Baathification of Iraq and the subsequent flight of these civil servants into a metastasized ISIL. We suppressed an entire governmental apparatus to try and hand over power to the Shi’ites of Iraq and enforced it with our military. We were not meek, but heavy handed and looking for a fight the first four years of occupation. So in emulating the rule of meekness, soldiers need to mindful of their role as protectors of culture, not the overlords of it. From the general on down to the common soldier this mindset should pervade. In this is our hope for a stronger, flourishing global culture.

    So it is in these simple words that we may find the balance between our military power and world order. What is worthy and rightful for the person on the street is also a lesson for a military division. Destroy the enemy’s ability to harm our nation, yes. Divert his will from that path is even better. Maintain readiness for conflict, yes. And maintain a balance between our cultural mores and the need for such readiness. The ultimate cultural force that wins are the meek that sustain our culture with their constant day to day activities. Once military service is over it is required that the individual dive into this cultural cauldron and integrate with society. Knowing and understanding that it is the next generation that must now be ready to take up arms, it is with an absolute conviction that society guides its military, not the other way around. A soldier would find satisfaction in maintaining their skill set so as to protect his society. Our society trades and interacts with other societies and slowly the world integrates more fully. This is how the meek are inheriting the earth, and it is a wondrous movement indeed.

    We must not lose sight of the learning that constantly goes on within our military industrial complex. Past wars are won by utilizing principles learned for future generations. Honor and glory in the battlefield may have forged nations in the past, but now is the time for bravery to be measured through steadfastness. The meek will steadfastly perform their daily tasks

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