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Big Fat Client
Big Fat Client
Big Fat Client
Ebook76 pages53 minutes

Big Fat Client

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About this ebook

Life as a professional cuddler seemed so simple. I love giving hugs. I live for physical affection, so why not make a living out of it?

But when my services are booked by big man Jamie, who needs help with even bigger issues, I realise that I might have bitten off a little more than I can chew... As he starts to open up about himself, the lines between profession and passion blur beyond recognition... I've never been with a man as big as him, but now, I don't think I can get enough. Before we know it, we're doing a whole lot more than just cuddling...

This explicit love story features a shy virgin ssbhm (supersized big handsome man) and an assertive ffa (female fat admirer) who can't wait to take all he's got to give; hard and unprotected.

Release dateAug 12, 2021
Big Fat Client


“If you came across me in real life, you’d never guess the kind of filth I like to read and write. Cleverly disguised as a boring office worker, the drudgery of my 9-to-5 only because bearable because of my vivid and explicit imagination.In my world, bigger (fatter) is always better. It’s been that way for as long as I can remember. My stories revolve around one common theme: really big men (ssbhm – supersized big handsome men) and the women who can’t help but lust for them.Although I like porn just fine, it’s nearly impossible to find it in the flavour that I desire. The written word allows me to explore a world of lush excess that mainstream adult entertainment just cannot provide. When I started writing, I soon discovered the beauty of having a catalog of erotica out there to satisfy my own lustful needs. This is a passion project for me.But perhaps there are other women (or even men) out there who share my tastes; my fetishes and fantasies? My fascination with the larger male form, and sexualisation of food (especially overeating). If that sounds like something you’ll wank off to, you’ve come to the right place.”

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    Book preview

    Big Fat Client - Hedonist

    Big Fat Client

    A SSBHM/FFA First Time Love Story

    Read more by Hedonist

    Life as a professional cuddler seemed so simple. I love giving hugs. I live for physical affection, so why not make a living out of it?

    But when my services are booked by big man Jamie, who needs help with even bigger issues, I realise that I might have bitten off a little more than I can chew... As he starts to open up about himself, the lines between profession and passion blur beyond recognition... I've never been with a man as big as him, but now, I don't think I can get enough. Before we know it, we're doing a whole lot more than just cuddling...

    This explicit love story features a shy virgin ssbhm (supersized big handsome man) and an assertive ffa (female fat admirer) who can't wait to take all he's got to give; hard and unprotected.

    © 2021 eXplicitTales

    Published by eXplicitTales

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    Big Fat Client


    About the Author

    Big Fat Client

    * Jamie *

    Hello, is this Jamie? Eve, this side. I’m calling to confirm our appointment for this afternoon.

    My heart is already racing; has been ever since I booked the session yesterday. As a result, I can’t get a damn word out. I just stare at the phone in utter terror, as if that will fix it.

    Hello? Are you there? Can you hear me? Eve asks.

    I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Yep. Yeah. Confirmed.

    Great, so I’ll see you at four! The line goes blank before I can say anything else. Just as well, because nothing sensible was forthcoming.

    Ugh. I hate this. If I’m going to be this terrified by a simple phone call, then what on earth will happen when she gets here?

    Once she sees what she’s up against, she’ll regret ever taking the job. And I’ll see it written on her face, and feel utterly guilty for subjecting her to my presence.

    A cuddle therapy session. What a fucking stupid idea that was.

    I first found out about this service in a documentary I saw on TV. It featured a warm, maternal woman in her fifties who explained what it was like to be a professional cuddle therapist and how so-called contact therapy can benefit people suffering from a whole range of conditions.

    A whole range of conditions. Sounds like me in a nutshell.

    From the depression to the anxiety to the suicidal ideation and the food addiction. I seem to have developed a little bit of everything over the years. And it’s not that I haven’t tried to figure things out. Talk therapy was a bust. Self help groups as well. I’ve read the books and watched the videos and done what I could, but to no avail. I just hadn’t tried this yet. Because I didn’t know it existed.

    And a part of me feels like I don’t deserve it anyway.

    Don’t expect too much, I tell myself. She’s a human being, not a miracle worker.

    My phone buzzes, startling me so much that I almost drop the thing. There’s the confirmation email, which I open with trembling fingers.

    I’m sure it’s just a form email, but the tone is friendly and conversational, as if the woman, Eve, herself had written it. It has a few sections in it, starting with a short paragraph about what cuddle therapy really is, what to expect from your first session, and a bold and underlined note that although it’s all 100% platonic, mutual consent between the practitioner and client is of the utmost importance. ‘ If either party is uncomfortable at any time, they have the right to stop.’

    That’s fair enough, but it also just convinces me that she’s going to run as soon as she sees me. The state I’m in, I’m not exactly easy on the eyes. And to have to touch me is probably too much to ask of the average person.

    But, it’s too late to cancel. Wouldn’t be the first time I’m rejected based on my size and appearance, so I ought to be used to it by now.

    * Eve *

    My phone call with Jamie didn’t go how it was supposed to. I was supposed to call him to refer him to someone else or cancel. As a newly qualified cuddle therapist, my supervisor insisted I avoid scheduling home visits with male clients for now. At least until I get some experience under my belt.

    But the note Jamie had written on the booking form spoke to me on a deeper level. I feel like I can really help him, which is why I got into this line of work in the first place.

    So, when I called him up and heard the short panicked breaths on the other end, I didn’t have it in me to

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