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In violent 1870s Mexico, a once gentle peasant avenges the death of his wife by hunting down a brazen female bandito, but vicious gun battles teach him killing won’t lead to peace and redemption. Mendoza Jaurez, a poor desperate miner, visits a mission to pray for his dying wife. An unscrupulous nun cons him out of all his money promising favor with God. But the nun isn't a nun at all. She is Lucia Chavez, from a ruthless bandito crime family, and she's stealing money to buy her father's out of the hang-man's noose. Unable to raise enough cash before he, Lucia execution date, Lucia and her sisters rob a Texas train, killing a US Marshal. Bounty hunters flood into Mexico fast after the reward on her head. But only Mendoza knows her disguise. When he finds her wanted poster, he knows that he now has the upper hand and pursues her across the Mexican desert in a quest for revenge. Meanwhile, Lucia discovers that her once dangerous father, has redeemed himself and refuses to comply with his daughter's demands. Lucia gets herself further into danger when she lies to a Mexican general, promising gold in exchange for safe passage to the Chavez family's hideout. Blazing battles erupt when the two main characters come together in clashes of vengeance, desperation and survival. One loses faith. One finds faith. And yet another finds redemption. Who lives and who dies?

Release dateAug 10, 2021

S. Watson Maher

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: S. Watson Maher graduated from the American Film Institute with an MFA in Cinematography (2003). Maher combines visual and verbal story-telling talents to create powerful tales of suspense. Prior to attending AFI, Maher worked at MGM Studios in the Interactive Gaming and Consumer Products Departments. Maher is an award-winning screenwriter and has a BA in Journalism from Baylor University. See Maher's film work at Maher is Creative Director at V’Doggle Vision Design Tools, Inc., an online film production services hub. NOVELS: ANASAZI VOL. 2, ANASAZI VOL. 1, THE MISFIT MAN, BRAZEN, THE BLOODWELL.

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    Brazen - S. Watson Maher

    Based on the screenplay written by S. Watson Maher and Akiva Penaloza derived from a short film written and directed by S. Watson Maher for the American Film Institute, 2003. BRAZEN Copyright © 2005 by Stephanie L. Maher (aka S. Watson Maher). All Rights Reserved. Copyright PAU2852756 / WGA #1054246. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. Printed in the United States of America. First Printing: January 2019. V’Doggle Virtual Studios. All artwork licensed through


    Chapter 1 – A TWIST OF FAITH

    MEXICO 1870

    An adobe chapel with a twisted cross on its roof sits below a threatening moon-lit sky. Thunder erupts as empty clouds speed by tumbling above. The heavens seem dead. Chants of atonement come from inside. A man approaches, glances at the cross on the roof. He shudders. On the front wooden doors is a cross-shaped viewing hole cut into the door. He looks through it, then enters.

    Inside Mendoza Jaurez (30s) a miner worn by years of labor, goes to a statue of Mary. His soot-stained hand trembles as he lights a candle and places it among many. Outside the chapel, lightning flashes through the windows. Thunder rolls. The simple miner bends the knee before the humble alter. He prays.

    Forgive me, Dios, for I took the sacrament without forgiveness. Please, save my beloved. Amen. Mendoza crosses himself then heads down the aisle. All around him, rich tapestries and gold statues of saints adorn the church. Outside the storm grows near. Mendoza joins a line of peasants the altar seeking atonement. He’s desperate, lost, doesn’t know what to do for help.

    A pair of nuns move down the line of poor patrons desperate for peace of mind. One of the nuns blesses the peasants while the other holds a collection tray as, one by one, the faithful drop in what little they have. Mendoza jumps the line, panic in his eyes. He appeals to Sister Gabriel.

    Sister you must help me. My wife, she is dying!

    Go with Sister Consuela, she orders. Sister Consuela abandons her blessings and leads the peasant to a dark corner near a confessional.

    Wait here, she tells him, then returns to the peasant line. Mendoza sweats. His heart races. His mouth is dry. Briefly, he wonders if his beloved is being punished for something he might have done, a prayer he missed. A voice cuts through the shadows.

    "Who comes to my door this night?

    "I am Mendoza Juarez. A silver miner from Clarita. Mendoza searches the darkness but makes out only idols. As lightning flashes, one of them moves. It’s a nun. She approaches.

    I am Sister Lucia. Come. She leads him to a nearby pew. Sit. What is the darkness in your life?

    God strikes down my beloved for my sins. I light the candles every day. But still my Esperanza weakens. Pray for her.

    Tell me of her demons. From what does she suffer. The storm lights up Mendoza’s dirty face. His eyes become vacant as his mind slips into the past.


    A dynamite blast rumbles through the mine. Mendoza looks like a ghost in fog as he steps out of a dust cloud covered in white-rock powder. He yells out, all clear! Miners head past him into the cave. They glare at him with disdain. Their bright white eyes peer through soot-stained lids as they strain to carry buckets of ore on planks over their shoulders. Mendoza carries a little box of TNT.

    Deeper in the cave oil lights flicker, making shadows dance on the cavern walls. Mendoza chips the wall with a small pick axe, checking for stability and places to drill. Behind him men pound with heavy hammers. Pepe, a short fat man in his fifties with a face full of studies eyes Mendoza.

    Aye, Mendoza! Your riches are at home waiting for you beneath the covers. Pepe thrusts his hips. The men laugh. Mendoza ignores them. But the silver is his lover. Pepe holds a piece of silver ore, tosses it a Mendoza’s feet. Others criticize Mendoza.

    He can make explosives and find where to drill, but can he do this with his woman? Then a warning from someone else. The rains are coming! Sale! Sale! The miners pack up quick. Mendoza lingers.

    Pepe eyes him, with a mixture of jealousy and envy. Que pendejo. (What an ass!)


    The simple home is barely more than four walls with a fireplace. Mendoza sits at a warped wooden table lit with candles burning in the center. In the light of the flame, he examines a piece of silver ore, enchanted by its allure. It looks like a blob of silver spaghetti. His hands shake with exhaustion. His wife Esperanza brings him dinner.

    I smell rain in the air. She says urgency in her voice. The tiles in the roof need - A bowl of stew slams down in front of Mendoza, breaking his trance. Mendoza! He looks up to see his lovely Esperanza (20s) long dark hair and olive skin. She stands over him. Mendoza shows her his find, holds it in soot-covered hands. They’re scarred, scraped and callous.

    Look, he tells her eagerly, It speaks of riches. She sighs and sits next to him, loneliness in her eyes.

    Don’t go tonight. Just one night.

    I must, Mendoza begs. Soon the caves will flood. I must mine the claim before the rains come. Esperanza snatches the silver, drops it down her shirt. She giggles.

    Mine here! He jumps up, snatches back the ore, wraps his arms around her.

    You will have riches soon enough, Mendoza offers, and a new house with servants, and wine, and many strong sons. He pecks her on the cheek. I’m close to the vein. I must go tonight. If the others find it.

    "Stay and patch

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