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Lily: The Story of a Call Girl, Part Two
Lily: The Story of a Call Girl, Part Two
Lily: The Story of a Call Girl, Part Two
Ebook73 pages48 minutes

Lily: The Story of a Call Girl, Part Two

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After she arrived at the parking lot, the pimp had been waiting for her and took her to his room. It stunned her when she saw her client. He was handsome and young, maybe not over thirty years old. His name was Herman. The pimp accompanied them for a few minutes before leaving Lily alone with him. He gently pulled her into his arms. The fragrance of the perfume was really exciting. They kissed.

Release dateAug 18, 2021
Lily: The Story of a Call Girl, Part Two

Frank Spreader

Incurable writer. Creator. Extreme reader. Travel fanatic. Introvert. Friendly coffee junkie. Music ninja. Internet nerd. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Thinker.

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    Lily - Frank Spreader

    Lily: The Story of a Call Girl, Part Two

    Copyright 2021 Frank Spreader

    Published by Frank Spreader at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please buy another copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not buy it, or it was not bought for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and buy your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Chapter One: Handsome Client

    Of the many clients Lily had served, only this time she received the one that suited her taste. Besides being handsome, he was still young, maybe two-three years older than her age, or even younger. According to her diary, he was her fifty-eighth client on the nineteenth day she worked and was the twenty-fourth person she served. It turned out that after so many days, she finally met a client according to her wishes and tastes.

    His name was Jimmy. Lily called him Jim. She didn’t know what his job was, so he could pay her. Only people with excess money could afford it, not a person who had a mediocre excess of money because her fare wasn’t cheap.

    At first, she was cold when Logan informed her of her client because, as usual, he never told her details about her upcoming client except what she had to prepare according to request, or that her client was an official who needed special services.

    As soon as she opened the door to her room to welcome Jim, his good looks amazed her. Maybe because she served people who were much older than her too often, so she didn’t expect to get a client as handsome and young as him.

    She let him in. She was awkward in front of him, like a girl in love. Love? Lily had planted this word deep in the bottom of her petrified mind, but what the name of this was, she didn’t know. Jim was her third client that day after accompanying two white clients of her father’s age who only had an enormous appetite compared to their energy. She didn’t get pleasure at all, let alone satisfaction. She hoped Jim had youthful stamina that could fulfill her desires.

    That afternoon he wore a T-shirt and jeans. His posture was quite athletic, of course, compared to Lily’s other clients. She was sorry she wore clothes, which she didn’t think they were sexy enough. She was wearing white jeans and a T-shirt that was loose enough that she couldn’t show her curves.

    As usual, they chatted on the sofa to lighten the mood. Jim was a pleasant person to talk to, polite and not rude. Lily liked the look more. She determined to give Jim all-out service as much as she could give. She wanted to make him really satisfied with her service.

    Drink first, sir, to make you strong, she joked.

    Don’t call me sir. We are the same age, not over three years. Just call me Jimmy, he said.

    Lily didn’t know who started it. They hugged. At first, Jim kissed Lily’s cheek. Then he crushed her lips. Her heart beat fast when Jim played with her lips with his. Their tongues greeted each other. Jim’s hand stroked Lily’s back, then sneaked under her shirt. His hand rubbing on her back felt warm and soft. She returned it with her hand on his crotch. She felt the tension behind his pants. His hands moved forward, stroking her breasts that were still wrapped in a bra. He had done no squeezing on her breasts. She trembled and started squeezing Jim’s crotch, getting tougher and tougher. Her breath had gone up and down, feeling the turmoil of lust.

    Take your clothes off, she suggested.

    Before she went any further, Jim already lifted her shirt and took it off. He looked at her breasts, which were covered by a bra. They challenged him. Lily was proud when he stared at them with admiring eyes. She took off his shirt. Her guess was right. Jim’s chest was broad and athletic, not fat like her other clients. She was getting excited to see it.

    She kissed Jim’s chest and played with his nipples with her tongue. He started hissing while squeezing her breasts. She was more excited. Her lips and tongue went down Jim’s belly while her hands dropped into his pants. She pulled down his jeans and took out his cock in his briefs. Maybe it was six inches long, but the hardness was like iron. Lily held and squeezed it while watching Jim’s handsome face, which was sizzling with pleasure. He was more adorable.

    Lily didn’t continue squeezing. She stood in front of Jim, taking off her pants. Only a purple bikini that covered her body. Jim pulled her body in his arms, and he crushed her lips again while squeezing her two breasts. She returned it by shaking his hard, petrified cock. His lips then went down her neck. She hissed. Jim buried his face between the two hills in her chest. Her nipples popped out of the cups and got a passionate smack. Her body squirmed to receive it. Without realizing it, her left hand was playing with her own clitoris while still shaking Jim’s cock with her right hand. She felt her vagina was getting wet receiving his fondling. She was burning with lust.

    Suddenly, Jim stopped the fondling. It disappointed Lily. Jim then led her to the bed. After stripping her body, he laid her down on the bed. He took his briefs off himself and followed her to the bed. She was ready to accept his fondling. She felt his breath hit her face before his lips landed again on the top of her hill. Long enough, he enjoyed her nipples alternately without releasing the squeeze.

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