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Your Success Mind: Use Your Second Mind to Achieve Your Dreams
Your Success Mind: Use Your Second Mind to Achieve Your Dreams
Your Success Mind: Use Your Second Mind to Achieve Your Dreams
Ebook64 pages1 hour

Your Success Mind: Use Your Second Mind to Achieve Your Dreams

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Many people have tried and failed with the Law of Attraction. What went wrong? The theory is missing a vital ingredient - the Second Mind. Each of us has a paranormal mind (our unconscious) to accompany our normal mind (our consciousness). You have to activate and harness this second mind before the universe will bend to your will and make your dreams come true.

Your paranormal mind is the key to the Success Formula. You cannot succeed if you are not aligned with it. Come inside and learn how to enter a prosperous partnership with your second mind, the mind that, in truth, is your own soul.
Release dateJul 28, 2021
Your Success Mind: Use Your Second Mind to Achieve Your Dreams

Angelique Dawson

Angelique Dawson studies the power of the mind.

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Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Somewhat trite, under-thought, not truly informative; try neville goddard books instead!!!

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Your Success Mind - Angelique Dawson

Your Success Mind

Use Your Second Mind to Achieve Your Dreams

Angelique Dawson

Copyright © Angelique Dawson 2020

All rights reserved.



Table of Contents

Your Success Mind

Changing Your Life


The Impossible

The Law of Successful People

The Fatal Division


Mental Therapeutics


Heal Thyself

Placebo and Nocebo

Thought Immunity

The Second Mind


Changing Your Life

An astounding thing happened to me which completely changed my life. I had been muddling along in life, not getting very far. I didn’t think I would ever escape from my mediocre, dreary existence. I had read loads of self-help books to try to find a way out of my problems and get a better life, but they never seemed to make a difference. I’m not saying these books were bad. I liked them and they were full of positive vibes, but I was looking for something with the Wow factor, and these books just didn’t make the grade. I began to think that there was something about me that was getting in the way of myself, if you know what I mean. If only I could get out of my own way, everything would start working. It sounds a bit crazy, but hopefully you know what I’m getting at.

Anyway, I read somewhere that one book can change your life, but it has to be the right book, and maybe there’s a different special book for everyone. The trouble is that finding that book is about as easy as finding Mr Right, and every woman knows how hard that is, goddamn.

One day I said in desperation to my laptop computer Show me the right book. I said it out loud, then burst out laughing. Oh dear, madness was coming for me for sure!

Five minutes later, I was doing a Google search for something. A book appeared in the search list and I immediately got a shiver. The book was called The Law of Psychic Phenomena by Thomson Jay Hudson, published way back in 1893. Normally, I would never dream of reading a book as old as that. Surely it would be totally out of date, and probably debunked. Modern science and psychology and all that.

I decided to put all negative thoughts and doubts out of mind and just go ahead and buy the book. In no time at all, I had the book in my hands and was curled up on the sofa, a glass of red wine on the table in front of me. Uh, just in case, you know! Don’t judge me.

Man, this book blew my mind, almost literally. Suddenly everything made total sense. Long story short, Hudson said that we all have two minds: 1) an objective, conscious mind, and 2) a subjective, subconscious mind. The first mind is our everyday mind, the mind we’re locked into, but our second mind is vastly more powerful, even though we know hardly anything about it.

Hudson explained exactly why this odd situation came about, i.e. why our less powerful mind is in charge, and why we are not making use of our godlike mind. Our first mind is very focused and motivated and always pays attention. It conducts all of our thinking. It tells the story of our life as we go along, which is why we’re always listening to it, to the total exclusion of our other mind. The second mind is unfocused, unmotivated and constantly distracted. It doesn’t speak to us. It doesn’t tell us any story. So we ignore it. Most people act as if their second mind doesn’t exist.

The first mind sets objectives and pursues them. The second mind doesn’t. It has very little self-direction. It’s not bothered with time, space and sequential things. It’s not interested in any of that. It gets wrapped up in itself. It loses itself in its own thoughts. The best way to think of it is like a dream mind. It’s always jumping from one thing to another. It never stays on message. It’s always hyperlinking: if you click on one thought or idea, you can end up almost anywhere. It’s a bit like me on my smartphone – all over the place, getting constantly distracted. I bet you’re the same. We’re all suffering from

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