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Sadistic Stories for Sadistic People: Lonesome Husband
Sadistic Stories for Sadistic People: Lonesome Husband
Sadistic Stories for Sadistic People: Lonesome Husband
Ebook16 pages8 minutes

Sadistic Stories for Sadistic People: Lonesome Husband

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About this ebook

Yet another ground breaking dark-comedy short-story by award-winning (status not verified) author Leonardo Santos.
Today we focus on Mark, a suburban husband, with big-dreams, and a healthy dose of mental instability, and being overall a big loser.
Will he last even just a day without committing immediately hilarious and comedic murder?
Find out the extremely deep character relationships and motivations. Beautifully written and refined.
A must buy for comedy fans everywhere. Get one for your kids birthday too!

Release dateAug 12, 2021
Sadistic Stories for Sadistic People: Lonesome Husband

Leonardo Santos

Language is a tool, albeit a flawed one, for communication.The purpose of writing, that is, to express language using the written form, is not to follow a set or norms; be them punctuation, grammar, style, or any others.To be like all the others and call yourself professional is a a dog-whistle for boring-ness.One must be unprofessional, childish, stupid, senseless, and tactless if one is to be.

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    Sadistic Stories for Sadistic People - Leonardo Santos

    Sadistic Stories for Sadistic People

    The Lonesome Husband

    by: Leonardo Santos

    Distributed by SmashBooks

    Copyright Leonardo Santos 2021


    Meet Mark, a successful homeowner in the suburbs, today Mark awakes for yet another work day. You can hear the cellphone he let fall over himself during the night buzz and chirp. Catchy Pop tunes fill the air. To his side Mark’s wife, Carol. rustles against the sheets of the bed in discomfort:

    Honey! Honey! Awake up, your alarm clock is annoying me again. You promised you would change it to buzz only.

    There is suddenly a wave of movement in the

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