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Midnight Magic
Midnight Magic
Midnight Magic
Ebook114 pages1 hour

Midnight Magic

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Demons, Werewolves, and Witches. Oh, My!

Enjoy 4 thrilling short stories that will keep you on the edge of your seat.


Summoning Destiny

Death is written in the stars.

Ava Valentine knew the séance would get her into trouble. She just never expected the trouble to be so tall or look good in a suit.

The Inquisitor for the Witch Council, Dominic Rizel, has some questions about Ava's magic that she doesn't want answered. Someone else doesn't want those questions answered either, and they intend to make sure Ava stays quiet. Permanently.


Love and Honor

Lovisa is used to having blood on her hands, but never from another werewolf.

When a series of murders spark tensions between two rival werewolf packs, Lovisa finds accusing fingers pointed at her. Can she find the true culprit before an all-out war ignites?



The Thrill of a Lifetime.

That's what Jake promised Lacey when he convinced her to explore the haunted asylum. As they travel deeper inside something stalks the decaying halls after them. Some ghosts should remain forgotten.


Flower of Hell

A poisonous beauty threatens the City of Lights.

Gabriella devoted her eternity to carrying out her vengeance against demons. As she pursues her latest prey she stumbles across another hunter. To Gabby, Dimitri is an unneeded distraction, but he attracts her like no other man has for centuries. Can Gabby protect both of them from the demon stalking the Paris streets?


If you love strong heroines and the supernatural, grab your copy of MIDNIGHT MAGIC today!

Release dateAug 23, 2021
Midnight Magic

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    Midnight Magic - Noree Cosper

    Midnight Magic

    Midnight Magic

    A Collection of Demons, Ghosts, Witches, and Werewolves

    Noree Cosper

    Copyright © 2020 by Noree Cosper

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    Edited by Amanda Kuzma. Cover art by Heather Hamilton-Senter.

    Vellum flower icon Created with Vellum


    Summoning Destiny

    Love and Honor



    Author Notes 2020

    About the Author

    Summoning Destiny

    Follow the format here for your final chapter or epilogue. When the story is done, put The End centered. Then add a scene break, and then your pitch for sell through. We’re provided an example of a sell through pitchy. You can either use a Continue the Series line or you can use a one-line blurb.

    The minute the black-haired hunk in the fitted suit walked into my shop, I knew I was screwed. Not that getting screwed by him would be a bad thing. It probably involved hours of mind bending pleasure. He wasn't here for that, though. If the screaming of my inner demon was telling me anything, he was here about the séance I'd done a couple of nights ago.

    Yup. Screwed.

    I leaned against the doorframe of the curtained room that stood behind the counter and watched as he ambled down the right side of the store. His broad shoulders almost brushed the shelves of the narrow aisle. He stopped in front of a group of crystal figurines made of jade, amethysts, and tiger’s eyes and lifted a moonstone egg with a cold smile. Whoever this guy was, he seemed to hold no love for crystal magic. Charlie, my boss, glanced in my direction from her spot behind the cash register, the crow’s feet around her eyes crinkling as she waggled her eyebrows at me.

    Can I help you with something? Charlie’s gravelly voice echoed across the room over the soft Druidic chanting she had playing in the background.

    The man set the egg down, straightened up, and walked to the counter. Yes, I understand you offered the services of a psychic? Card reading and such?

    That would be Madam LeStrange, here. Charlie waved her hand at me.

    His gaze landed on me. Every inch it fell on tingled and a heat grew within me.

    "Careful of this one, Tyche, my demon, warned again. He has Opportunity in his favor."

    What is that even supposed to mean? I sent the thought back to her.

    The man tilted his head, his smile growing into a smirk. Had he heard my private conversation? Weird. Demons, like Tyche, couldn’t be seen or heard by your average bear, er, person. Actually, they couldn’t be heard, tasted, felt, or smelled either, unless you happened to be a witch, like me. If the guy noticed something, then he was a warlock.

    My pulse raced. I’d never come across another witch or warlock personally, but one of the books I read had said they tend to be territorial. This was my home turf, though. Should I be the one flashing my claws and hissing at him? Maybe he’d come to kill me. Then again, he’d have so much more knowledge than the few books I managed to find.

    So, are you still performing readings tonight? he asked.

    Sure. I put on my brightest smile, even though my heart was pounding a million miles a second, and pulled back the curtain. Step into my parlor.

    Though I wasn’t sure who was the spider and who was the fly.

    He entered, and I followed. I walked around the small, two-person table with its navy blue starscape pattern. The sweet and woody scent of frankincense drifted through the air from the tiny burner on the wall-mounted shelf. The incense did nothing for visions, but it helped with the atmosphere. I licked my lips and nodded to the folding chair across from me as I sat down. He sat, resting his forearms on the table as he stared at me.

    So, what would you like? I asked. Cards?

    He raised a brow. Crystal ball? Tea leaves?

    If that is what you want. I said the words slowly.

    Come now, we both know that this is all for show, he said. Is this your great plan for life?

    Actually, it helps pay for college. I crossed my arms. If you think I’m a fraud, why are you even here?

    On the contrary, Ava, you’re the real deal. The daimon I can feel floating around here proves that.

    My heart stuttered, but another word played in my head. Daimon?

    He laughed. Don’t tell me, it told you to call it a demon. They love to play tricks like that.

    I gritted my teeth. Who are you and what do you want? Obviously, it’s not a reading.

    He leaned back and pulled out a small black business card from an inner pocket of his sports coat. I represent an organization that has our mutual interests in mind.

    Mutual interests? I waved my hand around. I don’t think you’re that interested in readings and witchcraft.

    He tapped the edge of the card on the table. You’d think correct. The organization polices True Witchcraft. The one only blood can make you a part of. I have been sent to investigate an incident that took place three days ago. I believe you performed a summoning in front of several humans.

    I shrugged, trying to look nonchalant, even though beads of sweat had formed on my forehead. The séance? So? They all thought it was some cheesy fun.

    He leaned forward and grabbed my wrist. A shivery feeling shot through my arm. Your fun threatens to reveal us and we can’t have that.

    So, you came to get me to join your Mickey Mouse Club? I asked. What are you going to do if I don’t? Kill me?

    No, nothing of the sort. We prefer not to resort to such crass tactics. However, we have ways to lock your magic, he said.

    I pulled my wrist from him and stood so suddenly the chair tipped back and hit the ground. You can’t be serious. Who the hell are you people to think you can dictate what I choose to do?

    We are an organization that has existed for centuries, he said. We keep our existence quiet so as not to have an uproar like the witch hunts long ago.

    I waved my hand towards the curtain. Take a look around. Things have changed since then. People aren’t going to burn us. They want to know.

    He sighed. It is dangerous, especially for an untrained witch like yourself. We have other options, such as extending membership into our organization. We offer a wealth of resources, including instruction.

    You start with threats and then move to enticement, I said. Shouldn’t it be the other way around?

    I came to investigate, not to recruit. He gave the card one final tap, dropped it on the table, and stood up. I’ll be in touch.

    He pushed the curtain aside and strolled out. A few minutes later, the tiny bell at the front door jingled. I rubbed my tongue against the roof of my mouth to get rid of the sour taste as I picked the card up.

    Dominic Rizel

    The Hermetic Order

    Seriously? How lame. My high-pitched laugh held a hysterical edge.

    Whoever this order was, they knew what I’d done. Were they the ones I’d seen in my vision during the séance, the ones Tyche had warned were dangerous?

    Careful, her voice echoed in my head. He will strike when his Opportunity is greatest.

    On my way home that night, I’d catch glimpses of a shadow behind a corner or hear the scrape of a shoe on concrete close to me. Though I didn’t see an actual person, I was being followed. It set my teeth on edge and goosebumps along my arms. I dangled the keys in my hand as I climbed up the steps to my apartment building and glanced behind me.

    Could it be that guy from earlier?

    I shuddered. The sooner I got inside the better. I slipped inside the lobby of my apartment building with its peeling wallpaper and pressed the button to the elevator. My foot made

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