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Love Peak: Lust in the Snow
Love Peak: Lust in the Snow
Love Peak: Lust in the Snow
Ebook151 pages1 hour

Love Peak: Lust in the Snow

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About this ebook

Charlie Martin accompanies his rich swinger friends to Love Peak Lodge, an exclusive resort high in the Colorado Rockies.

While a monster blizzard rages outside, passions explode as Charlie and his horny companions challenge each other's limits and surrender to their secret desires.

This is book three in the "Bi-Trick" series.

PublisherKen James
Release dateAug 23, 2021
Love Peak: Lust in the Snow

Ken James

I was born in Denver and raised in Cheyenne, Wyoming. My first time with another boy was in my early teens. Girls came a few years later.After I graduated from the University of Wyoming, I spent a year as a roadie for a series of rock and roll bands, then moved to Austin to work for a computer company.I started writing in grade school and was a reporter on my junior high and high school papers. My lover (now husband) and I published a gay newspaper in Austin for several years.I've been writing gay and bisexual erotic fiction since 2003.I live in Austin with my husband Wayde.

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    Love Peak - Ken James


    "Let it snow. Let it snow. Let it snow." Harry Holmes held the crystal tumbler of scotch up to the two-story window in an ironic salute, then took a generous sip.

    The lights in the big log building's great room were out, except for the night lights on the stairs, over the bar, and along the baseboards, casting a faint glow on the carpet. The outside lights were all on, illuminating the gigantic flakes battering the wall of heavy glass.

    Are we going to be snowed in? I asked.

    Harry was a big tall athletic man in his mid-30s. He had collar-length black hair, brown eyes, and black beard stubble. We probably already are, he answered in his broad Texas accent. Doesn't take much to close the road down to Durango. He took another sip. I checked the weather an hour ago. This blizzard is just getting started. They don't expect it to let up for at least three days.

    So, we're snowed in. I wandered over to the bar and made myself a weak vodka and tonic. Or will be.

    If there's an emergency, we've got the snowcat. Harry took another sip of Scotch. Joe and Julia can drive it. I can, too, but not as well as they do. He sat on the sofa and patted the cushion beside him. We'll be okay.

    I'm not worried. I sat down beside Harry and let my knee brush his. This is a plush place to be stranded.

    The lights flickered and went out. Harry spoke in the darkness. There went the power. The lines always go down in a heavy snow. After a few seconds, the lights came back on. And here's the backup generator.

    That was smooth. This place is prepared.

    Has to be. Harry's knee pressed firmly against mine. Love Peak Lodge can't afford to inconvenience its guests.

    All these rich people. I put my hand on Harry's thigh and squeezed it. I guess not.

    They pay for good service, Harry said. And they expect to get it. That's reasonable, I suppose.

    I suppose. Harry was a best-selling romance writer. He had some association with the resort, but wasn't on the official staff. He'd been flirting with me since I'd come here with Cameron (Brady) Brady and his wife Alexia. They were rich swingers who'd hired me a couple months ago when Alexia wanted to watch Brady with another man {Bi-Trick}. Later, I'd taken my friends Beverly and Kevin to Denver for a mile-high house party with Brady and Alexia {Mile High Club}.

    Tonight, Brady was playing poker with the other men while Alexia and the other women were having a party of their own, leaving Harry and me alone.

    You like it, Charlie? Harry moved my hand to his groin. What you do?

    Staying in fancy places and sleeping with sexy people? I ran my fingers over the bulge in his tightly-stretched trousers. What's not to like?

    "I sure like this." Harry put his hand over mine and pressed it more firmly into his crotch.

    Me too. I kissed him. Harry kissed me back, roughly thrusting his tongue into my mouth.

    Harry stood up, then pulled me to my feet and took me in his arms. We ground our crotches together, rubbing our hard cocks through our pants, while kissing aggressively and groping each other's asses.

    "My snake is fuckin' raging. Harry stepped back, unfastened his jeans, and pushed them down around his ankles, followed by his briefs. Gotta let it out." I stared at his stiff pole in the light streaming through the tall window. It was as long and thick as mine, rising from a forest of thick black pubic hair.

    Jesus, you're big! I wrapped my hand around his rigid shaft. And hard. I ran my thumb over his cock-head. It was already slick with the precum leaking from its tip.

    "You get me hard. Now, let's see your dick."

    All right. As usual, I'd gone commando and my cock snapped up as soon as I dropped my pants.

    That's a fine pole you got there, Bubba. He slid his hand up and down my rigid shaft. Mighty fine.

    You've got a nice tool yourself . . . Big Boy. I pulled our bodies together and humped my hard-on against his.

    I laughed. What's funny? he asked.

    We make quite a picture. Silhouetted against the window.

    That's okay. I'm kind of a show off. Does it bother you?

    No. I'm not worried about my reputation.

    Might even be good advertising for you. We both laughed. Anyway, everybody else is probably in bed.

    It's just a little after midnight. Early for sleeping.

    I said, 'In bed.' Not 'asleep.' He kissed me. He was a great kisser. People that come here have better things to do than sleep.

    Speaking of 'better things.' Want me to suck your cock?

    Harry glanced around the big dark room. Of course.

    You're a sexy man. I sank to my knees and wrapped my hand around his stiff rod. With a big sexy hot cock. I kissed his tip, then clamped my lips around his crown and swirled my tongue over his cock-head while squeezing his balls and stroking his shaft.

    Damn! he whispered. You do that good. He moaned and rocked his hips while I bobbed up and down on his hard cock, sucking its precum-leaking head and taking its shaft deep in my throat.

    Oh God, Charlie! he gasped. I'm gonna— His first hot shot hit the back of my throat. I pulled my head back so the next thick pulse hit my tongue, filling my mouth with his gamey male taste. I bobbed over his throbbing pole, gulping his cum.

    Harry pulled his cock out of my mouth and stepped back. Jesus! That was really good.

    Yeah. I liked that. I rose to my feet. My cock was painfully hard, with precum leaking from my tip and running down over my shaft and balls. Want to suck me now?

    I'm going to fuck your ass. But not here. Let's go up to my suite.


    We rearranged our clothes and went up the stairs to the second floor balcony. I stopped outside Harry's door and looked down the left guest wing's hall. My room's door was open and the light was on.

    The door wasn't locked—nobody bothered with locking doors at Love Peak—but I knew I'd turned off the light and closed the door.

    I need to check something. It'll be just a minute.

    Take your time. Harry squeezed my half-hard cock through my jeans, making it a lot harder. You're worth waiting for.

    I won't keep you waiting long. I want you . . . real bad.

    So go. Harry kissed me and patted my ass, then

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