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Develop Your Intuition & Psychic Ability: Intuition Retreat
Develop Your Intuition & Psychic Ability: Intuition Retreat
Develop Your Intuition & Psychic Ability: Intuition Retreat
Ebook225 pages3 hours

Develop Your Intuition & Psychic Ability: Intuition Retreat

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About this ebook

Includes additional online content: Link and play 13 Powerful Guided Meditations, and work with an Intuition Training Deck.

Topics Covered:
• Energy Balancing
• Oracles and Dousing
• Feeling, hearing, and seeing intuitively (5 Lessons)
• Working with personal guides and other inner spiritual helpers
• Doing an intuitive reading
• Maintaining a clear, safe inner space
• Exploring the energetic field
• Making intuitive decisions
• Overcoming the challenges to becoming more psychic
• The architecture of your intuition, and how to activate it
• A dynamic precognition technique you can use every day

The program is carefully designed to help you overcome the limitations that most people experience when they try to see, hear, and feel intuitively. It's set up in a "no-fail" way, giving you every opportunity to discover your intuition, and strengthen it. This is a deep, absorbing journey you can enjoy and learn from at your own pace.

Your intuition is like a muscle: It grows stronger when you use it in a steady, healthy way. Take this journey, and start expanding your intuition every day!
Release dateAug 27, 2021

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    Book preview

    Develop Your Intuition & Psychic Ability - Max Highstein

    Working With This Program

    Package Of Wonders

    Here you have a book, multiple audio downloads, and a deck of cards available in several formats. While it may be very tempting to dive into everything all at once, wait! You will get your best results by following the course as it’s set up for you in the book. Begin with this book, and wait to use the audio programs and cards until prompted.

    The book is your manual and guide, providing the program’s lessons and your directions for when use the audios and cards.

    The guided meditation processes are linked throughout in their respective chapters, to be used in conjunction with the lessons in the book.

    The music used for the guided meditation process was composed specifically for them. It can be obtained by itself under the title, Intuition: Music To Guide You Deeper. You’ll find a link to it online in the guided audio processes.

    The deck of cards, the Daily Focus Deck, was developed for you to use as part of Lesson 6 and thereafter. It is offered as a downloadable PDF that you can print out and cut apart very simply, and also printed out in the last pages of the physical book. There’s also a virtual online version. A limited number of physical card decks may also be available. Information about the physical deck, downloads, and more will be on the download page for that lesson.

    build your foundation first

    The lessons and processes in Intuition Retreat are arranged to build your abilities one upon the next. By following the program patiently and methodically, especially in the first half of the program, you will lay the best groundwork for receiving the maximum benefit overall. Enjoy the journey!

    Suggested Schedule

    Take it easy

    The processes in this program, and especially the recorded ones, should be worked with over time. The following chart is a suggestion as to how you might proceed. It would be best to spend at least several days—preferably a week or more—on each recorded process before moving on to the next, unless otherwise indicated. When in doubt, err on the side of spending longer with each process before moving on, and let your intuition guide you. Listen to the same process once a day until you are very familiar with it, then do the process on your own, either with background music, or with no music if you prefer.

    Table Description automatically generated

    Introduction: Turning On The Equipment

    What if you have innate intuitive ability—all the equipment you need—and only need to find the on button?

    For many years I went to psychics, channels, and intuitives as they are now also called, to get a handle on things. Sometimes I was feeling stuck and needed answers, and sometimes I just wanted to hear I was going to be OK. I admired the special abilities of my advisors, and leaned on them for advice and assistance. But my mistake was in assuming I could never have access to the information they did. By doing so I left my own potential for insight undeveloped.

    One day I went to someone who channels a group of beings she just calls The Guys, and the first thing The Guys told me was that I was psychic. I thought they either had me confused with someone else, or they said that to everyone. I wasn’t psychic, I went to psychics. But they kept insisting that I was psychic. Their exact words were, It’s as if you have a whole room full of equipment, the best stuff available, and none of it is turned on.

    That got my attention, because I really do love equipment! And the idea that I could be psychic was tantalizing. Wouldn’t it be great to see what was going to happen ahead of time, always know the right decisions to make, and best of all, know things about other people that they themselves didn’t know? Why, that might make me quite popular, I fantasized. Hmm…

    But I knew I couldn’t do those things. I had trouble remembering what happened yesterday, much less knowing what would happen tomorrow. Second-guessing my decisions was a way of life. And the only things I knew about other people was what they told me. And yet, I was willing to entertain the idea that perhaps it was as they said: I had the equipment, I just wasn’t using it. What if I had innate intuitive ability, and only needed to find the on button? I decided to find out…

    …and I ran into a brick wall. How do you learn to be psychic? Most psychics say they’ve always had their gift, or one day it just happened to them. When it comes to teaching someone else, they generally can’t, because they don’t know how they actually do what they do. It all comes quite naturally to them, and it’s hard to teach what one has never had to learn.

    If I was going to solve the puzzle of how to become psychic, I’d have to find the pieces and put them together for myself. So I dug in, and began learning things from lots of different sources. I talked to healers and intuitives of various shapes and sizes, I read books, I listened to recordings by different teachers, and I tried the exercises they suggested. But the teachers seemed to assume I’d be able to just follow the instructions and have the kind of break-through experiences they had. If only! When I tried to see something, or receive information, I usually drew a blank. What’s wrong with me, I wondered.

    But I kept working at it, and every now and then I’d get a glimmer—some indication that if I’d only keep at it long enough I could locate that equipment and get it working. And eventually that’s what happened. Little by little I came to understand that I do have the same equipment—and in fact everyone has more or less the same equipment—that great psychics have. The biggest difference is that great psychics don’t seem to have any impediments to using it. It’s the stuff in the way that keeps the rest of us from using our gifts, and the more I was able to identify that stuff and get it out of the way, and the more I practiced, the more intuitive I became.

    At some point during all that exploration and practice it occurred to me that what I was learning was meant to be shared. And so I took my experience and developed this program to help you systematically get your own stuff out of the way, and get lots of practice using your intuition. If you do, you’ll discover that you are surprisingly intuitive. In other words, you’ll learn to locate your equipment, find the on button, and start using it!

    Everyone has more or less the same equipment that great psychics have. It’s the stuff in the way that keeps the rest of us from using our intuitive gifts.

    What’s in the way of you being more intuitive?

    Concerning the stuff in the way, it’s best that you know more about it now, so you’ll understand what you may be up against. Then, as you go through the program, you’ll have lots of opportunities to address these and other issues, with the advantage of knowing about them ahead of time. And so, without further ado, here are the top 10 reasons you may not already be as psychic as you’d like. (You can overcome all of these, by the way.)

    1) The Intellect. The number one cause of lack of intuition is thinking, because you can’t think and be intuitive at the same time—it’s physically impossible. Thinking is by and large processing information we already have. Intuition is bringing in new information. The intellect, or the part that thinks, likes to pretend it knows everything, and unfortunately tends to hog the stage. Have you ever noticed that you often solve difficult problems after you stop thinking about them, and the answer just comes to you? Intuition! As soon as we stop thinking, the intuitive part of our mind can open up. As long as we keep thinking, it can’t. The intellect just loves thinking. Several of the following points are also part of the intellect’s game.

    2) Skepticism. In order to develop and use the intuition, you’ve got to embrace notions that our culture (the Western one) considers fanciful, dubious, ridiculous, or just plain stupid. Skepticism, one of the intellect’s favorite patterns, holds new ideas at arms length, instead of embracing them. It’s OK if you have some initial skepticism, but it has to be suspended long enough for you to access your intuition.

    3) Cynicism. Cynicism has the negative effect of skepticism multiplied, killing intuition before it even gets started. It’s Roundup™ to the intuition. Cynicism says I know that won’t work for me, and I know it won’t work for you, and even if it did it wouldn’t be worth anything. Our society seems to get more cynical by the day, producing a climate that’s not at all conducive to developing one’s intuition (or being happy, for that matter).

    4) Preoccupation With Success/Failure. You may have heard that psychics often have a harder time working when they are being tested or challenged by people trying to debunk their abilities. That’s because the part of our psyche that opens to receive intuitive input thrives in a relaxed state of being, and the stress of judgment and preoccupation with success/failure doesn’t help anyone relax. When you’re doing intuitive work, if you start wondering if you’re doing well, being intuitive, or getting the right information, you’ll shut down the intuitive flow every time.

    5) Fear of Feeling. Intuition is a feeling/sensing/inner-knowing process. Intuition begins with feelings, and being out of touch with your feelings can be a huge impediment to intuition. If you have a tendency to put off feeling about things, spend most of your time in your head, or do various other things to avoid being engaged with your feeling self, perhaps it’s time for a change. When you want to be more intuitive, feelings are your friend.

    6) Do Do Do. Most of us, men especially, have been culturally trained to disregard anything that doesn’t have to do with tangible accomplishment. This goes back a long way: Why Og look tree? Tree can’t kill lion. Og fool. Ha ha ha Og! (Thus ridiculed, Og feel stupid.) Even if you come from a family of dreamers and mystics, and you yourself are an artist, musician or professional clown, unless you were raised in a fallout shelter you did not escape the cultural message that you should be focusing on what reliably brings home the bacon. If you’re reading this, you’ve already either decided to ignore that message and do some inner exploration, or perhaps you believe the intuition will end up helping you be more productive. Either way fine.

    Smart people hold back. Fools rush in, and often make the best intuitives.

    7) Being Too Smart. Smart people have a tendency to want to know how, why, and whether something will work, before they will try it. (This is especially so if they have not yet seen a lot of other people doing something. On the other hand, if they have seen a lot of other people doing something, they will generally stand in line to do it!) If I think there is a reason something won’t work, I won’t try it because I might look like a fool. And I hate risking looking like a fool—that’s just not something people should ever do. (See Og, above.) When doing intuitive work of any kind, you have to be willing to dive in and give it your best 100% effort. Smart people tend to hold back, and holding back for any reason will clamp down on your intuition. Fools rush in, and often make better intuitives.

    8) Weak Imagination. As we’ve already pointed out, in order to tune into psychic input, higher guidance, spirit beings, angels, and what have you, you’ve got to reach beyond your intellect. But without your intellect how can you translate what you intuit into something understandable? You have to bridge the gap between the seen and the unseen world, and your imagination is that bridge. The looser and freer your ability to imagine, the more easily your higher guidance can communicate with you. If you think daydreaming is a big time waster; feel you should always keep a TIGHT FOCUS; believe you’ve got to THINK to solve problems; well, your intuition is always going to be just out of reach. If on the other hand you’re comfortable dreaming, imagining, fantasizing, and generally making things up—or you’re willing to become comfortable doing so—you’ll be able to do a lot with your intuition.

    9) Self Doubt. Self-doubt is one thing everyone has to overcome in order to develop psychically. It tends to walk hand in hand with skepticism and cynicism, and usually takes the form of affirmations (negative ones) that go, This won’t work for me, I can’t do that, and I’m no good at this. The part of your consciousness that needs to open up in order to be intuitive hears these affirmations, believes them, and closes down. Affirmations do work, even when we don’t want them to!

    10) Worry. Worry is one of the intellect’s favorite ways to try and control things. It’s a way of second-guessing everything you know in your gut, instead of trusting your intuition and letting things unfold naturally. Sometimes the most sensitive people are the ones who least trust themselves. Once these people gain self-confidence they can become the most intuitive of all.

    So Is it worth It?

    With so many challenges working against you, is it even worth trying to become more intuitive? Absolutely!

    First off, there are the physical benefits:

    You’ll work more effectively with less effort. Whatever job you do, when you have your intuition engaged, the many small choices you make in the course of your work day will be better informed. You’ll be able to accomplish more by better knowing when to do what, and knowing how to proceed.

    You’ll have a better handle on your big choices. Major decisions and road forks require more of you than a list of pros and cons on either side. You need to tap deep into yourself to know what’s going to best fulfill you down the line. When you’re in the habit of using your intuition, that’s something that will come naturally.

    You’ll be able to better choose whom you spend time with, and get along with them more easily. Listening to your intuition about other people—whether they will ultimately support you or let you down—can make a big difference in choosing your friends and partners. And having an inner sense about what other people need from you comes in quite handy, to keep

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