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Stolen Chances: The Meikle Billionaire Triplets, #2
Stolen Chances: The Meikle Billionaire Triplets, #2
Stolen Chances: The Meikle Billionaire Triplets, #2
Ebook468 pages7 hours

Stolen Chances: The Meikle Billionaire Triplets, #2

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Billionaire Rolf J. Meikle is overbearing, a wild beast and my worst nightmare!

I have hated this man since the beginning of time!

When he volunteers to become my husband because his brother, my one true love secretly weds another woman, my father accepts the terms of his deal. 

I don't need another man in my life controlling me. I won't allow it. I have my own life and Rolf will only get in my way. I need a way to be rid of him, for good.

But why is it that when we kiss it feels so right?



Volunteering to marry the woman you slandered to her face every chance you got is not the wisest idea ever, but I did it. 

Now, I have to come to terms with having Gianna Mancini as my wife and keep our history a secret from this mafia princess.

Watching as Gianna shows her true self only to me, I can't help but slowly fall for my gorgeous wife. Protecting her while trying to uncover the truth of what happened between our fathers is a priority, especially when she tells me that she loves me!

PublisherEmpress Chang
Release dateDec 1, 2020
Stolen Chances: The Meikle Billionaire Triplets, #2

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    Stolen Chances - Empress Chang



    Full Name: Rolf J. Meikle

    Age: 27

    Height: 6’3

    Weight: 169

    Origin: 40% German, 40% Italian, 4% African descent and 2% Asian

    Languages: English, German, Arabic and Italian.

    Occupation: CEO and founder of Meikle Manufacturing (a company that develops advanced weapons) and heir to the vast Meikle and Koenig fortunes.

    Personal History: Joined the Army at age eighteen and was deployed four times, before being recruited into the Special Forces at age twenty–one.

    Family History: Unknown.

    Public Knowledge: Rolf is the second of the Meikle triplets. Each sibling was born three minutes apart. His brother Christoff J. Meikle the firstborn, their sister Maja J. Meikle coming out last. Each estimated to be worth $200.5 billion and counting. They are close personal friends to the Chicago Mancini crime family, which leads the world to believe that they are more than just business moguls and inheritors of old money. However, no one has ever been able to prove that to be true.

    N ow Rolf, that is the theory behind your family and the Mancinis but here you are engaged and set to marry, the gorgeous Gianna Mancini, in three days’ time. Television’s sweetheart Gloria Wells, of channel sixteen Gossip Truths , gave a sly look as if to say she didn’t believe what was going on. I don’t want to be political about the matter, but that’s unexpected. Is this a real love story, or is it maybe a business deal?

    Rolf chuckled and shook his head at Gloria, who laughed along. I can assure you, Gloria, this … we … He inclined his head to me and smiled. We are the real love story. I know what the world thinks of our two families just being friends, but Gianna and I have known each other since childhood. It was only ever natural that we ended up on this road, ready to commit to each other.

    Gloria interjected. Forgive me for repeating this, but this commitment was very unexpected. For three years supermodel Elizabeth Chamberlin had been the only woman on your arm and in your life. It wasn’t until a month ago you two broke up. Gloria threw back her blonde hair from off her shoulders and prepared herself for another onslaught towards Rolf.

    Knowing it was time to intervene, I spoke up before Gloria got the chance. Life has a funny way of changing things. Rolf and I, may not have been right for each other back then, but now we believe with all our hearts and soul that we are meant to be. I reached for Rolf’s hand, and he took mine in his and brought it to his lips for a kiss. I can only hope that the world will look past all the rumors and just see our love.

    Of course, Gloria said with an honest smile on her face. But I have to ask; it was rumored that you and the oldest Meikle billionaire, Christoff J. Meikle, were to be the ones getting married. Only he is married to network programmer Luelle Poole from Miami, who is currently pregnant with his child. She clapped her hands together and then tilted her head towards us. I want to know how you got mixed into that story! Do you have any idea why anyone out there would make up such a tale about you two?

    I smiled, pretending not to know the answer to the question. Gloria, why does anyone make up rumors about anyone? My answer is boredom, but I don’t want to judge. What I can tell you is that rumor is and was just that, a rumor. Nothing more. This is my first and only engagement, and I’m looking forward to finally being a wife.

    Gloria’s smile widened, exposing her perfectly white teeth as she turned towards the camera to deliver her final comment. "Well, there you have it, everyone. Sadly, that’s all the time we have for today, but it wasn’t a waste. We here at Gossip Truths, got the first interview with billionaire, Rolf J. Meikle and his gorgeous fiancée Gianna Mancini, and we are happy to say we got it first, as you’ve just heard it."

    She turned to Rolf and me and continued. "Thank you both for joining us and we here at the Gossip Truths, wish you both nothing but happiness and joy in your journey together."

    Thank you for having us. Rolf and I said in sync, smiling and holding each other’s hand, like the loving couple we were meant to be.

    And we’re off–air! Shouted a man a few minutes after they had switched to a commercial.

    After thanking Gloria again, a few of the stage crew assisted Rolf and I with the removal of our microphones and escorted us through the building and out the back door to Rolf’s dark red Cadillac. Helping me into my winter coat, Rolf threw on his and led the way out the door.

    My gloved hand in his, I watched him from behind as I followed his footsteps through the snow, as it crushed under him. Tall, with broad shoulders, and muscles larger than the average man, the well–dressed man cleared his throat.

    He turned and looked at me briefly, checking on me as we got closer to the car. His face was long, his brown eyes dark and his nose was straight as were his lips. The midday snow fell on top of his short brown hair, which grew down the side of his face and formed his fully-grown beard.

    Rolf J. Meikle, billionaire playboy, looked like a handsome bear more than a man of great importance. His silence towards me was stifling, not that I minded so much, but the charm I had heard and read about was completely lacking since the day I was introduced to him. Rolf was still the ugly, distasteful boy I had hated since I was a teenager.

    He was nothing like his brother.


    Everything Christoff had, Rolf lacked.

    Rolf opened the door to the back seat and stepped aside so I could get in. Once in he slammed the door behind me and circled the car getting in next to me. His driver, Jake greeted us and started the car.

    Maja called Boss; she asks that you give her a call as soon as you can. he said, looking into the rearview mirror at Rolf.

    Rolf nodded as he pulled out his phone and started texting. A few words across the screen and a button pushed, then he glanced at me from the corner of his eye and sighed as he sank into his seat.

    Jake, excuse us for a bit, please. he spoke to Jake who nodded, and a window between Jake and us started to close and separate us.

    Knowing it meant Rolf wanted to talk, I shifted in my seat and faced the window. Watching as we drove through the snowy streets of upper Manhattan, New York. I didn’t want to talk to him. I would be married to him for the rest of my life in a few days, but it didn’t mean I had to ever speak with him. At least not when we didn’t have to. I wanted nothing to do with this man.

    We leave in the morning for Chicago. You can go home to your father or stay at my place in the Towers. I’m assuming you will be on your best behaviour towards my sister‒in‒law, if or when you see her. Rolf took his gloves off and brushed some snow off his knee, on to the floor of the car.

    Rolling my eyes, I used the window of the car to fix my well pinned hair. Unlike my husband to be, my looks mattered to me.

    Gianna, Rolf called out casually. Gianna? Then he called my name as a question.

    He wanted me to acknowledge him, but I refused to. He was my worst nightmare coming to life. My life was ruled by the iron fist of my father, and this was what I got for being so stupid.

    The consolation prize of a secondhand Meikle.

    A homeless looking, no good bastard, who has for every moment of my life, disrespected and taunted me. Now I am to be his wife, by my father’s orders!

    The thought made me feel sick.

    Wife to Rolf J. Meikle. Not wife to Christoff J. Meikle.

    I looked at his reflection through the window and rolled my eyes again. He was a nightmare, indeed.

    Billionaire or not, he was not this girl’s dream come true.

    Your concern for her is touching, I drawled out sarcastically. But I’ll say my vows and keep only to my family. As for where I’ll be when we get home I’ll be at my father’s mansion. Appearing exasperated at my answer, Rolf reached out to touch me, but I swatted his hand away as soon as I saw it through the window.

    He gazed at me with his dark dead eyes, then sighed in frustration and shook his head. 

    After they marry us, where do you plan to live? he asked. Dropping what he had really wanted to say.

    Why are you suddenly interested in where I’ll be living? I snarled at him. As long as we stay out of each other’s way, this marriage will be perfect. The less I see of you, the happier I’ll be.

    It’s my interest should your father call and ask me where you are. I couldn’t care less where you want to live. The Towers in Chicago, my penthouse in Manhattan, or the family estate in Germany. Rolf scratched his beard. As long as Angelica or I know where you are, I agree with you that we should stay out of each other’s way.

    Good. Happy you agree. I snapped and turned back to face the window and fought back the tears of anger. Our marriage changes nothing between us, Rolf. I still do and will always hate you.

    The feeling is mutual, Gianna. If your father hadn’t insisted on marrying you to either my brother or me, we wouldn’t be sitting here together right now.

    Snapping my head around towards Rolf, my eyes opened, widened at his confirmation. My father had it planned that I was to marry your brother! Never you! It’s that damn bitch that stole Christoff from me’s fault! I cursed and continued. You were never a part of the plan! You offered yourself, knowing Daddy couldn’t care less what I wanted! And why? So, you can save your sister from marrying my brother?

    Christoff and I would have done anything to keep Maja away from your brother. he answered with as much prejudice in his voice as I had in mine. "Marrying you was never a part of our plans, but your father forced it, and I stepped up to save my siblings. Christoff marrying you would have been a chore for him.

    Whereas I being your husband means nothing to me, but making sure the cat is well fed, housed and alive at the end of every night. As for my sister-in-law, the bitch as you so-called her – at least she knows how to survive without a man, and also make one happy and loved.

    Fuming at his words, I pushed myself forward and stretched my arm out, with my hand wide open ready to slap him across the face. Instead of meeting flesh, Rolf caught my wrist in midair and squeezed me hard enough to give me a warning.

    Christoff may have allowed you to slap him whenever you wanted, but you won’t be doing the same with me. Try it again, and you won’t like what happens after. His eyes sharp and his words sharper, he released my wrist and watched me.

    Smirking with malice, I ignored his threat. You touch me, and my five brothers will have a thing or two to say to you, you beast. You’re not the only one protective of their baby sister.

    Before he could say anything more, there was a sharp tap on the glass window from Jake. Looking out the window next to me, I saw that we had stopped and were parked in front of the hotel I had been staying at for the past three days.

    Happy for the small blessing of getting away from Rolf, I opened my door before the hotel’s doorman on the outside could open it for me.

    Jake will call you when he is on his way tomorrow, Rolf said as I got out. Gianna!

    What? I shouted and glanced back into the car.

    If you’re late, I’ll leave without you.

    Slamming the door of the custom made Cadillac, I walked off towards the hotel.

    Ignoring the elderly doorman on my way in, as he welcomed me back to the hotel.

    Infuriated with Rolf and our situation, I stomped into the breathtaking five star hotel’s lobby, freeing my hands of the ivory white winter gloves I had on. Passing the staff on my way to the elevators as they said hi and welcome, I rolled my eyes at the other guests as they stopped and watched me stride past them, muttering to each other.

    Everywhere I went, it was the same. Everyone knew my face and name, and everyone stopped to mutter, that’s the daughter of the mobster, Joey Mancini of Chicago. They judged me based on my father and brothers, and Rolf judged me based on my curvaceous physique and extravagant personality.

    It didn’t matter that we knew each other since our childhood. When Rolf saw me, he saw only the body I had grown into and mastered, and the fashion I loved and covered myself in. He saw a girl protected by her father every step of her life, and a woman who learned to get what she wanted in a man’s world.

    He saw me differently compared to his sister when, in reality, we were the same. He and his brother both protected her after their father died. She knew how to get what she wanted in this world, as much as I did. Our methods may be different, but in the end, we got what we wanted.

    Yes, I was outspoken, bitchy and just downright mean, but I grew up in a family of five older brothers and my father who made our lives miserable and made sure his sons knew how to survive and protect their sister. While the only thing I learned was how to stand up for myself against all five brothers and a father who ran my life anyway he saw fit.

    Only with Rolf … I wasn’t doing much of that. Instead, I ignored him like a child and got mad over every word that came out his arrogant mouth.

    Pressing the up button on the elevator, the lights shimmered off the rock stud spikes as I pushed my gloves into my small ivory, Valentino Garavani shoulder bag. When the elevator doors opened, I stepped in and gave the young elevator operator my floor. As the soft music played in the background, I eased myself out of the Tom Ford coat and pulled my cell phone out from one of the pockets.

    There was a text message from one of my brothers’, Dario, and one from Rolf and a missed call from an unknown number. Glancing at the younger boy, I read Rolf’s text first before checking in with my unknown caller.

    Opening the message, it read …

    Rolf: I will leave you, Gianna. I have things to do and places to be. I don’t have time for you and your drama! Make sure you’re ready when Jake calls. If you’re late, call your father to get you a ticket home. I mean it.

    Grinding my perfect teeth together, I squeezed the phone in my hand and deleted the message.

    I hate that man!

    Who did he think he was?! Ordering me around and threatening to leave me behind! That irritating caveman bastard! Did he think I enjoy being around him, much less getting married to him?! He was as much of a problem for me as I clearly was for him.

    Is everything all right, Miss Mancini? Not realizing I was huffing out loud over the message, the young boy turned and asked.

    Shooting him down with an annoyed look, he hastily turned back towards the doors and watched the numbers on the screen above, as we continued to climb the building.

    Placing the phone in my bag, the elevator dinged, and the doors slide open on the fifty-sixth floor. Stepping out, the boy wished me a good day, and I nodded as I searched for my room key card.

    All I wanted was for this nightmare to end, but it was becoming more and more real by the minute. That man … Rolf …

    I rolled my eyes when I envisioned him walking in front of me, in control as he spoke and threatened me. Oh, how I wanted so much just to reach out and slap him across that bearded face of his!

    Finding the key card as I came to my door, I pushed the card into the slot and opened the door. Walking in, I threw my things down and slammed the door. I was tired and mad, and I wanted to close my eyes and make all of my problems go away.

    Walking over to the living room, I kicked off my heels and laid down on the sofa that faced the view of a beautiful snowy Central Park. With white covered tops, with a hint of green and brown here and there, I shook my head and closed my eyes. Usually, a view like this would calm me down, but my mind could only concentrate on Rolf and his pretentious ways.

    If he thought he could take over my father’s role and tell me what to do, he had better think again. There was no way I’d be free from one tyrant, only to end up in the hands of another. I had five older brothers, who already thought they could do the same. I’ll be damned if I had one more man trying to control me.

    Breathing hard, I fisted my hands and sat up on the sofa. I couldn’t let that happen. I couldn’t allow Rolf to think that he could control me and order me around like he did with his assistant.

    No. Not this woman.

    Getting up, I grabbed the glass tray from off the elegant center table in the living room and threw it across the room in a rage and watched as it hit the wall and smashed into pieces. Smiling, I walked over to the dinner table and picked up the vase of roses Rolf had delivered to the room for show and sent it flying in the same direction of the tray.

    I’d show him he couldn’t threaten me and get away with it. Rolf was paying for the room, so they would bill any damages to him. My smile widened at the thought. He was a billionaire, so any charges wouldn’t put a dent in his pocket, but it would piss him off, and that was incentive enough.

    Turning around, I scanned the room for more objects when I heard a female’s voice coming from the hallway of the bedroom. Why are you destroying the place now, Gianna? You aren’t even drunk.

    A sleepy brunette came stumbling out in a pair of matching cheetah pajamas and a cheetah eye mask resting on top of her forehead.

    Camilla? You’re still here? I asked, surprised to see her.

    Yeah well, I got sidetracked with the sexy waiter this morning and ended up missing my flight. So, I got back into bed after. She walked over to the sofa.

    Being in New York alone, I had called the only ‘friend’, that I had to keep me company. Camilla was the daughter of a man that was my father’s business partner, and since meeting her six years ago, we had somewhat understood each other and spoke often. We would go shopping and just hang out at first, then we had partied and travelled together.

    Getting to know her, she had grown up in the same family business, I grew up in, and it was what bonded us to an extent. She was as bitchy as I was and painfully sarcastic, and she screwed everything that had a sexy body attached to a dick. Sometimes even with no dick.

    She was amusing, and she was also the only other woman I could bear having around me for so long.

    Now answer me. Why are you trashing the hotel? She asked, pointing her skinny finger to the other side of the room behind me. Did your sexy husband-to-be piss you off?

    Her teasing smile had me wanting to smack it right off her face. 

    There is nothing sexy about that man. I walked over to the door and picked up my coat and bag. He is an arrogant, no good, caveman, who thinks he can control me and threaten me as he pleases.

    Threaten? In what way? Camilla jumped up excitedly like a puppy. Did he threaten to beat you as he fucked you? Choke you as he fucked the shit out of you? Or did he just threaten to fuck you overall?

    I rolled my eyes at her. Camilla was obsessed with fucking. Anyway, she could have it; she wanted it. Choking, biting, hair pulling or slapping, she loved the whole being abused as you fuck, kind of sex. I swear she was abused as a child, and that’s why she liked sex that way.

    No. He only threatened to leave me tomorrow if I wasn’t ready and on time to leave. I shook my head at her and placed the things next to me. I hate him, and I hate that I’m going to marry him in three days!

    Oh, honey … She cupped my face between her hands. "We’ve been over this, just because you’re marrying him, doesn’t mean you are being married to him. It’s a business arrangement, and you will be free to stay as far apart from each other as you want."

    I gazed into Camilla’s bright grey eyes and watched her thin lips smile at me. The round faced American raised her brow at me. I know, but something tells me it somehow won’t be like that. He will change everything in my life, and I can’t - won’t let him do that.

    "Then, don’t let him. Trash the place and show him, he can’t threaten you and get away with it. Show him, he can’t control you. Show him all the reasons to want to keep you away. Camilla leaned forward and kissed my lips softly. Be the bitch you are and take control of your marriage. Make him want to stay away. I’ll even help you."

    The corner of my lips curled upwards, and I smiled at her. She spoke my language and shared my thoughts. Camilla Atkinson, you can read me like a book.

    It’s what friends do. She shrugged and laughed. Let me go book a flight and then we can get started at really pissing off that sexy caveman fiancé of yours.


    Knocking on apartment door twenty, I stood patiently as I listened to the sound of locks on the other side being pulled open. Slowly the door opened, and a flood of sunlight brightened the blonde hair of the woman, who stood in front of me with her hand to her hip and the other blocking my entrance.

    With ocean blue eyes, gazing at me with a face that was calm and narrow, I stepped forward to kiss her, only to be stopped with a palm to my chest. Turning away from me, Elizabeth walked away, and I followed her in and closed the door, grabbing her by her shirt and pulling her back towards me.

    Her back to my chest, her hair to my nose, I bent my head and kissed her cheek. Don’t be mad at me, I whispered as I enclosed her in my arms.

    I’m not mad, Rolf. She whispered back and tipped her head further to the side. I’m hurt, not mad.

    I kissed her again and sighed. Being hurt was worse than being mad. It meant that I wasn’t protecting her from the one thing I couldn’t protect her from. I wasn’t defending the woman I cared about from me.

    I was the monster that was hurting her. 

    Elizabeth, I told you we can still be together. Me being married won’t change what you and I have. I just won’t be able to give you my name.

    Rolf, it’s not about your name. She broke away from my hold on her and walked over to the open rustic designed kitchen of her studio apartment. I keep telling you that.

    Baby, I know. I know you want more, and I wish I could give you what you want, but my family –

    Comes first. I know Rolf. She finished my sentence softly as she put the kettle on the stove and got two teacups. I know what your family means to you. I have always known. But it still isn’t any easier when having to face reality. I won’t be a part of your family.

    Watching her move around the kitchen as I stood in the center of the room, my heart broke as I watched my gorgeous supermodel, as she tried her best not to cry in front of me. For three years, we had been together, always laughing and happy and in love.

    I had spent those three years devoting my life to this woman, only to have our lives turned down another path I had always feared might happen. Never being together the way we wanted to be, was becoming a reality, and it was something I was unsure of how to handle.

    I was never great at comforting others, but I could always find the right words for the moment. Only now I couldn’t. All I could do was stand and watch Elizabeth fight with her emotions and pretend to find things to do around me.

    If I could give you the world I would baby, I muttered and stepped in her direction. I can still make you happy Elizabeth … I stopped her from loading the dirty dishes into the dishwasher and wrapped my arm around her waist. Haven’t I always been able to do that?

    Not wanting to look at me, she kept her eyes lowered to my chest. I don’t want to be the mistress, but I also don’t want to lose you. She raised her eyes and locked them to mine. Her arms circling my neck. How can you ask me to be your mistress? We have been talking about this since January, and you’re getting married in three days. We have no more time.

    Resting my forehead against hers I sighed. Her sweet cherry scent filled my nostrils, and I groaned in frustration and picked her up, placing her on top of the counter. I’m not giving you that title, nor am I asking you either. Baby, I can keep you happy and keep us together.

    Cupping my face between her hands, Elizabeth’s soft lips found my own and pressed against mine. Capturing her kiss, my hands threaded themselves through her golden hair, and I melted into her sweet taste that I loved so much.

    Pulling her closer, I felt myself needing more of her, but I fought the urge and allowed her to guide our actions. As if knowing my thoughts, Elizabeth slowed our kiss and brought it to an unsatisfying end for the both of us.

    Her eyes still closed, I kissed her nose, and her bright blue eyes opened for me. She was hauntingly breathtaking, loyal and the only woman that kept me … me. She was my supermodel and superwoman.

    How was I supposed to let her go when she was all I knew and wanted? I didn’t have to play games or deal with endless drama. Elizabeth made my life her own, and she accepted everything about it. She worked right into my life.

    How could I hurt her like this?

    Pure selfishness.

    Ignoring my conscience, I smiled at her. Nothing will change in three days. I’ll still come home to you. Only to you. My thumb caressed her soft cheek. Okay? I’ll keep us together.

    Licking her lips, she gave me a half-smile. Okay. 

    Her voice told me she didn’t believe me.

    I didn’t believe me, but I would prove us both wrong. Somehow.

    The sound of the kettle whistled, and at the same time, my phone rang. Helping Elizabeth off the counter, I left her side and walked over to the cream-colored sofa that matched the wood concept of the kitchen.

    Getting my phone from inside my coat pocket, I answered the call as I undid my winter coat and threw it on the ground. Angelica now isn’t a good time, I muttered and took a seat.

    Well then, make time. The woman over the phone said, in a no-nonsense tone. One of our factories was forced to shut down production for the day again. Some activist group got in and chained themselves to our machines. The police are on site, but the media will soon be looking for you. I have already called Evelyn, and she is setting up an interview slot for you now. Have Jake take you over there immediately, and I’ll see you there.

    Watching Elizabeth bring our tea over, I patted my lap for her to sit on, as I relaxed onto the sofa. Angelica, you do the interview. I’m not in the right mindset for work at the moment. Hand grasping Elizabeth’s waist, I situated her comfortably on me. If you don’t want to do it, have the head of our public relations department do it. It’s what they get paid to do. Just keep me updated on the situation and if we have to fly out to whichever factory, we will go.

    Rolf, at a time like this, it’s best for your face to be seen, and that they hear your voice. Your upcoming marriage is what’s causing this. She ground out. I told you the Mancinis would be our undoing, with their reputation!

    Angelica please –

    No! Get your ass to the Meikle Media office now!

    Angelica hung up, and I threw my head back and let out a loud growl. Why was the world conspiring against me?! My life and now my company were in trouble because of the Mancinis.

    What the hell had I been thinking when I owned and operated a weapons manufacturing business.

    Another protest?

    Another factory completely shut down again for the day.

    I picked up my head and gazed at the skinny woman on my lap. She handed me my tea, and I took a sip of the Shen tea. She had gotten the special tea for me to help with my issues after countless hours of research; issues I refused to let anyone know about.

    I have to get going to Maja’s office to do another interview. How about when I’m finished with work, I come home, and we cook dinner together tonight? I grinned sillily and she laughed.

    Only if it’s your signature Rouladen dish. She said, smiling as she took my cup and placed it on the side table next to the sofa. It just so happens I have everything we need for it in the refrigerator.

    Hugging her to me as she wrapped her arms around my neck, I shifted us on the sofa to have her lay under me as I kissed my way down her cheek. You always have what we need, I mumbled as she laughed. But it sounded to me as if you already had that planned out.

    I bit her gently on her breast, and she moaned. Maybe. I deserve something nice. she whispered breathlessly.

    Picking my head up, I found her eyes watching me. You deserve something nice every day, and I’ll make sure you get it, baby. Bending my head, I captured her lips and took my time savoring the taste that was my Elizabeth.

    My phone pinged from a text message, and I threw the phone behind me on the sofa. I didn’t want to leave. I didn’t want to go back to face the real world. I wanted time to myself and time with Elizabeth.

    Again, the phone pinged, then came more texts. Angelica was getting on my case now. She was now only ten texts from calling back and giving me another earful on what I needed to be doing. Knowing that it was only a matter of time that she text Elizabeth, I stopped our kiss and sighed into the crook of her neck as she held me in her arms.

    You got the job in Chicago in three days, right? I asked. Still not ready to leave.

    I turned the photoshoot down. She answered slowly, and I rose from her and gazed down.

    Why would you do that?

    Sitting up and forcing me to move back to give her space, Elizabeth shrugged her shoulders. I have no interest in being in Chicago, on the day of your wedding, Rolf. I can’t be there in a hotel, waiting for you to come back to me after you have sent Gianna to bed.

    Elizabeth – Her phone rang from somewhere in the studio, and I knew it was Angelica.

    Knowing the same thing, Elizabeth placed her palm to my cheek. Go to work. We can finish this later.

    Blowing out a sigh of frustration, I cupped her hand and brought it to my lips as I got up from the sofa. I’ll let you know how late I’ll be.

    Nodding, she bit her lower lip from saying anything, and I bent down and kissed her forehead. I knew Elizabeth too well. She had wanted to say something, but she kept herself silent by biting her lips closed. And with me having no time, I had to drop the subject.

    Handing me my phone, I thanked her and picked up my coat from off the ground as I headed for the door. Talking myself out of looking back, I left quickly and texted Jake to meet me out front of the apartment building.

    As I took the stairs, so I could move faster, I checked Angelica’s messages. Each telling me to hurry and leave, and then finally telling me to pick up Gianna on my way to Maja’s office.



    Iknew once I was married to Rolf, that there would be times we would have to do public events and even a couple of interviews, but I never thought that in less than a week together in New York, that I’d be around the man this much. If this was an indication of how our married life would be, then I was in for far more of Rolf’s presence than I had initially expected.

    Why do I have to attend this interview? It’s your company, not mine. I demanded to know why I was being tortured like this.

    Rolf groaned. Do you ever stop complaining and think?

    You call me and tell me you’re outside and demand I change and come down, then tell me it’s a work thing, and I should just accept it as such? Pulling my hair up and pinning it neatly, like a suburban housewife, I turned to Rolf in my seat. "Be grateful I came down at all! We agreed, we wouldn’t have to see each other much for this to work. So far, I have been to five photoshoots with you, a radio interview which had nothing to do with us, the tv interview this morning and now some interview at your sister’s company. Being around you is unbearable enough, now I have to put up with Maja and your army dog, under one roof. All at once!"

    Rolf cursed in German and closed his eyes for a second, before opening them and glared at me. Production time on my weapons are being held back because peace-loving hippies are targeting my factories because I am marrying your ass and tying a known criminal family into my business! he shouted and fisted his hands. "Ever since we became public, my company has taken a hit and losing money. You’re here because you are going to smile that vixen smile of yours and tell the world that your family are not criminals and somehow make it as believable as possible so that we don’t go broke!"

    Staring at me as if he could kill me, Rolf clenched and unclenched his jaw. He was as miserable as I was. I was happy knowing that I wasn’t the only one feeling that way, but still, it didn’t help the fact that I had to always be around him.

    Running my eyes over him, I took in his tense form and saw how messy his white shirt was; especially his shirt collar. It was crushed on one side, and he was carrying the scent of sweet cherry that wasn’t his, nor my own.

    I could have only guessed that he had been with Elizabeth. I knew that she lived in New York, but I had thought that she was out of town this week for work. Not that it mattered, or that I particularly cared. They were together for so long; I hadn’t expected Rolf to just cut her loose.

    Again, not that it mattered to me. What he did and who he did was not my concern. Our marriage would be in name alone. I was no longer engaged to Rolf’s older brother, so keeping a husband happy was no longer a priority for me.

    I had urgent matters to attend to like everyone else. Despite what everyone thought of me, I had more in my life than just sitting around and waiting for Daddy to give me what I wanted.

    Gianna! Rolf shouted to get my attention.

    What?! I shouted back.

    Tell me, do you intentionally do this to get a rise out of me?

    I smirked. If I wanted a rise out of you, you would know it. Trust me. I looked away from him, aggravated further by him.

    You need to start answering when I talk to you. Ignoring me isn’t going to work. I need to know you’re listening and that you understand what I want from you.

    Slowly I turned my head back to him and raised my perfectly waxed eyebrows at him. "Last I checked my name wasn’t, Angelica or Elizabeth. I don’t have to start answering you when you speak, and I don’t have to listen to you or do anything you want me to do. Get this straight right now, you knock off clone, I am Gianna Mancini! I started to poke my polished red nails in his arm. Gianna Mancini does not jump, skip or bark for any master. And if anything, you will be doing all three for me should I want you to. No matter what this marriage is, I will demand your respect, and you will see me as your equal, or so help me, Rolf, I’ll bring you to your knees. And I’ll start with this

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