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Conversations at a Table for Two: Feeding a Hungry Soul
Conversations at a Table for Two: Feeding a Hungry Soul
Conversations at a Table for Two: Feeding a Hungry Soul
Ebook297 pages2 hours

Conversations at a Table for Two: Feeding a Hungry Soul

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As a family on the brink of bankruptcy, Tami and her husband went to prayer for a solution. God took them on a journey to build a multi-million-dollar national company. It ended when Tami found herself stripped of her business and at the same time, the future of her marriage was challenged. Losing her percei

PublisherTami VanHoy
Release dateSep 1, 2021
Conversations at a Table for Two: Feeding a Hungry Soul

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    Conversations at a Table for Two - Tami VanHoy


    What if you found a wise and nurturing guide to gently and lovingly help you remember that lasting peace comes not from running AT life, nor running FROM life, but from embracing a true relationship WITH God? In Conversations at a Table for Two, Tami VanHoy will seat you at a beautiful table set for two, you and the Lord. As you enjoy a delicious and nutritious repast together, through fulfilling and intimate conversation, you’ll emerge with a deeper connection to the One that will feed your soul everlastingly.

    Brian Biro, America’s Breakthrough Coach, Author of

    Beyond Success and The ROI of Kindness

    Too many of us say we know God but have no real relationship with Him. We race through our days rarely spending any quality time with Him. We choose a fast food meal instead of sitting down at the lavish table He’s prepared. We don’t know how to sit in His presence and listen because many of us aren’t aware He wants to speak to us. Thankfully, we have Tami VanHoy’s wonderful new book, Conversations at a Table for Two: Feeding a Hungry Soul. Tami gives solid instruction on how to listen for His voice and the ways God calls us to His table, to feast with Him and to feed our weary souls. Each chapter invites you to linger at the table with Him, go through His Word, add prayer, and have deep conversation with the Lord. She guides you each step of the way, encouraging you that communion and dialogue with the Lord isn’t merely possible, it’s for you.

    Kate Battistelli, author of "The God Dare: Will You Choose

    to Believe the Impossible," podcaster and speaker

    In Conversations at a Table for Two, you have not only a book, but a must-have tool in your toolkit for lifelong lasting change. Tami has lived it and now has the authority to teach it! Learn to feed your soul by placing Jesus first and submitting to Him to change old habits. I highly recommend this practical tool on your journey towards health and wholeness.

    John Bell, Founder of Healing Community Life Ministries, Author

    of Life, Life and more Life,

    From the moment I met Tami, I knew she was not only a mover and a shaker but an incredibly anointed woman of God. She also happens to shine brighter than any woman I’ve met. Tami’s book, Conversations at a Table for Two, is truly and absolutely for EVERY woman. Who doesn’t need to be called back to the table with God every now and then? Girls, He’s waiting. Her writing and beautiful way of communicating and growing closer to God (through conversation) is one of the best books and resources I’ve read. I catch myself going back to something Tami says in her book almost daily. It’s that good! Tami’s story and heart for Jesus are something you don’t want to miss. You will be deeply blessed by reading this book, as will the sisters and friends you gift it to. Thank you, Tami, for so bravely sharing your story and love for Christ for all the world to see.

    Kimberly Smith, CEO, Beautifully Brokenx3 and author of

    Beautifully Broken, Forged through Fire, Up from Ashes.

    Before committing to work with an author to publish their work, I sit with their manuscript, accompanied by the Holy Spirit, to allow Him to bear witness to the work placed before me. He and I sat with this book, day after day, slowly working through the chapters and the conversational guides given to dig deeper and draw closer. Some days brought healing tears, other days brought joy and laughter. Every day brought me to a place of thanksgiving and a desire for more of God. Tami writes from the place of one who has experienced deep pain and has walked through the healing with God- in His way and in His timing. Her hearts passion is for you to come to His table set just for you and engage in a conversation with the Lord that will fuel your heart’s fire to come back again and again.

    Mary Ethel Eckard, Author of The Making of a Dragonfly

    and Lessons of a Dragonfly, Publisher, Editor and Book

    Doula, and Co-Founder of Dragonfly Ministries

    For anyone wanting to develop a deeper relationship with God, this is for you. Tami VanHoy speaks from the heart and shares lessons from her personal experience that will resonate with many. She then incorporates those stories with practical steps that help us have a deeper more meaningful conversation with God.

    Reaiah Cubero, Founder of ReeCreation Ministries

    Tami’s delicious invitation to the reader is to return to the five star dining experience with Jesus! She fully understands and clearly communicates the parallels of the body, mind, and spirit connection. Her authenticity and vulnerability immediately allowed me to identify with her story. Even though circumstances may be different, we can all find ourselves in the season of soul-starvation and a stripping of false identity and the relentless pursuit of God to bring us back to the table. This is a transformative read with well-guided instruction to dine deeply at the table of the Lord. Tami amply provides a lovely assortment to drink and feast with spiritual exercises to fill the reader to overflowing! I felt the gentle conviction of the Spirit to return and examine the ways I have allowed my own soul to be undernourished. This is a soul-satisfying read that will leave you drooling for more of Jesus and experiencing the continuous banquet table He prepares for us to access 24/7/365.

    Kelly Willie - Founder of Kelly at The Well, Gospel Music

    Association Nominee, and Award Winning Author of

    With Us - Everyday Evidence of God’s Presence

    Conversations at a

    Table for Two

    Feeding a Hungry Soul

    Tami VanHoy

    Conversations at a Table for Two

    Feeding a Hungry Soul

    Tami VanHoy


    To contact the author:


    Copyright © 2021 by Tami VanHoy []

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    For permission requests, email

    Subject line: Attention: Permissions Coordinator

    Published by:


    Mary Ethel Eckard

    Frisco, Texas

    ISBN (Print): 978-1-7357853-4-9

    ISBN (E-book): 978-1-7357853-5-6

    Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture is taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION® NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. Scripture quotations taken from the Amplified® Bible (AMP), Copyright © 2015 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. Scripture quotations taken from the New American Standard Bible® (NASB), Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973,1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE: EASY-TO-READ VERSION © 2001 by World Bible Translation Center, Inc. and used by permission.


    Writing this book was years in the making.

    Through the doubting years and through the persevering years,

    my family was there to encourage me.

    To them I dedicate this book.

    To my husband and four children (Evan, Allie, Matthew and Micah)…

    …who know the truth of growing up with a wife and mom

    trying to figure things out with God.

    …who never complained or judged when I needed to say no to you

    so I could say yes to this book.

    ...who challenged me to prayerfully reconsider word choices when I needed it!

    ...who have shown me a lifetime of grace, mercy, and unmerited love.

    I love you.


    To my daughter, Allie, who gifted me with her beautiful

    photography and creative eye … thank you!

    For the many conversations that gave me the feedback I needed to hear … thank you!

    Allie – your heart for God shines brightly.

    To Mary Ethel Eckard, my book doula!

    God knew the day and time He had appointed for us to meet. He nurtured this manuscript in me for so many years and many times I tried to deliver it as a published book. But His timing is perfect and when this part of His story in me was ready to be told, He placed you in my life to guide me spiritually, mentally, and physically through the process of conception to publication.

    I praise God for you, Mary.


    My first conversation at a table for two with Tami came with great excitement. I sat on a brown tufted bench looking forward to the connection. I had started a new job and Tami was a business consultant for my new employer. I was immediately in awe of her kind and quiet wisdom, and I recognized the Spirit that shone within her. My secret hope was that we would be friends, yet I sensed a wall of protection that might not allow me to enter.

    As we began to share stories, we realized we had been on similar roller coaster rides of worldly success and loss. We shared how God had used our losses to bring us closer to Him. It became apparent that God brought us together in an act of healing and compassion. He gave iron the opportunity to sharpen iron. Tami provided me with calm grounded sensibility, and I like to think I provided her with comic relief as He continued His healing journey within and between us. (Yes, Tami, you are fun too! I can hear you saying, I can be fun too!)

    I continue to be amazed how God works our past experiences, as painful as they may be, into good for those who love Him. Over the years, I have seen my beautiful friend grow as she spends time with God at His table for two. She has transformed from a woman who dampened herself down to a woman who claims her power and truth in Jesus Christ. I have witnessed the wall of protection go from one built of brick and mortar to one made of Saran wrap! The wall is still there, but it’s invisible, pliable, and serves a right and good purpose. I have seen her open herself as a vessel to be used for God’s glory to bring others the hope of a better life.

    As I look at what Tami accomplished with her company, as she brought families back to the table by giving them recipes, seasonings, and connection, I am reminded that she is still doing that. Now it’s with an even greater purpose. She is bringing individuals to a private table for two to have conversations with Jesus. The secret is this: both individuals sitting at this table for two need to talk and listen. They need to engage in the conversation and push away distractions. The first step is to show up, take a seat at the table, and anticipate the meal that will be served.

    Have you had the occasion to meet a friend for coffee and you couldn’t wait to see them? Arriving on time, you order a latte with an extra shot of espresso (my personal favorite) and sit with anticipation. Before she arrives, you look around and notice others chatting. Five minutes go by and you think, She must be caught in traffic. Ten minutes pass and you doubt yourself, Did I get the wrong time, the wrong day, or maybe the wrong place? You may even text or call to make sure everything is okay. What if she ignored your texts, never showed up, or just ran in and said, Hey, great to see you, ordered her coffee and left?

    Now imagine Jesus is sitting at the same table with a reservation just for you, excitedly anticipating your arrival. Because He is! It pains me to think how many times I have left Jesus waiting at our table for two. There are days where I sense He is texting me, Hey, did you forget me today? and I respond by ignoring the text or by answering, I’m sorry. I need to reschedule. Work is crazy today.

    If we are ignored by a friend, we may be upset. But the great news is, Jesus always welcomes us lovingly, with open arms. It doesn’t matter that we aren’t dressed properly or that we have dirty hair and broken nails. He waits patiently in excited anticipation of our arrival. He’s not upset over how long it has been since we met with Him, no matter how many times we consciously ignore Him. He waits patiently.

    This book is a result of Tami’s willingness to be vulnerable in sharing her story of pain and healing. Within these pages, she also shares with us the conversations she had at this table for two with Jesus. In that devoted space, God touched the painful places with healing so she could light the path for others. Tami has helped me see the light of God on many a dark path in my life. I am forever grateful for her example. Thank you, God, for bringing this beautiful woman to my table.

    If you are reading this Foreword, consider this your invitation from Jesus to join Him at the table. It is

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